We may not have AC… But we’ve got a hose ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
CFSBK Kids Club Night: Saturday, August 12th from 6pm- 9pm
Want a night off for yourself and your kids? Sign up for CFSBK’s Kids Club Night! Your kid will engage in fun movement activities and games, eat pizza, and watch a movie.
We’ve organized a night of CrossFit kids physical activities and games. We’ll all share a pizza dinner and then watch The NeverEnding Story on the CFSBK big screen.
Saturday, August 12th from 6 to 9 PM
Kids ages 3-12. Parents can hang out if they want or go out on the town!
$50 per child with a 40% discount for additional siblings. Dinner will be provided. Late pickups will result in a $25 fee.
We’ll need at least 5 kids to run the event. Kids Club Night is capped at 15 children, so RSVP soon!
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Bench Press / Split Squat | Push-Ups, Box Jumps, KB Swings
Everyone Is Having Anxiety Dreams The Outline
Watch This 78-Year-Old Grandfather [Jacinto B.!] Kill It During a CrossFit Workout Today
Wednesday’s Programming
Back Squat / Front Squat
Tempo BSQ (31X1):
2 x 6
Tempo FSQ (31X1):
1 x 6
2 sets of Back Squats, followed by one set of Front Squats. Heavier than last week.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 4 of 8
For Time:
Thrusters 95/65
Scale the Toes-to-Bars to Hanging Leg or Knee Raises as needed to get through the reps in 1-3 sets. The Thruster weight should be on the light-medium side for you and unbroken on the fast end.
Post time and Rx to comments.
6am doing Monday’s workout with Lauren and abs that still feel all those sit ups on Sunday!
Bench press working with other-Jen (always lovely!) and kept crapping out at the end of the set. Did the first one at 57# and other two at 52#. Lauren’s reminder to breathe and to push feet into ground are helpful though I did a terrible job implementing….next week I’ll do these better. Using lower box on split squats per Whit’s suggestion last week is helping me get lower, but ow, those really are hard! Committing to hitting each week this cycle of this one though so hopefully will see some progress.
AMRAP: 5 rounds plus push-ups and 3 jumps. Finally starting to jump (used two of the soft boxes) rather than stepping up after last summer’s icky ankle injury+general balance failings.
Website looks GREAT- congratulations. Really nice!
A belated congrats to Ariel on the chin-up and the gym on the great new web site!
I have an extra to Phish tonight. Who wants to do some CrossPhit? Ping me at runderwood5(at)gmail
3 x 5 alternating pistols (assisted-green band plus plate)
3 Rounds
200m run
15 GHD sit-ups
30 sec FLR on rings
10 OHS
A) Snatch Balance plus 2 x OHS
Couldn’t catch low enough. Still, better.
B1)Back Squat @31X1
175 x 5 x 3
Rest 90 secs
Switched to high bar a couple of weeks ago. Humbling experience.
B2) HSPU Negative @40A1
3 x 10
Rest 90 secs
C) EMOM 20 mins
Odd- 8 x TTB
Even- 10 x reverse goblet lunges @20kg
TTB unbroken! Little victories…
Dropped into Weightlifting Club for a bit. Did some light hip and hang snatches and light hang cleans. Always good to get coaching from Frankie. Wish I could do this more regularly.
I like the article from the Invictus blog we posted yesterday. I think that the message was well delivered and it is an important thing to remember, especially being that I am one who often has to work on the sidelines. Half of the time I look a bit unapproachable because I am tired from work, and mostly likely a little bit overly focused on whatever it is I’m doing. Sometimes I’m on a tight schedule (especially Tuesday’s). But please don’t hesitate to strike up a convo if I don’t look busy! I miss group class, and wish I could do it more often. Had a blast taking last Saturday’s class, will try and throw a few in here and there when I can! Love you guys!
