Clean and Jerk
Every 90 seconds for 8 rounds:
Clean and Jerk
Work up to a heavy load for the day. Maintain the same tension and balance off the floor that you’ve been working on these past 8 weeks.
Post loads to comments.
AMRAP 2 Minutes:
5 Deadlifts 135/95
5 Burpees
Rest 2 minutes.
AMRAP 2 Minutes:
15 Double-Unders
10 Squats
Rest 2 minutes.
AMRAP 2 Minutes:
Wall Balls 20/10, 14/9
Post rounds, reps, and Rx to comments.
McDowell and Ellie at Murph Day 2017
Farewell to Coach McDowell and Family!
By David Osorio
As some of you may have heard, Coach McDowell and the rest of the Myers family will be moving to Virgina at the end of the month. McDowell and Ellie welcomed Vesper into their lives in 2014 and, more recently, expanded their family again with the addition of the coolest baby in town, Marcus, or as I like to call him “Marcus Man Randy Savage.” Coach McDowell was offered an exciting opportunity to be the head coach at a Virginia affiliate, and because their family has grown, the McDowell and Ellie have decided to move out of the city, back to the country and closer to their families. It goes without saying that they will be dearly missed. But we’re excited to see this new chapter of their lives unfold.
Coach McDowell has spent the past five years dedicating himself to the CFSBK community as a full-time coach. His persistent work ethic, no-frills approach to training, and dry sense of humor made him a pivotal member of our team and an integral strand of the CFSBK DNA over the past half-decade. Coach McDowell started his training career with us, and we know he’ll take his skills, passion, and Southern charm back to Virgina where he’ll help even more people reach their potential inside and out of the gym. Please share some McDowell love in the comments, and don’t forget to attend his going-away party on the 23rd!
We’ll miss you Coach McDowell (aka McDiesel, aka Double Daddy Myers, aka “Robert”)!!!!!!!!
Coach McDowell’s last class will be on Friday, June 23rd at 12pm. We will have a going-away party for him that same night starting at 6pm at Pig Beach.
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Back Rack Reverse Lunges | KB Swings, Overhead Squats, Run
The 19th-Century Book of Horrors That Scared German Kids into Behaving Atlas Obscura
11 Struggles People Who Work Out in the Evening Will Understand BarBend
Mornings will never be the same without deadpan McDiesel and his New Orleans second line parade music. You will both be missed!
Myers Family will be missed : ( the first sentence McDowell ever said to me was in regards to my tank top sometime 4 years ago, which said, "I love tacos"….he had never said a word to me up until this moment. He came up to me without saying anything other than "TACOS! I love tacos too!"…that's how I knew we were going to be friends. One time Ellie brought a rotisserie chicken and a tub of Breyers ice cream to a pot luck house party of mine, and it was awesome. Reason number 2 of 1 million reasons why i love/will miss you guys. I'll miss talking about Maryland stuff with you all, and even though my state flag is better, I suppose I'll come drop in and visit you all bi-annually : )
A) 25 minutes for Quality: 5 rounds total
10 Alternating Weighted Kossacks (12kg)
8 Strict Toes to Bar
8 1 arm Sumo Deadlfts each (24 kg)
10 Upright Rows (33# barbell)
30 second Side Plank each
FT: 400 m, Power Snatches, Front Rack Lunges and 400 m : 9 mins 20 secs | Rx'd
Run, 400 m
50 Power Snatches, 95 lbs
50 Front Rack Lunges, 95 lbs
Run, 400 m
Partner WOD with Sarah and Kate E! Sarah ran the first 400. Then Katie and I did synchro power snatches TnG in sets of 5. Had to mentally commit to those power snatches. They felt super heavy today! Lunges were easy. Got a really good pace going for that last 400. Happy with how running feels these days.
Bike 20 min: 178 cals
Row 20 min: 262 cals
DED, managed to walk home from the gym. VACATION TODAY!
So sad I will be out of town ;____; gonna miss my fellow Virginians!! But the good news is that I will come see the fam when I tag along with Crum when he is down there for work! Will obv say my byes before then! Xoxox
Wow!!! You and your family will be sorely missed McD. Congrats on the new opportunity. At times like this my thoughts inevitably turn to myself. I am not Strong Fit yet man! Dag! Can't you wait a few more months?
Fare thee well, Myers. I will miss all of you. Ellie is a seriously bad-ass lady, and no description of Vesper's cuteness can do justice to her.
