Clean and Jerk Complex
Every 90 Seconds for 10 Reps:
Clean High Pull + Mid-Hang Clean + Jerk
The pull from the floor on the Clean High Pull should be purposeful and balanced, with your weight balanced over mid-foot. The dip/drive should also be balanced and not pull you forward. Aim to make a few reps at/above 80%.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 5 of 8
AMRAP 12 Minutes:
6 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
12 Alternating Pistol Squats (6e)
24 Double-Unders
Sub Chin-over-Bar or Jumping Pull-Ups as needed. Scale the pistols to box pistols as needed. Elevating your working leg to a box is a scale for lack of strength/flexibility in the non-squatting leg. Squatting to a box scales for the same things but also allows you to reduce the ROM and need for balance a bit. Use a box height that still allows significant ROM, or scale to Goblet Forward Lunges. Scale the Dubs to Singles or 10 attempts as needed.
Post rounds, reps, and Rx to comments.
Next Sunday: The Starting Strength Program Total
Coach Jeremy and Coach Margie’s Starting Strengthers will wrap up their eight-week cycle on Sunday, August 13th starting at 2:00pm. Lifters will be testing their 1RMs in the Back Squat, Press, and Deadlift. All are welcome to come by, hang out, and do some cheering. Get ready for some massive PRs!
News and Notes
- Today’s 2:15pm Free Intro class is cancelled.
- Today’s Active Recovery and Anti-Gravity classes are also cancelled.
- During today’s group classes and Open Gym hours, we’ll be showing the final day of the CrossFit Games on our big screen at 597. All the more reason to get yourself to CFSBK today!
Yesterday’s Results Board: A Very Long Metcon
Gambino Enforcer Abandons Life of Crime to Save Animals NY Daily News
A Day in the Life of Sara Sigmundsdottir CrossFit Mayhem
Is there AR today? I thought the whiteboard by the entrance said “cancelled”, but I don’t see it here in the website.
No AR! I’ll update the blog. Thanks Daniel.
AG is cancelled today. We will resume on Tuesday
Hello CFSBK – On ParkSlopeParents I see some good recommendations for seamstresses/tailors who have worked on gowns, shirts, skirts etc. I’m not sure if it makes a difference, but I need a men’s suit shrunk down by a 1/2 size or full size (I bought it 15 yrs ago before I started going to the gym…shameless plug for Crossfit South Brooklyn here).
If anyone has experience with this, please let me know. I prefer Brooklyn, but would travel to the outer boro of Manhattan if I absolutely had to go.
10 AM with Fox
Stuck to 98# for all reps on the complex. I haven’t been at any of the C&J exposures this cycle so I figured I’d just remind myself what it feels like to clean. I stuck with a push jerk for the first 6 reps but once I got confirmation from Fox that the clean looked good, I gave split jerk a try. Sorta awkward.
Treated the AMRAP like skill work and was delighted to get real pistols in a WOD for the first time! A few of them were wobbly, but most of them were fine. Thanks Ro and AG for getting me there. 5 rounds + 11 reps with chin-over-bar pullups.
11am with Mo (welcome!) and Lauren
Worked up to 118# on the complex, I think that’s a PR for a hang clean. Cleans felt awesome until that last one. Couple wobbly jerks but all in all good to pick up the heavy things.
Somewhere around 5-6 rounds of 3 pull ups, box pistols, and 40 singles
First time doing pull ups in a WOD!!! The first two rounds I even strung 3 together and then singles after that. Maybe could have done all 6 per round but didn’t want to get over excited and burn out.
Box pistols were so uneven – left was a mess, right was fine. Shout out to Charlie on doing all those pistols RX!!!
Yes!!!! Nice work, Charlie!! 😍😍
And kate tk — first time doing pull ups in a wod! Nice going!!
Sorry about the mix up on AR today. Our mistake. I was wondering why no one showed up to mash, stretch, and banter about food, movies, and pets with me at 11am :/
Noon class
C&J Complex
Hard standing up the cleans today
8 Rounds flat on the metcon. All unbroken (if slow) until a trip on the last round of dubs, trying to rush through them.
Legs are TOAST.
Worst mix up ever. People were SO SORE. :/
Nooooo really? I would totally have stayed for AR! 👍
Also I have no idea why my phone posted a thumbs up instead of crying emoji.
Yay thanks! Congrats to Kate Tk on the pull-ups and Stella on the pistols!!
Did 11am with Mo and Snickers.
Worked up to 123# on the complex, with ‘graceful’ split jerks. Why is this the only time in my life I am graceful?!
Omg so happy to say I was able to Rx this workout, since pistols did not exist for me until yesterday!!! And C2B pull-ups are always hit or miss for me.
Did 5 rounds plus 8 reps.
Now I need to learn to do pistols without holding my foot. One month to go!
A) Snatch- heavy double- 15 mins
63,68,73,78,83,88,93M, 9
B) Romanian Deadlift @4041
125 x 6, 135 x 4, 135 x 6
Tempo was tough on my grip!!
5 sets
30 sec max DU
30 sec rest walk
30 sec sustainable burpees
30 sec rest walk
30 sec sustainable TTB
90sec rest walk
Dubs-50/58/42/38/60 🙄
25 sec all out
2:35 rest walk
Then I jumped into the Mock Oly Meet with resident badasses Francine and Morit.
Didn’t push the weight but I want to get more used to lifting when people are watching and not totally freaking out. But totally freak out, I did. Forgot everything I’ve learned and power snatched all the snatches including a press out on the third attempt.
Clean and jerks were ok but, wow, it’s amazing how much someone sitting in front of you and staring straight at you can completely change everything!
Kudos to those of you who compete in Weightlifting- there is no way I could ever do it! I guess you get used to it but I just don’t have the confidence or consistency with these lifts.
Big thanks to Ro and Francine and Mo for letting me play. I’ll definitely join in again if possible!
1pm class. Was sad about AG, but this workout was just like something we’d do in AG so it was all good. 😛
C&J: 83-93-98-103-108-113 all solid 118(f jerk) 113 118 (failed clean)
Wod: 7 rounds + 2 c2b
Pistols and DUs were solid. I can’t kip c2b, so I just decided to do 4 strict chest to bars per round. This was *by far* the hardest part of the workout. Had to switch to singles at the end, but it felt awesome to do 30 strict chest to bar pullups!
Did some muscle-up practice after class, including some Russian dips on the jerk blocks that Ro taught me last week!
Worked up to 75# today on the complex, with a push jerk. Felt good, bar was moving with speed.
Charlie and I were synched during the workout on the pull ups, thanks for keeping me moving.. didn’t let myself rest for too long even though I could have.
Great group of kick ass ladies – thanks Mo and Snickers!
Yes this was good. Thanks for counting down! It definitely helped’
Worked on snatches today, working up to 88#. Hit it once and missed it about 4 times after, dumping it forward in the catch. This is about 95% of my 1rm so I’m happy.
Wod from today RX. 4 rounds + 30 reps. Left knee was hurting during the pistol so I need to focus on that this week! Chest to bars were all singles because I can’t string them together yet.
5 minute row to close out the hour 🙂
Sunday 10am
Worked up to 100# on the C+J complex. Felt really solid!
WOD: 5 rounds + 12 pistols. Would have gotten at least a few dubs in round 6 but my rope got all tangled 🙁 I did regular kipping pull-ups and pistols on a low box. Really great coaching from Fox about leaning into the working leg on the pistols.
Saturday 9am
WOD: 32:02 RXed. WOAH. Miserable. But in some sick way I am loving these Saturday workouts!