Mid-Hang Clean
Work up to a heavy single Mid-Hang Clean.
Post loads to comments.
For Time:
50/40 Calorie Row
50 Wall Balls 20/10, 14/9
50 Russian Kettlebell Swings 24/16kg
50 Double-Unders
Complete this workout chipper style. Scale the Wall Balls and Kettlebells as needed so you can get through the reps in large-ish sets of 10-25. Scale the Double-Under to 100 Singles or 25 attempts as needed.
Post time and Rx to comments.
Coaches Chris and Jess Fox, Rickke M., and Jess B. with Coach Noah at CrossFit Lumos in Austin. Want to know how Noah and his gym are doing, what he’s been up to? Read the series he’s been writing for Beyond the Whiteboard about opening Lumos!
Fit 55+: Staying Strong, Mobile, and Able
What is Fit 55+?
Fit 55+ is a strength and conditioning class for older adults who want to move and use their bodies and are not content to simply sit on the couch getting older. Research points to development of chronic disease in older populations not as a consequence of aging alone, but as a product of decreased activity and less-than-healthy lifestyle choices. Strength training and conditioning can help both stave off, as well as reduce, the effects of many chronic diseases. As the old adage goes: “If you don’t move it, you lose it.”
Fit 55+ will help you:
- Build muscular strength and joint integrity
- Increase and maintain bone density
- Improve cardiovascular function
- Improve pulmonary function
- Improve balance, coordination, and mobility
- Reduce your risk of falling (and be more resilient in case you do)
- Maintain independence and improve quality of life
Who is this class for?
Any older adult who wants to exercise in a fun, safe, and inclusive manner. Whether you’re a total newcomer to resistance training or more of a veteran, our classes will challenge you to become better.
What does a class look like?
A typical class will start with a series of light warm up movements to get your heart and joints ready for exercise.
From there we’ll move onto the strength training portion of class, using a variety of tools to help you develop strength. You’ll use both weight training and bodyweight exercises of the upper and lower body to develop and maintain muscular strength and joint integrity.
After the strength training portion of class we’ll move on to the conditioning portion. Here the goal is to get a bit sweaty and elevate your heart rate for a while to improve heart function and lung capacity. To this task we’ll use a variety of equipment and modes like: rowing machines, exercise bicycles, sled pushes, sandbag training, and bodyweight exercises, in addition to many others. The variety keeps it engaging and more fun (we think) than just walking on a treadmill for an hour.
Finally, we’ll end with a few cool down stretches to relax your heart rate and your mind before you head out of the gym.
Where and When do Fit 55+ classes meet?
Mondays and Thursdays at 11am at CrossFit South Brooklyn (597 Degraw Street between 3rd and 4th Avenues) located in the heart of Gowanus. We have served the local fitness community for nearly 10 years, growing from grassroots park-based workouts to our current location, which has two spaces with a total footprint of over 11,000 square feet. In addition to our spacious facility, we also have brand new locker rooms with showers, towel service, and bath products available for your convenience.
Drop-In: $25
5-Class Card: $100
Monthly Unlimited (2x per week): $125
Dmitry Klokov Just PR’d His One-Arm Snatch BarBend
Eat Shit and Live The Awl
Double under Practice
5 intervals
5 push press, AHAP/unbroken
7 box jumps 20/24
270m sprint
rest 5-10 min
9am with Foxes
Worked up to 155# for clean. Way beyond what I expected to do but felt great!
Metcon: 10:21, scaled way down. I was happy to still have my double unders after a while of not doing any.
Beautiful day today.
9am for a little pre -Easter workout!
Worked up to a hang clean at 128 and missed 132. I feel pretty good about this since I haven't been squatting or cleaning heavy since the fall when my knee flared up!
Metcon rx in 7:55.
11am w/JB
Hang clean: 73×3, 83×2, 88×2, 93, 98, 103, 108PR, 113FFFF
Got completely under 113 twice but didn't stay tight enough to stand it up. Still pretty OK with 108!
WOD in 9:34, scaled to 25 DU attempts (w/my new jump rope!)
Tempo BSQ: 120x4x3
WOD: 11 rounds w/Hanna(h). All the sweaty running/sprinting/chasing. Partner workouts forever!
8am on a beautiful Sunday w/foxes
HC up to 235# was fine, but failed 245# twice.
WOD 6:45 Rx
The row happened. WBs 30-12-8
KB and Dubs unbroken
Fun chipper
First time at the gym on a weekend in months! Glad to be back.