McD is a wonderful coach, and I've always appreciated his quiet, steady presence when I'm lifting heavy. During the summer of 2013, I did a bunch of really heavy squat rep-outs, and McD watched most of them. His presence was very calming, and helped me work through some really difficult moments. Major props for that.
I've also appreciated all the conversations I've had with McD about music over the years; I'm so glad I finally got to see him play guitar last week! He's awesome.
Good luck McDowell! Amazing times with you as coach.
Third day this week partnered with JB – pretty exciting stuff!
C&J: Started at 103 and worked up to two at 153#. The first jerk was a serious press out, the second was solid. Decided to now try for a PR today cause I'm still not feeling 100%, but maybe next week.
4 Rounds + 5 DL/1 Burpee – Did this one last and just had no drive.
5 Rounds + 1 DU – Had a few trips near the end that cost me in an unspoken competition with James.
61 Wallballs – Just stayed steady and didn't put it down. Nice to do these outside.
Relaxed one mile jog after and some strict pull ups.
Will very much miss the Myers! Ellie is always a super inspirational presence for me in the gym and always appreciated how she would push herself and others. 6 AM will certainly not be the same without McD. His thoughtfully crafted feedback during lifts and quick coaching cues during wods are so helpful. Somehow cues like "Again," Do it," and "Pick it up" are just what I need. And he's got a pretty alright personality too, I guess. Your new gym is lucky to have you and the family!
OMG, I had no idea! So sad! It was McDowell's coaching cues that helped me finally get my kipping pull-ups, and I wholeheartedly agree with what's been said about his calm and reassuring presence while lifting (as well as his unmatched dry wit). I wish the Myers family all the best down south! <3
As for today's fitness…excellent one-on-one session w/ Whit this morning doing a mix of upper body skill + strength work while I give my ankle a break from oly lifts. Shoulders on fiiire!
McD will be a loss for our community but a Virginia affiliate is gaining an amazing coach. I first met McD as my teammate at my first FGB. He hadn't become a coach yet but even as our captain, I could tell he was going to do great things. We will miss you and your family. Thanks for all you have done.
Sad to say goodbye to Coach McD! Thank you for always being very patient and encouraging — with just the right touch to motivate when things get grindy. Good luck in VA!
Clean and Jerk: Worked up to 140 today. Felt like I had enough in me to go higher. Still a bit concerned about my wrist, hopefully all is well by next week!
4 Rounds D/L + Burpees
4 Rounds DU+Squats
41 Wallballs
Wallballs felt rough after all the previous movements. Did 22 Unbroken then it all went downhill.
I've been coming to this Gym about 4 years. I have some memories with all of the coaches (alot of embarrassing ones) that I can't forget. The one memory that sticks out the most is the first time I did DT after being at the gym a few months. McDowell was there encouraging me the whole time even though I couldn't finish (Till this day I've done my best to avoid the workout). He still gave me a high five afterwards. I wish the Myers family the best of luck with this next step in life!
Clean and Jerk- up to 138# today- PR. Loved this cycle and how it focused each movement.
-4 rounds exactly on the dl's and burpees
-6 + 9 rounds of single unders and squats (mistakenly wrote 8 on the board)
-44 wallballs. 24 unbroken and then a slow death.
McDowell, you will be missed- it's rare to find coaches in anything with such a good combination of humor and encouragement to get the most out of athletes. Good luck with your family in Virginia!
McDowell, thank you for your patience and excellent coaching. Ellie, thank you for being an inspiration in fitness and strength.
Sending all my very best wishes to the Myers family as you head out to Virginia,
I will miss McDowell's quick wit, especially during question of the day at 6am, coaching and general encouragement to push it.
I'm confident McDowell is relieved that he no longer has to endure Nick's music selection.
All the best to the Myer family on your next adventure.
I would bet most of my classes (6am) over the last couple years have been with McDowell coaching.
He's always paying attention, always focused. Always has some helpful insight on things to improve and what looked particularly good. Always there to shout encouragement to pick up the barbell when I'm hesitating to pick up the barbell. This has meant a lot to me.
Congrats McDowell on the big move. You'll be missed so much.
6am with McD and Jess
C+J: 125x 2, 135×3, 145×2, 155×1. Very happy with this.
Metcon: The DUs and squats were most fun and had my heart racing. Everything Rx'd for the first time in a long time (but probably not if it had been some kind of for-time workout).