Back Rack Reverse Lunges
3 x 4
Heavier than week. Perform 4 reps on one leg, then 4 reps on the other.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 8 of 8
3 Rounds For Time:
30 Russian Kettlebell Swings 32/24kg
15 Overhead Squats 95/65
400m Run
The Swings should be on the heavy side, unbroken on the fast end but consider breaking them up to maintain consistent splits throughout. The Overhead Squats should be on the light-medium side for you and done in 1-2 sets.
Post reps and Rx to comments.
Behind the Desk: Aileen H.
For the past few weeks, we’ve been bringing you new installments of our Behind the Desk series, about our beloved and much appreciated front desk staff! These CrossFitters take care of the important duties of checking in our members, handling walk-ins, tidying up after classes, and so many other things that it would take forever to list them. They are the glue that holds this gym together.
Last week, it was Kate T. And now (drum roll, please)…
Name (and any nicknames):
Aileen Hanna (aka: Ai, Hanna, Benson’s mom, Noah’s mom)
Where were you born and where did you grow up?
Born in Subic Bay, Philippines. Grew up in Japan and Louisiana
How long have you been CrossFitting, and how did you arrive at CFSBK?
5 years in August. I took the Free Intro class back in 2010.
Program your nightmare workout:
Open Workout 15.5, ugh!
For Time:
27, 21,18, 15, 9
Row for Calories
Program your dream workout:
Back when I was in better shape I really enjoyed “Cindy.”
Do you have any unusual rituals/superstitions or habits?
I can’t leave the house without checking the stove to make sure it’s not on.
What are you recommending right now?
Currently reading Baby Whisperer! A must read if you’re a new mom like myself.
What are three things you can’t live without?
1. Gym clothes
2. Seltzer
3. Under eye concealer for all my sleepless nights
If you had to switch careers today, what would you choose to do?
Something in the medical field.
What are you up to when you’re not at 597 Degraw Street?
Currently at home changing diapers. Making wedding sashes and bridal accessories (tell your friends!).
You have friends or family coming to visit from out of town. What do you take them to do in NYC?
Prospect Park during off-leash hours for Benson, then eat the rest of the time.
Favorite and least favorite lifts:
Favorite lift is the Clean. Least favorite is the Deadlift.
Any front-desk public service announcements?
Please put your dumbbells in the right place! Don’t want to jam anymore of my fingers.
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Rest Day
Training Lessons from CrossFit Champion Jason Khalipa Tim Ferris
The Rise of the Machines Kurzgesagt
My sister lives in Stuytown (in the East Village) and is looking for a roommate. Info on her place below. If you're interested (or know anyone who is), email me at matuas at gmail dot com. Rent is $1750 including utilities, excluding AC and Internet.
I live in a large 2 bedroom, 1 bath in Stuyvesant Town (east village) and I am looking for a roommate to sublet the second bedroom starting July 9th. I have been living in this apartment for 2 years and my roommate is moving out. I attended NYU for grad school and now I work near by.
I have signed a 1 year lease, so I'm looking for someone to sublet for 1 year. Fully furnished apartment, and the bedroom can be fully furnished too if the subletter wants to keep the furniture.
Yay Aileen! Hi Matt!
Went to CF Athletics again this morning. Really missing the organization of SBK, since today had more of a strength component than the other two times I've been here and it would have been awfully nice to have the coach pair us based on bar weight rather than me just awkwardly asking people how much they were lifting to see who I should pair up with.
Anyway, back squat 3-1-3-1: 165×3, 185, 185×3, 205. I found the rep scheme a bit odd. Maybe should have gone a bit heavier but I was feeling a bit unsure of myself since it's been a while since we've done straight-up squats in group class.
3 RFT, rest 2:00 between rounds (except last round):
7 thrusters 95# (Rx)
400m run
After 3rd round, rest 5:00, then:
Wall balls 14#/10' (everyone had to hit 10', gross!)
Double unders
11:40 and 4:36, respectively, Rx.
I thought Aileen's nickname was "Dave's mom"
a. 20 min movement prep…
calf/ankle mobz, adductor/hip warm up, glute med/tfl release, sciatic floss
banded clamshells and lateral steps
b1. HBBS: 2×8
(45×8, 95×5, 125×4, 145×2, 155×1)
slower down, faster up tempo
feeling really smooth for reps 1-5, but keep ribcage neutral throughout those too, not just when it gets harder
b2. PT wrist/elbow exercises – bench extension, CARs, etc.
c1. DB Front Rack Box Step Ups @ 20# ea hand
3×8 L side
2×8 R side
slower down, faster up tempo
L side is still a big struggle; gotta stick with these for a bit (again)
c2. Pallof Series
8 reps each direction, in lunge with each foot fwd (32 total reps each series)
@ 11×2
d. 6x
:20 jumping lunges
:20 shuttle run
:20 v-up
1:00 rest
20 lunges, 6 passes on run, and 12 v-ups each round
e. single arm Famer Carry cash out
3 rounds @ 24kg:
1:00 L
:30 rest
1:00 R
:30 rest
so spiiiiiiicy. R side carry I feel in L side QL/waist big time. Definitely harder. L side carry is mostly just grip. Will look to progress this one weekly.
7am w/ Ro + McDowell
First PT appt. yesterday and I think having a professional tell me everything is ok and normal helped my confidence!
