2015 Regionals Workout #6
5 Rounds for Time:
25 Calorie Row
16 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
9 Strict Deficit Handstand Push-Ups
HSPU Rx: Use 4.5″ for Men, 3″ for Women
5 Rounds for Time:
24/16 Calorie Row
16 Pull-Ups or Ring Rows
8 Handstand Push Ups, Box Piked Push-Ups, or Push-Ups
Post time and Rx to comments.
Just another day at the office for Coach Jeremy and Clio | Photo by Thomas H.
As you may have noticed we’ve added a Frequently Asked Questions page accessible under Member Resources on the blog (to the right). Many thanks to Coach Chris Fox for writing this page! To draw your attention to the FAQs and to refamiliarize everyone with some important stuff, we’ll be reposting some of these questions and answers to the blog. Next up…
How Do I Decide Whether to Do Fitness or Performance Programming?
All of our new Foundations graduates follow Fitness programming for at least 2 cycles (3-6 months) and some will follow it indefinitely depending on goals and training consistency. If your goals are simply to be pretty fit and you don’t necessarily have any performance goals in CrossFit, then you may just be fine doing the Fitness workouts for the long haul. They’re quite potent in their own right and coupled with sound nutrition and recovery practices (sleep and relaxation techniques), they can likely get you where you want to go. This is especially true if you tend to fall in and out of a consistent gym schedule.
If you’re starting to nerd out on CrossFit and have some performance related goals, or maybe want to up your skill set and possibly compete, then you might benefit from our Performance programming. If you’ve been training consistently for at least 6 months and have “hit a plateau” that isn’t related to other factors like poor nutrition and recovery practices mentioned above, then ask a coach if you should give Performance a shot. The switch may not be 100% at first, though. Say you’ve made all of the Fitness squat exposures for 3 cycles and are maxed out on that lift, you should probably progress to Performance on the squat. If during the same time period you weren’t as consistent with another movement, say the Snatch, then you might hang back and follow the Fitness programming for that lift. Furthermore, from day to day, the Performance metcon might have a skill component that you don’t possess yet. On those days you might choose to do Performance during the lifting segment, then do the Fitness version of the metcon. Again, if you’re not sure then ask a coach.
Helen for Houston Results
Thanks to everyone who did Helen for Houston this past weekend. 77 of you posted your workouts to the blog. While we originally planned to donate $1.50 per round, in the spirit of giving, we bumped it up to $3 per round. That makes our total contribution $693!
CFSBKer Moe N. of beyond the whiteboard generously offered to give free merch to 3 randomly chosen people who posted their results. Those people are: Daniel Rocha, Brad Larson, and Jen Bokoff. The front desk will be in touch with more info!
Yesterday’s Results Board: Rest Day
Eddie Hall’s Single-Arm Human Shoulder Press BarBend
Garage Mind: The Spirit of American Weightlifting Catalyst Athletics
Retesting a bunch of strength balance this week for learnin purposes:
A) single arm press @ 40#:
6 Right, 5 left
Not bad considering half Murph yday! Poor little armies are a bit sore. Noticeable trunk shift on right side with these. Left sided reps actually looked and felt a lot better. Just died a rep earlier which took me by surprise. Was probably a little to slow on slower down tempo. Weight is where it should be though
B) single arm high pull @ 40#:
7 on right, 6 on left,
Feeling strong here, I would hope so I’ve been doing these weekly. Ability to pull to same height at clavicle is slightly more difficult on L side, but I was able to grind it out.
C) 5 rds:
12 OHS @ 95#
12 toes to bar
Completed in 6:52. FIRED UP about this!! Much more dialed in today. Snatched all reps to start and unbroken on OHS. Proud of my focus here, I generally wimp out. Used wrist wraps today and I think that helped me focus more on stability through shoulders instead of wrist pain. All t2B 6/6 except last round 6/3/3 to save shoulders
D) TABATA: GHD Extensions 20on/40off x 5 rounds: 12/13/12/12/12 = 61
Quads hurt today so pressure on GHD suxxxx. Buns were a burnin!
