Partner WOD
In teams of 2, with one partner working at a time, alternate full rounds of the following…
AMRAP 10 Minutes:
15 Deadlifts 135/95/75
10 Push-Ups
The barbell should be light-medium heavy for you and unbroken on the fast end. Keep your mid-line on the Push-Ups and move through full range of motion… don’t cheat this basic but potent gymnastics movement. Scale Push-Ups to knees or band around elbows as needed.
Rest 5 Minutes
AMRAP 10 Minutes:
15 Push Presses 95/65/45
10 Toes-to-Bars
The barbell should be light for you and unbroken on the fast end. Scale Toes-to-Bars to Hanging Leg or Knee Raises as needed.
Rest 5 Minutes
AMRAP 10 Minutes:
15 Overhead Squats 75/55/35
10 Pull-Ups
The barbell should be light for you and unbroken on the fast end. Scale Pull-Ups to Jumping Pull-Ups or Ring Rows as needed.
The goal on each of these partner couplets today is to move fast and (mostly) unbroken and get the barbell back in your partner’s hands. Push the pace on each one but know your stamina, especially on the gymnastics elements. Don’t burn through 1-2 rounds unbroken and then fall apart into singles on round 3. Quick breaks and/or scaling some volume can be your friend.
Post rounds, reps, Rx and partner to comments.
Brazilian Jiu Jitsu coming to CFSBK!
Brazilian jiu-jitsu (BJJ) is a full contact grappling style that prioritizes strategy over brute force. Literally translating to the soft or pliable (jiu) style (jitsu), it is often thought of as the chess of martial arts. BJJ is, at its, core a self-defense system that employs positional advantages, joint locks, and chokes to defend against an opponent or attacker in an assertive and elegant manner. You needn’t be stronger than your opponent to subdue them, making BJJ one of the most practical and effective martial arts for all ages and sizes. There is no striking in Brazilian jiu-jitsu. This is a submission grappling art based on efficiency of movement, leverage, and timing.
This BJJ Fundamentals Cycle is your jiu-jitsu starter pack. The course is geared towards anyone intrigued by BJJ but unsure where to begin, anyone who wants to become better acquainted with dynamic movement on the ground, and anyone who could use a review to jump back into it.
Course Details
This will be an 8-week course with the option of taking 1 or 2 classes per week. Classes will cover the basic body mechanics and techniques used in Jiu jitsu. Come dressed in standard work out garb (leggings, spats, shorts that won’t fall off) and be advised that the sweat you leave with may not be your own. No zippers, no claws, no jewelry!
By the end of the course, you will be at the point where you can walk into a live-sparring jiu-jitsu class without reservation.
September 7th – October 28th
Thursdays, 8:30pm-10pm
Saturdays, 12pm-1:30pm
1 class per week: $90 per month ($180 total)
2 classes per week: $160 per month ($320 total)
Register here!
The first charge will occur at the time of registration, and the second payment will occur automatically 1 month later. Please note that all charges will include New York State sales tax.
About the Coach
Callie Brennan is a brown belt in Brazilian jiu-jitsu under Team Fabio Clemente. Callie has been training and competing for the past 7 years. She began teaching beginner and intermediate students under the guidance of Pan American champion Babs Olusanmokun and multiple time World and Pan American champion Dominyka Obelenyte.
Callie has competed locally and internationally winning gold at American Nationals as a white belt, the Montreal IBJJF Open at blue belt, and New York IBJJF Open at purple belt in her weight. She also medaled in the Abu Dhabi Pro Trials at blue belt.
Callie recently founded Rag Doll Camps with her training partner and coach, Dominyka Obelenyte, with a mission to close the gender gap in the sport. She also teaches privately.
She initially began CrossFit to supplement her jiu-jitsu practice, and she is looking forward to sharing it with the CFSBK community!
Feel free to contact Callie directly with any questions!
News and Notes
- Today’s 10am Yoga for Athletes class is cancelled. Yoga for Athletes will be cancelled for the rest of August while Coach Whit is out of town. Class will resume next weekend!
- Next Saturday, September 2nd, CFSBK will be hosting a community potluck at Prospect Park! Come lounge on the grass, throw some frisbee, toss the ol’ pigskin, and hang out with your gym buds. What better way to spend Labor Day weekend? We’ll be on the hill south of the Picnic House from 2pm on. Bring a dish or drink to share. Friends, family, and dogs are, of course, welcomed. We can’t wait to see you there!
Yesterday’s Results Board: Rest Day
Find Your Balance Girls Gone Strong
Age Like a Former Athlete NY Times
(sad to be missing this Saturday wod)
Dropping in @ CF Invictus in San Diego
Push press 135×3 145×3 155×3 165×3 185×3 195F (just wasn’t mentally there for 195), then…
10min EMOM alternating between:
5 power cleans @ 185
10 Cal assault bike
Had never used the AB in a metcon, and it turns out it’s an instrument of the devil made for your legs to burn and then fall off. The calories move slooooooow on that thing.
All in all good balanced class and good coaching. Invictus is an interesting place to drop in, as they seem to be super focused in training competitive athletes for Regionals/Games. Makes the whole environment more intimidating. Enormous space and plenty of merch.
