Check out more of these awesome multiple-exposure photos by Robert C. on our Flickr account!
Want a night off for yourself and your kids? Sign up for CFSBK’s Kids Club Night! Your kid will engage in fun movement activities and games, eat pizza, and watch a movie. We’ll need at least 5 kids to run the event. So far, we have just 1 kid registered. Make plans to treat yourself and leave the rest to us!
We’ve organized a night of CrossFit kids physical activities and games. We’ll all share a pizza dinner and then watch The NeverEnding Story on the CFSBK big screen.
Saturday, August 12th from 6 to 9 PM
Kids ages 3-12. Parents can hang out if they want or go out on the town!
$50 per child with a 40% discount for additional siblings. Dinner will be provided. Late pickups will result in a $25 fee.
Kids Club Night is capped at 15 children, so RSVP soon!
Yesterday’s Results Board: Bench Press / Split Squat | Double-Unders, KB Swings
Surgery Is One Hell of a Placebo FiveThirtyEight
Cyclocross Announced as CrossFit Games Event Instagram
Wednesday’s Programming
Back Squat / Front Squat (Week 5 – De-load)
Tempo BSQ (31X1):
2 x 4
Tempo FSQ (31X1):
1 x 4
2 sets of Back Squats, followed by 1 set of Front Squats. Use the same load as in Week 1’s sets of 8. These should feel light and crisp.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 5 of 8
Every 3 Minutes for 5 Rounds:
21 Squats
7 Handstand Push-Ups
3 Deadlifts 315/225
Score fastest and slowest times. You should be pretty warm from Squatting but don’t just jump to work weight on the Deadlift. The load on the bar should be heavy for you and require 3-4 jumps in weight to get there. Similarly, don’t kick up to a wall for the first time for your first Handstand Push-Up. Warm them up with a few kick ups, then do a few reduced ROM reps, then a few full ones. If you’re doing Box Piked HSPUs, then warm those up similarly.
Post fastest time, slowest time, and Rx to comments.
kipping HSPU
5 rounds @90% HE
10 KB thrusters, AHAP/UB
10 cal row
rest/walk/skill 5 min
7am w/ Lauren doing Wednesday
BSQ 95#
FSQ 80#
Fast and easy.
WOD: Fastest 1:14, slowest 1:24. 155# for the deadlifts and 2 abmats for the (kipping) HSPU. Started losing my HSPUs after the first two rounds so I dropped down to 5 for rounds 3–5. This was fun!
8am with Jess doing Wednesday’s work
155 Tempo BSQ
135 Tempo FSQ
1:06 – 1:15 Box Piked HSPU | 315# DL
This was fun. For some reason, I moved faster on each round ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.
The Deadlifts got challenging after round 3 (Needed more prep time and a slow grind on the first one).
I freaking love that photo! Charles is a beast.
Wednesday’s programming, mostly pain free!
WOD Rx’d
58 seconds (first round), 49 seconds (last round)
15cal row
2 x wall- walks
5 x strict pull-ups
10 alternating pistols- blue band
Also I got an unassisted pistol on the right, and also on the left though I kinda fell over before I stood up fully. Getting there!!! Very slowly!
A) Clean + Hang Clean
Every 90 secs for 8 sets
88, 98,103,108,113,118 (M- hang clean),118, 123
B1) Bench Press
115 x 5, 125 x 5, 130 x 5 (rest 60 secs)
B2) Powell Raise
10 x 8, 12.5 x 8, 15 x 6 (rest 60 secs)
C)5 RFT, 90% effort
125m row
5 x thrusters @65#
5 x pull-ups
6:01- everything unbroken but probably could have gone faster on the row. Probs more like 85% effort…
D) AB- 10 mins easy
Toyed with the idea of jumping into class for tomorrow’s metcon but it was hot and I was hungry so I went home…
way to go on the Pistol!! Flex on the Beach, here you come!
Short Circuit today!
Another good class!
Strength: 3 total rounds
10 single leg squats (16″ box)
10 band pull aparts (blue band)
3 wall walks
8 erg v-ups
Metcon circuit:
rough! But I like the :30 on and :30 off. It makes you push even harder during the workout
With Jason and Phil
3 rds
500m row
400m run
I wish I paid more attention to my splits. My Rows stayed consistently at 1:50 so thats good. My first two runs felt good and then the third one, I cramped up on third avenue and struggled to the end of the run. Just trying to focus on whoever was running in front of me and trying to pick away at some of the distance!
Hello! I have two tickets to Gillian Welch at Beacon Theater tomorrow night at 8 pm, and can’t make it. We paid I think $60 for each ticket; hoping to recoup the cost if possible.
Email me at nosillajk (at) gmail if interested!