Clean and Jerk Complex
Every 90 seconds for 8 rounds:
Clean High Pull + Low Hang (1″) Clean + Split Jerk
Work up to a heavy load for the day.
Post loads to comments.
4 Rounds for Time:
270m Run
12 Power Cleans 135/95
3 Bar Muscle-Ups
The Power Cleans should be light, done in 2-3 quick sets or unbroken on the fast end. Scale the Bar Muscle-Ups to Jumping Bar Muscle-Ups or 3 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups + 6 Push-Ups as needed. Aim for even splits on all rounds (i.e., don’t come out blazing only to flame out).
Post time and Rx to comments.
Behind the Desk: Kate T.
Over the next month or so, you can look forward to new installments of our Behind the Desk series, about our beloved and much appreciated front desk staff! These CrossFitters take care of the important duties of checking in our members, handling walk-ins, tidying up after classes, and so many other things that it would take forever to list them. They are the glue that holds this gym together.
Last time, it was Karina S. And now (drum roll, please)…
Name (and any nicknames):
Kate; “Tatch”—never came by many nicknames, so I’m open! DO has been trying to make “Tik-Taks” happen, but we’ll see.
Where were you born and where did you grow up?
Born in Elmira, NY, and moved around a bunch between then and now—6 states later I’m back in NY. Spent most of my growing up years (middle and high school) in Cecil County, Maryland.
How long have you been CrossFitting, and how did you arrive at CFSBK?
Started CrossFitting here at CFSBK last August. I was always an athlete (volleyball, basketball, tennis in high school; tennis and then rugby in college), but “fitness” was just a result of sports, not something I ever worked on. After a decade or so of half-assed gym memberships, occasional pick-up games, and sitting at a desk, I knew I needed to do something more committed. My coworker (and fellow CFSBKer), Jen B., invited me to join her for the Sunday Intro Class here and I was immediately hooked (if a little intimidated).
Program your nightmare workout:
They are all terrifying/terrible. I am inherently lazy, but competitive and motivated by teamwork. CrossFit has been cool because I just need to get to the gym, and then hey look, I’m actually doing things! That said, workouts with Dumbbell Thrusters are particularly nightmarish.
What are you recommending right now?
I’ve been a podcast junkie lately. Favorites are RadioLab, Myths & Legends, and S-Town.
What are you up to when you’re not at 597 Degraw Street?
I’m a librarian working full time for a social-sector capacity building organization called Foundation Center. You can also find me at the LIU-Brooklyn library about once a week. I spend a lot of time traveling, networking, and presenting to nonprofit grantseekers and attending library conferences (which are more fun than you think, I promise). Otherwise, I like to wander around Brooklyn and the Internets.
What are three things you can’t live without?
1) All the water. I probably drink a gallon a day.
2) Burt’s Bees Pomegranate lip balm.
3) Comfortable footwear. You might have seen me rocking the socks and sandals behind the desk. No regrets!
Any front-desk public service announcements?
I will learn all your names eventually, I promise!
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Back Rack Reverse Lunges | Double-Unders, Front Squats, Ring Dips
How to Build a Long-Lasting Habit Without Falling Off the Boat CrossFit Invictus
How Whales Got to Be So Enormous Scientific American
Forgot to post yesterday!
430pm class
Back rack lunges with Scott! I think we pushed ourselves today! Happy with the weight I used
3*6 @130#!
These felt so strong…before this cycle I did a day of back rack lunges at 125 for s*8 and nearly died. Today felt strong and like maybe I could do more!
DU/FS: 4+18/ 5
DU/Dips: 2+18/2+19
Still need to work on these dips but I'm getting a little stronger and more consistent!
Yeah Kate! (and belated yeah to Karina!)
7 a.m. w/Jess & McDowell (featuring the music of two of America's greatest composers, Aaron Copeland & Kanye West).
C&J complex: up to 185#. Didn't feel like I had enough time between lifts this a.m. Lots of little things just not dialed in. Some residual #bunsafire from yesterday's work.
Metcon: 16:25 w/jumping bar muscle-ups. Fairly easy height here (26" to a high bar) but felt like I took Wednesday's metcon a little less sprintily than I should have and wanted to keep moving today. Managed to settle the cleans in 5-4-3 sets.
Seriously? Aaron Copland? I should have dragged myself out of bed this morning.
6am with Jess and (bff) McDiesel
C&J up to 155×1, 175×2, 185×1, 195×2, 205×2
WOD – 11:48 Rx
PCs 8-4, BMUs unbroken, runs slow
Reverse lunges 175# – these feel so much better then when we first started.
