A1) Tempo (31×1) Bench Press:
3 x 10
Heavier than last week.
A2) Tempo (31×1) Split Squat:
3 x 10e
Set back foot on a 16-20 inch box and load as appropriate with dumbbells or kettlebells held goblet-style. Heavier/better than last week. If last week was tough, then use the same load and try to perform the reps better.
*Warm up and then perform a set of Bench Presses, followed by a set of Split Squats on each leg. Repeat for 3 work sets of each, resting about a minute between movements. Use a 31×1 tempo for both movements. The last few reps of each set should be tough, but the goal is no misses.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 4 of 8
AMRAP 10 Minutes:
8 Push-Ups
10 Box Jumps
12 American Kettlebell Swings
Use a scale/height/load that allows you to move through the rounds mostly fast and unbroken. Bias jumping to a lower box over stepping up to a higher one.
Post rounds, reps, and Rx to comments
Front Desker Ariel C. got her first Chin-Up on Saturday at the last session of Coach Ro’s AG Strength class. That’s big! Congrats to Ariel and everyone else who finished AG Strength this weekend
This Friday: Barbecue, Beer, and BONDing!
A message from Lynsey R.:
It turns out that there are quite a few CFSBKers living at 365 Bond Street, so we’d like to invite you to join us on our roof top for a little shindig this Friday, July 28th at 8pm. We have reserved a couple of grills, so please BYOB and food and join us for some fun and frolics!
In order to keep on top of numbers, and in case I need to send out some info, please RSVP to And if you also live there, let me know. The numbers keep piling up!
Questions? Ask Lynsey!
Notes on the New Site
We hope you’re enjoying the new! Everything from the old site is still here, perhaps just in a different place, so be sure to poke around and reorient yourself. We have made some changes to the blog itself, so here are answers to a few questions you might have:
How do I get a pic to show up next to my name?
We’ve switched over to WordPress, so if you have a account associated with your email address, a pic will automatically appear. Gravatar makes it really easy to set up an avatar for this and other WordPress sites!
Don’t fret. Update your bookmark to!
Creating Welcoming Gym Environments for Trans and Gender Nonconforming Athletes Girls Gone Strong
Open Letter to Regionals Athletes CrossFit Invictus
Thanks for posting Josh! Also hosting this Friday are Rob, Jaime, Jess, Koji, Gabriel and Kirby!
Fun and frolics? Heck yeah. Thanks and I’ll look forward to it all week!
Awesome! It’s all about the fun and frolics! Thanks Shawn!
6 AM with SnickRo. 8 AM conference calls can make a person do terrible things.
87.5# on the bench. This seems like such a low number to me, but then really counting out that 3-count and pause at the bottom are killer! Not sure I could have done this with 90.
30# on the split squats. This is actually a little bit of a drop from last week but I’m not sorry, since I got all the way down and stayed there today.
6 rounds + 4 pushups using a 20″ box and a 16kg bell. I thought briefly about using 20kg but let’s be real, I used up all my ambition for the day just making it into 6 AM.
Srsly, love that chinup grin!
6am with Ro and Lauren
Tempo Bench @ 125#. Got sorta grindy toward the end but will still go up in weight next week since the reps drop.
Tempo Split Squats with 25# dumb bell. First time doing anything but bodyweight, and it really didn’t feel too much different. Will go up to maybe a 45 next week.
6 rounds + 10 reps on the metcon. 24″ box, 24kg kettlebell.
Oh… also, since I didn’t post yesterday, the new website looks great!
I did notice one little issue where the menu bar is hiding the header and search bar when you pull it up in Safari on an iPad though.
Yesterday 1 pm Arturo and Lauren
FS and Split jerks. Got up to 98#. Sloppy – couldn’t even re-rack after 2nd attempt but it counted and tops my previous PR by 5#.
Annie – doing 1/2 DU attempts, which were mostly makes but I counted the 4 or 5 misses along the way. 9:45.
Then directly to AG. assisted pistols on the blue band and one right leg pistol on the floor (with a plate under my heel). Progress for sure! In the emom my pulls ups were better than they’ve been lately (5s). The wod: 5 hspu with 2 ab mats- kipping the whole way thru/ KB DL with 12s and the 130 runs. Lost track but I’m pretty sure I did all 10 rounds. About 20 mins. Allie flew on this and went heavy. Champ.
