Will AG Strength help you do multi-dimensional Pull-Ups like Patrick? Hard to say, but you will get better at gymnastics movements! | Photo by Robert C.
Sign Up for Anti-Gravity Strength
Are you struggling with your Pull-Ups? Are you stuck at the bottom of your Handstand Push-Up? Check out Coach Arturo‘s critically acclaimed Anti-Gravity Strength class.
Each AG Strength class will be an hour-and-a-half long, focusing on the strength and skills needed to improve Pull-Ups and Handstand Push-Ups. This will include a variety of skill exercises, progressions, weighted and strict practice, and other techniques to teach, develop, and perfect your Pull-Up and Handstand Push-Up. This fundamental strength work will carry over into other CrossFit gymnastics movements, including the coveted Muscle-Up.
Tuesdays from 6 to 7:30om
Saturdays from 11am to 12:30pm
Cost and Eligibility
The cost is $160 per month ($320 total plus NY sales tax). This cycle is open to all CFSBK members as well as CrossFitters from other affiliates.
What Happens in a Class?
The first class will begin with an assessment of each individual’s upper body push, pull, and core strength. Once the assessment is completed, each AG Strength class will consist of skill work, strength development, and flexibility training based on your personal needs, weaknesses, and strengths. If a member chooses to do a CrossFit group class on the same day, we recommend doing the skill and strength work from the AG Strength cycle first. Arturo can advise on this on a case by case basis. Just ask!
“There are a lot of good specialty workout options here at CFSBK, and I am happy to say that AG Strength has earned its spot at the top with the best of them. For any good program to be effective, it needs two components: an excellent coach and coach-able participants. Coach Ro brings his meticulous approach and his dedication to the integrity of his craft. Its up to you to bring the latter. In this class, great emphasis is placed on the proper execution of movements. Suffice it to say. this class is not about building egos but rather overall strength. Rest assured, by the end of the cycle you are guaranteed to see results. I did! Apart from having loads of fun while working extremely hard (this may be paradoxical but it’s the truth), I have seen improvements in my Bench, Overhead Press, Chin-Up and Pull-Up (I couldn’t do a Pull-Up prior to this class). Love this class! Thanks, Coach Ro!”—Wendy S.
“AG Strength brought marked improvements to my upper body pull and push strength, and it was impressive how it translated into gymnastic gains/z. During AGS I got my first Handstand Push-Up, my first Chest-to-Bar Pull-Up, and went from doing a 15 lbs weighted strict Pull-Up to a 60 lbs one! It’s a great class to focus on targeted upper body strength, and Arturo’s programming helps you see constant week-after-week improvements.”—Daniel R.
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Snatch Balance | Farmer Carries, Dumbbell Thrusters
E. Jean Carroll, the Longest-Running Advice Columnist in History ELLE
Ring Dips: Exercise Guide and Benefits BarBend
Saturday’s Programming
Metcon A
3 Rounds for Time:
270m Run
5 Hang Power Snatches 135/95
Rest 5 Minutes
Metcon B
3 Rounds for Time:
270m Run
10 Hang Power Cleans 135/95
Rest 5 Minutes
Metcon C
3 Rounds for Time:
270m Run
15 Deadlifts 135/95
Score times for each workout. The barbell weight should be medium heavy for the Snatches, light-medium for the Power Cleans, light for the Deadlifts, and unbroken on the fast end for all three parts. Choose one weight for the whole thing and stick with it.
Post times and Rx to comments.
6 am with Brett
I’m loving these Saturday WODs this cycle…so fun, and they’ve really made me push myself during them!
WOD #1:
5:21 RX
Run felt robotic, but cycled the snatches pretty well; all unbroken
WOD #2:
Now I felt like I was running/ sprinting…unbroken cleans too. After the last round, I could just feel my traps tightening up! Had to roll them out pretty good after class
WOD #3
5:51 RX
This was actually pretty terrible…deadlifts into a run are brutal and I was trying to push it on the run, so it made it even more difficult to pick up my legs each step!
