Here’s CFSBK OG Bethany E. at the South Brooklyn Weightlifting Club Spring Classic, where she placed 3rd in the 57kg weight class, PR’d her Deadlift at 296lbs, and scored a total of 628lbs. Bethany also recently celebrated her 9th anniversary as a CFSBK member (hence the OG). Congrats, Bethany!
New Short Circuit and Fit 55+ Classes at CFSBK
In our neverending quest to bring you more and better fitness, we’re pleased to announce that we’ll be offering new Short Circuit and Fit 55+ classes in a couple of weeks!
Starting May 14th, we’ll be offering another Short Circuit class at 8am on Sunday. Short Circuit uses some of the best training methods to give you a great total body workout in just one hour. Each class includes two circuits programmed specifically to help you shed pounds while increasing your strength, stamina, and flexibility. At Short Circuit, we want you to get sweaty, have fun, and build confidence, one workout at a time. We create an inclusive space where people can feel comfortable exactly where they are in their fitness journeys and, more importantly, challenge themselves to get better. Visit SHORTCIRCUIT.FIT for more info and the full schedule!
Starting May 15th, we’ll be adding a third Fit 55+ class each week and tweaking the schedule a bit. Fit 55+ will now meet Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at 11am. This is a strength and conditioning class for older adults who want to move and use their bodies and are not content to simply sit on the couch getting older. Strength training and conditioning can help both stave off, as well as reduce, the effects of many chronic diseases. As the old adage goes, “If you don’t move it, you lose it.” Know someone who might benefit from this class? Send them over to the Fit 55+ program page!
Summer just got a whole lot more, uh… fitnessy! (Yes, that’s a word. No, please do not look it up.)
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Push Press | Row, KB Swings, Burpees
We Asked an Exercise Scientist How to Mentally and Physically Deal with Plateaus NY Mag
Travis Williams Does “Isabel” in Less than a Minute Misfit Athletics
Wednesday's Programming
Back Rack Reverse Lunges
3 x 10e
Go heavier than last week (or find a moderate starting weight). Perform 10 reps on one leg, rack the bar, then perform 10 reps on the other. You’re going to be sore after these the first few weeks so pay attention to good recovery practices (i.e., eat some food). The last few reps of each set should be tough.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 2 of 8
20 Minutes Not for Rounds:
270m Jog
3 Ring Muscle Ups
Scale to Jumping Muscle-Ups as needed if you can do a few strict Ring Dips and Pull-Ups and are stable in the catch.
20 Minutes Not for Rounds:
6 L-Pull-Ups
6 Strict Ring Dips
270m Jog
Scale the L-Pull-Ups to regular or band-assisted as needed. Scale the Ring Dips to the Matador or to Tempo (31X1) Push-Ups as needed.
Post work to comments.
Pull ups kipping/butterfly/strict
3-6 intervals @90% hard effort
Sled shuttle runs
Rest 5-7 min
Bethany Badass!
New job is cramping my workout style. Missed yesterday for a client trip and had to do 6 AM today due to an early meeting. But I got to push press with Dan, so that was cool!
Push press at 95, almost entirely solid, but one jerk in the first round. Derp. At least I fixed it when I got called out on it, I guess.
WOD 11:24 Rx. I don't need any encouragement to take things at less than 100% 😛
6am with Jess doing Monday
Push press – 115×10, 125x10x2. Missed last week, so wasn't sure on weight. This probably could have been 135 or more.
Wod – 10:48. Rows 1:45-1:55, kb unbroken, burpess slow and steady, but no breaks. happy to keep moving.
make up posts:
4/27 C+J complex up to 195, wod with 1/2 DU attempts, 50# db in 6+ minutes
4/29 Squats at 185/135, 5 rounds of kb swings and pushups, 5 + 2 rounds of C2B and OHS
4/30 Snatch complex up to 135, NFT with James – 180# sandbag around the block
Lunges: 95 x 10 x 3
Felt pretty solid, we'll see how the legs feel tomorrow.
NFT Work:
Mix of single tucked pull-ups, strict pull ups, ring dips, and runs. Mixed in some rope climbs (thanks to a suggestion by Michael).
10 cal assault bike sprints and three HSPU (1 ambat) work after. AB ranged :23-:28.
Bethany!!!! ♥