WOD – Rx
Dubs/FSQ: 4+19, 4
Dubs/Dips: 5+10, 5+8
Push Press 165x6x3
Urg splits 43.8 to 46.9
The only thing worse than rowing all out is adding max bench to the start of each round.
Dropped in at CF Lumos in Austin. Sadly, I picked a day that Noah was not coaching the 6am. Really nice space and people.
Workout was Annie and then a hero WOD whose name I can't remember – 21-15-9 of OHS at 95 and burpees
Annie in 5:25 – tied an old PR
5 min rest
Hero WOD in 4:29
Went out a bit fast and it caught up to me in round 2. It was kind of a slog from there
Thx for the handstand pic assist, Karina!
7am w/McJess & some classy, classy tunes.
C&J complex: 63, 73, 83, 93, 98, 103, 108x2ISH
Pretty sure 108 would be a PR, but the jerk was super hesitant both times, with the right arm not feeling fully pressed out at the top. Have the weight, need to clean it up! Fun.
WOD: scaled to 63# for the power cleans & jumping MUs from a 24" box + a smattering of plates. Finished between 15-16min cause I spent a bunch of time trying to get my last jumping MUs from just the box. Power cleans were too light–unbroken in each round. But I felt super tweaky last time I did these so I'm glad I scaled and worked on moving my elbows through faster. Runs were slow.
6am with Jess and McDowell
C+J: up to 145# for the last three. I am very happy with this.
Metcon: Scaled to 105# and 3 x (3 pull-ups + 6 pushups) per round. Was dead afterward. A good one. 🙂
C&J Complex: 103, 113, 123×2, 133, 143, 153×2
Split jerks felt better than they have recently, probably because I didn't have to do a push jerk too.
WOD: 11:55 with jumping BMUs
First two rounds of cleans unbroken, then 8-4. Jumping BMUs were from a 24" box to a low bar. Tried the 20" box afterwards and was able to do a few at that height – good to know for next time.
Mile jog after, because I had a little extra time and my arms were useless after the WOD.
Yay Kate!
Rare 8am appearance today – I don't know how the morning people do it, I just spent the whole day feeling hungry and sleepy.
Clean complex @ 155, 165, 175, 185, 195F, 195, 205F, 205 (PR?)
I think 205 is a C&J PR for me (my clean PR around 215), so hurray. Failed mentally on the first 205. Failed on the 195 because my left hand/arm slipped on the pull.
Metcon 16:36 w/ 135lbs + jumping BMU
What a slog. Started feeling my left arm on the cleans (that 195 fail did some damage maybe?), so went easy with 4 sets of 3 for each round. Jumping BMU was OK, but I had a really high box, need to work on lowering it.
4:30 Class
Worked up to 108. Was trying to get to 113, but had to do two rounds at 103 after my first one had a little press out.
12:55 with 83# and jumping bar muscleups from 24" box. These felt great. Normally I do 30in, so I was happy.
5:30 Short Circuit.
I did it because I had the time, despite being pretty sore. Good tip from Brett about staying in the hollow position during pullups. Love it!
Fun times.
Did an hour of AR rolling EVERYTHING out.
Was planning to stay for 7:30 AR with Whit, but I just decided to get a manicure instead. I figured 60 min. was enough.
Can't wait for the summer!!! I'm going to have to step up and attend all the classes since Mo & Kat left!
Ugh, sorry, one last thing.
KATE, YOU ARE AWESOME! And super legit at handstands! Thanks for the text support when I'm feeling faint of heart with my nutrition….
Yay kate!!!
Today: slogging through my week long streak of exhaustion. I keep falling asleep in public, it's getting weird. Getting normal amount of sleep, don't know why it's happening! guess it's gains spurt 🙂
Had a good pipe sesh w/ Katie E. chest and back day obvi
3 rds for reps:
1 min row for Cals
*1 min rest*
1 min bench for reps @ 125 (scaled to 105)
*1 min rest*
1 min bent over BB row for reps @ 125 (scaled to 105)
*1 min rest*
Row: 20/20/21
Bench: 12/11/10
BoBBR: 11/10/9
Humbling to see that I have to scale by 20 lbs. But I certainly haven't earned the right to RX in this plane. I avoid it like the plague. Since it doesn't hurt anymore I don't have any more excuses. So really good training session. It felt productive.
25 min assault bike: 230 Cals
no HR monitor today. Watch was ded. Kept it at a comfortable/just above uncomfortable at times pace, which I'm happy to say ranges from 52-57 RPM these days. Think I'm finally getting the hang of this thing. It's been a beast
Yes Kate!!!