Split Squat / Bench Press Superset*
A1) Tempo (31×1) Split Squat:
3 x 12e
Set back foot on a 16-20 inch box and load as appropriate with dumbbells or kettlebells held goblet style.
A2) Tempo (31×1) Bench Press:
3 x 12
Start at a moderate load and aim to increase through 8 weeks. The last few reps of each set should be tough, but the goal is no misses.
*Warm up and then perform a set on each leg of Split Squats, followed by a set of Bench Presses. Repeat for 3 work sets of each, resting about a minute between movements. Use a 31×1 tempo for both movements.
Post loads to comments.
For Time:
500m Row
40 Box Jumps 24/20
30 Kettlebell Swings 24/16
20 Burpees
10 Pull-Ups
Try to maintain an aggressive pace on this short chipper. All sets should be on the quick side and unbroken on the fast end.
Post time and Rx to comments.
Exposure 1 of 8
Photo by Thomas H.
New Training Cycle Template
Training Cycle Dates: M 7/3/17 – Su 9/3/17
Crush Week: M 9/4/17 – Su 9/10/17
Transition Week: Will be the first week of the following cycle, starting September 11th
Goals: To continue building muscle and tendon strength with tempo work on the slow lifts, including weekly unilateral work, and complexes on the Olympic lifts. Conditioning work will be couplets and triplets. One day each week will have dedicated skill work prior to a longer WOD.
Monday – Tempo Split Squat / Tempo Bench Press Superset
Warm up and then perform a set on each leg of Split Squats followed by a set of Bench Press. Repeat for 3 work sets of each, resting about a minute between movements. Use a 31×1 tempo for both movements.
Week 1: 3 x 12
Week 2: 3 x 12
Week 3: 3 x 10
Week 4: 3 x 10
Week 5: 3 x 6 (Back off week. Use the same load as Week 1)
Week 6: 3 x 10 (Heavier than Week 3)
Week 7: 3 x 8
Week 8: 3 x 6
Start Week 1 at a moderate load and aim to increase through the 8 weeks. The last few reps of each set should be tough but the goal is no misses on either lift.
Wednesday – Tempo Back Squat + Tempo Front Squat
2 sets of Back Squats, followed by one set of Front Squats
Week 1: 2 x 8, 1 x 8
Week 2: 3 x 8, 1 x 8
Week 3: 2 x 6, 1 x 6
Week 4: 2 x 6, 1 x 6
Week 5: 2 x 4, 1 x 4 (Back off week. Use the same load as Week 1)
Week 6: 2 x 6, 1 x 6 (Heavier than Week 4)
Week 7: 2 x 4, 1 x 4
Week 8: 2 x 2, 1 x 2
Use last cycle’s volume numbers to inform on where you should start these, or work backwards and aim to make doubles at your most recent 1-rep max.
Snatch complexes and pulls
Varied mixed-modal metcons of longer duration than our usual time domain, including partner workouts
Clean and Jerk complexes and pulls
See the Current Programing Cycle page for our new standardized warm ups!
Tomorrow’s Schedule
Don’t forget! We’ll be running pn a limited schedule tomorrow July 4th. We’re offering Open Gym from 9am to 12pm that day. All other classes are cancelled!
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: “Nancy”
People Who Exercise May Have Bigger Brains Time
Jasmine Moghbeli, Badass Astronaut The New Yorker
Roose says
8am with Lauren
Tempo Split Squat:
Started with a 16 inch box then swapped to a 20. Used 12KG kb.
My first time doing a set of split squats with weight at a tempo. I thought I was in hell throughout the first set, but then found out I wasn't doing them at the correct tempo. Needless to say, I will be feeling these tomorrow.
Tempo Bench Press 85
These weren't too bad for me. I felt I actually got the weight right for this first exposure. On the last 2 in the 3rd set, I started a bit of a grind.
This hurt a bit especially after the complex we did before.
I started slowing down after transitioning from the box jumps to KB swings. Took some will power to keep stable. Burpees are burpees, not many people look forward to them on the back end of a metcon. After the first 5 pull ups, I scaled to a band to finish.
Kate Tk says
Strength cycle-lots of humble pie this morning
HBBS: 135x5x3
Ugh squats are hard. Wanting to find some consistency between just a few reps in each set!
Bench: 80x5x3
Set myself up crooked on the bench the first 2 sets. As it gets heavier definitely learning how much set up, bracing, and being grounded matter!
DL: 165×5 with switch grip after the first 2 reps. WOWWW these felt heavy. Good start to my day off 🙂
Stella says
Holy moly. Whoever called these things Bulgarian split squats obviously has something against the fine nation of Bulgaria.
Started the split squats with a 16kg KB, then ate humble pie and dropped to a 20# DB for the remaining two sets. I finished the first set, but I knew I would have trouble maintaining the tempo if I tried that again.
Bench at 75#. Again, humbling!
WOD 8:04 Rx. Probably should have done ring rows to protect my still-healing tear, but I'm pleased I was able to maintain a steady pace up until the pullups.
David Osorio says
Where are you guys getting all this pie?? 420 black birds??
Kirby says
Taking today off for some NFT beach. Anyone want to join me doing today's programming during open gym tomorrow?!
Steven N says
Split squats with a 16kg kettlebell and 20 inch box. Glad to see single-leg work this cycle, but ugh these were not fun.
