30 Rounds for Time of:
5 Wall Ball Shots 20/10, 14/9
3 Handstand Push-Ups
1 Power Clean 225/155
This is a doozy of a workout that, for most, packs a serious strength training component as well. The short rep scheme makes this workout doable for many, but scale as appropriate. The Wall Balls should be done unbroken, as should the Handstand Push-Ups. Scale load/height on the Wall Balls as needed, and scale to 1-2 AbMats for Handstand Push-Ups as long as you’re getting some decent ROM. Otherwise scale to Box Piked or heavy-ish strict Dumbbell Presses. The Power Clean load should be heavy, approaching 90% and above your 1RM. Be aggressive on your pulls and equally aggressive in moving under the bar to rack it. If you’re newer, then use a medium-heavy load on the Power Clean and focus on executing each rep as perfectly as possible. You’ll still get plenty of a workout between the other two movements.
Post time and Rx to comments.
Tomorrow: Own Your Eating at CFSBK
CFSBK will host an Own Your Eating Seminar this Monday, September 11th from 6 to 8pm.
Own Your Eating’s mission is to educate as many people as possible about flexible eating and give them the tools they need to set them up for long term success with their nutrition. Seminars typically last 2 hours from start to finish including time for questions and the chance to chat with hosts Roz & Jason one-on-one.
Please bring a pen and paper to take notes. We also recommend downloading My Fitness Pal to your smartphone in advance.
This seminar is just $25 if you sign up ahead of time, or $30 at the door.
Yesterday’s Results Board: Thruster | Open Workout 17.2 (ish)
Julie Foucher: Double “Grace” CrossFit
African Wild Dogs Vote on Crucial Pack Decisions by Sneezing Atlas Obscura
Rope climb practice/101
B. @80-90% SE
3 min
1 rope climb
5 box jump step down, 24/20
rest 2 min
3 min
3 hspu
10 split jumps
rest 2 min
3 min
3 pull ups
5 burpee
rest 2 min
3 min
3 min AB cal/ row cal
Sunday Mornings with Chris!
8am Short Circuit
Pretty sore when I first came in, but good by the end of class. Loved the Sled Pushes, Side Planks and Row circuit the most. A nice warmup for 9am Group Class
9am Group Class
Holleyman – 31:25 / 20# WB, Box Piked HSPU, 145 Power Clean)
This was fun. I went over, but happy I finished. I kept a slow pace the first 20 rounds and wasted too much time transitioning to/from the box piked HSPUs. I made it to 28 rounds by the 30 min mark. Looking forward to the next time we do this.
Sadly, no AR for me today 🙁
10am with Lauren
Holleyman in 30:58min with box piked HSPU and 185lb cleans. This felt great, the transitions were the rest and I didn’t stop moving at any point. In hindsight I could have gone a bit heavier on the cleans (195lb would have worked), but I’m happy to I managed to finish this well.
11am AR with Fox and a nice recovery hour.
Holleyman. I love this workout.
Last time (December 2015) I finished in 27:30 with push-ups and 123# power cleans.
Today I hit the 35 min cap finishing 20 rounds + 5 WB, scaling to 2 abmats HSPU and 143# power cleans. This workout highlights many weaknesses. I need to get down on power cleans and not starfish. Need to figure out how to be consistent with HSPUs. Super sore going into this did not help, but would like to retest this in a few months after focusing on some of these weaknesses.
Solid crush week – thoughtfully crushed.
*thoroughly crushed, though I suppose thoughtfully works too.
“I love this workout.”
This is a grammatically correct English sentence, but it makes no sense to me. 😛
I got home just after midnight last night, which meant I could peek at the blog, go, “Nothing at AG could be worse than this,” and not set an alarm for this morning.
AG was fun even though I stink at rope climbing!
Noon class
Holleyman scaled to 205 on the barbell in 30:55.
Everything unbroken. 225 wasn’t gonna happen today. Just looked back to comments from 12/10/15 and it took me 47:59 Rx’d, soooo….
Hollyman 29:53 at 105# I also love this workout, Kayleigh!!! I can’t wait until I can clean heavier weight. Your improvement is inspiring, Kayleigh!
Saw Rachel crushed it, so my goal was to match her time and go two pounds heavier :X Friendly competition is always helpful! Ended up :8 slower, so I think we tied 🙂
Fun AG, but it was more of an extended cool down.
9am w/ Jess
34:15 (just before the buzzer) @ 185# with Box Piked HSPU. Thought I could fight my way through kipping HSPU, but after 2 rounds, my body remembered the 45 reps from the Wednesday episode of crush week. I was mildly uncomfortable the whole time, but was able to move consistently. Nice way to finish off the week.
Cash Out: Mimosas (3 rounds NFT)
-did rx’d at 153 through 12 rounds and then failed 3 times. Really wanted to sit down and have a crying tantrum like a toddler but instead dropped the weight to 123 to finish. I just couldn’t commit to dropping under the bar. Would love this workout at squat cleans.
-Today confirms that this is the hardest workout I’ve ever done. Last time I completed it was rx’d in just over 35mins. Just didn’t have it in me today to gut it out.
Though I haven’t been posting, this is the first cycle in a very long time where I’ve completed every single workout! Really great cycle and looking forward to the next one…hopefully it won’t involve the use of my shoulders or legs.
Came in for OG to do Holleyman with James – turned out we had a pretty good crew with Katie E, Morgan and Brad D
Did this in 33:01 in Dec 2015 and I remember thinking that I paced it out too much on the PCs. Big improvement today – 25:46. I did all the HSPU strict, which is a win for me, and didn’t let myself slow down before the PCs. Very happy with that improvement!
Wow beast mode for this whole gym today. Just lurking and have to say I’m happy to read all your thoughts and inspired to work harder!