For Time:
Thrusters 95/65
This is the classic CrossFit couplet that has inspired and hooked so many CrossFitters over the years. So simple, yet so potent. The intention is for this to be brutally fast. The fastest times world-wide are completed unbroken and under 2 minutes. Scale accordingly. However, as always, there’s is room to gut out Rx’ing a benchmark such as this at a load or degree of difficulty that’s at the edge of your ability so you might also consider that when deciding what your “Fran” will look like today. Top athletes complete the reps unbroken and with minimal rest but your (and my) Fran might be very different. If you can do the 21 thrusters unbroken but then you wind up in a world of shit for the 21 Pull-Ups, then you should probably break those Thrusters up! Do you rest too much during the 15s? Have a strategy to minimize rest like: 3-5 breaths between sets or a controlled 3-5 count in your head. In any case, have a plan that is honest to your level of ability. Let your judge know your plan and ask them to help keep you to it. And as always, have fun!
Sub Jumping Pull-Ups or scale volume as needed. Use lighter bars and larger bumps as available to save the 10s and 15s!
Post time and Rx to comments.
Compare with 12.17.16
Here’s a fun video featuring CrossFit athletes talking about their first CrossFit workouts. What was your first? Tell us in the comments!
Hail to the Team at CrossFit Queens
Our friends at CrossFit Queens are organizing the next in their series of “Hail to the…” competitions, Hail to the Team! This partner competition takes place on Saturday, July 15th from 12 to 5pm and it will feature 25 men’s and 25 women’s teams of 2 in the Scaled and Rx categories. There will be 3 workouts plus a final workout for the top teams. Coach KHarpz and Katie E. have already signed on as a team, and we encourage more of you to represent CFSBK! The workouts are very doable. For example, here’s Event 2:
For time:
15 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
30 Wall Balls 30/20
450m Row
For time:
15 Jumping Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
30 Wall Balls 20/14
450m Row
Partner A performs entire workout, and then tags Partner B into to do the same. Score is total time. There is a 12 minute cap.
What are you waiting for? Find a partner and sign up!
GO HERE for more info and to register.
CrossFit Journal at CFSBK
A little heads-up: a crew from CrossFit Journal will be at the gym this week, Monday through Sunday, to shoot content for a series about affiliation, best practices, and lessons learned from affiliates that have been operating for a decade (that’s us!). They arrive today and will begin production on Tuesday. Say “hi” and get ready for your 15 minutes of fame!
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Snatch
The Banded March CrossFit Journal
Athlete Centric Coaching Training Think Tank
7 AM with SnickRo. I came in thinking I would go 15-9-6 on the pullups because I'm not consistent with my kip yet. But I let Shawn and Ro talk me into going Rx and I'm glad I did? I think? (I ripped, hence the question mark.)
7:45 with a fair bit of time shaking it out between singles, but not any crazy staring contests with the bar either.
7AM w/ Lauren + Ro
What a way to start the week! My first time RXing Fran (sorta…62#) which was a last-minute decision thanks to Fox's encouragement. So I guess that's a PR? My last two Frans (August and December) were at 52–55#/jumping pull-ups. Stuck to my rep scheme (8-7-6/6-5-4/5-4) for the thrusters but the pull-ups were just random strings of 2–5 and some singles toward the end. Finished in 9:03.
Congrats to everyone who crushed it this morning!! Shawn, Stella, Molly, Jaime…you are all awesome.
7.5 mile hike yesterday. walking to the gym this morning was a great way to shake off the aches. shaking off some mental stuff is proving more difficult.
a. PT exercises and soft tissue work
b. 4x
12 db press @ 21×2 @ 20#
1:10 front squat bottom hold @ 45#
50' single arm farmer carry R (95#x1, 105#x3)
50' SAFC R
the dumbbell presses are discouragingly hard for me right now at that weight and volume. long road.
c. 4 sets ~80-85%
10 OH walking lunges (45# bar)
20 DU
7 TTB (controlled kip)
2min rest
67 reps each set.
fine – focusing on wrist and shoulder position with the bar overhead
Super fun 12pm class
December: 6:57
Today: 5:48
Had a plan for today, was overly ambitious with my goal (I've gotten so much better at pull-ups and we did those 15 thrusters unbroken recently!) but I still PRd by over a minute!
