Clean and Jerk
Establish a new 1RM Clean and Jerk.
Post loads to comments.
5 Rounds Not for Time (or 20 Minutes):
20 Russian Kettlebell Swings
15 Burpees
10 Handstand Push-Ups
Swing a bell that’s on the heavy side of medium for you. Scale the Handstand Push-Ups to 1 or 2 AbMats, Box Piked, or to heavyish Dumbbell Presses as needed.
Post work to comments.
Coach McDowell demos Sandbag Cleans at the whiteboard. Don’t forget: McDowell’s going away-party is tomorrow night!| Photo by Robert C.
Farewell to Coach McDowell and Family!
As we reported last week, Coach McDowell and the rest of the Myers family—Ellie, Vesper, and Marcus—are headed to Virginia at the end of the month. We’ll miss them so much, but we’re excited to see this new chapter of their lives unfold.
Coach McDowell’s last class will be tomorrow at 12pm. We’ll have a going-away party for him tomorrow night starting at 6pm at Pig Beach. Come over to Union Street to bid the Myers family a fond farewell!
This Weekend: The Return of Sunday CrossFit Kids!
We’re so excited to announce that 10am CrossFit Preschool and 11am CrossFit Kids will be returning to our Sunday schedule starting on June 25th! We’ve missed your kids and can’t wait to see them running, crawling and climbing all over the gym again. Our new CrossFit Kids coach working with David and Xela will be CFSBK member and lifelong dancer Tori Pierce.
Tori is a professional dancer and choreographer who has been teaching young dance students since 2008. She has taught ages 4 through 18 at studios in Wisconsin, Illinois, New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut at both competitive and recreational levels. Having started her dance training at her mother’s studio at the age of 3, it was both an easy transition from student to teacher and an exciting way to share her passion with younger dancers. In addition to teaching, Tori has judged regional and national youth dance competitions. Most recently, she has also choreographed for high school performance teams in the midwest. Tori was introduced to CrossFit by her family in 2014, joined CFSBK in 2015, and loves the challenging, supportive training environment.
As always, we’re open to hearing back from you guys about other class times that would work, thoughts on the program, and anything else you might have on your mind. If you’d like to provide some feedback or requests, please fill out our CrossFit Kids feedback form!
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Front Squat | Box Jumps, C2B Pull-Ups, Jog
Where Luck Comes From The Outline
The Myth of Muscle Toning Fitness Republic
One final McJess morning where they matched impeccably.
C&J: 83×2, 103, 123, 133, 143, 153FJerk, 153, 160*, 163FJerk
Grabbed some singles so that if I made 160 I could claim a PR – been a long time that I have been caught in the 150s. I keep losing contact with the bar from my shoulders during the jerk – things to work on.
NFT: Red KB for the swings, 6 HSPUs per round to 2 abmats, and burpees.
Decided to go for a weighted vest mile – weighed in at 22# – because why not. 9:50. Didn't push it, just tried to stay consistent.
LOLOL Kayleigh. A mile with a weighted vest? Some might also say WHY NEVER.
Got in some pre-travel fitness today!
Strength cycle
LBBS: 120x5x3 (already feeling a little more comfortable with the low bar)
Press: 65×3 (struggle bus!), 55x5x2
Chin ups: 8×3 w/green band (def need to drop down in bands next time)
Jumped in to group class ONLY bc it was low volume lifts & NFT work & I'm sitting on a plane later. Don't want to burn myself out during starting strength.
8am w/Fox
C&J: 83, 93, 103, 113, 118F-press out, 120F-press out
I only hit 118 for the first time last week, so this all felt pretty good. 113 actually felt really solid, thanks to some good cues from Fox on the jerk–feet wider, don't lean forward on the dip. 118 and 120 both cleaned OK, just a little bit pressed out on the end of the jerk.
NFT: 3rnds of 20 KB swings w/20kg, 15 burpees, 2x10sec L-sits on paralettes (saving shoulders after presses & jerks)
Also echoing Allie B's post from yesterday, yes please join us for some exercise racing next month!!! It will be so fun!!!
8am with Fox
Today wasn't my day.
C&J: 125
Started at 95 and stuck at 125 after realizing it wasn't going to get better. Previous 1 RM was 145 based on my notes.
The limiter was the split jerk. Too unstable to attempt going higher. I was making all the classic errors (Leaning forward, position of the back leg, front leg not moving far enough, etc). A little bit disappointed in myself, but I'll give it another go this weekend during open Gym.
NFT: When it rains, it pours. Barely got to 3 rounds. 24kg KB and scaled to 30# DB Press.
Nate and I have a pair of Jason Isbell tickets for TONIGHT at the Beacon at 8pm that we can't use. Email me at lesleyoseep at gmail dot com if you're interested. Face is $49.50 each totally negotiable. Trade for future babysitting? Really just don't want to waste them….
Roose, I'm right there with you. I guess my streak of coordination had to end sometime!