11am wth Ro
305 hang clean. Felt good and fast
Wod. 6:49rx. Paced the row. WB 30-5-5-10 ( planned 30-20). Swings 25-25. Du 25-15-10
Happy Easter!
8 AM with the Foxes.
75/95/115/125/135/145f/145/150 on the hang cleans.
Definitely a PR.
Wod in 7:30 approx.
Row in 2:20, wall balls 20/15/15, kb swings unbroken and
100 s/u's in 94/6.
10 AM serving of humble pie.
Got to 113 on the hang clean. 118 I got up but I power cleaned it so I'm not counting that. I haven't been coming consistently on Sundays this cycle and it shows. :/
WOD 8:15 Rx. Everything was fine except those damn wall balls.
Hang Clean:
83-103-113-123-128-133-138 (PR)-143F
5# PR! I caught the clean at 143 but couldn't stand it up. Form was terrible today. Bar was away from my body, lost all tension at the bottom when I caught the cleans, and shoulders dropped at bottom as well making them sloppy and hard to stand up. Time for me to go back to Oly class and put in a little extra work now that my shoulder can handle it.
WOD: 10:05 Rx'd
Three weak movements in one WOD= row, was balls, double unders. Wall balls were the hardest part.
DU practice
Sprints with PP at 75#:
1:28 (scaled to 3 PP and 5 BJs to maintain my time)
Need to push myself hard enough to sprint.
Matched my clean at 118#. Hm…
Wod: 9:23– in reverse order, due to lack of ergs. Done with 3/4 of the workout at 5:02. Damn row.
AG: people!!! Go to AG! In addition to helping me get and improve so many gymnastics movements, Ro has been doing a lot with increasing our aerobic/anaerobic systems through interval training.
It's been amazing. Today's workout was the hardest I've worked since Murph. It makes sense: I can't test Fran without training for it. This is giving a space for a type of workout not conducive to group class. But so beneficial. The workouts might not look super "sexy", but I feel so athletic and grateful for the opportunity to improve!!! Come you guys!
Sunday Recovery from the weekend's family festivities. SO much meat and maybe a little bit of whiskey too. Van Brunt distillery has the coolest little tasting room!
1pm group class w/ Ro and JB:
Hang Clean: 83×3, 103×2, 123, 143, 153, 163, 173, 183, 193 (Fx2)
GAH!!! So close. Got under it with a decent bounce, I kept getting stuck somewhere around parallel (classic K Harpz), and then i try and ride it out for a little bit with some bounces at the bottom, but i can never save it. This would be a 1 lb PR for my overall clean. Its totally there. I just need to be well rested. Shared a bar with Steph M who was also just as close as I!! twinsies!
WOD: 7:01 RX
Accidentally got confused and thought I was doing 17.4 for a second and did 55 wall balls. Broke them up too much because I was being laZ, 25-15-8-7. So a little extra cred there. KBS unbroken and i tripped on doubles once. good one!
Stayed behind for that interval work at AG (DUBBLEEEE DIPPIN):
5 intervals: @ 85%
5 Push press AHAP (all a t115#)
7 box jumps (20")
270M run
1:25, 1:18, 1:22, 1:25, 1:18
Goal was consistency, so it went pretty well! Push presses were hard enough. Practiced bounding- a skill i have refused to develop up until recently. And sprints were tough. It's hard to stay focused when human obstacles are in the way, there were quite a lot of families on the sidewalk in round 4, so other than that I was happy to get some good tips on sprinting form from Ro. Cues were to drive the knees up and pump the arms high. I tend to lengthen my stride and heel strike as i pick up the pace, which is no bueno. So it was good to have some feedback here. Took some video, noticed my left arm also moves inward/across my body instead of forward, which is also inefficient. I miss sprinting, need to really try and get out on the track more often. Good stuff today! Excited to get back into training seriously again.
10am with Fox and JB
Hang Clean at 215, pretty sure that was at least a PR match. Felt good, love cleaning, still need to get faster under.
Metcon at 8:42. This was supposed to be my wod – rowing and wall balls. Ended up being OK on the row (first 20cal at 1800cal/hr, then slowly got down to 1200cal/hr), 10×5 on wall balls which was too slow (wasn't lowering my arms until round 5, that was a mistake, shoulders were tired), then 25/15/10 on KB (JB's "go unbroken" was so crazy), then at 6:50min got to the 100 SUs… Which took me two min. I really need to get DUs, so imma YouTube every day from now on.