Power Snatch
Take 10 minutes to warm up to work weight and maybe beyond.
Partner WOD
In teams of 2, partners alternate full rounds to complete…
10 Rounds for Time:
5 Power Snatches 95/65
10 Overhead Squats
30 Double-Unders
The barbell should be light and unbroken on the fast end. Scale load and Double-Unders to Single-Unders as needed.
Post time, Rx, and partner to comments.
Alex B. takes on 17.5 at last week’s Friday Night Lights event. More photos from the 5th and final FNL can be found here
CFSBK Individual Open Leaderboard: Final Rankings
1. Coach Katie. – 10 (#174 North East Region)
2. Coach Whit – 17 (#398 NE)
3. Steph Mulder – 18 (#407 NE)
4. Kate Egan – 23 (#676 NE)
5. Coach Jess – 35 (#990 NE)
5. Kayleigh Rose – 35 (#1217 NE)
7. Lauren Borducci – 42 (#1194 NE)
8. Charlie Nagle – 44 (#1216 NE)
9. Coach JB – 59 (#2245 NE)
10. Jenny Michaels – 68 (#1964 NE)
1. Phil Serzo – 6 (#225 North East Region)
2. Coach Brett – 12 (#378 NE)
3. Coach McDowell – 16 (#493 NE)
4. Christian Reiss – 37 (#1146 NE)
5. Dan Langevin – 40 (#1192 NE)
6. Robert Semmens – 43 (#15 NE: Masters 55-59 Division)
7. Coach Arturo – 49 (#1526 NE)
8. Chris Lambert – 51 (#1664 NE)
9. Mark Griffin – 54 (#1643 NE)
10. Dylan Ketchum – 55 (#1688 NE)
Men’s NE Region has about 15,525 athlete placings!
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Back Squat | Pull-Ups, Burpees
GAWD you Open beasts are so impressive!
Came to 6 AM — what's up with all these damn pre-9 AM meetings in my life these days? — and it was pretty awesome. WOD with Joy, who did not let me rest, in 12:46, followed by the BEST CASHOUT EVER. All I can say is that I hope the video of James A goes up on Instagram soon.
Happy with where I ended up in the region! The goal was top 200, so goal achieved! Looking forward to backing off a little bit, but still have to make sure my conditioning is up because I'm doing a competition next weekend.
Monday: 6 rds
400M splits were on the slower side, was feeling sore after 17.5 and went more towards the 70% zone
8 push presses- all at 103, so 4944 total pounds moved
Felt good to move some heavier weight overhead. I love overhead workouts.
Fitness Squats: 5×175, 5×195, 5x 205, 3×215, 2×225(Fx3) -______-
Should not have failed that third rep. Squats felt super disorganized. t'm taking away my belt wearing rights again.
Workout: cleared the round of 21 + 5 pull-ups
That was spicy! rounds of 3, 6, 9 unbroken. Then 6/6, 6/4/3/2, then i kinda forget. I rediscovered my kip somewhere in the 18s and was able to do some bigger sets, then just finished the round of 21 with singles! Didn't go hard on the burpees til the last 21.
Power Snatch and Overhead squats: Worked up to a single of both at 93#, then did some doubles (power snatchx2 + OHSx2) at 83.
WOD Rx with Dan in 13 something. Didn't have my rope, so it took until the 4th round to finally figure out the rope I was using (4-5 trips in each of the first three rounds, unbroken for the last two).
Bi-Tri-Ab cash out definitely highlighted 6AM – or at least James – at its best.
I'm really happy about how the open went this year – huge improvement from last year in terms of regional/overall ranking. I'm also a huge data nerd so seeing how ranking shake out with different subsets is super interesting to me.
10am class
Partnered with Steven. We were on pace for a little under 10 but I slowed down on the OHSs and tripped like 5 times on the last set of dubs.
Congrats, Bob!
Power Snatch and Overhead squats: Worked up to some singles at both of 135#.
WOD with 15 attempts with Kayleigh in 13:37 (last in the class, but still elite). A good portion of that time was me failing DU.
All cash outs should be this fun.
6am with Lady Fox & Golden Boy
Worked up to 145 Power Snatch and OHS to warm up a bit.