Only got to 118 on the C&J. It felt like I totally forgot how to split jerk. Eventually I just rolled with it and push-jerked everything, since I am more than strong enough to push jerk anything I can clean (hell, I can push-PRESS anything I can clean). Failed on the clean at 123, 3 times.
Oh well, you win some, you lose some.
NFT work was fun (except the burpees, natch). I like having low-pressure opportunities to work on HSPUs, since I'm still at the 3-abmat stage right now.
7am with McJess
A so-so day for the C&J. Kept leaning forward during the jerk, and was pressing up instead of using my legs to send the bar up and then getting under it. Stayed at 115 most of the morning to focus on form, then finished with one good-feeling rep at 120.
WOD: 3 rounds, red kettlebell and HSPUs with two ab mats. Definitely a little sluggish this morning…lots of rest in between each movement.
6am with McDowell and Jess. I won't combine their names because I'm about 60% sure they are different people… although today's outfits are making me think about recalculating those odds.
Clean & Jerk felt pretty good. The last few cleans were not caught as high in the front rack as I would like, but weren't too bad. The jerks were getting better and better until the final attempt which was a miss behind – which I'll take versus a miss in front any day.
235 (matched PR)
Got through 4 rounds of the NFT before 7am. Had an "ah ha" moment with HSPU and think I will be setting up a little closer to the wall from now on. Also had an "ah ha" moment with the burpees and decided I won't be doing them anymore.
A1) DB Walking Lunges- 3 x 20 @ 30#, rest 1 min
A2) Half Kneeling Single Arm Press @21X1 15 x 10, 25 x 10, 30 x 10, rest 1 min
B) 6 sets, same pace 85%
10 x WB 14/9
10 x Push-Ups
20 x Lunges
Had some air balls/ no reps which hadn't happened in a while! Shoulders were smoked from 45 push presses Tuesday so push-ups were harder than usual.
A) EMOM 10 mins
Odd- 3 push press @70%/ 95#
Even- 5 HPC @ 95#
B1) Front Squat @21X1
125 x 5, 135 x 5, 140 x 5
Rest 1 min
B2) Chin-Up @31X1
5, 5, 4
Rest 1 min
C) AMRAP 6 mins
Box jumps
Got through 15 plus 1 pull-up.
6a with the twinning Jess and McD
C+J: Made 165#. A P.R. So went for 175#. Cleaned it well enough (pretty close to PR front squat), went to jerk and hit my chin on the way up. No harm, just startling. I am happy with 165.
Metcon: Orange kettle bell, piked box handstands. NFT but still a good challenging one.
12:00pm Group Class with Coach Lady Fox
Stupid Medball Run + Wall Ball thing >:P
Clean and Jerk
Worked up to 205
3 Rounds NFT
20 Double KB Swings (two 16kgs=32kgs)
15 Burpees
10 Strict HSPU (10 – 5,3,2 – 10)
Then just walked around and did extra stuff that I felt like doing
3x8e Split Squats with the 80lb DBall. These are awesome/terrible
2 Legless Rope Climbs
Then jumped into bretts 12:00 EMOM with different movements to cool down
A: :45 single unders
B: 12 Push-Ups on DBs
Then I rolled out and stretched for like 30 minutes
McDowell, you will be truly missed! It takes a lot for me to laugh out loud (or be a normal human) at 6am, but your sense of humor and dry wit puts a smile of my face every single time. You are an incredible coach and human being, and I wish you all the best on your family's new journey. And also, congratulations!
That being said…6am with McDowell + Jess:
Reached a PR on my Clean + Jerk! Went for triple digits at 103#, then felt good enough to smash 108#! Thank you to both coaches whose cues brought me confidence. Whole thing felt great!
103-113-123-128 Failed jerk-128-133- failed jerk
Glad I was able to hit 128 this week after not hitting it last week. I made larger jumps in weight and took longer breaks today. I failed the first jerk at 128 and realized I wasn't dropping under the bar. I dipped on the jerk at 133 and then just let the bar fall back on my shoulders. Sorry Whit, you were cheering so loudly for me but I needed more rest for that last minute attempt!
Swings at 24kg, slow burpee torture, and 5 HSPU negatives. Only completed 3 rounds I think.
Great post. Thanks for the informations.
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The air was thick with humidity…and emotion in today's noon class. McDowell's last class. *sigh*. Hit 345# for a single HBBSQ. A 10# PR. That lift was for you, McDowell! CFSBK's loss is Charlottesville's gain. Thank you for your excellent coaching!
On a completely different note, I'm writing a story about building outdoor decks. Roof decks, freestanding decks, etc. I'm looking to speak with a homeowner who has had a deck built and can share anecdotes about how the deck changed family life, entertaining etc. Also funny, interesting bits about the experience of planning, building, oddball stuff that happened during building, etc. I'm also looking to speak with contractors who have experience/expertise building decks.
Are you either of those people? Are you both? Do you know someone who is? If so, please reach out. I can tell you more about for whom I'm writing and what the story is.
Email me: