Back Rack Reverse Lunges
3 x 6
Heavier than last week. Perform 6 reps on one leg, then 6 reps on the other.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 7 of 8
2 Rounds
AMRAP 3 Minutes:
18 Double-Unders
9 Front Squats 95/65
Rest 3 minutes
AMRAP 3 Minutes:
18 Double-Unders
6 Ring Dips
Rest 3 minutes
Aim to score within a few reps each time on these AMRAPs. Scale dubs to singles. The FSQ weight should be light and unbroken. Scale ring dips between the box/bench dips or push ups as needed.
Post rounds, reps, and Rx to comments.
Farewell to Mo and Kat!
In case you missed it, Mo A. posted a farewell message in yesterday’s blog comments. Mo and Kat (and let’s not forget Lilly!) moved to Sweden shortly after Murph Day. As is our tradition, we’re reposting Mo’s goodbye to the main blog:
I’m not much of a writer, but I wanted to share the following with all of you.
We started the process of moving to Sweden a long time ago. During our goodbyes most people asked what we thought we were going to miss from BK, and my answers always varied from “I’m going to miss that bar”… “that pizza”… etc. The truth is, what I’m going to miss the most from BK is where I spent most of my time sweating, chatting, chasing, and relaxing. My second home. My happy place.
Here’s a bit of what I miss already: I miss looking at the blog and seeing the WOD and figuring out how many classes I should take that day. Should I do Short Circuit followed by regular class? And maybe Active Recovery? Pilates? What should I eat before all of this? Hmm… that’s 4 hours of work. This brings my total to 13 classes this week… David hates me.
I miss the happy faces that always greeted me at the front desk.
I miss the dogs hanging out by the entrance and the occasional child or two patiently waiting for a parent to finish a WOD.
I miss looking around and seeing a sea of familiar faces. The whiteboard with the WOD numbers and the quick math to figure out how to beat the AM crews. The meticulous breakdown of the WOD by a fellow member: cue French accent the row should be done at 21 spm / @947. Transition in 6 sec and the Thrusters unbroken. Huh? The first round usually works exactly as mentioned and the rest is hell.
I miss the warm-ups and the Question of the Day. How sometimes the question becomes self-serving because a coach wanted ideas on where to get the best pie in town.
I miss seeing the regulars and knowing who your squat partners will be based on last week’s WOD… and seeing the fresh faces coming out of Foundations semi-lost in the lingo, but confident to start CrossFit because they know this is the best place to do it.
I miss the extremely detailed coaching and dedication from every single coach. The small adjustments, the ever-present go deeper on the Squat, the elbows up, the nod.
I miss Active Recovery classes and how the class turned into an episode of the cooking channel or group therapy. Pilates and the pain that comes with it… sometime from laughter… sometimes from 100s. The Short Circuit classes with our regular crew and seeing tabata on the board. Ok, maybe I don’t miss seeing tabata.
I’m happy to be here in Sweden and ready for my new adventure, but I do miss all of you.
To every single person who works at this gym and to every single member: Thank you.
We’re definitely not tearing up. Farewell, Mo and Kat! We’ll miss you, too!
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Rest Day
Two Minute Challenges: Double-Unders, Rope Climbs CrossFit
Be Better at Life by Thinking of Yourself Less NY Mag
Yesterday: squeezing in the fitness before coaching
Single arm DB press: 3×8 @ 30#
WOD: 10 rounds for time
200M run
7 C2B pull-ups
12 front squat (75#)
Completed in 22:55. No sugar coating this one, this sucked! Was dragging on the run for some rounds, but I was really happy because I did all rounds unbroken!! This is a big deal for me given the history of my squat stamina, my lil leggies get tired! Think these cardio pieces have been super helpful. Just kind of mentally tricked myself into doing all 12, which I don't normally do. I would have absolutely done 6/6 from the very beginning. #newhabits #newharper
6am with McDowell and Ro
Reverse lunges 3×6 at 120. First few reps were a bit unsteady, but once I found a rhythm these were really fun!
WOD Rx. DUs/front squats – 3 rounds + 10, 3 rounds + 12.
DUs/ring dips – 3 rounds + 4, then 3 rounds even. The ring dips were brutal, but glad to test them in a timed workout. Definitely a skill I need to work on.
7 AM McRo Dance Partaaaaaay!
Lunges at 115. This is a 15# jump from last week, and possibly a little too aggressive. I was definitely feeling wobbly on the left side.
WOD: always 3 rounds and change (+4, +8, +13, +17), Rx. By far the best part of this was McRo trying to persuade us to do some dance moves during the rest periods.
