Push Press
3 x 10
Go heavier than last week. If you went too heavy last week and moved poorly, or straight up failed, then use the same weight and make the 10 reps perfect. Perform each rep as its own event, focusing on moving from a solid rack to a stable overhead position. Hold each rep overhead for a 2 count before recovering.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 2 of 8
3 Rounds for Time:
500m Row
15 Russian Kettlebell Swings 32/24kg
15 Burpees
This triplet should be performed today at about an 85% pace, something that feels like you could have pushed harder and/or maintained for 5 rounds.
Post time and Rx to comments.
James A. and the rest of the 9am heat take off at Murph Day 2016 | Photo by Thomas H.
Murph Day 2017: Sign Up Now!
For time:
1 Mile Run
100 Pull-Ups
200 Push-Ups
300 Squats
1 Mile Run
In memory of Navy Lieutenant Michael Murphy, 29, of Patchogue, N.Y., who was killed in Afghanistan June 28th, 2005.
This workout was one of Mike’s favorites and he’d named it “Body Armor.” From here on it will be referred to as “Murph” in honor of the focused warrior and great American who wanted nothing more in life than to serve this great country and the beautiful people who make it what it is.
Partition the Pull-Ups, Push-Ups, and Squats as needed. Start and finish with a mile run. If you’ve got a twenty pound vest or body armor, wear it.
There is no charge for the workout, nor will it be deducted from your weekly class limit.
News and Notes
- We’re also looking for volunteers to grill at Murph Day. If you’re interested in helping out, please contact Danae M., our Events Coordinator, at Danae [at] crossfitsouthbrooklyn.com.
- We’ve accumulated approximately 3,000 pairs of unclaimed weightlifting shoes that were left at the gym over the past year. Please take a look here, here, here, and here. Let the front desk know if any of them belong to you!
Watch This 70-Year-Old Dominate His Final Powerlifting Meet BarBend
Hike in the Footsteps of Teddy Roosevelt Smithsonian
Dropped in to CF Asheville with Jess today! Great space and a well run class. They seemed to do a lot of the little things right.
Started out with a superset of:
A) 4×6 Suitcase Deadlifts from a deficit
Worked at 135. The deficit made a huge difference. 12" is bigger down here…
B) 45-60s Handstand practice
Worked off a wall
"Mary to the Chest"
I scaled to regular Mary
10 Pistols
15 Pull Ups
Scored 8 rounds + 15 reps. HSPU strict and unbroken, pistols mostly unbroken accept for a few times I lost balance (there as great breweries in this town!) and pull ups all 6-5-4. Spent the most time on pull ups.
It has been a while since I posted about actually working out. Its time to right this wrong and plug two classes that I lurve.
AG: I try to make it to both classes each week. Ro's programming is fantastic – I am enjoying the aerobic threshold work that we are doing and I love the opportunity to work on new skills despite the fact that I am very slow learner.
Strong Fit!!!: Another class that is absolutely fantastic and well worth setting the alarm for on Saturday. It provides a completely different stimulus than Crossfit and generally leaves me feeling brutalized for a bit after. Honestly, the sandbag is the cruelest implement in the gym. If you don't believe me, try walking around the block with one. The traditional sled race finishers are an "experience" as well.
The crew that comes out for AG and Strong Fit are a great bunch as well.
Thanks to MGMT and the coaches for introducing more and more Fit-nice options for us. It is definitely appreciated.
I didn't see Mr. Fox's post – I concur with his comments about Crossfit Asheville. It's Adele's hometown so we get down there about twice a year. The owners, coaches and members are good people.
Asheville is always listed as one of the best destinations for outdoor activities in the U.S. That said, in 19 years I haven't once gone hiking, mountain bike riding, canoeing etc. Criminal. Thanks a lot family. Luckily it is also considered the microbrew capital of America which is very helpful post-family …
Push Press: 95 x 10 x 3
WOD: 10:57 Rx
Focused on consistency and took the time to check the clock between rounds (last round was actually fastest). Kept rows between 1:55-2:00.
Looking forward to (and still slightly terrified by) another Murph.
Big 7am class with McRo
PP @ 65, 70, 70. This was a 7# jump from last Monday and felt surprisingly great.
WOD in 13:20 with a 16kg KB. I have never been so excited to get on the erg in my life, burpees are a thing that I think should get easier and they just do not. UGH. Kept the rows consistent right at around 2:05 and was happy with the effort there but the burpees got a bit slower, particularly in the second round.
10 AM class with Brett and Ro.
Paused press-press:
Loved the pause at the top- Gennaro told me I was uneven and found that I was not
fully extended with my right arm.
Metcon RX in 11:27.
First two rounds in 3:37, last in 4:10- definitely felt the difference on the row in round 3.
