Snatch Complex
Every Minute on the Minute for 12 Reps:
Snatch Deadlift to the Mid-Hang + Mid-Hang Snatch
Pause at the Mid-Hang then perform a full Snatch from the Mid-Hang. The Deadlift to the Mid-Hang should be purposeful and balanced, with your weight balanced over mid-foot. Aim to make a few reps at/above 80%.
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Exposure 3 of 8
5 Rounds or 15 Minutes:
3-6 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
3-6 Paused Dips
15 Hollow Rocks
For the Pull-Ups, use rings if you can do them unassisted, and use a false grip if you can hold it. Scale to challenging Ring Rows as needed. Do Ring Dips if you have them unassisted, or scale to Matador Dips or Push-Ups.
For Time:
30 Muscle-Ups
Benchmark this classic workout or scale volume to 15-20 reps as needed. There is a 15 minute cap today.
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Jess P. recently completed his CrossFit Level 1 Certificate Course, and one of the seminar staff was long-time friend of CFSBK Adrian Bozman. Congrats, Jess!
CFSBK Kids Club Night: Saturday, August 12th from 6pm- 9pm
Want a night off for yourself and your kids? Sign up for CFSBK’s Kids Club Night! Your kid will engage in fun movement activities and games, eat pizza, and watch a movie.
We’ve organized a night of CrossFit kids physical activities and games. We’ll all share a pizza dinner and then watch The NeverEnding Story on the CFSBK big screen.
Saturday, August 12th from 6 to 9 PM
Kids ages 3-12. Parents can hang out if they want or go out on the town!
$50 per child with a 40% discount for additional siblings. Dinner will be provided. Late pickups will result in a $25 fee.
We’ll need at least 5 kids to run the event. Kids Club Night is capped at 15 children, so RSVP soon!
Questions? Contact Coach David at David [at]
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Back Squat / Front Squat | Run, Pull-Ups
Leg Drive: Elevation & Direction for the Snatch & Clean Catalyst Athletics
Watch a Wolf Pup Vet Visit Scientific American
Strength cycle
Super overheated and cranky this morning but felt a bit better after picking up the heavy things…
Paused LBBS: 115x4x3
After the big deadlift fail on Monday, backed off heavy squats for a session. As always, I love paused squats. Form felt solid, weight was easy.
Press: 65x5x3
As these get heavier I'm definitely getting stronger! Shoulder to overhead is one of those things that's felt natural since foundations, so I'm glad to feel this staying solid.
DL: 180×5
It moved! Had some rounding in the 4th rep, but reset and finished out fine. Jeremy suggested I stick to one position with the switch grip, and not bop back and forth especially on these PR sets. The more I think of these as a leg press the better. All in all, yay!
Did one chin up after for good measure just to make sure they didn't completely disappear 🙂
This is for Jess, and sadly is less interesting than I think we all had hoped. Regardless everyone please do not stick your hand in the elevator door if it is closing and I am on it. Thank you.
Q: Where does the phrase “pet peeve” come from?
A: “Pet peeve,” an alliterative expression referring to something that bugs you, is relatively recent in origin and dates to about 1919. Here’s the entry from The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language.
The noun “peeve” isn’t much older, going back to only 1908, according to The Barnhart Concise Dictionary of Etymology. It comes from the much older word “peevish,” an adjective from the 1300s. The derivation of “peevish” is unknown, but the Barnhart dictionary suggests that it might be linked to perversus, the Latin word for perverse.
Interestingly, one of the oldest meanings of the noun “pet” is a fit of peevishness. (The Oxford English Dictionary has published references going back to the late 16th century.) As an adjective, “pet” can mean “favorite,” as in “pet project” or “pet topic” or, getting back to the subject at hand, “pet peeve.”
@Jynne hahaha! Thanks for filling us in on the details. Everyone was pretty curious after Jess mentioned it. The more you know!
7am with Jess and Lauren
Worked up to 105 on the snatch. Everything moved smoothly. Still a weight that is challenging enough for me to build up on my form for a few more weeks.
Went alright. Enjoyed this one a bit since I got to work on my pull-ups and dips at my own pace.
I only have 1-2 strict chest to bars pull-ups so I used a blue and red band and went for 5-6 unbroken. Dips are also improving for me, but 3-4 was the best I could manage unbroken on the matador.
Yesterday: so hot and tired!!! Had Katie E and my friend Sarah joining me today
A) Max carry @ 115#
75 ft L, 145 ft R
I was too tired for this. I want to retest on a better day i sort of gave up.
B) Chipper: 17:43
100 DB snatches @ 30#
50 burpees
40 pullups
30 box jumps (24")
20 ring push ups
10 bar muscle ups
400 run
Completed all 100 snatches unbroken! No back fatigue WHATSOEVER, think I'm finally out of the woods here. Practiced switching in the air and resting at the top, this was perfect. burpees were fine, kept HR down to stay fresh for pull-ups.
pull-ups: 10/10/7/7/6
Box jumps: slower than i wanted them to be. no hip power today
ring pushups: still easy even after yesterday! 10/5/5
bar muscle ups: singles and slower than i wanted. I need to work on technique here i am all kip and nothing else. I should be able to string these together even under duress at this point.
run SUCKED. dude. this heat. sucking serious wind.
