Every minute on the minute x 12 (4ea):
1) Jump Rope
2) Sit-Ups
3) Push-Ups or Shoulder Taps
Don’t go nuts here. Just get a good sweat going for the barbell portion of the class.
Post work to comments.
Mid-Hang Snatch:
Build to a heavy single Mid-Hang Snatch.
Post loads to comments.
CFSBK Open Intramural Team Rankings: Week 4
Week 4 of the CFSBK Open Intramural Team competition was shrouded in mystery, mostly because Alternative Reps team captain Dan H. didn’t turn his scores in on time and your blog editor wasn’t sure what to write. We know he has a baby girl, but the League waits for no man. Or woman. Or baby. Anway, we considered renaming the team Alternative Timeline, but, luckily, we obtained the scores and can bring you this report.
So what happened? Let’s just say it’s going to be an interesting 5th and final week of the Open! After last week’s scoring controversy, WHAMRAP! is now in sole ownership of 1st place. We ran these numbers through our TI-85, sent them off to NASA for confirmation, and can assure that these scores are correct. WHAMRAP! put up an excellent score of 45 and have earned that exclamation point. A paragon of consistency throughout the Open Intramural League season, Snatch Me If You Can put up another 50 point score this week to keep them well within striking distance of 1st place. And 2 Legit 2 Quit turned in another strong performance to pull into a tie for 2nd place.
As if that weren’t enough tension, We Rx-Cited To Be Here should be more than just excited. They posted the best score of the week and are also vying for the top spot headed into the final Open Workout. Watch out for them! They have momentum.
Remember: If the CFSBK Open Intramural League regular season ends in a tie, we’ll have a head-to-head tiebreaker workout. Could there be 3 or even 4 teams there? Come out to FNL: The Gauntlet this Friday at 7pm, when the picture will become clearer.
Current Ranking – Team – Overall Average (Week 4 Score)
1. WHAMRAP!: 49 (45)
2. Snatch Me If You Can: 50 (50)
2. Team 2 Legit 2 Quit: 50 (46)
4. We Rx-Cited Just To Be Here: 51 (44)
5. Los Snatchos: 54 (48)
6. Alternative Reps: 56 (45)
CFSBK Individual Open Leaderboard
1. Coach Katie – 9
2. Stephanie Mulder – 11
3. Coach Whit – 13
4. Kate Egan – 18
5. Kayleigh Rose – 29
6. Lauren Borducci – 32
6. Coach Jess – 32
8. Charlie Nagle – 38
9. Kelly Lovelett – 53
10. Coach JB – 57
1. Phil Serzo – 5
2. Coach Brett – 9
3. Coach McDowell – 14
4. Robert Semmens – 24
5. Christian Reiss – 25
6. Dan Langevin – 36
7. Chris Lambert – 42
7. Coach Arturo – 42
9. Dylan Ketchum – 45
10. Ryan Harrity – 46
Make Up Post: Monday
Went for a redo of 17.4….just curious if I could get a little further with a different HSPU. I suppose my weekend away at the beach got the best of me!
Same exact tiebreak time 8:35. Felt just fresh enough to chip away at the HSPU. and thennnn..they just weren't there. Started with sets of 5….then they just died out around 20-25…when I realized I wasn't going to beat my score I stopped. Was at 31 somewhere around the 12 min mark. No big deal! I am completely happy with my old score…the aftermath of it was absolutely not worth it though…
Woke up yesterday and my left SI was super stiff and i had my weekly *fake news*cold again. it never develops into anything serious, but its just enough to mess me up from Monday-Wednesday. Luckily I know the exercises to help shake my back loose. Was feeling 95% by yesterday, Unfortunately this cold is still lingering..is this real? super frustrated i've been feeling this cruddy for the entire month of march. I think i need some good ol fashioned sunshine.
Anyway, did another dropping at CrossFit Island Park yesterday!
20 min for quality: 3.5 rds completed
30s hollow hold
7 ea waiter squats (30, 35, 40#)
50M double arm OH carry (20-25# DBs)
7 ea bulgarian split squats (20# ea hand)
Big fan of this. All felt Double OH carry is hard to keep my R elbow straight with the dumbbells! Interesting.
5 min DU practice: blah. my foot hurts. I woke up with some sort of plantar fasciitis/electric zinging across the bottom of my whole foot yesterday AM. for no good reason because i didn't do any impact the day before. It should settle soon
1000M row
AMRAP in remaining time:
20 1 arm KBS (10 ea) @ 35#
10 box jump 20"
Got off of the erg somewhere around the 3:47-3:50 min mark. didn't really look at the clock
AMRAP: 6 rounds exactly
This was fun! All unbroken. my foot didn't really hurt that bad. stepped down instead of bounding practice.
hahahahaha hold on. major typo alert. i didn't leave droppings at CF island park. i did *ANOTHER DROPIN. whew. that was a close one.
6 AM – Ian and all the ladies hour.
Fish game: Where has this been all my life? 1005 pts.
Nice warmup EMOM. Played around (unsuccessfully) with triple unders.
Hang Snatch: 63×2, 73×2, 83, 93, 103, 113, 118PR
Felt easy, so the Foxes suggested pulling from the floor since I am finally keeping the bar close. Snatch made at 118 (3# PR). Nothing better than that to start the day.
– 10 cal AB sprints (28, 28, 29, 30 sec) and 3 strict pull ups/ 2 min rest between
– 4 x ring stabilization practice (10 at top, slow down, 5 sec bottom hold) and pistols (2 per leg)
8 am with Fox.
I suck at Fish game. Of course i assumed i was the big fish as opposed to the
one on the left, read into that what you will.
Good warmup.
Started with 5 warmup reps at
63# for the hang snatches and then:
and then a fail at 103# where i just didn't trust
my legs.
psyched for the triple under clean thruster workout.
10am class
Fish Game can suck it.
EMOM was fun. Was able to consistently get triples but only one at a time, couldn't keep the rope bouncing after getting them.
Hang Snatch up to 165. Had zero pop. I was pretty jacked up from 17.4 (x2…). Had a Tui-Na massage yesterday and feel much better.
Back Squat, 5 "heavy" singles at 305…these felt pretty heavy.
Now I am feeling foolish for not coming into 7 AM to do Fish Game, whatever that is.
KHarpz: DEAD.
PS – It was me who left the DROPPINGZ near the lifting belts at 597…pologiez.
Hahaha. Loving the comments today!
@Stella the fish game is on the erg. You can play anytime you row!
Hey Chris Fox…Neverapologies
I guess it's just me who did not love the fish game. I didn't even suck (1005) but erratic pulls with no tempo kinda hurt my back and so I'd rather stick to real reel fishing. It did spawn (that's right) a craving and I stopped off for scallops and cod on the way home.
42# 52# and stayed at 58# because of cranky shoulder. Oh and also because that's pretty heavy for me.
It's nice to have Noah here with his wise reminders and all!
Back Squat
210 x 5, 215 x 5, 220 x 5
Crashed Ro's workout and did some shuttle sprints pushing the empty dog sled omg that was a suckfest. Humbling. But good to see him suffer through it too ( with 45 more lbs on it)
10 mins easy assault bike.
I was kinda hoping 17.5 would involve something I can't do like pistols or MU because, well, I'm not feeling super-motivated right meow.
Oh well, guess I have to work hard one last time. I could theoretically do OK with this one; if I can remain calm.