Snatch Complex
Every 90 seconds for 10 rounds:
Snatch Lift Off (1″) + Low Hang (from 1″ off the floor) Snatch High Pull + Low Hang (1″ off the floor) Snatch + Overhead Squat
Stay tight, maintain back angle, and shift your weight back (just behind mid-foot) on the lift off, pausing with the bumpers 1″ off the floor. Perform the Snatch High Pull from 1″ off the floor, then return to 1″ off the floor for a snatch. Don’t pull the bar crazy high on the High Pull… anywhere above naval height is plenty high, and remember the arms perform their job after the legs have accelerated the bar upward. The goal is to not have to move your feet to adjust for the Overhead Squat.
Post loads to comments.
Partner WOD
In teams of 2, complete the following. Partners alternate full rounds of 10+10+5…
10 Rounds for Time (5ea):
10 Pull-Ups
10 Push-Ups
5 Deadlifts 275/155
Aim to start at and maintain a pace that you can sustain throughout the workout. Scale the Pull-Ups to Ring Rows and the Push-Ups to knees as needed. The Deadlifts should be heavy-ish but unbroken throughout.
Post time, Rx, and partner to comments.
Kippin’ ain’t easy, but this man can show you how! There are still some spots left in the AM cycle of Coach Arturo’s AG Strength class! | Photo by Thomas H.
Sign Up for AG Strength!
Are you struggling with your Pull-Ups? Are you stuck at the bottom of your Handstand Push-Up? Check out Coach Arturo‘s Anti-Gravity Strength class!
Each AG Strength class will be an hour-and-a-half long, focusing on the strength and skills needed to improve Pull-Ups and Handstand Push-Ups. This will include a variety of skill exercises, progressions, weighted and strict practice, and other techniques to teach, develop, and perfect your Pull-Up and Handstand Push-Up. This fundamental strength work will carry over into other CrossFit gymnastics movements, including the coveted Muscle-Up.
Cost and Eligibility
The cost is $160 per month. This cycle is open to all CFSBK members as well as CrossFitters from other affiliates.
What Happens in a Class?
The first class will begin with an assessment of each individual’s upper body push, pull, and core strength. Once the assessment is completed, each AG Strength class will consist of skill work, strength development, and flexibility training based on your personal needs, weaknesses, and strengths. If a member chooses to do a CrossFit group class on the same day, we recommend doing the skill and strength work from the AG Strength cycle first. Arturo can advise on this on a case by case basis. Just ask!
“There are a lot of good specialty workout options here at CFSBK, and I am happy to say that AG Strength has earned its spot at the top with the best of them. For any good program to be effective, it needs two components: an excellent coach and coach-able participants. Coach Ro brings his meticulous approach and his dedication to the integrity of his craft. Its up to you to bring the latter. In this class, great emphasis is placed on the proper execution of movements. Suffice it to say. this class is not about building egos but rather overall strength. Rest assured, by the end of the cycle you are guaranteed to see results. I did! Apart from having loads of fun while working extremely hard (this may be paradoxical but it’s the truth), I have seen improvements in my Bench, Overhead Press, Chin-Up and Pull-Up (I couldn’t do a Pull-Up prior to this class). Love this class! Thanks, Coach Ro!”—Wendy S.
“AG Strength brought marked improvements to my upper body pull and push strength, and it was impressive how it translated into gymnastic gains/z. During AGS I got my first Handstand Push-Up, my first Chest-to-Bar Pull-Up, and went from doing a 15 lbs weighted strict Pull-Up to a 60 lbs one! It’s a great class to focus on targeted upper body strength, and Arturo’s programming helps you see constant week-after-week improvements.”—Daniel R.
News and Notes
- We’re now offering an 8am Short Circuit class on Sundays. Hurray for more fitness!
- Sunday CrossFit Preschool and Kids classes are on a temporary hiatus. We’ll keep you posted!
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Back Squat / Front Squat | Row, Front Squats, Toes-to-Bars
Bar None: Deal With It CrossFit Journal
Perceiving Yourself as Overweight Poses Health Risks Pacific Standard
Arturo R. says
Double under Practice
B.@80-90% sustainable effort
6 rounds
20 wall ball
15/12 cal row
rest 90 sec
Stella says
Ro's shirt is AWESOME.
Took StrongFit yesterday, loved it! Sled bear crawls, one-armed heavy farmer carries, and sandbag around the block with a partner. (Last week Fox was wondering where all the women were at, this week there were plenty of women in class and no Fox.)
Worked to 88 on the snatch complex. This was mostly good although a couple of times I had trouble dropping under the bar fast enough.
WOD in 10 minutes flat with Allie (not Ali) Clark (not Clarke; both homophone ladies were there at 9!), and 7 pullups per round for me. Probably should have just Rx'ed it — I never know whether my kipping pullups are going to be semi-there or not there at all, and I didn't want my partner to have to twiddle her thumbs while I flailed on the bar. But today I was able to stick with 3s and 4s most of the way through, which is pretty good for me.
Then deadlifted 245×5. This felt so freakin' heavy. I'm hoping that's because of the DLs in the WOD and not because I've lost pulling strength in the last six months.
Kate Tk says
10am w/Fox and Lauren
Subbed cleans for snatches on the complex, worked up to 103#. Last couple were challenging but felt good!
