Overhead Complex
1 Press
3 Push Presses
5 Jerks
Work up to a heavy load on the complex. Use a rack. Any version of the Jerk is acceptable.
Post loads to comments.
10 Rounds for Time:
10 Russian Kettlebell Swings 32/24kg
3 Ring Muscle-Ups
The kettlebell should be on the heavy side for you but unbroken. Scale the Muscle-Ups to Jumping Muscle-Ups if you’re stable on the rings but don’t yet have Muscle-Ups. Setting the rings higher makes them more challenging, so set them as high as you’re able to.
10 Rounds for Time:
10 Russian Kettlebell Swings
6 Burpees
6 Pull-Ups
The kettelbell should be on the heavy side for you but unbroken. Scale up on the Pull-Ups to Chest-to-Bar if you’re able.
Post time and Rx to comments.
Want to get strong like Sophia? Well, then…
Register Now For Starting Strength Program
The Starting Strength program is an opportunity to spend 8 weeks honing your technique and increasing your capacity at the most fundamental strength movements: Back Squat, Overhead Press, Bench Press and Deadlift. This small group format of 90 minute sessions offers one-on-one guidance, great camaraderie, and a simple roster of movements allowing you time to correct errors and challenge your limits.
Whether you are brand-new to lifting, someone with experience who has struggled to surpass a plateau, or just looking to try something different, by taking the time to focus exclusively on the lifts that support almost ever other activity you do inside (and outside) the gym, you will gain confidence and enhance your performance.
Upcoming Program Times and Dates
A cycle: Novice, 7pm Mon/Wed and 6pm Fri | Monday, April 17 – Friday, June 9th (8 slots)
B cycle: Intermediate, 7pm Tues/Thurs and 10am Sun | Tuesday, April 18th – Sunday, June 11th (8 slots) (8 slots)
C cycle: Morning Novice, 6:30am Mon/Wed | Monday, April 17th – Thursday, June 8th (8 slots) (8 slots)
D cycle: Continuing Education, 6pm Mon/Wed | Monday, April 17th – Wednesday, June 7th (4 slots) (4 slots)
E cycle: Late morning, all levels, 10am Mon/Thurs, co-taught by Coach Margie | Monday, April 17th – Thursday, June 8th (10 slots) (12 slots)
Class Sizes: Space is limited to 4-8 participants
Class Length: 90 minutes
3x Per Week Cycles: $300 paid upon registration and then another $300 at the halfway point
2xW Cycles: $200 paid upon registration and then another $200 at the halfway point
Group Class/Open Gym/Active Recovery/Yoga/Pilates Add-On Option!
This add-on membership allows our 2x/week Starting Strength Program to attend two additional classes per week, outside of the regularly scheduled strength cycle classes. This includes group classes, open gym, and Active Recovery/Yoga/Pilates.
Price is $100 per four weeks, first bill due at sign-up and second bill ($100) charged automatically to the card on-file four weeks later. Register here!
If anyone is confused as to which cycle they belong in or has any questions, they can contact Jeremy directly at Jeremy [at] CrossFitSouthBrooklyn.com to discuss placement.
News and Notes
- Schedule Change: Tomorrow’s 6:30pm Active Recovery class is cancelled.
- Our latest lost and found haul, including a bounty of water bottles, is up on our Flickr account. Please claim your stuff at the front desk before we donate it to CHIPS!
Functional and Fit Over 50 CrossFit Journal (Why we offer Fit 55+!)
Dogs Are Much Better Than We Knew At Reading Human Thoughts NY Mag
6am with Fox and Ro
Press complex: Hit 135#, then put on 155# and failed on rep 3 of the jerk. Came down weird on rep 2 on my wrist and decided to rack it. Fox gave me some pointers about how to rest the bar that should help and I'll try next week.
Metcon: 11:29 Rx. Went into this wanting to do all the MU's unbroken, so focused on keeping a steady but fast pace on the swings and making sure to release my grip at the top to keep it for the rings. First 2-3 rounds felt very stiff on the rings (haven't done MU's in a while) but after that I got going and focused on my kip.
