WOD 8.12.17
A) AMRAP 7 Minutes:
14 Burpees
7 Power Cleans 135/95
The barbell weight should be light-medium for you, scale load accordingly.
Rest 5 minutes…
B) AMRAP 7 Minutes:
35 Double-Unders
7 Handstand Push-Ups
Scale Dubs to Singles or 15 attempts per round. Scale the Handstand Push-Ups to 1-2 AbMats or to heavy Dumbbell Presses today as needed. You should be able to move through the pushing movement either unbroken or in 2-3 quick sets as you fatigue.
Rest 5 minutes…
C) AMRAP 7 Minutes:
Meters Rowed
Post rounds, reps (or meters), and Rx to comments.
Tonight at Littlefield: Juranimal
Tonight at littlefield, Lauren B.‘s good friend will be performing with one of his bands from 9pm to 1am. They play the whole gamut of cover songs, so it’s always lots of dancing and lots of fun. And there’s no cover. So, if you’re around go over and check it out!
News and Notes
- Today’s 10am Yoga for Athletes class is cancelled. Yoga for Athletes will be cancelled for the rest of August while Coach Whit is out of town. Class will resume on September 2nd!
- Kids Club Night, originally scheduled for tonight at 6, is cancelled. If your child was signed up, the front desk will be in touch about your refund. We will, of course, keep you posted on future Kids Club events right here on the blog!
- TOMORROW: Coach Jeremy and Coach Margie’s Starting Strengthers will wrap up their eight-week cycle starting at 2:00pm. Lifters will be testing their 1RMs in the Back Squat, Press, and Deadlift. All are welcome to come by, hang out, and do some cheering.
- Good news! We’ve changed the date of the Subway Series so that it no longer conflicts with Flex on the Beach. CrossFit Gantry will now host the 1st event of the Series, and we’ll host the 3rd on Saturday, October 14th.
Regular People Compete Like Pro Athletes BuzzFeed
Exercise as a Weight-Loss Strategy NY Times
Great pic! Looking good, Sarah!
Good news about the changed date!
A) Backsquat: 4×12 @ 135#
Still good! Only straining towards last 3 reps of 3rd and 4th sets. I can’t believe it took me this long, but i think I’m finally figuring out how to bounce properly out of the hole while staying on tension. I saw someone squatting on instagram the other day and my brain was finally like “so that’s how its done”. I’ve obviously seen a bajillion other people do it, but the timing of it just didn’t click for me. Funny. Feel less of a shift into the R side here too, back feels much better
B) 5 rds:
1 power clean
1 hang power clean
10 ring rows
*rest 2 min*
Complex completed as follows:
155#, 32s — 155#, 35s —- 155#, 34s —- 160#, 36s —- 165#, 36s
Lifts got significantly better as i went heavier. I have the tendency to death grip the bar in the receiving position with heavy PC. Mentally clicked today and had some SOLID reps with a crisp catch and good foot position for 160/165, Stoked about this! Wish it would have clicked earlier so I could have gone heavier. First two were too “giraffey” to feel like I deserved to go up in weight.
C) 30 min, damper at 1, keep stroke rate high
370 cal, HR 120-138 ppm, stroke rate 32-37, 6100+M total, my buns were BURNIN
Catch-up post:
A rare Thursday afternoon Short Circuit — I figured having torn my hands on snatches and T2B the day before, I did not want to do more snatches and then pullups! RDLs were tough and my hammies are still sore.
Strong Fit this morning was super fun. I will laugh at myself later if it turns out I’m feeling too pooped to carry my laundry up the stairs (useful task) because I carried an 80# sandbag earlier in the day (useless task). 😛
Yayy to subway series date change!
9:00 today
Metcon 1:5+3….burpees felt slow and heavy today. Glad I had JB next to me…it kept me moving. All cleans were touch and go which felt really good!
