CFSBK Open Intramural Team Competition: Final Rankings
The 2017 CrossFit Open is over. So is the 2017 CFSBK Open Intramural Team Competition. PSYCH! It’s not over because, like last year, there’s a tie for 1st place. You guys are annoyingly good.
After WHAMRAP! claimed sole ownership of first place last week, each and every team member legally changed his or her name to George or Andrew. This good-luck charm seems to have worked, as the team posted 41 points in Week 5, their highest score of the year. But is wasn’t quite enough as 2 Legit 2 Quit channeled the power of the Hammer and matched that score. Anyway, say hi to Coaches George Fox and Andrew Myers next time you see them.
This year, we awarded teams bonus points for participation based on the total number of Open Workouts each team completed. This proved to be the difference for Snatch Me If You Can, who finished the year in 3rd place. All in all, everyone put in an outstanding Week 5 performance, with no team scoring lower than 46 points. Cheers to everyone!
Jeers, however, to Los Snatchos team member Jay R., who proved that the rumors of PED use that have been plaguing him all season are true when a kettlebell slipped out of his hands and sailed across the gym during Tuesday night’s Anti-Gravity class. Which is the PED that enlarges your head but shrinks your hands? Jay is doing that one. Luckily, nobody was injured by this tiny-handed terror.
Stay tuned to the blog to find out how we’re going to break this here tie!
Team – Overall Average (Pariticipation Points) = Final Score
1. WHAMRAP!: 48 (-5) = 43
1. Team 2 Legit 2 Quit: 48 (-5) = 43
3. Snatch Me If You Can: 48 (-4) = 44
4. We Rx-Cited Just To Be Here: 50 (-4) = 46
5. Los Snatchos: 52 (-4) = 48
6. Alternative Reps: 53 (-4) = 49
News and Notes
- Strong Fit, which was moved to Sundays at 8am for the Open, will be back to Saturdays at 8am starting tomorrow!
- CFSBK member Robert C., whose photos we’ve been featuring on the blog lately, recently wrote a fascinating article for Fast Company about building a bot to apply for thousands of jobs. Read the piece here!
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The Victorian Teenage Girl Who Entertained Crowds By Overpowering Men Atlas Obscura
Saturday's Programming
Front Squat Metcon
5 Rounds for Time:
15 Kettlebell Swings 32/24kg
12 Front Squats 165/115
9 Handstand Push-Ups
The swings are Rx'd as American. Bar comes off the floor. The FSQ weight should be medium heavy for you and unbroken on the fast end. Scale ROM or to Push Ups for the HSPU.
Post work to comments.
Let's set the record straight shall we?
First, we hear a lot about the height that we are supposed to obtain when swinging Bellski but never, never, anything about distance. Coaches take note. Details matter.
Second, Dear Editor, you are referencing an isolated instance of "Ro Rage". Happens to even the best of us (i.e., me) sometimes during a particularly challenging (not for me) WOD.
Now, please excuse me as I have an early morning appointment with my "doctor" to receive an "injection" for my "allergy" to "weakness".
Yeah Team 2 Legit 2 Quit!
Saturday's WOD this morning. Scaled the HSPUs to two abmats, but otherwise kept the weights and volume. KB unbroken first two rounds, then 10-5. Front squats unbroken first round, then 8-4. All purposely broken so that could go into the HSPUs not completely fatigued. HSPUs were mainly a lot of doubles, sets ranging from 4s to singles. This volume is definitely a first for me – it was nice to take my time through this workout. Finished 22:23.
Holy shoulders. I just tried hanging up some posters in my classroom. The struggle is real.
930 class at crossfit discovery in Charleston SC,
a gym that proudly displays a CFSBK sticker
in its water fountain with the "fitness is earned" motto.
4 sets of four turkish getups- all at 25#.
metcon was 747-
7 min amrap:
7 burpee box jump overs
4 chin-ups (i did ring rows)
4 mins rest
7 min amrap
4 burpee box jump overs
7 kb swings at 28kg- russian.
the jumpovers really add up.
then, biscuits.
Had some comp hours to take from work this morning so all the (too much?) fitness.
9am short circuit with Brett: why are DB thrusters so hard?
10am group class with McDowell doing Saturday
WOD: I looked at the clock late, so finished maybe just before 17min?
Got wobbly fast on the first round doing 16kg American swings, 73# FSQ, 24" box piked HSPU to one mat. Dropped to 63# FSQ for the next 4rnds. KBs split 10/5, FSQ 8/4, box HSPU unbroken except in the 4th round, 5/4. This was all super hard, I really need to work on my lower body/squat strength, and I won't be lifting my arms the rest of the day.
lil power hour with Farmer Todd
Some technique power snatch doubles at 60kg
5 or 6 rounds each
5 Power Cleans, 60kg
5 FSQ, 60kg
30 Double Unders
we were supposed to do 5 rounds each, I may have done 6. who knows. Fitness!
Friday Funtimes
line drills and stuff to get the blood flowing
-going to try high bar again for a while. starting in cautiously.
-worked with tempo today: all reps @ 44×2
felt smooth and video shows good positions, tension, and minimal shift side to side.
*superset with some dynamic shoulder stabilization and 4×8 DB press @ 3222 with 20#
B. Every :90 for 4 sets:
2 strict pull-up
5 burpee
4 butterfly pull-up
(this kept me busy while Brett was doing something else)
C. Every :20 for 10 minutes:
Power Clean @ 125# (75%)
This was so fun and easier than I expected actually. Focused on vertical ext., elbows HIGH not back, quick turnover.
D. 20 min, easy pace
alternating through assault bike, rowing, butt-kickers for 1-5 minutes each
Thursday's workout – the clean version.
Worked up to 145lbs on the power cleans. Did power cleans and front squats for Thursday's WOD. Went solo, resting as much time as taken for previous round. Finished in 9:50.
WHAMRAP! & Team 2 Legit 2 Quit
17.6 is…
17.1 + 17.2 + 17.3 + 17.4 + 17.5…
24 hour cap.
OG after a few days in Miami! 🙂
Warm up: 3rds, 8 each curtsy lunge with 25# db. 10 ghd hamstring curls.
Back squat: trying to build some strength back, and these felt pretty good.
135×5, 155×3, 165×1, 175×1, 155×10 rep out. No belt.
Metcon: 3 rounds in 17:18.
15 burpee box jump overs
12 power cleans at 93# (scaled from 135#)
9 push-ups+matador dips (scaled from muscle ups)
2 Legit!!
Had to skip Wednesday! Promised myself I'd make it up Friday. I did… kind of?
Hbbs: didn't want to lift heavy without a spot at OG, so I did 50 squats:
Felt my weak little quads working, so that's good.
Muscle up accessory work for a long ass time, including 5×5 weighted vested muscle ups at 35#, and 3×5 weighted pull-ups at 17.5. Easier (still hard) this week… have to add reps and then it will make me feel like I want to puke again. Sigh. Helpful tips from superkarl! Also 15 ab wheel roll outs which are really hard when you do them right!!!
Could have done the burpee pull-up amrap, but I am going to do it tomorrow at OG after 1pm class if I feel up to it. My arms were smoked!
And by push-ups I meant pull ups. Yikes!
Can we please order some of these new Eleiko plates? it just seems so much more efficient.