6am with Fox and Ro
Shoulders were smoked after Sunday's workout. Presses were a struggle..landed at 63#
Metcon: Fitness, 10:48. Moved pretty smoothly but 10 rounds can really add up! Went light with the kettlebell here – I took the yellow one, unsure of the weight 🙂
Also, I am looking for a 1 or 2 bedroom on June 1! If anyone knows of something opening up near the gym (and preferably the N/Q train, but I'm flexible), please let me know!
7 AM Fox and Ro (anyone have a good portmanteau for those two? Arturox?)
Worked to 90 on the complex, although my first push press at 90 was actually a push jerk. Derp.
Fitness WOD with 24kg bell, 15:26. I chipped away at the pullups in doubles and sometimes singles, and did everything else slow and steady and unbroken.
The WOD wasn't as bad as I was afraid it was going to be. I never like coming into class and seeing that 6 AMers are still working away at the 15 minute mark, so I was not looking forward to it but it was fine. Mostly!
7am w/ Fox and Ro
75# on the press complex, good!
Fitness WOD in 14:0something, 24kg bell and jumping pull ups. Felt nice to move after being sick this weekend but had a little wheezy black lung thing going on at the end.
Press complex: 63, 73, 83, 88, 90F, 88.
Just couldn't make that first press at 90 today.
WOD: 13:04 Fitness with 24kg bell. First 4 rounds unbroken on pull-ups, then mostly 4-2. Swings unbroken and burpees steady.
4 rounds NFT:
AB 10 calorie sprint (:27, :26, :25, :28)
25 situps
Yesterday open gym:
Cleans: 83, 103, 123, 133, 143, 153, 163, 168, 173*, 178Fx3
Haven't tried cleaning heavy recently, so decided to go for it. 173 is a five pound PR. Many failed attempts- high enough, but not pulling myself under and getting elbows around.
Modified the partner WOD to a solo session (not super rushing between sets to allow for some rest)
4 rounds:
400 m run
15 Power Cleans
5 HSPU (one abmat)
Finished in 19 something- fun one.
10am Today
Barbell Complex:
45, 65, 85, 95, 100, 107!
-100 felt really good so I figured why not go for a 1#PR. Happy about this considering I wasn't in my lifters and didn't need a belt.
Fitness WOD:
15:13 scaled up to chest to bar.
-all swings unbroken, burpees were whatever, ctb in 5-1 for a few rounds then 4-2 for the rest.
worked up to 153 on the power clean.
WOD in 19:31 partnered with April. That was tough!
Now off to Austin to give Noah hell!
10AM with BrRo (now that's a portmanteau)
Worked up to 105# in the complex. They really added up, but I liked the complex's limiter was the first lift.
Scaled the wod at 24kg bell and 3 kipping pullups- first time doing kipping pullups in
a workout- felt great- so much better. Finished in 12:04.
Bonus addition to the question of the day: Smashed Burgers. Delicious.
Comp Recap!!!
Had a really fun weekend with my MD crossfit community back home at the Mid-atlantic affiliate challenge, went with with same team as last year, which is more oriented towards having fun than winning. sometimes that's just the way it should be. we placed 32nd out of 55 teams. But overall I was really happy with my performance! It was fun being around the atmosphere and watching the elite teams from 12 labours crush some crussfits.
WOD 1- 6 Minutes:
Each find a 1RM Clean and Jerk:
160, 170, 180 (F- went up anyway), 185, 190 (F jerk)
this was a medley of power cleans and cleans. Jerks were sloppy. Honestly i was kind of laughing at myself because i hit 185# as a power clean and i surprised myself. I'm a bit out of practice lifting under pressure, but this is 97% of my 1RM (190) so i can't really be too hard on myself. If i lift more consistently that 200# C&J may be closer than i think because the 190 clean didn't feel too terrible!
WOD 2- 6 Minute AMRAP – MF Pairs
Synchronized 15 C2B
10 Synchronized Thrusters (95/65)
10 Synchronized Burpees over the Bar
Completed 2 ads + 15 c2b + 10 thrusters. lets just sayyyyy, I redlined hard. It was pretty bad, but also kind of funny because we were so confident we could go all out for the whole 6 min unbroken. We actually did for the first round. But I got frantic on the burpees and didn't do step to (the judge confused me) so i think this is where i went wrong. This ended up being a decent score though so regardless of my poor pacing strategy I feel like we did well
WOD 3:
mile trail run
–then directly into—
THE WORM complex!!
