Front Squat
Work up to a heavy single.
Work up to a heavy triple.
Post loads to comments.
Look, Feel, Perform Better Challenge Capacity Test
AMRAP 10 Minutes:
5 Pull-Ups
10 Push-Ups
15 Squats
Rest 2 minutes, then…
3 minutes max calories rowed
Score rounds and reps + calories rowed.
Merbear Wall Ballin’ it during 17.4 at Friday Night Lights. Come out this Friday at 7pm for the 5th and final FNL event of the year!
The End Is Nigh
By Christian Fox
Hard to believe that this year’s Look Feel Perform Better Challenge is about to be a wrap, the official end date being this Saturday, March 25th! As we spoke about at the last lecture and Q&A on Sunday, we recommend that you take some time (1-3 weeks) to let loose a little bit. This doesn’t mean to go off the rails entirely, but allow yourself a few treats that you’ve been avoiding (great time to test what Red, Yellow, Green foods are for you!) and if you’ve been counting macros, then put your scale away for a bit and eat more intuitively. If you’ve shifted your body weight or composition then you need a little time to let your body adjust to the new version of you. After a few weeks, if you still want to make more changes then get right back on the plan. If you’ve been counting macros and you’re still progressing then there’s no need to change the numbers. If you’ve stalled out a bit and your goal is to lose body fat then you can drop your carbs and/or fats by 10-15% to create a further caloric deficit. If your goal is to gain mass and you’ve stalled then you can bump all your macros up by 10-15%. In both scenarios, you’ll follow the new numbers for 8-12 weeks and then take a break before deciding where you want to go with it.
We’ve programmed the Capacity Test WOD (in bold below) for Wednesday this week. If you can’t make class on either Tuesday or Wednesday then you can just ask a coach for some space and we’ll accommodate you. If for any reason you performed a different test then simply re-do that one and submit it with your Post Challenge Submission.
Regardless of how well or poorly you think you did these last 12 weeks we encourage you to follow through with the Post Challenge Submission. If nothing else, it can provide a platform for some healthy introspection on what and what doesn’t help you achieve your goals. One thing we know for sure is that getting down on yourself for being “bad” doesn’t help anyone.
Once more with the link.
Winners will be announced by April 3, the week after the submission deadline of March 28.
Looking forward to hearing from all of you!
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Rest Day
Kids Learn Better When They Can Move Around Class NY Mag
The Coolest Custom Painted Nike Romaleos 3 BarBend
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Rest Day
Kids Learn Better When They Can Move Around Class NY Mag
The Coolest Custom Painted Nike Romaleos 3 BarBend
Front Squat – 135×3, 185, 205, 225, 255. Didn't push these and they all moved easily.
1/2 Cindy – 8 rounds even. I think this is better than Jan.
3 min row – 74 cal. Might have had 1-2 more, but was figiting with the buttons to switch to cal for the first 3 pulls. Also better than Jan.
quiet on the blog today! everyone in anticipation of 17.5?
10 min row outside in the sunshine, moderate pace, 125 cal
4 sets of 10 each 4" deficit rvrs lunge:
BW, 25# db's, 30#, 35#
15 slamball
:20 prone GHD hold
:20 supine GHD hold
A. Assault Bike, 20 minutes:
4 min easy pace
3 min @ 55-57 RPM
3 min recovery pace (35)
3 min @ 55-57 RPM
3 min recovery pace
3 min @ 58 RPM
1 min recovery
B. Crossover Symmetry Circuit
C. 15 min upper body targeted smash and movement:
-t-spine foam roller + double lax
-low lats
6:30 with Mel & Ro
FSQ: up to 125#x3. This was a little disappointing–my goal was actually 135#, but I bailed on my 3rd rep at 130#. I get the mental weirdsies with front squats.
LFPB WOD: 10rnds+1rep, 41cals (December was 8rnds + something, 38cals). Definite improvement. Could have had 11 rounds but I got frazzled in the last couple minutes and actually missed a set of squats! Row was frustrating as always, but at least pulled a few more cals.
FSQT: 125-135-145-150-155
Happy to be only 7# off my 1RM, especially after not front squatting all of December because of my wrist.
Capacity test. My wrist was injured during the baseline so Fox gave me a different WOD. It was painful not to do 1/2 Cindy, one of my favorite workouts, but my thumb is bothering me again so not sure I would have made it through the pushups.
15 min AMRAP
20 cal AB
30 Russian swings @16kg
40 Box jumps
2 rounds + 31
I got 2 rounds + 37 the first time I did it
No improvement but I'm not surprised. When I first did this test I did the AB every day. About two weeks after this test I went back to group class and stopped using the AB. Today, I went too conservatively on the bike in the first round because I did want my HR to spike but def could've have pushed harder.
FSQ: 95×3, 105×3, 110×3, 115×3, 120×3. Easy!
WOD: 9 rounds +13, 33 calories (I was trying my hardest, I SWEAR!! Boo!). I can't for the life of me find my original score!
Muscle Up accessory work then 2 sets of 5 weighted muscle-ups at 35# with the body weight reducer vest thing. Was trying to do 5 sets of 5. Ro told me to do the muscle ups on the vest thing first– I was exhausted from group class and lots of accessory stuff!
I will get that muscle-up if it's the last thing I do!!!!!
Front squat : worked up to 155×3. This felt okay. Still building back up to my old leg strength after taking so much time off.
I don't think I did the wod in December.
I got 7 +10 , which was 1 round + 3 reps better than last year post challenge in march. Push-ups still the major limiter. Pull-ups unbroken!
51 cals which matched my march 2016 score. Paced it well, 16 cals the first minute, then 17, then 18.
5:30 class
Front squats 95, 115, 125, 125, 125 all x3. Should have maybe taken a smaller jump in between 95 and 115 but it worked out ok. These weren't really the prettiest squats at 125 but got better as I moved through them.
LFPB WOD: 10 rounds flat. 51 calories. My intake was 9 rounds 5 reps, so some small improvement there and 47 calories which was not as much improvement. I'd like to re-test this in June and see how it goes. Spent the whole row feeling like an opossum, regretting every morsel of garbage I had eaten earlier in the day.