Butterfly pull up practice
3-6 rounds @95% Very Hard Effort
4 Alt DB power clean & Jerk, AHAP/UB
30m sled push, AHAP/AFAP
rest/walk 2-4 min
Is there no more classifieds section?
Oh yeah, and travel gym recos! I’ve used that one a lot.
Sadly, we weren’t able to migrate the classifieds or travel recs from Squarespace to WordPress. But if anyone has a classified-type thing or is looking for a travel gym rec, I’d be happy to post it as a note on the main blog. Send it to: josh@crossfitsouthbrooklyn.com
Short Circuit today!
Strength circuit
4 total rounds
8 Double KB RDL #52 each hand
:30 ring hold…this was a PR…feeling stronger in this hold!
8 thumb up db flys #7.5…hardest part of the circuit for sure!
:30 OH DB hold #35…so unsteady; really had to focus on my posture here
Metcon: 5x each station
:45 box jumps
:15 rest
:30 renegade row (#20)
:30 rest
:45 row
:15 rest
:30 db push press (#35)
:30 rest
Push press was super hard and in rounds four and five I had to break after 8 reps. This was a challenging circuit…although most of them are!
MU Work:
3 rounds
5 false grip ring pull-ups (2011)
5 matador dips (2012)
This was the first time doing this work in about six weeks due to my shoulder. My dips actually felt great and more stable…still lots of work on these false grip hold things. My goal is to get my first strict muscle-up by the end of august and then move onto kipping this fall. I think it is doable!
3x 20 hallow rocks with 1:00 rest in between each!
Today felt like a Friday…I was so tired…not really sure why though. Looking for a good night sleep tonight so I can feel refreshed tomorrow morning!
Bench: 75#, CGBP
Sp Squats: 25#
Wod: 7 rounds + 8pu +7 bj
Came back for AR, wish I could have stayed for AG! Too sore!
7:30 with Whitney
Hbbs: 140x6x2
Front squat: 125x6x1
Wod with 12-9-6 t2b in 7:07.
My two least favorite movements combined! 🙂 I almost didn’t come in because of it, but forced myself to shut up and show up.
By 7:30 I mean 6:30 !
7pm strength cycle make up
Lifting at night is hard.
LBBS: 150×5,4,3
Mental fails all over. Anxious about 150 (my previous 1rm) going into it. Jeremy gave some awesome cues for geting my knees to stay out but then I waaay overthought things in the second set, dropped a lot of F bombs, and totally shallowed out the last rep. Wobbly on the 3rd set and just didn’t have it. Moving on. We will get these weak bitty legs strong one way or another.
Bench: 87.5x5x3, good.
DL: 185×3 (as programmed). Feeling much better about these mentally; def could have done 5 reps.
PS-was watching AG doing butterfly kips and jumped up on a bar to play around a little between sets. Did my first kipping pull up on accident. So I guess I can do that? Cool.
7:30 group
Squats with Erin
Bsq 102.5
Fsq 75
Lauren tells me I have to add a minimum of 5 more pounds next time around after deload week. I’m always part chicken and part not sure what a realistic jump is and tend to go too low. But yeah squats moving good. Need to toughen up.
Wod at around 7:25. Seemed to more or less hang on ok this time and so strict hanging knee raises, thrusters scaled to 35 lbs. everything felt good 🙂
7:30 PM with KHarpz doing Monday’s work
Bench Press: 68×10, 70×10, 73×10 – totally had to grind out the last 2 reps of the last set, but glad I forced myself to go up and not stick at 70#
Split Squat: Used a 17.5# DB for the 3 sets. How is it possible to be moving so slowly and so little and yet my heart rate is always through the roof after these…
Knee Push-Ups, 16 in. box, Yellow KB American swings
Got 4 rounds + 8 + 7
This was a fun one – even though push-ups are still challenging for me (can only do 3-4 chest-to-floor full push-ups at a time), doing them (even scaled to knees) in workouts is fun – THE PUMP IS SO REAL