70LB sandbags per person, attached by a rope, four of us in a line to complete the following in sync:
30 squats
15 C&J
30 squats
15 C&J
50 ft lunge w/ worm
50 ft foot spring
ohhhh my god. This was not only hilarious to watch but a blast to chip away at. There's gonna be some good footage of this online somewhere, people were dropping like flies. Didn't even get close to finishing (22 squats into second round) sandbag was heavy-ish. My teammate had a tweaked oblique so we had to take it slow. I was bleeding everywhere because the sandbag tore my finger or something. Apparently I smiled at the judge at one point and i had blood in my teeth! lol! #hardcore. med team was concerned. but i was not. anyway, this was my favorite workout of the weekend.
DAY 2: WOD 4
14 Minute Cap – FMFM
In Relay fashion, each athlete completes the following:
15 Burpees over the Box (24/20)
10 Power Snatch (115/75)
200m TrueForm Run
Completed somewhere in the sub 2. honestly I'm not sure our judge didn't write down the splits and i went 3rd. But this workout was also a winner. everything unbroken. True form run went way better than expected. Stayed towards the front side of the treadmill and got some serious momentum to get a really good sprint doing. So i did well! Happy with this.
WOD 5:
14 Minute AMRAP
MM / FF Pairs Completes the following:
3 Rope Climbs
3 Regular Rope Climbs
20 Wall Balls 20/14
10 DBall over Shoulder (100/70)
Other Pair is getting Max Cals on Rower.
Pairs switch every time a round is completed.
Finished just shy of 8 rounds total and got 248 cals. This workout was SO FUNNNN. I love the D ball. Rope climbs were really high (about 20 ft) but felt efficient. just chipped away until it was over!
I can't wait to find another competition in the area. I've officially got the itch!
10am class
125-145-165 on the complex.
DNF on the Perf WOD after 7 rounds.
Fun weekend away with Brett up in the Boston area. We hit up CF Charles River on Saturday and had a great class which included some kipping practice and…
10:29 RX'd
400m run
21 kb swing (16kg, american)
12 pullup
-took this at a challenging, but relaxed pace. been a few years since i've done this and I was really hoping to go sub-10 but can't say I committed to the cause!
-biggest thing i noticed on this was that my lungs were NOT READY to work for me after the first round. really feeling the difference in how i warm myself up aerobically for a workout like this if i were to do it on my own. combined with cold, windy air i had no push.
kbs unbroken
butterfly pull-ups 5-4-3, 6-6, 4-mess of stuff to the end.
need to commit to bigger sets of butterfly. more efficient when i just keep going.
short circuit
SA High pull
+hollow to ground and squat press outs!
125m row
5 burpee
5 box jump – scaled up to 24" with my partner Justin. BIG MISTAKE.
125m row
5 burpee
5 DB Thruster – 30#
This was so uncomfortable. got serious jelly legs from those box jumps after the first four rounds then realized i had to keep intensity up on the row. was pulling about 1:38-1:44 on the first five and then 1:42-1:50 for the most part on second five.
DB Bench @ 30×1
35x12x3 – spicy
Split Squat @ 20×1
25x10x2 – L side only
-weight held goblet style
Disulfur Monoxide Complex: 75, 85, 95, 105
WOD @28kg bell and alternating rounds of 2 or 1 muscle-ups (total 15): finished in 10:04 (rings weren't too high at all.)
Surprised myself on the OH complex!
I haven't tested a 1RM strict press in over two years so now I'm curious!
Was showed the jumping muscle-up and was surprised how hard it was to complete the three reps. THANKS FOR ALL THE TIPS COACH RO!
Finshed the WOD in 12:46.
Did some accessory/stregth things after too!
Back rack lunges
4*8 (on each leg) #125. It was suppose to be a heavy load…and it certainly was heavy enough. Really had to focus on the lunge with each step.
10 min EMOM
1-10 T2-B
2- 15 Burpees
This ended up being pure conditioning. My heart rate was jacked after two rounds of burpees!!
Finally finished with Deadlifts
5*4 no bounce a@70% 1RM.
Felt nice a controlled and really trying to keep my back from rounding.
Looking forward to some short circuit tomorrow!!
"Disulfur Monoxide Complex"
Samir, you're even nerdier than I thought. A+++++