Partner WOD w/Devi in 11:41
-Subbed ring rows
-Pushups-first set from knees; last 4 sets did 5 from toes, 5 from knees. Need to work on strict push ups!!!
-DLs at 135#
Fox says
Noon class
Snatch Complex
Started at 135, worked up to 165 and then finished at 135. No misses!
WOD Rx'd w/Andrew S in 7:57. First round was just under 1:30 so pretty consistent. This was a bit grippier than I expected and I had to break up my last round of pull ups.
Corey Brown says
I love short circuit and tabata stuff a lot!
This is for fox.
You can also look up the Luther burger. There are some places that serve them in the city.
ariel says
I made Whit's curry lentils! Yum!! Keep the recipes coming, please!
ariel says
Thank you, Whit!
Fox says
Well now I've got a reason to visit St Louis!
Allie B says
Snatch 63-68-73-78 Was having difficulties organizing today, must be because it's not longer mid-hang! Slow to knees, explode VERTICALLY— that's what wasn't tripping me up.
Wod with a Jill- we went RX on deadlifts and were happy about it!
Pull-ups: 6-4 thanks to ro's advice. They were consistent until last round 9/1– didn't get off the bar though!
Push-ups: all unbroken. Fascinating how somethings come naturally- I've never had to work at push-ups– they are just easy for me. Lol, unlike almost everything else– I'll take it!
I'm really excited for Murph. I know my run times will not be great 8-9? But I'm feeling super confident with pull-ups and push ups. I think I can crush it!!! Next year: vest!?
AG: definite good practice for my Left arm with DUs.
20 wallballs unbroken, 7 cal row– all rounds consistent except third when I only pulled 6 cals, and the last when I pulled 9 😛
Kayleigh says
StrongFit Saturday! First time doing sled pulls – whoa quads.
Snatch Complex: Started at 73# and worked up to 103#.
WOD: Upped the deadlift to 185#, otherwise Rx and finished at 10:08. Pull-ups were 10, 7-3, 7-3, 6-2-2, 6-2-2. Push-ups 10, 6-4, 6-4, 6-2-2, 5-2-2-1.
Deadlift: 135×5, 225×5, 275×3, 305×2, 325×1, 345×1
Fox says
@CFSBK TFBAs…sorry. I fudged the women's Rx weight on the deadlift!
Karina S says
Had some leftover hangover.
DU practice: need to get a rope of my own. There's like 2 licorice ropes my length that spin properly through the handles, got lucky and got one today. 18 unbroken.
@80-90% sustainable effort
6 rounds
20 wall ball
15/12 cal row
rest 90 sec
Rxed this wod! First time taking the 14lb ball to the 9ft mark, for the first 3 rounds anyway.. Then went to 8 feet and had some real garbagey reps. Pleased tho.
Happy with the calorie rows. All wall balls unbroken, row in the 1250-1400 cal/hr mark. First round of everything took 1:25, the consecutive rounds were right at the 1:30 point. Started to creep up on me and feel a little clausterphobic, 90 seconds isn't a lot of rest.
I struggle finding that percentage effort work. My only reference for 100% is back when I was racing XC skis and you'd cross the finish line and your legs would do the baby deer thing then collapse under you and sometimes you'd crawl out of the way and barf over by the fencing. I've never hit that level with crossfit, and I've also only been there with monostructural work. My best guess today was I was edging that 90% mark at the end of round 6? Again it's hard to tell because it's so mental as well. Am I perceiving this accurately as max effort? Or are there untapped reserves there? If I was in competition would this be a different feeling? Very interesting.
KLove says
Of course the one night I don't stay up until midnight, the next AG strength cycle is posted and sells out!
Lunges @95#
Only did one dip per round and 5-10s ring hold. Have a lot of work to do to get these back.
Took two rest days because I only slept 4 hours Thursday night and chose drinking over CF on Friday.
Tempo squats:
BS: 105#
FSQT: 90#
1. 2:44
2. 2:49
3. 2:54
4. 2:43
Rows took about a minute. All FSQTs were unbroken with a 3 breath pause after every 5 reps. The last set I did very quickly with only one a quick pause at rep 10. TTB did 5-6 reps then had to go to singles each round. Back was too fried from tempo squats.
Bench!! First bench press in MONTHS so kept it light and easy.
45×3, 75×3, 85×3
DL: Was supposed to do 3 reps #210, but legs weren't having it after all those front squats in the wOD so did:
135×3, 165×3, 195×2
Handstand walking practice
Snatch work up to 83
All felt light but a little wonky.
Parnter WOD with Courtney Rx'd in 8:30. I barely got any rest with her unbroken butterfly pullups and unbroken pushups!
Pullups- unbroken. On the 4th and 5th round, stayed on the bar but had to reset my kip which got a little wonky.
Pushups: Broken up after the first round.
DLs: easy
DU practice
in 90s got:
9 cals
5 cals (monitor shut off)
7 cals
7 cals
7 cals
8 cals
Wall balls were a struggle. Didn't no rep myself today but should have.
Allie B. says
@Fox Aw, man… I was so psyched to do this workout "RX". Guess not. Lol!
Stella says
LOL Allie…I looked at the numbers and thought, "Usually when the men's Rx is 275, the ladies' Rx is 185. NOT GONNA SAY ANYTHING."