Did this yesterday at 10am, RXd and partnered with Steven.
I forget all the numbers but it was really fun. Both the partner rest and the 5 minutes between parts allowed for pretty good intensity. Steven and I were both larger than David and scored more reps than he and Jess did.
Surprise 8am, just happened to be up and so I came in!
Partnered with Rachel (super strong!) on the WOD. Wound up doing a mess of adjustments throughout.
A – 11 rounds even @ 95# for deadlifts, stayed on my toes for the first two rounds of push ups, then knees. These fell apart quick and really hurt the next set…
B – 6 rounds + 15 @ 65# for the first two rounds, then dropped to 45# because I was defaulting to push jerks, which was not the point. Crazy how much difference there is in my capacity for push jerk vs push press! Did 5 T2B per round so I wouldn’t slow us down too much. These were ok.
C – 8 rounds + 18 @ 55#. OHS were fast & easy so long as I stayed super focused on locking out & balance. Did exactly 3 kipping pull ups and it was clear my shoulders were done, switched to jumping for the rest.
Cash out walk around Red Hook and lots of coffee. It’s just the most beautiful day!
Today’s workout was so fun!
Partnered with kirby which was awesome!
Wod 1: 12+ 11 at the woman’s rx. Push-ups felt amazing today. All unbroken and fast!
Wod 2: 7+11. The push presses were hard. In my 4th round, I realllly felt like dropping the bar but eeked out the last reps. 60 push presses at 63#– not too shabby! TTB felt great too.
Wod 3: 7+ 15
OHS were fast, unbroken, and deep enough today. I’m gunna give a shoutout to split sqs and tempo sqs! Pull-ups needed to be broken up a lot by this time.
Kirby and I set specific goals like OHS unbroken/ pull-ups broken up as needed and minimum 3 rounds each for push presses. We met our goals and had a great workout!
Cashed out with a really great AR, two failed muscle up attempts, then a new shirt from habit and a manicure. 💁🏼 Happy Saturday!
Watching Allie do push-ups during this workout was awe-inspiring. Seriously, SO speedy!! She’s a superstar and a great partner…really kept me focused and motivated throughout.
First sbk workout in ages, really happy to be able to come in today!
Surprised myself by not blowing up in the middle of this; the only real problem was I’ve forgotten how to kip t2b 😔
Partnered with Andrew who dominated pretty hard.
Scaled 1st round to 115 bcuz I’m a broken thing. 15+2.
Rx 2nd & 3rd rounds, 6+22, 8 even. t2b no bueno. Ripped my hands on the pullups 🙃 whatever this was a fun workout! My body is like “what have you done.” Perfect.
So stoked about Jiu Jitsu! Now just need it on a day I can come 🙁
Literally, I was just talking about how I hate MMA/BJJ because it’s sweaty people touching each other. Now that Callie is teachinn it though…
Partnered with Worm and Scott. Worm and I worked simultaneously and Scott went when we finished. Scott and I did the middle tier of weights.
1: 12+13
2: 7
3: 8
Broke up pushups from the start, but ended up moving pretty quickly through them. All barbell movements unbroken. Did T2B in two sets each round. Did 2 rounds of pullups unbroken, then opened my tear from earlier this week. Tried to to tape it up during my rest but completely forgot how to tape my hands since I never do it. haha. Worm look confused by my tape job. Did ring rows the last two rounds bc it hurt to even hang on the bar.
So excited about Callie coming to teach BJJ! I’ve always wanted to try it so I’m definitely in! This will be way outside my comfort zone, but so was CrossFit at one point.
Five years ago today I had a conversation in a bar, which resulted in me joining this gym. Thanks Lindstar forever!
OG today.
3 rounds for time
1000m row
50m OH Plate carry, 25lbs
50m sled push – dog sled + 90lbs
10 box jumps, 24″
Assault Bike
30 seconds @ 90%
30 seconds easy spin
A) Snatch Balance- 3,3,3,3,3, rest 2 mins
Catching high on the last set.
B)8am class with Snickers/Partner WOD with Kayleigh.
14 + 24- I did all my push-ups unbroken which was pretty great. Deadlifts were fast. Two of my best movements right there.
8 + 24
Push press was hard! Kayleigh was incredibly fast at these- they looked effortless for her. Kinda like when I saw Jess doing them later. How do you guys do it?! TTB were ok. Bigger sets (5/6) in the beginning, deteriorating to quick singles later on. As usual.
8 + 10
First three rounds unbroken!! Did a few extra pull-ups because Kayleigh ripped, then I ripped on my last rep.
This was so much fun!
I would partner WOD with Kayleigh every day if I could! Not at 6am though. Never that.
Very happy with my progress on push-ups and pull-ups. I’ve never been able to do anywhere near that kind of volume unbroken before.
C) Assault Bike
10 mins easy.
Dropped in at Crossfit Lake Effect in Holland, Michigan. Lots of lower body conditioning then:
21-15-9 deadlifts 115#; box jumps 20″ in 7:05. Bad scraper on the first of 15 box jumps. Miss our pylos but had a good time with good folks in the mitten!