C) Cardio: 145-150 bpm
15 min bike: 135 cals, 106-116 bpm
15 min row: 173 cals, 133-144 bpm
30 hip ext: 2:40, 130-143 bpm
lol… some people I'm in a group chat with about this stuff are confused as to why this takes me so long. helpful advice on trying not to do this with a tempo. But its hard not to! Im nervous/uncomfortable on the GHD still.
@Jynne – that's not so uninteresting. Thanks for doing the homework! I'm on my best behavior today – walking fast; saying thanks if someone holds a door, using my turn signals, not sticking my hands in elevators or bag into closing train doors. It's amazing just how many ways CFSBK improves me.
7 am with Lauren and Jess
Two part snatches. These were inconsistent for me today. The good ones felt easy and the others were either out front and wobbly or on my butt (once) but I got to heavier faster to try to push my snatch weight off the plateau it's been on. (My apologies to those of you with grammar and punctuation pet peeves.) 53, 53, then 63 x 9 then 68 fail x2. Since 68 is my PR I think 9 reps at 63 from the mid hang bodes well.
Then, I used red band for chest to bars; matador for the dips – wow! staying hallow on the up is hard; threw in some ring negatives and maybe a shallow dip or two; rocked hallow x5.
Noon class
Snatches up to 165 with a few misses. Not a consistent day under the bar. Did the muscle up strength work before hand. I'm still a bit spooked about using a false grip, especially trying to do 30 for time. Thought about doing 3 EMOM for 15 minutes but decided my ego would probably get the best of me.
Yay kate! Ro mentioned something one time that helped me get through a bad training day (re: your deadlifts)– training should be generally on an upwards climb, but with lots of little dips throughout. If not, you're risking injury. Every day isn't going to be growth, and sometimes you take a step backwards. Glad the deadlifts went well today.
12pm class
Snatch: 63-68-73-78-83.. then failed 88 twice but was super close! (Would've been a Pr!)
Was surprised how good these felt today.
3-5 chest to rings, trying to pause at the top, 3 rounds with a 5 pound plate
Jumping muscle up
3-5 ring dips with a slow down and solid pause at the bottom
15 hollow rocks
A few muscle up attempts sprinkled in
It was super helpful to have Jess walk me through my muscle up attempts. Got some great advice: fast, aggressive pull and the trying to almost push or kick through at the top. I am so close. Been binge watching people getting their first muscle ups on Instagram. I have got to struggle through that pull. My chest to rings and ring dips are SOLID which is why it's kind of frustrating.
Today's snatch emom felt good. Liked the 60 seconds break! No time to over think! Loved it! Feeling better about committing to getting under the bar! …. just a thought…. wonder it this will translate to commitment in general… huh….! Anywho, failed my 117 attempt but will get it next week!
Enjoyed the fitness WOD also, used a less resisting band for the pull ups! My goal is to have 1 pull-up by the end of this cycle.
@Allie B, you have those muscles in the bag! So close!
Strength cycle
Got two really nice days of sleep and royally messed up my neck on Tuesday. So mixed bag. But was feeling pretty good this morning. Very little neck discomfort.
Squats 170lbs felt better than Monday! Especially the second set. I've been getting some low back tightness and I think its from allowing my chest to come a little too far forward and doing a mini good morning to get back up. I realized that in my body I don't need to set the back angle any more forward because the low bar placement puts me into it anyway. That compounded with a slightly higher eyeball placement made these feel nice today.
OHP 60lbs now that the technique is down these felt great. They did completely and totally piss off my neck thing again. So at the end of the 3 sets I couldn't turn my head anymore and was like "what have I done?". Went to the acupuncturist right after and she returned partial range of motion to my neck and scraped the crud out of my back (Chinese medicine style graston) so now I look like a lizard monster. A lizard monster who can turn it's head a little bit and is also pissed cause it's hot and its neck hurts. Basically I need to take maybe like 3 days actually off cause my body is clearly like "you need to quit your bullshit". Which naturally leads us into the deadlift.
Deadlift 215lbs this was hard. Because my shit hurt and I did it anyway. Also the bar was getting stuck on my legs, I need bring a pair of warmups for DLs. Otherwise it happened and it was fine. Hook grip the whole time. Afterwards Jeremy was like "ok no more 15lb jumps"
Awesome numbers Karina!
Came in at 6:30 PM (yes, really). I originally thought I'd be doing this tomorrow morning but now that I have an 8 AM meeting tomorrow it was all about getting it done tonight.
Got to 83 on the snatch complex, with two frustrating fails at 88. I screwed up and thought we were doing only 10 of these, not 12. Probably would have planned out my attempts differently if I knew how to freaking count. 😒
NFT work was fun (and humbling — I can do quite a few strice C2B chins but apparently not so much with pull-ups).