Open Workout 17.5
10 Rounds for Time:
9 Thrusters 95/65
35 Double-Unders
10 Rounds for Time:
9 Thrusters 65/45
35 Single-Unders
There is a 40 minute time cap for all athletes. If you do not finish the 10 rounds by the 40 minute cap, then your score is your reps completed. There is no tiebreaker for this workout.
Post time (or reps) and Rx to comments.
There Is No Wagon: Thoughts on Binge Eating and Dieting
Editor’s Note: The Look, Feel, Perform Better Challenge ends today. Congrats to those of you who participated and don’t forget to complete your post-Challenge submission! To send you off in style, we’re bringing you this Coach Fox classic. “There Is No Wagon” was originally posted on 1.17.14.
By Chris Fox
You can not fall off the wagon. You can not get back on it. There is in fact, no wagon. You are self propelled, and you make your way down your own path.
I’ve heard it countless times and had said it myself for years…”I’ve got to get back on the wagon”. This language seems to allow for some other power, in this case The Wagon, to make or break us. We make a big change in our lifestyle that seems like it will make everything better. That if we can stick to it we will once and for all be happy. We decide to get on The Wagon. We choose a date, prepare for it, and then go full steam ahead. At first it’s great, this is when you’re riding the momentum created by the hope of change, or of something changing you. Then some of the reality settles in and you stray a bit from The Wagon. You “mess up” and feel guilty. Maybe you even “mess up” a little more because of the guilt. So what do you do now? This is the point where you can move further off your path (have a second or third beer, order dessert after pizza, have a crappy dinner since you “messed up” at lunch, etc…) or turn back toward it (make your next decision one that lines up with your values and priorities). You can eat like crap all day and it’s still only one day. Health and fitness is not made or broken in one day alone. Be nice to yourself, don’t beat yourself up about it. And importantly, don’t wait for some wagon to come along and pick you up.
If you find yourself in a cycle like this then consider a few things. First, it doesn’t mean you’re a bad person or a failure. It means you’re just like everyone else. Fit people don’t magically not crave “bad” foods or never have trouble abstaining from unhealthy treats, and it’s hard for them to get to the gym sometimes, too. They even kick back and have a few drinks and french fries every now and then. What they do is consistently make more good decisions than poor ones. They live more in line with long term values and less with instant gratification. Try this: Think about what you value, then think of a few small actions you can take right now to live in line with those values. It’s important to realize that we are constantly making small decisions about how we will live and who we’ll be. This means that you can make a choice to have an all weekend bender or give in to a craving for the office donuts. That’s ok. It also means that you can make your next choice one that you are ok with, that makes you happy, and that is in line with your values. Be nice to yourself and put one foot in front of the other. Don’t wait for The Wagon to come around again and pick you up.
Nicole Carroll’s Tips for Open Workout 17.5 CrossFit
Pressure Doesn’t Have to Turn Into Stress Harvard Business Review
9am with JB and MeLo
I was feeling nervous coming into this one. In the beginning of Jan, I was still doing single-double-single, but since then have spent more time getting comfortable stringing doubles together. Earlier in the week I had done tried max du in 3 mins twice, and got 83 and 75, which was the most by far that I've ever done, but still well short of the 350 in today's workout.
Finished in 20:14. All the thrusters unbroken, and the doubles in 2 or 3 sets in the beginning, going to a bunch more at the end.
Overall, I'm really happy with my performance in the open. Huge thanks to McD and the programming he's done for me to help me get my first real toes to bar, chest to bar pull-ups, and double unders these last few weeks! Also so much fun to do these workouts with Joy every week 🙂
Scaled and subbed.
9 75lb thrusters; 12 24kg kettlebell swings.
Finished in 16:54
Thanks to Meg for all the support.
Did the scaled workout and ended at 12:50. I found myself reaching some sort of upper limit a few times, and breathing deeply through my nose helped slow my heart down. This felt like a workout designed to burn you out quickly, and the real workout was to not let that happen, which was really cool to put in practice.
Open Workout 17.6: Double Dutch, tap dancing and wood chopping. Bring it!
1) shoutout to Ko from team 2Legit 2 quit. Girl is still learning doubles- on the single/single/DU phase. I was here for months and it was SO FRUSTRATING. Take 10 rounds of an already frustrating workout and go for 40 MINUTES!? I am so impressed and she deserves huge props. I would have quit.