7am Arturo and Lauren
This is only my 2nd out of 4 exposures. Went up 5 lbs to 65. Looking at my notes, 60 felt heavy after the first 6 (of 12) two weeks ago. Today 65 felt fine until the 9th and 10th. Confession – I forgot to tempo the split squats until Lauren reminded me. This means I only tempoed the 3rd set so I did not maximize my strength building today but since it was the 3rd workout in 16 hours I’m good with it. WOD – Pushed up, did PJs (pylo jumps), KB with 16 (I meant to grab the 20kg because I planned to Russian them). 6 rounds (which I finished by going 7 seconds over the time limit.)
Thanks, Shawn!
Tried muscleups again this morning. Once again, transitioned through to the “catch” of the dip, but my wrist on the left side didn’t switch over from false grip and I couldn’t dip out of it. Man. My arms were completely fried after doing this 3 times.
Went to short circuit and they felt like lead. I just moved for the sake of moving.
I guess that really is a max effort attempt for all my upper body strength. EVERYTHING is sore- literally nothing left to give today! Hopefully I can do mondays workout tomorrow!
The new site looks great!! Can’t wait to keep exploring 🙂
Still riding the struggle bus these days. Toenail is improving. R achilles and ankle hurts. Nerve pain still in and out of R foot. BUT HEY MY SHOULDER AND WRIST FEEL GREAT!
4 rounds
1:00 bike ~58-60RPM
1 hand over hand sled pull (90#)
5 strict TTB
2:00 banded marches (2 green bands)
2 wall walks
(about 20 min I think)
walk & bike – some AT pain with the walk. soreness with it at end of night. no nerve stuff though.
short circuit
strength: 2x: :30 hollow hold, 10ea ITASwim (1.25# plates), 10ea box step down (20″)
conditioning: 3x: :40 on / :20 off
kb swing (16kg, 1 arm, 10-12 ea)
sit up (22-23 reps/rd)
alt DB muscle snatch (20#x18, 30#x14/12)
plank walk up
10am group class Bench Press bonanza
-decided to go up to 85# since 80 was fine last week. may have overestimated what i had left in the tank after SC. hit 8 reps, 10 reps, 9 reps @ 31×1. repeat 85 or maybe 90# next week if I’m fresh before hand.
-no split squat today
8am with Lauren
Bench Press: 95x10x3
Split Squat: 12KG KB
24inch Box
5 Rounds + 8 PU|10 Box Jumps|10 KB(So close to 6). I liked this workout. I slowed down on round 4 with the Pushups and took some long breaks.
A little late, but the new site looks great!
This picture makes me so happy! Congrats Ariel!
@Allie- you’ve got this. I saw Saturday’s video. Rest up and try again.
The new site looks amazing!
Weekend recap…
SAT 10am w/ Melo + JB
Triple WOD madness! Exhausting but fun. Did the rowing/burpees first, then the run, then the deadlifts (155#)/WBs last. Took me around 8:30–9:00 to get through each piece.
SUN 11am w/ Lauren + Ro
Worked up to 115# on the FSQ/split jerk (though my landing position was a little narrow on the last one) which is a 2-lb PR…super happy with this, since it was my first time doing this lift in a while!
Annie in 7:23. Also my first time double-under-ing in ages. Felt great! I love this workout.
MON 7am w/ Lauren + Ro
70# on the bench press (thanks Christine for the encouragement!)
22.5# on the split squats
Everything moved well. Then 5 rounds + 5 push-ups for the WOD with a 16kg KB. So fun to do real box jumps again!
Super sore and so ready for a rest day tomorrow! Thanks Lynsey for organizing the BBQ on Friday. Come one come all!!
I’m on the blog!!! This day might be even better than Saturday. And on Saturday I got my first chin up AND got sprayed by a hose by Whitney!
Wahoo! Well done Ariel!
Congrats on the gainz!
Woo hoo new website!! Amanda and Josh worked SO hard to get this website up and running. I’m excited to see what everyone thinks! Also I love seeing peoples pics next to their names and being able to reply directly to people if you’d like.
Also, nice job Ariel!!!
Playing some catch-up… the site looks amazing! And go Ariel!!! Great pic.
Yesterday 10am
FS and split jerk – up to 100#. I need to get out of my head with these overhead lifts, I think about it too hard, then get shaky, and then it’s just a little bit of a mess. This was still a significant PR and good coaching from Lauren helped me make the last rep stronger and snappier, though.
Annie in 8:35 with DUs at half volume because I can’t string them together yet. This was a fun one, though!
Today 7am
70# on the bench press; this is only the second Monday class I’ve made it to this cycle and I’m still feeling it out. This was plenty hard by that third set.
Kirby, you rocked it! Definitely have room on the next step up week 😉
Bodyweight on the split squats since last time I could not figure out a position that didn’t cause tremendous pain on my back foot or result in my chasing an ab mat all over the box while trying to do the squats. Solution turned out to be using a weight bench instead of a box!