E) TABATA: GHD sit-ups 20on/40off x 5 rounds: 50
Headache didn’t crop up til round 5? Getting better about maintaining neutral neck and more comfortable breathing normally
Engine is up these days. I’d like to thank my recent bout of normal sleep the past two weeks. It’s crazy how much better I feel Averaging 7.5 hours. Haven’t really been able to do this since I started full time last year. Hoping to get better about this now that I have a semi established routine.
OMG free merch!
Yesterday 6pm AGS with Lauren
Super low energy after a 4h car drive. Hit all the reps, but just didn’t feel super energetic.
Yesterday 7:30pm AG with Whit
Got a good drill for kipping HSPUs – need to be more stable at the bottom of the kip with knees touching elbows. Need also not to try to push up with my neck (ouch). Then a long (26:30min?) workout with 120 burpees, 60 T2B and some high box jumps. Last week I had such perfect T2B, but they were all gone yesterday.
Good on you guys for that AG Strength/AG!
So glad I did Pilates!!! Phew!
Thanks Allie! AGS + AG wasn’t the smartest combo for me yesterday – lots of same muscle groups (duh) so I was pretty fatigued. That being said, it looked a lot better than any of the Crush Week metcons.
The My Little Ponies at the front desk are the best thing ever.
I agree
Me three
6:30pm last night:
Tommy Mac in 27:44 Rx. Awful. Just awful. The barbell movements weren’t so bad, but if I never do another burpee again it’ll be too soon.
6am today:
2015 Regionals #6 in 27:41 – sensing a theme here with the time domain for crush week, and I sure hope that it takes a turn tomorrow. The strict deficit HSPUs are tough in the first round, and soul crushing toward the end. I may have over-paced them, but honestly I’m just happy to have finished the workout.
Considering taking a rest day tomorrow in favor of Thursday’s workout on Friday… we’ll see how sore I am by dinnertime.
Jumped into the medium sized 6am class. I can’t remember the last time, if ever I’ve done a 6am class!
Regionals ROW/CTB/HSPU
Performance 27:01 as rx’d
Was great to have the brads and James keeping me on task. This workout felt pretty good, by round 3 everything was being broken up a lot but I stayed fairly steady. Kudos to Brad K for running away with this one.
Oh yea Helen for Houston yesterday
My all time PR is 12:00 with a vest on. I just…. can’t/won’t/don’t? Run fast. Everything else unbroken
7am w/ DO + Fox
WOD in 23:26 doing the fitness version, with 2 abmats for the HSPUs. Also switched from pull ups to ring rows for the last two rounds…could feel my hand starting to rip and decided to save it (for the rest of crush week!). Ring rows were still hard!! My shoulders are shot.
I’ve been feeling a little under the weather this week, and I actually thought I might not finish this. Just did. Not. Want. To. Do. It. No hustle whatsoever. But I finished! Hardly my best performance, but it felt good to push through that.
Kate Tk just walked by my desk and said YOU’RE A WINNER and I’ve never had a better start to a long Wednesday! Thanks Moe + BTWB!
A little late, but Congrats to Katie E. Incredible and inspirational athlete. Well deserving of AOTM! It was a great read.
8am with Chris
20:35 (25 Cal Row/8 Strict Pull-ups/Box Piked HSPU)
This was fun. Kept a steady pace and broke up my pull-ups in sets of 2-3. The row did a number on me and I wasn’t expecting to struggle as much as I did with at half volume PUs. Happy with my results and looking forward to workout 3 tomorrow.
Those little stoned ponies are super creepy.
9am solo
Perf Rx in 24:27
Scraped my head pretty good on my 2nd kick up and spent about a minute getting towels for my bloody scalp ☹️, otherwise smooth. Went a little too conservative to start out.
Rows around 1000+kcal
CTB mostly sets of 4
HSPU went 4/3/2, 5/4, then 6/3 for the rest.
10am with Brett.
Performance- scaled to regular pull-ups and kipping HSPU.
Or I did Fitness with 25 cal row, basically.
