Tempo (31X1) Front Squat
Work up to a heavy double Tempo Front Squat.
Post loads to comments.
AMRAP 9 Minutes:
3-6-9-12-15-18…add 3 reps per round
Deadlifts 225/155
Box Jumps 24/20″
The barbell weight should be on the medium-heavy side for you and unbroken through the 9s, at least, on the fast end. The Box Jumps are Rx’d as a two-foot take off. Step-Ups are scaled.
Post rounds, reps, and Rx to comments.
The Look, Feel, Perform Better Challenge Winners: 1st Place
We’re so proud of everyone who recently completed the Look, Feel, Perform Better Challenge, our 12-week collective kickstart toward healthier nutrition and recovery habits in the New Year. Among the dedicated CFSBKers who rethought their diets, counted macros, and put in quality time with the foam roller, three women and three men stood out to us as winners, and we’ve been annoucing them this week. We’ve also asked them to tell us a bit about the “secrets” to their success. Monday we announced the 3rd-place winners and yesterday we brought you the 2nd-place winners. Today we’re pleased to announce the 1st place winners: Steph M. and Andrew S. This power couple really committed to changing some habits and reaped the rewards! They’ll each receive a free month of Unlimited Training at CFSBK.
Steph M.
“I can’t believe I thought I was living a normal life in 2016. I almost didn’t even do the Challenge because I didn’t think I was THAT bad. Then when I decided to do it, I got nervous that I wouldn’t be able to commit and maintain changes. Three months is a long time! And I really liked my Stacy’s pita chips. The first two weeks or so required mental strength and left some tummy growls at bedtime for dessert. After that it was smooth sailing – feeling amazing, pants fitting comfortably, performing like the ‘old’ me (2015 Steph) at the gym. I even dropped a weight class for Iron Maidens! I initially signed up for a higher one than I ended up weighing in at. I also didn’t want to do the Open this year because I knew my (aerobic) performance had been declining, but by the time the workouts rolled around my body was already adapting to a better lifestyle and I’m really proud of the workouts I posted. TBH, Andrew and I had some really good laughs comparing our before and after photos. Who were those people?!”
Andrew S.
“I’ve seen a huge improvement in my workouts and energy levels. I have seen small changes in my body as well. The Capacity Test was originally 8 rounds, 9 reps, and 57 calories. The latest score was 10 rounds, 16 reps, and 63 calories. A big improvement. I remember struggling extremely hard on the Push-Ups, but they were not much of an issue the second time. I also recently had a 15lb PR on my Hang Snatch at 185. Lets keep it going baby.”
A Final Note from Coach Fox
“I couldn’t be prouder of all of the LFPBers who chose to get a little bit outside of their comfort zone and work hard and honest at being better versions of themselves these past three months. So many of you did so well and developed what are hopefully some healthy habits you can maintain for a lifetime. The ebb and flow of a 3 month challenge allows for some ups and downs and can be viewed as a fraction of a lifetime. Incorporating habits that are a little bit better, amplified by months and years, works out to a whole lot better you over time. Much the same as we don’t become overweight, tired, and unhealthy in a matter of weeks, we don’t build fit, healthy bodies and habits in just a few weeks either. We’re constantly making choices about who we will be. The LFPB is really about making a connection to these choices and realizing the power you have every day to make decisions across a spectrum of “healthy” and “less than healthy”. I honor you all, from the bottom of my heart, for accepting the challenge to do that. For us, the task of choosing who does the best job during the challenge is a very tough one. In addition to the top 3 males and females who won this year, we also have to give a special shout out to a few other standouts who really made what we viewed as extremely positive gains:
Dan H.
Kayleigh R.
Adam S.
Michelle B.
Matt Q
Allie B.
These guys and guys could have been in the top 3 with the flip of a coin. Great work, all of you!”
TONIGHT! Meet the Farmer: CSA Samples, Info, and Meat for Sale
Curious about our meat CSA? Want to try before you buy?
Tonight from 6-8:30, Herondale Farm’s Jerry Peele will be in the house during the monthly pickup to answer your questions about his grass-fed and pastured meat and egg CSA, which CFSBK has been offering for many years. He can even sign you up on the spot for a ten-, fifteen- or twenty-pound share you can customize.
A meat CSA (community supported agriculture) subscription benefits both the farmer and the consumer by bringing highest-quality, whole-animal cuts to you at an extremely competitive price.
He’ll have cuts for you to buy and take home, and there will also be some samples to try.
As always, if you have questions about the CSA, reach out to Michele at mignyc [at] gmail.com.
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Rest Day
Goat CrossFit Weed’em & Reap
CrossFit Open 17.5: What Do 150K Results Say About the CrossFit World? Observatory
Woo- go steph and andrew! Their switch from Annie's mac and cheese clearly paid off with major gains. I'm inspired!
Congrats to all the winners and to everyone who did the challenge! It's been so fun seeing how everyone changed their habits and saw physical changes.
Congrats to the power couple! Well deserved. Now put your shirts on.
YES!! Congratsssssss!!!!
Andrew, remind me when I see you again that we will have to debate over the credibility of the movie "Alien". I think your newly awesome gainzzz is clouding your judgement!
Congrats everyone! Go Steph and Andrew! YAY!!!
Awesome work to everyone who participated!
Power couple gains!!! Congrats! Super cool you two committed to make a lifestyle change together. Do whatever the eff you want with your shirts!
WOOHOO go Steph + Andrew! Abs for days! I loved the LFPB Challenge. I learned so much and it really reinvigorated my motivation in the gym and with regard to nutrition. A PSA: If you're thinking about doing it next year, DO IT!
Congrats Steph and Andrew! So impressed by everyone who participated on your life gainzzzz.