7 am with McDowell and Ro
PPP worked up to 65#X10 then 68# x 2×10. Rather than adding weight this week I added a 2nd set at 68 and really had to crank out the last rep! I can't believe I forgot to check time on the WOD – but I was the last one done by several burpess. Nevertheless – rows were all sub 2:30 and KB swings with the 24kg bell were unbroken (were some a little low between 10-14? yes.) and the burpees mostly stayed on pace with just a few slow get ups here and there.
I'll keep putting this here for those who read periodically and for those who forget:
Please join me at my house on Saturday for some CFSKB party fun! Anytime after 7:00 is great. Message me on FB or text 347-525-7887 for further details.
posted on classified section:
hello crossfitters!
Spring is here and you need a bike!
we have these two beauties up for sale:
price is negotiable
hopefully this article will allow me to leave house guilt free for CF….right now my family cannot understand why I leave halfway through giving bath to my toddler in order to make my class on time:)))
I bought Cat & Mo's bike! I wonder if the male one is still for sale 😛
75# 10×3 12 pound jump from last week… would've been 73, but I was partnered with Matt & Chris! #boybar When in Rome…
WOD: 12:15RX
Rows: Averaged 2:30-2:33, sometimes 2:45 sometimes 2:15. Not consistent at all.
KB & Burpees–steady?
Also, I was pretty tired at the end… definitely wasn't 85%. More like 94%.
Did some MU work:
Was supposed to do three sets of false grip pull ups and 8-10 rock throughs on the ring thing AHAF… only did two rounds. My middle finger kept twitching and my wrist was pulsating for a good 5 minutes after my second set. Called it quits. I also have massive bruises on my wrists already.
Strict MUs are NO. JOKE. Ouch!!!
7:30 with DO
73x10x3. Didn't know where to start because I wasn't here last week but this felt good and challenging!
Wod RX in 11:40. I liked the 85% pacing, took it easy on the row at a 2:10 and I felt good enough to speed up slightly on the burpees wah round.
4pm with Ro
Paused Push Press were way harder…it's all about that pause!
#100 across the board. I feel like I'm getting stronger with these overhead movements. I like the programming!
Conditioning: 10:19 rx. I think I paced this pretty good. kept my row between 1:55-2:00. Kept Ro's advice on maintaining the same time throughout the entire three rounds. I think I could have done two more rounds too!
20 min EMOM
1- 3 strict pullups
2- 10 medal cleans #20
3- 30 Russian Twists
4- 10 call assault bike (maintaining 500Watts each time)
Looking forward to some short circuit tomorrow!
Saturday: Crow Hill for some regionals prep fun
I have a friend going to regionals. So we got a group together to do a little bit of supportive exercising.
WOD 1:
104 wall balls 14#/10'
52 pullups
I don't know my time, I want to say 7:20ish perhaps. I bit my tongue on the pull-ups multiple times, it sucked
WOD 2: as RXed
3 rds:
400M run
40 GHD situps
7 deadlifts at 275#
I said "ohhh haaaill no". and did this instead:
3 rds:
400M run
21 t2B
7 deadlifts at 235# (wanted to do 255, but was worried 21 would be a bit much, in retrospect i wish i did)
I want to say I finished around 13:48, but i actually can't remember at all right now. My scaled version wasn't that bad. toes to bar are easy for me so i did them all in 12/9, then deadlifts were singles. I didn't want to expose myself to heavy deads and GHDs in one workout with my back history. Need to build some isolated exposure to GHD work first. Smart decision
Sunday: snatches and carries
Nothing to write home about. This was atrocious. Anyone who has seen my shins will understand. I think I worked up to 113 and then ended up dropping because i was doing a bad job controlling the complex. Then took a big ol sandbag around the block with Steph M
Today: a lot of fitness
A) FSQ: heavy double
123×2, 143×2, 163×2, 173×2, 183×2, 193×1 (racked it)
was flapping my lips too much on the sidelines and lost focused. my new spud belt is sick. I love it!!
B) 3 TnG power snatch: every 90s, 10 rds
all at 113#, felt great! managed to avoid my zombie shins
C) 5 sets: building complex of the following:
1 clean + 3 FSQ + 1 jerk + 3 BSQ + 1 behind the neck jerk
135#, 145#, 155#, 165#, 165#
Holy hell. This was intense. But frickin awesome. Fun complex, super tough. And very stoked I was able to complete it successfully at 165 twice. Behind the neck jerks weren't perfect. But whatever i was exhausted. It was a bit of a glorified bear complex with rest in-between.
D) 15-12-9
Ring Dips
13:06. womp wompppppppp. Basically JT with less reps. stupid. I suck at stuff like this. Glad I actually committed to finishing. Last two times I tried JT i stopped because it made me sad to be that slow.
E) 3 min assault bike for max cals: 45
*rest 3 min*
2 min assault bike for max cals: 27
*rest 2 min*
1 min assault bike for max cals: 14
So fried and so hungry at this point. Hit the fro yo shop on the way home. Now I'm hitting the hay. Rest day tomorrow! Yay.