Tabata Mash-Up
Handstand Holds
Power Snatch
Every 2 minutes for 10 sets:
3 Touch-and-Go Power Snatches
Start light and build to something heavy-ish but perfect for the day.
Post loads to comments.
Don’t mess with Jill C. or the rest of WHAMRAP!
CFSBK Open Intramural Team Rankings: Week 3
What the hell happened in Week 3 of the CFSBK Open Intramural Team Competition? No, seriously, what happened? After the dust settled from Open Workout 17.3, the league standings had been shook up in a major way. Only the 1st and 6th place teams (Snatch Me If You Can and Alternative Reps) maintained their positions, with every other team rising or falling in the standings. That three-way tie for second place? It’s a thing of the past.
WHAMRAP! leapfrogged everybody with an impressive performance, propelled—no doubt—by Jill C.‘s fearsome 17.3 face. They’re now tied with Snatch Me If You Can for 1st place overall headed into Week 4. Team 2 Legit 2 Quit turned in another strong performance this week with the best single-week score of any team in this year’s competition. They now have sole ownership of 3rd place and exactly as many hits as MC Hammer had in his entire career. But watch out, guys, We Rx-Cited Just To Be Here is just one point behind you.
There was also lots of gossip around the league this week. Snatch Me If You Can team member Jay R. was seen leaving Three’s Brewing with Mark McGwire and Barry Bonds, further fueling speculation that he’s using PEDs. How is Niko going to explain this to the rest of the CrossFit Preteens? That same night, sources also tell us, members of Alternative Reps were overheard concocting a plan to convince the judges that Bar Muscle-Ups had something to do with an actual bar.
What will happen in Week 4? Come to Friday Night Lights: THE GAUNTLET to find out!
Current Ranking – Team – Overall Average (Week 3 Score)
1. Snatch Me If You Can: 50 (50)
1. WHAMRAP!: 50 (49)
3. Team 2 Legit 2 Quit: 51 (44)
4. We Rx-Cited Just To Be Here: 54 (53)
5. Los Snatchos: 55 (58)
6. Alternative Reps: 59 (55)
Open Intramural Team Scores
CFSBK Affiliate Leaderboard
Friday Nights: THE GAUNTLET
Tomorrow night we’ll be hosting a battle of CFSBK’s best during a Gauntlet-Style Friday Night Lights event. There will be two heats, 7:00pm and 7:30pm, during which 2 designated competitors from each of our intramural teams will throw down against each other in an epic battle of strength and conditioning. Come for Open Gym, stay for THE GAUNTLET.
Don’t forget that we’ll be showing the announcement of Open Workout 17.4 tonight around 8. Come early or stay late to watch it with us on the big screen!
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Rest Day
Interview with Marcelo Bruno, 4th Place Worldwide after 17.3 The Barbell Spin
This Workout May Help Reverse the Aging Process NY Mag
Dropin at activelife CF island park yesterday. For funsies
FSQ: 3×16 @ 60%, so 3x 125#
That was a special experience
16 min EMOM:
1: 15 WB 14/9
2: max HSPU in 30s
3: 8 cal assault bike + max DU in remaining time
4: rest
Accumulated 51 HSPUs, and probably close to the same amount of doubles. I kept pausing the assault bike because it runs differently than ours lol. So not my best doubles day. But this workout was fun and really challenging
I expect every single one of these movements to be in the open, simply because I maxed out in all of these movements yesterday evening
Fun visit! Always nice to get out of my element and meet new people
PEZ nor PEDS dammit!! And Niko is my dealer!
PEZ "not" PEDS. (Sorry for typo. Alphabetical accuracy is very very important here)
6am with McDowell and Jess. Tabata was actually my first time doing handstands (scaled to walking my feet up the wall) and spent most of the time in awe that people do it without a wall.
Snatch felt great today after last week's flailing around. 42×2 47×4 52×4 with good form each time, which was my goal. Read notes from last few snatch weeks this morning which really helped. Cash out via McDowell: "Go rub your pets at home" — now spending the rest of the morning googling dogs to rescue someday.
BWAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA please keep working this Jay/PEDs gag through the entire Open.
Burpee/Handstand Tabata got real spicy about halfway through. Shoulders are pretty sore.
Power Snatch Triples: 73×2, 83×2, 93×6
So if 2 Legit 2 Quit had the highest average, how did they get passed by a team with a lower average score in the previous standing? Questioning some of the math behind these new results…
6am with Jess and McDowell
Burpee/Handstand Tabata featured the worlds slowest burpees. I think I got 2.5 in the first round.
Power Snatch Triples: (in kg) 40×2 45×2 50×2 55×3 60
Make – up posts:
3//11 Open Wod 17.3 – 66 reps with a split of ~3m. Both movements added up.
3/14 225 on BP, wod in 7:45
Excellent point, Kayleigh! PWC clearly managing the Intramural League results…
WHAMRAP: 57+45+49= 151 / 3= 50
2 Legit: 56+52+44= 152 / 3= 51
I mistakenly wrote 53 instead of 51 for 2 Legit, which is fixed now, but the standings should still be correct. I'm just averaging out what the team captains plug into the spreadsheet each week.
That's not what the spreadsheet says for WHAMRAP for week 2 (53, not 45). Sorry, I both love friendly competition and am a data nerd like it's my job- oh wait…
I'm working off a different spreadsheet that's not public because it has everyone's e-mail addresses on it. The score is 45 on that one. I'll ask the captains to figure it out.
10 AM class with Brett and Jess.
Yikes, that Tabata combo was rough.
3×98 (PR)
I loved this workout focusing on getting the right positions on the descent for the touch and go got me into the right position to lift and knowing I needed to get three reps got me under the bar.
I really need to reestablish 1RM's for these lifts now that I feel more comfortable doing them.
Good session today. Neck has been feeling better and a bit more stable. Tested it out with those WB and DL yesterday. A bit tight afterward and this morning, but overall better. Decided to focus on simple movement, core/stability work, blood flow, and mobility today:
A. 10 min / 4x
:45 jump rope with 2-3 movements peppered in:
-passthroughs standing + in squat
-lunge with twist
-paused shoulder taps
-shoulder T's
-lateral lift/reach
-walking lunge with pass thru, ETC.
B. 20 min / 4x:
:45 jump rope: single unders + :20 high knees
5 hollow roll down @ 33×1
:20 each side plank, top leg lift
:30 inversion: wall walk, HS hold, 1 arm handstands
C. 3x:
10 alternating hollow to jack knife
:20 supine plank
D. 10 min:
upper body smash fest (t-spine, post. shoulder, infraspinatus, lat, pec/subscap)
-definitely need to keep doing all of this — felt so much better afterward. adhesion in L lat is gnarly. both post shoulders are also rough.
tested out some DB press at the end, focusing on neutral neck: 15×8, 20×8, 25×8 all fine
Please make a shareable version of the updated spreadsheet! We want to understand how some teams are scoring in the mid-40s.
P.S. So, all the drinks at the bar were 'no reps' for 17.2? I swear they counted in Nicole Carroll's tips for the "average" Crossfitter.
League officials are investigating Inflategate as we speak. Rest easy, everyone.
"Team 2 Legit 2 Quit just needs to deal with the facts"
Hey Everyone!
The Crossover Symmetry / Shoulder Health Movement Clinics are FULL!
If you wanted to sign up but didn't get a spot, please email me:
More fake news re Jay. He was seen leaving three's brewing with a Donald Duck Pez dispenser, but he is most definitely not on Snatch Me if You Can. Snatch Me if You Can doesn't mess with that stuff. I think he lifts with Los Snatchos.
Am I the only one that's freaked out about the different fonts for the Tabata workout vs the Snatch workout?
It look like WHAMRAP! originally included a score for one of their members who did not do 17.2 when they did Week 2's team average. Teams are only supposed to average the scores of members who participated in that workout. So last week's score was wrong, and this week's score is the correct one