I thought I might be able to get a few CTB and some strict HSPU to one abmat but tried two reps of each in the first round and said ‘screw that.’
Disappointed in myself for not trying harder.
Thanks Brett for being encouraging as always.
6am with coach Fox
Working out with Jess and DO today!
Perf Rx 31:59
First time trying deficit handstand push-ups let alone strict deficit. Shoulders are smoked.
Erg kept around 1100
Pull-ups sets of 3 first couple rounds to 4 in the later rounds
HSPUs lots of singles
7am with DO
25-cal row, 16 chin-over-bar, 8 kipping HSPUs. 21-something.
Did not think this would end up being a pull-up workout! They fell apart pretty much right away. Sets of 4 for the first round, then slow 2s and 3s with lots of rest in between. I might have underestimated what all those Tommy Mac burpees did to my shoulders…
The row was the row. HSPUs in sets of 4-4 throughout.
short circuit
3x: 10 reps of everything …
pallof twist
waiter squat 20×1 (5 each side) – 12kg, 16kgx2
z press (15#, 20#, 25#)
ring row with :01 pause at top
100m row
5 box jump 20″
5 burpee
100m row
5 db thruster 25# ea
5 burpee
was :50-:55 on the first one and :51-:58 on the second
started slightly conservative and then picked up the transitions to increase pace a bit throughout
hard one but happy I was able to keep my pace up and less miserable than last time i did this with 24″ box and I think 30 or 35# DB. that definitely was not necessary today 🙂
7 am with Chris Fox
16 cals, 4 pull ups + 8 ring rows, 8hspu kipping with one mat.
Idk. Something sub 24.
Ring rows were supposed to save me but they might have been the hardest – my feet came in a little more each round. On the 5th round I crashed a little on my noggin after 5 hspus so I put a 10lb plate under for my last three instead of resting.
You know when you have all but the last calorie so you give it a big giant pull and you go to unstrap and then realize it wasn’t big enough and you have to pull again? I hate that.
Ugh yes! I am familiar with that feeling. Happened on at least round 4 for me today.
430 class today:
Regionals WOD 6: 22:40
25 cals
16 chest to bar pull-ups
9 kipping hspu
Today rejuvenated me in the crossfit world. I’ve been feeling crappy in all my workouts lately…just dragging. Today I decided to do class because it always makes me feel better when I’m working out with a huge group!
I paced pretty good on this workout, after Lauren’s tips
Kept a consistent 1100kcal pace on the row, chest to bar all in sets of three until the last round where it got to singles, and all hspu unbroken. I knew the deficit would kill me after one round so I decided to try and do all hspu unbroken! First time doing pull-ups in a full workout since murph and I felt no pain so I’m even more happy about that. Overall…really fun workout and proud of my pacing work today. Yayy CFSBK
10 AM with Brett
Fitness WOD with 8 pull-ups and 8 boxed piked pushups.
Finished in 15:47.
All the rows finished in 1:10-1:12.
I aimed for 30 pulls per round and beat it each time.
all the pushups unbroken
Need to build stamina on my kipping pullups.
Fitness wod rx: 18:10
HSPUs 3-3-2
Pull-ups 6-5-5 or 4-4-4
Row: triiiied to use my legs and pull 1cal per stroke. About 45% of time
Feeling meh about this workout despite almost puking. Feel like I had more in the tank, but rowing is absurd! Hm.
Hybrid/modified WOD:
25 cals
16 pullups
9 box piked HSPUs
Rows: ok
pullups: 9-6, 9-6, 6-5-5, 6-5-5, 6-3-4-3
piked HSPUs: 9, 9, 5-4, 5-4, 9
Kept a steady pace throughout minus going a bit too fast on the first row- wasn’t able to maintain splits after the first round. First row always seems so easy!
Also- first day in weeks I don’t feel exhausted- just my normal amount of tiredness from not sleeping enough! I literally felt like I was hit by a truck for two weeks with no other symptoms. Not sure if I was fighting a virus or just exhausted from vaca then waking up early for school again, but so happy I’m feeling more myself! Now I can get back to making gains!