Props to all you early morning people who do this every morning before work. How do you muster the energy all the time?!?!? Good crew this am though…definitely will do this again every once in awhile so I can have my Friday afternoons free!
6am with Brett doing Saturday’s work
Metcons – 4:30 / 4:50 / 4:57 – everything unbroken
Fun WOD – definitely felt like a lot of running!
I like that it uses my Gravitar now too
7 a.m. w/Brett doing Saturday’s work.
Metcons: 6:27 @ 115# / 7:55 Rx / 5:44 Rx. Could not for the life of me get under 135# in the hang power snatch warming up this morning, so dropped weight for that portion and cycled them 3/2. This had the added benefit of letting me pass stealth 7 a.m. attendee James A. early on, only to have him creep up to the same time stamp at the end of the power cleans and pass me by on the first round of deadlifts. Sigh…
8am with Brett doing Saturday’s Work
Metcons: 6:22 @ 105# | 9:05 RX | 6:20 RX
Enjoyed this one. The running made it more of a challenge than expected.
Slowly became friends with the weight (Rx).
A: 7:02. Started as singles, switched to 2-2-1 in second and third round. Just didn’t want to fail here.
B: 5:50. Unbroken hang cleans.
C: 5:26. Unbroken. Tried to ramp up the running here, but dodging pedestrians slowed me down a bit.
I’m enjoying these longer pieces that work different strengths and weaknesses.
Did the strength portion of short circuit, but skipped out on the conditioning.
250 m Row (Keeping a 2:00 pace)
2 HSPUs (1 abmat)
Don’t forget to email me if you’re coming tonight guys! Thanks! Lynsey_roddam@hotmail.co.uk
Looks like AGS is nearly full, so it certainly doesn’t need my endorsement, but I’m going to give it anyway. I’ve been doing crossfit for longer than I care to admit. I love it. I love the community, the variety, our coaches, and the way I feel when I leave the gym. But I’m not a natural athlete, none of this comes easy to me, and I may quite literally never do a work out RX’ed. I just have a really hard time getting anywhere with both the skillz or the gainz. So I had given up the idea of ever getting a chin up quite a while ago. I had really tried! I had done pull up pyramids and accessory work! But it never worked. When this class was originally posted, back in… May, was it? I signed up, almost without thinking about it. Which is good news, because my thinking does nothing but hold me back, and I know I would have talked myself out of it. But so I did it. And that first cycle, I watched the people around me get stronger, and do amazing things they hadn’t been able to do before. I knew I was getting stronger but I still had only a moderate amount of hope of ever reaching my goal of a getting my goddamn chin over the bar. But I felt myself getting closer, so when the cycle ended, I signed up for a second. And that second cycle was incredible. The accessory work and the weight lifting and the ab work all really started to come together. Thaisa getting her chin up was so inspiring to me. Most incredible of all was watching Allie work on her muscle up. From where I stand, I see Allie put in a lot of hard work, all the time, but I always assumed everything we do in the gym MUST come easier for her than it does for me, because she’s so freaking good at everything! It was unbelievably amazing for me to watch her stick with it, and keep trying, for so long. My whole life, if something got too hard or I didn’t see the results I wanted, I just quit whatever it was. It got me thinking that maybe *I* could have success if I just stuck with it. And so I did, and so I did. I got a chin up, and there is photo evidence, and I can’t fucking WAIT for the next cycle to start. The thing is, even now, knowing what we are going to do and how to do it — I’m just not motivated enough to put aside 1.5 hours, twice a week, in order to make the same gainz. That’s besides how hard Coach Ro, and the other people in the class push me, beyond where I’d push myself if left to my own devices. So I can’t WAIT to get back on that bar and making more progress. I can’t even believe there is a spot left — someone grab that up, quick.
The end.
Great write up Ariel! So stoked for your chin up!!! I wanna see you in Open Gym so I can see the glory for myself! 🙂