Fight Gone Bad 2017: Register Now!
Since 2008, CrossFit South Brooklyn has conducted a yearly fundraiser in the form of a workout called “Fight Gone Bad.” Last year, we raised over $30,000 for the Brooklyn Community Foundation (BCF), a local organization dedicated to improving the lives of people in Brooklyn by strengthening communities through local giving, grant-making, and community service. This year, we’ll be partnering with BCF again and hope to surpass last year’s donation numbers.
Last year we had over 130 members participate, and this year, we’re capping it at 200.
When is Fight Gone Bad?
Saturday, November 4th, 2017. First heat begins at 9am. While we originally posted a save-the-date for October 21st, we decided to reschedule for a couple weeks later, because we already have a lot happening in late September and early October! This gives teams more time to fundraise, hold practices, and plan-out costumes!
What is Fight Gone Bad?
Three Rounds, as Many Reps as Possible, of:
Wall Balls, 20lb, 10ft / 14lb, 9ft
Sumo Deadlift High-Pulls, 75/55 pounds
Box Jumps, 20″ box
Push-presses, 75/55 pounds
In this workout, you move from each of five stations after a minute. The clock does not reset or stop between exercises. When the announcer calls “Rotate,” athletes must move to next station immediately. Each of the three rounds is five minutes, followed by a one-minute rest. One point is given for each rep, except on the rower where each calorie is one point.
What does the registration fee cover?
The $30 (plus tax) fee covers the cost of a team t-shirt. You and your team will be able to create a unique team name and decide on t-shirt colors. We also give prizes to the team with the most spirit. Think costumes, props, makeup, and other fun stuff!
Why are we fundraising?
In the past, our annual FGB fundraiser has been a great way to bring our community together to support great charities—and we chose to support the Brooklyn Community Foundation because Brooklyn has been exceptionally good to us and we want to help give back to the community that CFSBK is proud to call home. If you’re not familiar with BCF, make sure you visit their website to check them out. Or if you’re busy, at least check out their list of Grantees; we’re sure you’ll find one or two not far from you!
Will there be a fundraising minimum?
While encourage everyone to make wholehearted attempts to raise funds, there is no fundraising minimum to participate. As in years past, there will be some sweet prizes awarded to the top individual fundraisers!
Ok, you keep talking about fundraising but how should I do this and when should I begin?
Once our registration deadline ends on September 22nd, we’ll create teams consisting of six athletes. Shortly after, athletes will get an email from us with their team assignments and all of the details to set up their fundraising pages. We’ll be using Crowdrise as our fundraising platform again and participants will have individual fundraising pages that will be super easy to share with friends and family. (Check out last year’s main fundraising page HERE!)
Also, we’re looking for donations to give out as prizes. Contact Danae [at] if you have something to offer!
Tell me more about the workout. What if I can’t do it Rx’d?
Here’s CrossFit founder Greg Glassman explaining FGB in detail in a delightfully vintage video. And don’t worry! We have scaling options available!
So the day begins at 9am, but how long will it last? When will my team go?
The length of the event depends on how many total athletes/teams we have. We run two teams through the workout simultaneously and new heats start every 20 minutes. Unfortunately, we can’t tell you exactly what time your team will be going until we get closer to the event. Of course, we hope that you plan on spending a few hours with us, not only competing but also supporting your fellow teams. And as usual, we’ll have some tasty adult beverages to enjoy!
What if I can’t attend that Saturday, November 4th?
You can still sign up to be a part of a team to participate in fundraising and get a team t-shirt. Unfortunately, though, we won’t be running a Fight Gone Belated this year as we have in years past. Sign up anyway and select the option to be on Fight Gone Belated, so you can raise funds for BCF!
Ok, I’m sold. Where do I register?
Yesterday’s Results Board: Overhead Squat | Partner WOD
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How to Choose Wisely Nautilus
Saturday’s Programming
Work up to a heavy Thruster for the day from a rack. Jerks are not allowed.
Post loads to comments.
Open Workout 17.2 (ish)
AMRAP 12 Minutes:
2 Rounds of…
20 Dumbbell Reverse Lunges
16 Toes-to-Bars
8 Dumbbell Power Cleans
Then, 2 rounds of:
20 Dumbbell Reverse Lunges
16 Bar Muscle-Ups
8 Dumbbell Power Cleans
Alternate between toes-to-bars and bar muscle-ups every 2 rounds.
