Back Squat / Front Squat
Tempo Back Squat (31X1):
2 x 4
Tempo Front Squat (31X1):
1 x 4
Heavier than last week.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 7 of 8
5 Rounds or 30 Minutes:
550m Jog
100 Single-Unders
30-Second Handstand Hold
The entire workout should be done at a conversational pace, around 70% effort. The jog is a lap around the block. Practice a consistent rhythm and bounce on the jump rope. The Handstand Holds can be performed against the wall from a Wall Walk or a kick up. If you’re comfortable holding from a kick up then practice pulling your heels away from the wall one at a time and try to hold with no support.
Post work to comments.
Better Know a Member: Charles Smith
With summer still going strong, we’re excited for the return of a blog favorite, Better Know a Member! You all love Underneath the Hoodie and Behind the Desk, and, in a similar vein, we’ll continue to profile members from across the CFSBK community. To kick off this round, we interviewed Charles S. We hope you enjoy learning more about this father of 2 who brings laptop thieves to justice in his spare time!
Name (and any nicknames):
Charles Smith. Too unique for any nicknames.
Where were you born, and where did you grow up?
I was born in Chattanooga, TN and grew up in Doylestown, PA.
How long have you been CrossFitting, and how did you arrive at CFSBK?
I’ve been CrossFitting for 18 months. I lifted weights and played basketball and was looking for a way to get better at both and somehow stumbled upon CFSBK. I took my Free Intro Class on Super Bowl Sunday 2016 (does anyone know if the couple who did that class as a date are still together?) and was immediately hooked. I used to be a much heavier person (240 lbs or so) and have made staying fit a priority in my life for over 20 years now. CrossFit is easily my favorite way of doing so.
Program your nightmare workout:
Any length of time on an Assault Bike.
Program your dream workout:
AMRAP 10 Minutes:
10 Power Snatches
10 Burpees-over-the-Bar
10 Wall Balls
Ask me about that time I…
Ran down a laptop thief in the street. (He’s now a public company CFO. Not kidding.)
What are you recommending right now?
Cook Smashburgers, see The Big Sick, listen to Maggie Rogers and Jason Isbell, and drink at Sweet Polly.
What are you up to when you’re not at 597 Degraw Street?
I’m a venture capitalist. The firm I work with, Social Starts, invests in very early stage tech companies, usually under five people. I’ve spent most of my career working in and around startups, and this gives me a great way to continue meeting and working with incredibly smart people with huge dreams. I love it. Outside of my career, I love to cook and spend lots of time planning interesting things to cook. I have 2 kids (11 and 13) and spend as much time as possible with them.
Any advice for new CFSBKers?
Trust the coaches and never stop asking them questions about ways you can improve. They can all point out specific things you can work on outside of class to improve mobility, make you stronger, and recover more quickly. Enter competitions: it’s a great way to test your fitness and work towards a specific goal. And don’t worry about how you’re doing against everyone else (that’s really advice for me)!
News and Notes
- CFSBK is in the process of updating our member waivers and integrating them with Zen Planner! Active members will soon (tomorrow) have an alert added to their account saying that they have an “Unsigned Document.” While it won’t prevent you from checking into class, the alert won’t go away until you complete the waiver. To speed the process, we’re asking members to sign into their Zen Planner accounts from home to complete the waiver. If you’re having a hard time signing in, get in touch with the front desk and/or plan on arriving early/staying late to complete it in house. Thanks so much, gang!
- Tomorrow’s 7:30pm Active Recovery class is cancelled.
Yesterday’s Results Board: Rest Day
Not All Who Wander Are Lost CrossFit Journal
America’s Long, Venerable Tradition of Roadside Dinosaurs Atlas Obscura
Chas!!! TFBA!
that’s the nicest thing anyone has ever said about me!
Hi Charles! Bucks County in the house!
Despite a solid 8 hours of sleep I came to class today feeling like my whole body was made of lead. I thought about dropping 5# from my planned weights for the morning but decided to stick with it on Leo’s encouragement. And I ended up getting the nicest compliment from DO! He said everything was perfect — bar path, rock solid at the bottom, etc. I wish I had had my phone out to record it. I would have made it my ringtone. 😛
170 on the back squat, 150 on the front squat.
Given my general feeling of malaise this morning, I was delighted to have NFT work to do. Finally managed to get the 100 singles unbroken in the third round; used the handstand time partly as HSPU practice time. The latter didn’t go so well. When my balance didn’t feel rock solid on the descent, I would immediately fall out of the handstand out of abject, unreasoning fear. I call that “reptile brain,” since it kinda reaches back to an earlier evolutionary stage IMO. Oh well, that’s what exposure therapy is for.
6am with DO and Arturo
Tempo Back Squats @ 285, Front Squats @ 245. No issues on either, and looking forward to doubles next week.
Got through 3-1/2 rounds of the NFT work in ~19? minutes. Would have stuck around to finish all 5 were it not for the j-o-b.
7:30pm last night
Bench @ 145 felt too easy, will add 10lbs next week. 6 reps is very different than 8. Split squats with a 50lb dumbell – wanted to use 55, but they don’t exist. I guess I’ll make the big jump to the 65 next week.
Metcon in 12:??. Muscle ups were taxing and went to singles in the last round.
6am with DoRo
BSQ: 260x4x2
FSQ: 225x4x1
Squats moved much better with 4 reps this week
Hopeful for 2’s next week as well
8am with Ro
BSQ: 185x4x2
FSQ: 165x4x2
Front squats were a bit messy on rep 3 and 4 (Reminded to keep my elbows high as I was coming back up). This was a bit of a grind, but went well enough. I did make an error in the weight jump this week. I went up 15# on the BSQ and 20# on the FSQ compared to last week.
Managed to get all 5 rounds done before the end of class.
The run wasn’t too bad and happy to work on my singles. I tried to keeping unbroken but faster (One day I’ll get doubles!). Wall walks for the handstand hold. Ro gave me some good advice on keeping my arms closer together. I finally got it on the last round (Noticed the difference in stability compared to the first few rounds)
Squats: I was scared, so I only went up 2.5#. It was foolish! I have much more, especially because Whit helped me find my power stance last week! I was too vertical, overextending my back– I feel SO MUCH STRONGER AT THE BOTTOM being just slightly more forward. Amazing.
117.5, 107.5
I can do 125/115 next week.
Wod: In my opinion, this wasn’t NFT! I had a great workout, moved for the full 30 min. Really sweated and felt great!
AR & Pilates with karina! Both were awesome!
Also, Charles is so positive. Always makes me happy when I chat with him before or after class. Great guy!
Aw, thanks, Allie! Right back atcha.
10am doing Wednesday
Took a smaller jump after last week was a bit grindy. Still felt heavier than I wanted.
Disappointed to miss that rep…should have had it. Overall squatting on Tuesdays this cycle has been bad for my squats (surprise, surprise), but great for Wednesday beach dayz 🙂
:30 HS Hold
550m Jog
100 Singles
No rounds of rope unbroken.
Hbbs: 2x4x160
Front squat: 1x4x135
Wod… happened. KLove and I took the conversational pace very seriously and caught up during the runs.
LBBS: 150x4x2 tempo good but got a little tippy on the second set
FSQT: 115×4 Still having trouble keeping my elbows up. What a difference in weight between my back and front squat :/
Perfect NFT considering I slept 4 hours last night (4 the night before, and only 3 hours two nights ago!) and was on a plane for 8 hours today. Exhausted.
Fun catching up with Jenny!