Metcon 2: 6+3…first time doing HSPU in about three and a half months. No shoulder pain! I was definitely getting sloppy and crashing down at the end. Once I focused on the release, I wouldn’t crash but it’s definitely something I need to fix. But I was pumped that my shoulder didn’t bother me!
Metcon 3: 1790m row…I held a 1:55 pace for the first two minutes then realize that it was impossible to keep going at that pace. Moved it to 2:00 and sustained there the rest of the time. Quads on fire but just stared at the SPM the entire time and tried not to think about the pain!
I love Saturdays!
Oh…nice picture….
Sarah, 1790m is amazing. I need to get better at not thinking about the pain! You amaze me!!
1: 4+ 15 reps at 83#. Broke up cleans 3-2-2 every round– def appropriate for my pacing!
2: 4+ 29 reps. Those new ropes are amazing! I PRd my dubz today: two rounds of 35 unbroken! I have my own RX rope that’s thicker–which definitely played a big part of how I got DUs– but now that I am stronger at DUs, the thinner speed rope is much better!!! Shoulders were burning and had to do quick singles for HSPUs the last two rounds.
3: 1365…. I tried my best. Tried to catch Rachel H at 1400 and Shawn at 1465 or something!!! I have no motivation to get better at rowing. Not sure how to change this mindset, or, if I even care to change it. Hmmmm…
A fun short circuit complete with tabata songs!
Order s faster rope only from RX, Thats what I did. Used the thicker to learn and then ordered the faster one.
Don’t need to know that we have those awesome ones at the gym!!
Saturday Morning with Jess and Chris!
8am Strong Fit
Fun class. Got a chance to work on sled + rope pulls a bit which I’ve been eager to try since last time. 80# Partner Sandbag carry around the block was good. I should have challenged myself a bit more with the weight.
9am Short Circuit
Tabata Madness. Ouch.
My legs were on fire. Songs couldn’t keep me pumped enough around the end. The jump lunges & shoulder taps to Squats (With a hold on the rest) was extra spicy.
Overall, Today I felt pretty off. Kinda sluggish and couldn’t keep focused. Had to ask a lot of questions and I was second guessing myself on the movements. Not really tired or sore, but we’ll see how it goes tomorrow.
Fun (craaaaazy)10am Group class after a few fun hours of coaching SF and SC. Tabata Songs is a throat saver.
A) 4 + 10 Rx’d
B) 5 + 20 Rx’d
C) 1690m
Overall pleased. PCs as mostly quick singles to baby a still healing left wrist. Thought I’d do more rounds of unbroken HSPUs but shoulders were smoked, only did first round unbroken. The row mostly happened…definitely didn’t make this one hurt.
Love reading how much fitness everyone gets on Saturdays!
11am AGS
Focused on HSPU, can now consistently do 5 strict to 2 abmats, next step is 1.5 abmat. (Re)Started some strength progressions, SBTNP is feeling good.
1pm class with Morit
Round 1: 3 + 7 Rx, broke the cleans into 4/3, burpees are just too slow.
Round 2: 4 + 38 doing 3 strict HSPU to 2 abmats and 70 singles. First time doing HSPUs on a metcon! A clear gain from all the AGS work.
Round 3: 1728m. Feel like I could have pushed harder and maybe made that 1800m, but just didn’t have it in me after 2:30h of working out.
Worked on snatch singles, up to 83#
Metcon A RX : 3+18. Power cleans were painfully slow today. Should have scaled down to just do them unbroken.
Metcon B RX: 2+36. Hspu were just not there today even though they’ve been feeling pretty good lately. came down a little fast on my head a few times so I took my sweet time after that. 🙂
Metcon c: 1650 meters. Definitely started too slow on this; Started at 2:15 pace and ended at a 2:03 for the final couple minutes.
Can I just say how much I love the new rope set up?! No longer will I have to play a guessing game as to which rope is right for me! That being said, today’s workout was a doozy.