17.2 was 50′ walking lunges and was Rx’d at 50/35. For space and equipment sake, we’re running this as reverse lunges with no “Rx’d” loads. However, be sure to fully stand up on each lunge and use a dumbbell weight that challenges you. Scale the TTB to HLR or HKR as needed, and the BMU to CTB Pull Ups. Remember, for some the workout was about how many TTB they could do, and the muscle ups are what stopped quite a few Open athletes in their tracks so don’t be too quick to scale those down to an easy (for you) movement.
Post rounds, reps, and Rx to comments.
Wow. Heartbroken I won’t be able to come to FGB now 🙁 🙁 🙁 I’ll be in california : ( 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁
Aw, too bad I can’t make the new FGB date. Or I can, but I have a dress rehearsal that day so I really shouldn’t be doing something that will tire me out for that. Will probably come and cheer at least a little bit, although I shouldn’t be screaming right before a four-hour choir rehearsal either!
(Speaking of which, my choir is doing an all-Brahms program on 11/6 and you should come. Email me — stellavision, gmail — if interested and I can get you tickets.)
Had a giant brain fart on tomorrow’s workout, which I did with 35# DBs, and HLR and chin-over-bar pullups in place of T2B and BMU. Basically, once I got through the first set of pullups, I forgot that I had to clean the DBs 8 times before I could start the lunges. So even though I did some more lunges and pullups after that, I’m just gonna call it 125 reps (124 plus the one clean I must have done in order to get the DBs to my shoulders to start my lunges too soon).
I really did not expect that the body part that would fail me in this workout was my brain. 😂
Yesterday 6:30pm
OHS up to 145 – expected a bunch more, this was definitely a wake up call, need to work on this a ton more. Lacking stability all around.
Partner metcon with Tom in 22:15, carrying the 140 (160?) sandbag. This was a fun one, I liked the strongman + bodyweight/gymnastics combo. Too much running for my taste, though.
Excited for FBG, the one Crossfit workout that I always think will be manageable and then always end up on the floor crying.
8am with Lauren doing Saturday’s work
This went much better than I expected. I attempted 165 and failed. I think it was more form based, but a pretty big jump too. I’ve never tried a max thruster so it was nice to find out where I was.
17.2 (ish)
3 rounds + 11 DB Lunges (HLR + Chin over bar pull ups + 40# DBs)
Pull ups were the slowest for me. I could have pushed myself a bit more on the DB weight. I enjoyed this one.
7am with Lauren doing Thursday’s work
OHS went up to 80# with some room. I remember hating these so much just a few months ago, but now embrace the (wobbly) challenge.
Fun WOD! Finished the workout in 22:36 using an 80# bag. I really wanted to use 100#, but I have so many issues picking the damn thing up, it would have tacked on a full minute or two, probably.
80#! nice, Jaime!!
6am doing Thursday
OH squats up to 135#. Felt good and heavy.
Metcon: with Kayleigh in 21:21 w/ 100# bag. This was a fun one.
Yesterday 5:30 short circuit for the last time… :*( Drama Club starts next week! I love short circuit as a kind of extended warmup before group class!
6:30 class
PRd OHS 105×3! Partnered with Erica! A little shallow, but I have the weight!
Also partnered with her for the WOD 21:28 with 80# sandbag (until the last round which I did 65#) Such a fun workout!! We kept each other consistent on the runs.
LOL Allie…short circuit as a warmup! You are amazing.
Lol nooooo it’s because I move slow AF!
OHS: 83×3, 93×3, 103×3, 113×3, 123×3
Heavy, but not maxed out.
WOD: 21:21 with Brian and the 100# sandbag. Fun one – pedestrian obstacles increasing each round.
Rest day for me but OMG SO EXCITED FOR FGB!! A bit less excited, however, about doing that Open workout again tomorrow.
But we won’t have cheerleading costumes again :***(
10 AM class with Jess and Keith doing Thursday’s work.
Really happy with this- had never really worked this as a lift this way.
partnered with Matt for the WOD- I rowed.
We finished in 18:20 with a 100lb. sandbag. Loved this one.
10am w/ Jess and Keith.
Paired up with Tommy and a 100lb bag. Finished minutes after Charles Smith and Matt. Not a fan of sandbag carries, but still good work.
What I AM a fan of, and is flipping OUTSTANDING WORK, is Chas Carey as The News in Michael Yates Crowley’s “The Rape Of The Sabine Women By Grace B. Matthias” playing at The Duke on 42nd Street Theater. Show runs thru 9/23.
Everyone… GET THERE!!!
Fight Gone Bad for my birthday!!! Yeas!