WOD – Rx 12:xx
Partnered with Susanne who was much quicker than myself
First 2 rounds unbroken, then 4-1 PS; all OHS unbroken, dubs unbroken
I think all workouts should end with bi's tri's and abs
CONGRATS to every single person who competed in the Open this year. I had a lot of fun coaching these workouts on Saturdays and loved watching people get psyched up, commit themselves to it, work hard, cheer each other on, and have fun.
I'm extremely happy with how this season went. My goal was top 500 in the region. In 2014 I was #1462, 2015 was #1033, and was #721 out of about 12,600 women last year. So placing right around 400 with more female athletes competing (there are almost 14,000 women in our region now, compared to under 5,000 in 2014!) feels like huge success to me!
I committed to writing (and mostly sticking to!) my own programming in the fall leading up to the Open to see if I could really improve my weaknesses, increase my capacity, and perform better. It was a great experience (albeit slightly lonely at times), I learned a lot in the process, and I'm excited by the results. Looking forward to being in GROUP CLASSES more frequently now, though! On that note…
10AM class with some frisky attendees and lots of laughs!
Power Snatch & OHS
63#: 5 PS + 8 OHS
83: 3 PS + 5 OHS
93: PS-PS-5 OHS
103: PS-PS-3 OHS
WOD in 9:22 RX'd with Katie Egan. We went out hard and kept it up! FUN ONE. Quads burning in the last few reps of the last two rounds. Everything unbroken. My hands and forearms were super grumpy for five full minutes after finishing.
Did 3×10 GHDSU on the cash out, tricep ext good, bicep curls… my L side is so much weaker! not at all shocking, but this is a great thing for me to add in to even out my discrepancies.
Spent another 40 min moving and grooving on the mat. Seated stretches (spinal flexion and rotation,, hamstrings, adductors, glutes,, etc.), some core work, a cool new thing that Carlos taught me… felt great afterward!
Congrats everyone! Amazing job as usual Bob!!
Really great morning classes today! Everyone loves a good beach bod cash out. 🙂
Got to take the 8am class today.
-Worked up to a 93# power snatch for a 2 TNG and 2 OHS. That was plenty.
Partner WOD with a ghost partner:
Finished my rounds in :48, :51, :48, :43, :44
-I ended up starting at the even minute so my ghost partner had a little over a minute of work, except in the last 2 rounds where I had my partner finish in a minute. Finish time: 9:27
-Absolutely loved this fast workout! All unbroken except for the 2nd round when I tripped on dubs once.
Cash Out:
3RNFT: 3 strict rings dips, 4 proximal strength muscle up drills, 10 DB curls 20#, 10 GHD situps
LBBS: (45×5, 135×5, 165×5) 195×3, 215×3, 225×3
-all with no belt. felt ok which is appropriate since it feels like forever since I've squatted.
WOD: 9min AMRAP pullups/burpees
-1 rep shy of completing the round of 18.
1) 5 min bike
2) 5 RNFT: 50ft. Yoke carry (295, 315, 335, 345, 365), 5 False grip ring rows, :15 false grip hang
3) 5 RNFT: 100ft 1-arm Farmers Carry (70, 80, 90, 95), 3 Banded muscle-up transitions (green band)
Regarding the Open…happy to have made it into the top 5 in the gym and be included with these TFBA's! Even happier that when you break it down into my new "Masters" age group, I placed 122nd in the North East (top 5%)! This is the only time I'll say…can't wait until I'm 40…and in the next Master's division! 😉
Fun class at 10am today with Lady Fox and Brett.
Partner wod with Justin. 11:04min with 85lbs and single unders. This was entirely a OHS workout for me, I tried going unbroken but ended up with 10 6/4 6/4 6/4 10 – last two reps on the last set were super wobbly. Muscle snatching and unbroken SUs.
My mom (visiting from Brazil) took Fit 55 today and loved it! Never thought I'd see my mom doing goblet squats, ring rows, deadlifts… Thanks Brett and Fox for such a great program.
6:30 with Whit and Ro
Such a fun class to come back to after travel since Saturday.
Worked up to 83#x2 on power snatch which was my 1RM! Cool.
WOD with Sarah in 15:45ish, doing 63# and singles. I'll get back to practicing DUs, just didn't want to revisit the frustration of 17.5 quite yet. Power snatches were fine, OHS killllled my wrists, especially the right. All fun though and lots of good supportive vibes in the gym.
Bro stuff cash out was the best.