11-10, 8/7/6
8-7, 5-3-4-3
9, 3-2-1-1-1(no rep)
My throat is still burning. I have never felt the all over lactic acid burn like I felt after today. Great coaching and encouragement from Coach Fox, and my partner Travis was an amazing encourager! I wanted to slow down but couldn't with the support from him and the class! Very proud of doing my best.
Man, how people do this in 3:00 is beyond me. Good job everyone!
December: 9:49 (Rx'ed)
June: 7:24 (Rx'ed)
Thrusters were 21, 9-6, and 9. Pull-ups still not where they should be but good cues from Lauren and Brett in the warm-up today got helped me through the round of 21 especially (7-6-4-3-1).15 and 9 were slogs as form suffered but they happened, apparently much faster than in December. Progress!
Hi all,
I thought I'd source some Boston-area recommendations with this crowd, on the off chance anyone has some. My mom, a super fit, active 67 year-old lady, has been diagnosed with bone-on-bone stenosis in her lower back. It's translating to some pretty terrible pain in her lower legs/calves, which is getting in the way of her usually posi mood and #1 fave activity: powerwalking (no joke, the woman can walk faster than I can jog). My feeling is that she's getting a solid diagnosis and okay care, but has doctors/PTs who are a bit traditional and may fall on the "Well, you're getting older, so time to slow down," side of the spectrum. (I.e. she was sent to PT where they only focused on foot/lower leg exercises, and not core/back strengthening).
Would love to know if anyone has any recommendations for doctors, PTs, chiros, strength trainers or other practitioners in the area who would take a more proactive/holistic approach and can help her build strength and find activities that'll keep her moving past this diagnosis and hopefully beyond for years to come. Home base is Salem, NH, but Salisbury, MA for the summer, if that area means anything to anyone. Feel free to hit me up at nosillajk (at) gmail (dot) com if you have some recos! Whit pointed me to Integrative Diagnosis last week, and I've been poking around that site already.
Thanks in advance!
Ohhhhh well this was fun! 6 months preggo did this with ring rows and I can't recall thruster weight, just to move…
3.5 months post baby did this today with 42# thruster and 9-6-3 pull up scheme.
5:47 – I actually think I scaled this perfectly, the pull ups felt really good and Melo said I had good height over the bar. Whoohooo! Love me some Fran, cough :)))
I agree with whit. Integrative diagnosis is a solid source! Looking up background of that + someone on the site who has strength training experience would be a perfect combo.
Tough day at the gym. Having a streak of retests that aren't going so hot. But need to remember to be patient! And especially consider the fact that I've been traveling A LOT. Back squats do not determine my self worth : ( : )
a) 20 minutes to build to 1RM (every 2 min)
175, 185, 200, 210, 220, 235, 245 (fX2)
almost fell backwards in my 235 because I'm forcing myself to squat without lifters and i felt funny. Then I totally got in my head. That and I'm probably just weaker in my squat right now because i haven't been focusing on it. and thats OK. a lot of other things are getting better and i'm sure of it. I just don't have the data to prove it : ) I was very sad when i failed here, but i was able to harness my energy on that gosh dern assault bike
b) 50 cals assault bike FT: 2:56
holy smokes, i almost tossed my cookies! that was horrendous. definitely the hardest I could have possibly gone. Cool experience to feel myself hit the wall and push beyond it anyway. Haven't really been capable of this before. so theres at least a silver lining in this department!
couldn't move for a solid 20 minutes, then:
c) Target HR 140-145:
15 min row cals: 188 (136-161, avg 143)
15 min run: 1870M (161- 167, avg 163)
100 double unders: 1:01, one trip, HR 171 max
d) Single arm DB press @ 30#
2×13, then 1×12 in final set
Finally failed my progression! last rep of each set. even stevens. kewl beenz.