WOD was 6 rounds even – I squeaked those last few KB swings in at the buzzer. 20″ box and 16kg KB. I think somewhere in the middle of the rounds I started to get in a groove with the American swings – probably in part because I was facing Jess and spent a lot of time wondering how she made it look so coordinated and easy.
Hi All,
I may have an extra Phish ticket for tomorrow’s show – night 4 of “Baker’s Dozen”. Ping me at runderwood5(at)gmail if you’re interested. The theme tomorrow is “jam” (yes, I know they are a jam band).
Awesome job to Josh on the website, too!
Bench: 70#
SS: 22.5 DBs (not doing front rack position)
WOD: 8+6 with 16kg Russian swings
My thumb and shoulder started bothering my yesterday and American swings hurt both so kept it light and moving.
7:30 with David
Bench: 70#
Split squat: 35 lbs
Wod: I think I go to 6+21? But it’s possible I got 5+21. Legs were blasted from the split squats!
Loving the new blog! Congrats Ariel!
Nice job Ariel…one of the best accomplishments!!
430 with RO
Bench Press #90…listened to all the questions from last weeks class and I felt super strong with this lift. Shoulders back and down, arms out to the side…no wrist pain!
Split Squat #27.5….feeling better each week. I love single extremity torture…NOT
Snatch :
Feeling a little more stable overhead..
Back squat
5*5 #195: death
5 rounds (15:28)
20 cal AAB
20 Burpees
Mondays are my days for hitting some good conditioning metcons, so I can focus on skill work throughout the rest of the week. Then circle back around on Friday! I’ve been liking it so far:-)
Yayy to short circuit tomorrow! Also, I really liked that article that was posted ‘A letter to the regional athlete’. It made me think a lot about my training and why I fell in love with crossfire from the start. Not only because it pushes me outside my comfort zone, but for the people I meet each day and the feeling of happiness I get whenever I walk through the doors for class:-) Thanks for that reminder!
oops, dang autocorrect!
Class Metcon: 7+22 with 30″ box jumps and 16kg dumbbell
Thanks you guys!!! / Trying out new photo
Rough Monday for K HarpZ!
Came in feeling really good today…..came out with a fat lip. GT’s all around.
A) max carry: repeat from last week, glad i did because i doubled my distance feeling fresh!
40M on left, 68M on right @ 115#, hips died before grip! (more like midline and hips, but i wanted it to rhyme) But i thought that was unique, generally my grip goes first, but not to-day!
THENNNN was cleaning up my farmer handle, and decided it would be a cool idea to pretend like my handle was an axle bar, and proceeded to “clean and jerk it for max effort” in front of Jake while he was doing his workout (it’s a fun game you should try it some time). yeahhhh. forgot about that whole part in the middle. The handle whipped around and smacked me right in the mouth! Jake’s face was priceless, had no idea i was bleeding until i ran into the bathroom. it was quite dramatic. Didn’t hurt that bad, but luckily two docs were in the house, who suggested i should probably go get stitches. Got a lyft up to the minute clinic….and 4 stitches later, I’m back together again! My lip is HUGE. so that will be a fun treat for you all to look forward to in group class tomorrow evening. Anyway, the doctor said i was cleared to exercise, so it only made sense to come back 🙂
12 min AMRAP:
12 burpees
12 t2B
40 Double unders
Completed 6 rds + 7 burpees. This sucked because i was basically breathing through my teeth. But I’m glad i came back in to burn off some of the frustration/adrenaline i had from earlier. Time to take a nice long relaxing bath and take care of myself now! Thanks @JakeL @LaurenB @DO @JessBailey and whoever else who helped me when it first happened. I kind of forget during the craziness!
ALSO: if you find bike keys please let me know. They are two little black thin keys.
ALSO ALSO: I’m on a liquid diet for the next 3 days. Not ideal for the gains. Email me tasty soup recipes I’m going to try and cook something for myself this week!!
noooooooo! 🙁
Congrats, Ariel! So cool!
Monday’s 6:30 class
BSQ – 62.5 lbs, everything seemed to go ok right up until that last rep. I think I’m not using my legs/whole body enough and am still relying on my arms too much.
Split Squats-keeping it at body weight, continuing the winning strategy of trying to not fall over 🙂
WOD, 4 rounds, 4 push ups. I hit failure with the push ups about halfway through and that slowed me down a bunch. I thought I had knee push ups down, but maybe I need to go back to elevated ones for wods? Not sure.
Mel got me to swap out for a higher kb though midway through which was fun.