Would it be possible to invest in some sleds that move when you try to push them? We were doing some work with them during AG yesterday. They were fine during the first round but about halfway through the 20m distance in rounds 2&3 they did not move for me at all despite the superhuman pressure that I applied. Maybe there is a thick layer of build up on the skis? Not sure.
7am w/ Ro + McDowell
Reverse lunges at 75#. Didn't feel great…heavy and kind of unsteady. Not sure if it's because I haven't done these in a couple of weeks, or because they bother my ankle. Going for PT next week and will hopefully get a better idea of what I should and shouldn't be doing 🙂
WOD: Was moving a little slow today but at least I was consistent! Had the exact same number of rounds/reps in all four AMRAPs. Subbed 10 KB swings (white KB) for double-unders, did the front squats RXed at 65# and did ring dips with heels on a box.
Front squat AMRAP: 2 rounds + 10 kb swings x2
Ring dip AMRAP: 3 rounds even x2
Pro Tip:
Do NOT miss a week of lunges and then try to make the same jump in weight you would have…
#bunsafire should always be trending
8am with Ro
Reverse Lunges at 115. I did the same last week. Got some great advice from Ro. I need to move a little slower and control my movement to avoid crashing down on my knee if I feel unstable. This really helped on my left side.
Still being a bit cautious with my left wrist so I've been using wraps the last few days. I did 36 singles for each round.
95 on Front Squats
Round 1 3 + 26 Singles
Round 2 3 + 8 Singles
Scaled to 6 Pushups
Round 1 4 + 10 Singles
Round 2 4 + 2 Singles
Jumped in to 12pm group class today, with some modifications for wrist/shoulder!
WU: 3 rounds
3x H+K wrist extension with :10 pressure waves
10 v-ups @ 11×1
:30 chin up hang with slow lat activations
some squatty mobz
BR Rvrs Lunges
3x6ea @ 115#
(45x6ea, 75x4ea, 95x2ea)
I might regret that decision. Have been doing deficit lunges at lighter weight and higher volume with some regularity but haven't been hitting these exposures. Can't wait for #bunsafire to set in.
2 rounds:
amrap 3
18 du
9 FSQ with 25# DB's
rest 3
amrap 3
18 du
:20 ring top support (round 1) , :20 ring bottom support (round 2)
rest 3
4+8 reps / 4 – :10 / 4+8 reps / 4- :10
ring bottom support was so rough… first :20 unbroken which was probably a bad idea b/c when I got back to it I was so fatigued. second set 10/10, third set 10/5/5 sec, last set 10sec
13 min easy bike cooldown, legs only
heartwarming post by Mo and Kat! I think Mo got the per class rate lower than anyone else in CFSBK history! Probably was paying $3 per class given the amount of classes he took on that unlimited membership!
We'll definitely miss their smiling faces but you guys, like all translpanted CFSBKers will always have a home on Degraw street!!
@ Jay star
"try harder"
Aww, Mo, miss you already — you brightened the hour on countless occasions. Godspeed to you both!
Jay! You're hilarious.
Just needed to chime in that I'm about 3x more sore than Murph after yesterday's AG Strength. Literally every muscle in my pecs, shoulders, neck, back, biceps, triceps… EVERYWHERE… is sore!
Woo! Swole!
7:30 with melo and Ro
Lunges at 100lbs. Felt good.
Workout with rx lunges and push-ups instead of ring dips:
6:30 with MelRo
Reverse lunges: 85# x 6 x 3
Heavy but ok!
4+8 10dus & bench dips
3+17 18singles & FSQ @ 55#
4+20 18singles & bench dips
3+19 18singles & FSQ @ 55#
Started OK with the single-DU-single rhythm and then lost it! I can't get myself to stop jumping down on the DUs.
Lunges @95#
Missed last week so did the same weight I did last time for 3×6. Moved well and #bunswerenotonfire
Modified and did single unders bc doubles have been frustrating me. I can barely string 10 together anymore. Totally different feeling! Heart rate was not accelerated at all but it felt nice to not be so stressed about tripping up. After talking with Ro we concluded I need to build my shoulder endurance back up after so much time off. It's frustrating bc in December I finally felt like I was decent at dubs. Oh well. Gotta be patient and spend some extra time on them.
Did bench dips and focused on keeping my chest up and not dipping too low and going below parallel (feedback given from my PT bc I tend to slouch and roll my shoulders forward).
1: 4+5, 4
2: 6, 7+10
One mile run because I wanted to do some extra work that didn't require effort and bc I probably won't be able to make it tomorrow.