Bench press at 75 for the first two sets, then 77 for the third. Silly me thought I'd be working up to 95 today. Pass the pie.
WOD in 8:10 Rx. Split up the KB swings 20-10, pullups 5-3-2.
Whit H says
Pie was DELISH this morning at 10am group class — David you missed out!!
Bench: 3×12 @ 75 on the tempo, using close grip
so legit
my hands were going a bit fuzzy in the last few reps
SS: 1 set @ BW, then 2x12ea @ 20# db on the tempo
Right side could do this for days. Left side is riding the struggle bus as always.
3 counts is quite slow when you watch the clock!
WOD in 8:43 with some modifications:
-DB power snatch @ 35# instead of KB swings b/c the swing still hurts my thumb/wrist on the way down
-10 Strict Chin Ups instead of kipping PU (3-2-2-2-1)
-first time doing burpees (other than a few demos) in about 2 months, so took them nice and slow
Accessory work:
3 sets
:30 each kneeling pallof hold (blue band)
:30 wall walk noes and toes hold
8L,4R glute bridge with slow march
also some banded hip/ankle distraction and eccentric knee flexion
Roose says
Always start a new cycle with a bit of Pie.
Fox says
Short Citcuit was hard as f today!
Allie B says
Fortunately we've been doing a lot of tempo bench press in AG strength, so I had a good idea where to start. However! After class Ro told me not to bench on Mondays until AG Strength is over, but to do weighted tempo dips instead. Womp womp. Too much of a good thing is… too much!
Bench 70# I am confident my tempo was accurate. Was really thinking about maintaining tension on that one second hold.
SS: Did the first set at 30# and felt the need to rush the tempo on my left side. Dropped down to 27.5– tried to stay honest with tempo, but I think I will stay at this weight and watch the clock as Whit said. No point in doing heavy weight if you're not at the correct tempo.
WOD: 7:37
Rowing felt amazing today after a breakthrough with my arm pull from Ro yesterday in AG! I was still the last one off though :/ #humblepie
Box jumps were hard
KB unbroken
burpees went as hard as I could muster
PU unbroken
Went to the beach and it was fun!! Happy 4th!!
Lauren S says
Hey all,
just wanted to put out another note about my roommate search – I have a few bites from posting online, but would love to have someone from the community (the apt is right up the street from the gym!) – check out my post under classifieds if you are looking to move in August.
and Happy 4th !!
Steph M says
SS – too heavy
BP – too heavy
arms and legs rendered useless for metcon
David Osorio says
4:30pm Group Class
3 Rounds
8e OH Reverse Lunges 65# DB
10 Push-Ups
8 T2B
Bench Press: 115x12x3
SPLT SQT: 45lb Sandbag x 12ex3
WOW that was fatiguing
Chipper Metcon: 7:45 as Rx'd
Row about 1:58 split, Box Jumps steady, KB unbroken, Burpees steady, Pull-Ups Unbroken
Post Class
5 Sets of
12 Reverse Flys with 10lb DBS
20 Hollow Rocks
Then Brett talked me into joining his 20:00 EMOM of
A: 10 Cal Row (I only did 6 cals each round)
B: 5 T&G Clean and Jerks. I used the Fat bar and 45s which works out to 115
That was a lot of Fitness. Ready to do no fitness tomorrow.
Karina S says
The humble pie ran out by the time I got my fitnessing on. They did have success pie though! Which was delicious.
Strength Cycle
LBSQ 145lbs, trying to focus on having the weight perfectly in the center of the foot for the whole rep. Feel a little (probably non-visible) dip in the right hip while in the hole. I think this is from my right obliques not firing properly and a bracing issue. Going to have to get the issue sorted soon. Otherwise felt fine.
Btw should out to Karen who is an amazing bar partner and really good at barbell math. I would be doing a warmup set and when I finished she would have already materialized next to the bar and staged the next set of bumpers. 11/10 would recommend as bar partner.
Bench Press 87.5lbs. Tried a little more arch in the back and really packing my shoulders and cover the same part of the ceiling at the top of each rep. Felt good on these.
Chin ups! Great success. Have been doing 4 singles and then repping out on the red + blue band. But felt frisky today and tried for a double without the bands and it worked! Then I made Jay watch me do another double and it was a triple! Worked up to a total of 10 body weight chip ups. This was very exciting. Based on how fast the double was I'm assuming I could do this for a while but had never thought to try because I didn't think it would be possible. Very pleased. Thank you everyone who high fived me afterwards.
KLove says
SS: 25#
Bench: 55
That was the hardest thing I've ever done. Almost didn't finish my third set of SS but squeezed them in at the last second, then went first on the metcon so basically died.
WOD: 8:50 Rx'd
Row: slow
BJs: slower
KB swings: 3 sets!!
Burpees: steady
Pullups: Unbroken but had to pause to reset my kip
SarahM says
SS: a measly 5lb! Keeping it light as I find my balance
Bench: I bounced around from 45-65, the heavier the weight the more I find myself cheating at a full tempo. Next time I'm going to shoot for somewhere in the 50s I think
Metcon at 10:15
Scaled with ring rows, squat thrusters, and Russian kettlebell swings with the blue kb. Broke most everything into sets, especially the box jumps.