“Tommy Mac”
2 Rounds for Time:
12 Burpees
12 Thruster 115/75
12 Burpees
12 Power Snatch 115/75
12 Burpees
12 Push Jerks 115/75
12 Burpees
12 Hang Squat Clean 115/75
12 Burpees
12 Overhead Squats 115/75
In addition to the 120 Burpees, “Tommy Mac” involves 24 reps each of 5 different barbell lifts: Thrusters, Power Snatches, Push Jerks, Hang Squat Cleans, and Overhead Squats. The barbell weight should be a medium-heavy, manageable load, allowing each set of 12 do be done either unbroken or in 2-3 quick sets. The Power Snatches are the exception here. If you’re not great at cycling these, then quick singles is appropriate. Aim to keep moving through the Burpees at a steady pace.
Post time and Rx to comments.
It’s a bird, it’s a plane… no, wait… it’s Coach Brett. Still good! | Photo by Thomas H.
Happy Labor Day from CFSBK. We’ll be running on a modified schedule today. We’ll offer 9am Short Circuit, 11am Fit 55+, and 10am, 11am, and 12pm group classes, plus Open Gym from 9am to 1pm. Starting Strength Program classes will run at 10am and 12pm. Everything else is cancelled.
Monday, September 11th: Own Your Eating Seminar at CFSBK
CFSBK is thrilled to announce that we’ll be hosting an Own Your Eating Seminar on Monday, September 11th from 6 to 8pm.
Own Your Eating’s mission is to educate as many people as possible about flexible eating and give them the tools they need to set them up for long term success with their nutrition. Seminars typically last 2 hours from start to finish including time for questions and the chance to chat with hosts Roz & Jason one-on-one.
Please bring a pen and paper to take notes. We also recommend downloading My Fitness Pal to your smartphone in advance.
This seminar is just $25 if you sign up ahead of time, so what are you waiting for?
Kick Soda, Drop Diabetes Drugs CrossFit Journal
Ammonia, Deadlifts, and the Splits: A Day with Jujimufu BarBend
Lollllll!! This caption @joshschneiderman #insert100emoji
I wanna do Tommy mac! Tommy mac feels terrible and I love it
Dropped in at Windy City Strength & Conditioning (formerly Windy City Crossfit). This box is way farther from my hotel than RNCF but last night I saw that RNCF had posted today’s WOD and it included, among All the Other Things, 55 hand-release push-ups. And I was like, “didn’t you guys just make me do partner Murph with hand-release push-ups two freakin’ days ago?!”
So I went to WCSC even though the WOD wasn’t posted, figuring nothing they programmed could be worse, right?
And then I get there and it’s “partner Chief” day!
3 min AMRAP x5, rest 1:00 between rounds and pick up where you left off:
3 power cleans 135/95
6 push-ups
9 squats
Fortunately this was a partner deal (partners alternate complete rounds) so it wasn’t actually that bad. I was shocked that I was able to do all of the push-ups unbroken. We got 26 rounds + 14 reps (I broke my rule of never being first in an AMRAP, so the 14 reps are mine). Slow and steady ruled the day today.
I don’t want to air squat again for a good long while.
Partner Murph w/ Keith VW @ CF island park!
Alternating 4x400M
Then “you go I go” 20 rds:
5 pull-ups
10 push-ups
15 air squats
Alternating 4x400M
Completed in 25:30. Stamina in the leggies has made some insane progression. No fatigue at all! Push-ups have made no progression at all. Same ol shizznit. Think I hit the wall around 20 haha. Fun energy though! Enjoyed it more than I thought I would
Programming workouts for a group of 10 in our beach/pool house weekend in Long Island. Programming with little equipment is fun/hard.
Yesterday 1pm “group class”:
Warm-up: Tabata alternating situps and jumping lunges
Circuit metcon: 30min total alternating stations every minute (40s on/20s off)
Jump rope
Side plank R
Air squats
Side planks L
Had 7 people participating, fun little group sweat. Would love suggestions of fun group workouts with no equipment. Today I’m thinking death by burpees, but would like ideas of partner/group wods, ideally EMOM or circuit-style.
Tommy Mac: 20:36 Rx
Went in with a plan of when to break things up/when to go unbroken. That got thrown out real fast. There are relatively how it actually occurred went down…
Thruster: Unbroken, 7-5
Power Snatch: 4-3-3-2, doubles and singles
Jerks: 8-4, 6-4-2
Hang Squat Clean: 8-4, 5-4-3
Overhead Squats: Unbroken, 7-5
Took a long while to get my arms back. Nice start to crush week.
9am OG
-Stretching for 10mins
-Fast 1K Row
-Split jerk practice (All jerks from the rack. Worked up to 145)
I added in a few Thrusters + OHS at 95 to get me ready for the workout.
10AM Group Class
Tommy Mac: 32:55? (I forgot what I wrote down) @ 95
I went over, but wanted to finish. I was at 3 OHS when I hit the cap. I have to admit there were a few sloppy ones during that last struggle, but I managed to get it done with a lot of encouragement from the rest of the class. I realized my biggest issue was that I went full on blast out the gate and that ended up killing me by the middle of round 1. Lesson learned.
11am OG
Didn’t stay for long. Did a bit of stretching again and practiced some single arm KB snatch with Kayeligh for Flex. Melo gave some great pointers, but I still wasn’t getting it fluidly. Need to practice some more before the event.
Overall it was a fun day. Pushed myself to the limit, but felt great afterwards.
Noon class
Tommy Mac
first workout back after 3.5 weeks of zero upper body. no expectations. started with 30 min of lying on black mat post-coaching… just getting back to neutral.
3 supine roll up and down
8 blackburn
6 hollow ring row, single arm focus on way down (3211)
5 push up (32×1)
godDAMN push-ups were hard. they are always the fastest thing to dissolve when I take time off.
3 ctb chin up
10 seated db press (2111) @ 20# ea hand
:30 air squat hold
then jumped in with brett’s final piece of his 17-part workout…
10 min, 85% effort:
10 walking lunges
10 sit ups
10 air squats
= 10 rounds + 25 reps
finished with some mobility/recovery/stretching
Home this weekend but how could I not do this workout?!
95(2), 100(2), 110(2), 115(2), 125(2), 135(1)
Snatch grip deadlift
5(4) 150
Back squat
5(5) 180
Metcon: I did the “tommy” workout with my friend from home. We both struggled to finish It took quite a bit but I forgot to start the timer. This was one of the hardest workouts I’ve done in a long time. Tried to keep everything unbroken or sets of six(cough cough thrusters). Burpees were rough! Definitely wish I had done this st SBK! Could have used the push of everyone doing it too!
Made the cleans at 123, but failed both jerks. First attempt, I was trying to push the bar up instead of dropping under. Lauren also said my dip was too rush. Didn’t actually make the second jerk attempt at 123 but I was tired and it felt heavy.
Only did two rounds of the NFR because I was still feeling exhausted.
Contemplated doing the WOD at 55# because I’ve been so exhausted all week. Decided to do it at 65# and take my time. Did burpees slow from the start. All movements unbroken except snatches, which were singles but took a good rest before starting each movement. Goal was also to keep my heart rate manageable which I accomplished. Finished in 27:38. Would like to do this again when I’m feeling 100% and push the burpees a bit more (and not take so much rest).