Lunges at 85 which is a 10# jump from last week. Thanks to my rack mates Molly + Julia for inspiring me to go 5# heavier than planned 🙂
WOD in just under 15 mins with 52# OH squats, green KB and rowing instead of running. Squats and swings unbroken the first round, then broke them up for the two subsequent rounds. This was rough!! But also fun. Need to work on getting lower in those squats.
Very wet cool-down walk home with no umbrella.
10AM with Brett:
Lunges: 135x4x3
WOD with 95lb front squats and 24kg bell and 400m row. Finished in 11:56
10AM with Brett. As I get my head and body into group classes, I thought about skipping today and doing open gym instead as the combo of the strength work and WOD really hit all my weak points. But glad I did today's work. #115 on the reverse lunges feeling like I had a bit more in me, though also felt like stability was a limiter. 17:40 with 24kg / 45# on the WOD — probably more in the tank but OHS are a real weak point for me so was playing it safe a bit.
30 min brisk walk to gym post-rainstorm!
15 min easy pace bike
40 min:
5 box jumps @ 30" (step down no hands)
150' OH carry L 30#
150' OH carry R 30# -focus on neutral elbow
10 KB RDL @ 24kg each
150' zercher carry 45# pill sandbag
:20 L-sit – parallettes, straight legs
9 rounds + 5 box jumps
Finished up with wrist, elbow, shoulder PT stuff. Feeling good.
Make-up Posts:
Saturday's workout with the 1pm class: 13:22 I think? Had to scale up the KB because all the reds were taken and I was too lazy to walk across the street
Mondays workout with the 530pm class: First three rounds unbroken, third round in sets of three. this Fucked me up for like 45 minutes. Felt like Interval Fran
12:00pm Group Class with Coach Ro
Reverse Lunges
Scaled the KB to 1.5p
Barbell at 95
13:44? I can't quite remember!
3 Rounds NFT
5 strict toes to bars on stall bars (so hard!)
2 Legless rope Climbs, 15'
100' Front Rack KB Carry with 2 20kg bells
3 Rounds NFT cool down
5 KB Snatches R 20kg
130m Jog
"" on left
130m Jog
Catching up the last few days…
Sunday 10 am class
Snatches up to 140lbs (PR for a squat snatch). Metcon 21 + 8 rounds with Jess – sweat feast.
Monday 6:30pm class
Push press 4 x (175, 175, 180)
Metcon w/ 95lbs thrusters and 7 pull-ups. Between 55s and 1:40min. Thrusters were super hard, and had to break them down in the last round. Scaled the PU volume otherwise would be broken for the whole week.
Tuesday 6pm AGS
Pull-ups are starting to feel OK-ish again after 2 weeks of Murph recovery. Need to practice wall kick-ups more.
Wed 9am Short Circuit
All about the DB thrusters and jumping lunges.
Thursday… my body is pretty clearly telling me that it needs a rest day.
7am, very wet!
Lunges @ 75#, I think I could have done more but this was a 15# jump from when I was last in class two Wednesdays ago. These feel soooooo much better and less weird than when this cycle started!
WOD in 12:15 (I think) with a yellow KB and 45# OHS. I probably should have gone heavier across the board, but the jet lag is real and I was basically happy to survive this thing relatively intact.
No class today, open gym stuff
Partner Metcon with KHarper and Katie E
400m run
50 per snatch
50 front rack lungs
400m run
Fun doing this with these two…made me hold onto my cycling of snatches and push harder. Thats why I love team workouts…it makes you push yourself to the MAX!
Back Squat
2 back squats, rest :30 2 back squats, 1L00 rest between entire round
145, 160, 175,190, 200
felt dead and heavy but definitely feeling stronger in the base!
5 Rounds not for time
50 DU(had to be unbroken)
:30 L-hang from bar (more like a lowercase L)
1:00 OH plate hold #45 (so challenging towards the end)
AAB sprints
4:00 rest
Tabata AAB sprints
These are death but so good!
Rest day tomorrow….thank god!!
Lunges @105#
Still feel a slight difference between my left and right leg but not as much of a disparity as when we started! Progress
WOD Rx'd in 13:49
KBS: 20-10, was tempted to do the last set unbroken but didn't want to risk not doing the OHS unbroken
OHS: Unbroken. Slow setting up because I clean it then put the bar on the back. I did a narrower grip to avoid extra stress on my wrist.
Run: more like a crawl. Was realllly tempted to walk some of it but didn't.
7:30 with melo and Ro
Lunges at 110. Felt good. Almost tipped over once… as always 🙂
Wod RXd in 12:42. What a slog. Runs were so slow.
Noon class with Ro
100lbs for the rev lunges. Normally weaker leg felt stronger today. Had a big wobble on the third to last lunge on the R side. Recovered and braced better for the remaining two reps.
Metcon 13:35, all of my weakness. Rxed the kettlebell and was unbroken in the first round which I was proud of, did 15/15 the second and 15/10/5 in the last, was about to lose a callous. OHS at 42lbs, first and last rounds unbroken, ate it on the second squat of the middle round for like no reason, recovered. Rowed instead of ran cause I managed to give myself plantars fasciitis again. Idk which I would have preferred.
Also, yes Aileen!!! The best.