@Jen: Also a vegetarian here and balancing macros worked really well for me and was great for making sure I reached protein goals.
Congrats, Steph and Andrew! These guys were really committed and worked hard. They were active in the Sunday meetings and on the facebooks and were great at sharing advice abd humor throughout. Thanks to all of you who participated!
10am class
Felt pretty solid.
WOD Rx'd
Round of 15 + 18DL
This couplet is always spicy for me.
10 AM Class with Brett
Front Squat:
Moved pretty well- not breathing at the bottom was the biggest issue.
Metcon @155# – 4 deadlifts into the round of 21.
unbroken DL's at 6 and 3, then descending sets throughout (5/4/3, 6/5/4, 7,6,5)
all jump sets unbroken.
very happy to be able to stick to my game plan
Awesome job Steph and Andrew!
Congrats Steph & Andrew!! Way to stick to those healthy habits 🙂
@Jen: I'm also a non-meat eater! I eat fish, eggs, and dairy, and between those sources + protein powder, I find I'm able to find a pretty solid balance over time. Paying attention to macros has been a game-changer for me, too, as others said! Happy to discuss with you. There's also an article back somewhere in the archives (check the articles & media page) from a year or two ago that might be of interest!
Short Circuit 9AM
Did some guest programming work on this one and regretted every moment of it 😉
Strength: 3x:
DB Press 10-12 reps @ 20×2 @ 20#
Waiter Squat 6 reps each side @ 44×1 @ 16kg
Side plank, :30 each
Chin Up Negative, 3 reps @ 3 – – 3
Conditioning: 2 total rounds through the circuit…
:30 burpee
:30 kb swing (20kg, russian)
1 min rest
:30 Renegade Row (no push up) – 20# DB's
:30 DB Thruster
1 min rest
:30 OH rvrs lunge (15#)
:30 russian twist
1 min rest
The row/thruster combo was really heinous. Shoulders en fuego. Lunge/twist was fun. Burpee/swing was all gas.
Then 10am class for FRONT SQUATZ:
(did some banded hip distraction and HS walks in the meantime)
Doubles @ 31×1 tempo:
115, 125, 135, 145, 155#
Happy with that. Second rep slower esp at 145, 155, but not as bad as I expected. Not shifting much from side to side and leading with the bar well.
First of all, congrats to Steph and Andrew and to all of the LFPB folk! You guys rocked and your hard work has clearly paid off. So very impressed!!!
8am group class
Tempo FSQ:
(45×3, 95×3) 125×2, 155×2, 165×2, 175×2, 185×2
-moved surprisingly well. No belt.
Completed the round of 18 plus 8 dl's. That was plenty.
3 sets, each for time
250m row
15 KB (USA 24kg)
25 burpees
15 KB
250m row
12 mins rest- AB spin
5:30, 5:45, 5:35
Omg this was brutal.
Came back for AG Strength which was great, but I was wiped.
Easy pace.
50-40-30-20-10 cals
Assault Bike/Row
10 mins or so foam roll. Need to do more of this.
Thanks, everyone! My mom is so proud of us. She's been checking the blog everyday this week to find out the results.
The Challenge was fun and in addition to the ^^ benefits seen here we made some new gym friends 🙂 Thanks Mr.Fox for organizing and supporting. You are an honorable games-maker.
Ready for a new challenge/competition/focus. Bring it, CFSBK!
6:30 mega class w/Ro & Melo
Quick warm up beforehand, 60cals on the airbike + pull up pyramid w/blue band (progress from green band!)
Tempo (31×1) FSQ: 120#x1 (125#x1)
Liked these as much as I like pause squats–something about the mindset works better for me. I think it's because I'm more focused on just getting down & into a tight position for the pause and not as hung up worrying about whether I'll get back up again Nice lifting with Allie and LFPB champ Barbara.
WOD: round of 15 + 24 reps at 125#
I feel pretty good about this except some rounding at the end when I was trying to hang on and get the 18 DLs in. This weight still feels heavy for me so I made a plan for the bigger sets and stuck to it!
Congrats Steph and Andrew! So cool!
Yay, Steph & Andrew! I was rooting for you guys after seeing those absssss in class. Glad the shirts came off to give us a preview.
I love how the challenge focuses on lifestyle vs. crash diet. Right on, CFSBK. Someone asked if I was going to continue doing 'this' now that the challenge is done— speaking personally, it's a challenge every day to look, feel, and perform better. Temptations are rampant and when I give in I don't look, feel and perform better. So the challenge moving forward doesn't have a post-challenge submission, but it's certainly a life-long effort of making the majority choices good ones.
FSQ: 95/105/115/120 (1 rep)
WOD: Got through the round of 18 + 4 deadlifts. 125#. Kept it lighter to get a good workout.
I was exhausted but had to do my muscle-up work. A little frustrated, because weighted pull-ups are stagnating. :/ Maybe I will do my 3×5 before class next time.
Way to go Steph and Andrew!! Gainz for dayz.
6a with Ro and McDowell
FSQ 115, 125, 135, 145, 150×2. Moved well except the final rep, which was all kinds of wobbly on the way back up. Will prob stick with this weight next week to dial it in.
WOD: Round of 15 + 15 DLs at 165
Didn't post yesterday but want to congratulate Mo and Sarah on your hard work!!
Congrats Steph and Andrew, I know how hard you both worked! The lifestyle changes you made paid off and you both look incredible!
Definitely underestimated myself and was too conservative.
WOD: 15+2
I think I counted wrong. I may have repeated the round of 9 or 12. I'm really bad at keeping track of WODS that follow this pattern. Next time, I'm writing the rep scheme on a whiteboard and crossing it off after each round.