2) 17.5: 21:40. As I said above, DUs are something that were hard for me to get, and I'm still working on. Today, I feel so proud of how I completed this workout!!
Thrusters: 5/4 for all rounds, except the last one which I did unbroken. Smart advice Fromm JB. Expert!
DUs: decided to pause after 10-19-27-35 for 5 long breaths. Kept me consistent, kept me moving! Did this Every. Single. Round. It's a big deal for me– I've never been this successful with DUs!
Anyway, I would love to do this workout every month for a year. See if I can shave off 7 minutes to almost be at the level of Charlie or Kayleigh. It's a level of intensity I don't normally achieve.
3) I love this article from Fox. When I was vegan and 10 lbs heavier, I never had any issues with binge eating. I ate whatever I wanted that fit my values! It was when I demanded perfection from myself that it all went downhill. I have loved the challenge this year. I didn't get a 6-pack (I know I could have if I did RP strict for 12 weeks) but I realized, I just don't care about perfection! I do so much really right!!! If I go out and drink wine and eat the cheese, charcuterie, and bread (gasp) I don't have to go off the deep end and get ice cream. I also don't feel guilty. I was on point all week! I literally barely changed and I'm okay with that! Yay!
Jess and Koji ❤
What a photo!
9am with Melo and JB
I knew I had to come at 9am to have enough time to recover before my shift at noon because…17.5 was 40min of DU attempts, but hey! I could handle the thrusters and even got a couple DUs in a row for the first time ever. Score was 17 DUs into the 8th round. Many thanks to Rachel who was able hang around for 40min (and for completing her workout before the time cap!!).
I loved the challenge of the Open (and seeing so many folks do some crazy elite fitness) & I'm ready to get back to working on all the skills in our regular cycle.
17.5 in 14:27 rx
Ryan helped keep me on pace to get sub 15 even when I was sucking wind.
SO happy the open is over and I can start working on a few weaknesses. Note to self- work on thrusters even though you hate them.
17.5 with 95lbs thrusters and single unders: 17:43min. I could have gone for DU attempts, but given I can (still, only) barely string 3 together, that would have been a waste of time. I was curious on whether I could hit 90 x 95lb thrusters, and I managed to do 5-4 throughout the 10 rounds, so I'm pretty happy with that result.
Happy with my first Open. It helped me push harder on a lot of movements/skills that I didn't have a year ago. I learned that I can do 50+ pullups on a wod (17.3), squat snatch 135 during a wod (once!), dumbbell snatch for a long time (17.1), deadlift 225lbs and thrust 95lbs for *a lot* of reps (17.4, 17.5). Goals for next year's open: stringing together 10+ DUs, and being able to do HSPUs. Goals for 2019 open: muscle ups. 🙂
It was also particularly great to judge some amazing folks through these workouts – today I had BK and Lesley, who both crushed it Rx. So jealous of their DU skillz.
Felt a little like dying and a lot like not jumping rope anymore.
Damn…I should have read that link with Nicole Carrol's tips for 17.5. She said the trick was to go unbroken and fast, just not too fast early on so you can go faster toward the end. I didn't do that at all 😉
This picture though ❤❤❤
This photo is the BEST!
Great picture, great article…not a great workout!
17.5 Rx'd in 24:23
Thrusters done in 5-4 except the last two rounds which were unbroken. Did what I could for DUs because they aren't my strength. Carissa gave REALLY good cues throughout on the dubs. I got frustrated in round 8 when I tripped up a few times and couldn't catch my breath. Breathing became shallow slow down my breaths. Went outside and cried. Coach Lady Fox and Carissa came out and helped me get my breathing back to normal and my sh*t together. Went back in and finished. First mid-WOD cry.
People watching said my DUs were decent so now I think it was more my breathing and heart rate that were my demise. I took realllly long breaks between my small DU sets. The sun was glaring on the clock so I couldn't see it. Wish I had been able to see it because I *may* have pushed harder and not taken such long breaks.
I did this WOD 4 minutes slower than when I did 14.5 in 2014! So….I'm faster at doing burpees than DUs. Haha. I've been able to do DUs for four years. I have no excuses. I'm putting it here for all to see that this is the year I will be able to string a set of 50 together.
Had so much fun but so happy the Open is over. Although I didn't do as well as last year (no BMUs or HSPUs this year and conditioning isn't as good), I'm happy I was able to participate considering I couldn't even hold a dinner plate with my right hand in December. Shoulder is still a bit funky though so will figure that out next.