Power Clean Metcon
3 Rounds for Time:
30 Double-Unders
10 Power Cleans 115/75
5 Ring Muscle-Ups
3 Rounds for Time:
30 Double-Unders
10 Power Cleans
10 Ring Dips
Scale Double-Unders to 10 attempts or 30 Single Unders as needed. Use a load that is light-medium for you. Scale the Ring Dips to Push-Ups as needed.
Post time and Rx to comments.
Here’s a fun time-lapse video done by Coach KHarpz during the first-ever Friday Night Lights Gauntlet event. Come out this Friday the 17th to cheer on representatives from each Open Intramural team as they take on 17.4!
Next Level Weightlifting Club at CFSBK
The Next Level Weightlifting Club offers Olympic lifting with strength training and mobility all in one. Weightlifting classes will be held in two-hour windows and taught by Coach Frank Murray. While there will be a start to every class, you are allowed to show up at any time during the two-hour training session to lift. Those involved will receive the week’s programming which they can either do during the training session or on their own times during open gyms. If you are unable to participate in class on a regular basis, you also have access to Coach Frank via email and can submit videos to be evaluated and critiqued. Think of him as your personal coach.
While there are universal weekly workouts, they can and likely will change from person to person depending on each individual’s needs. All people are different and therefore require different things to be successful. At Next Level Weightlifting Club, we take that into account and make adjustments as needed to optimize progress.
Typical Sessions Include:
- Group Warm-up
- Heavy Lift (Snatch/Clean/Jerk)
- Light Lift (Snatch/Clean/Jerk)
- Squats
- Pulls/Presses
- Mobility
Monday: 7:00-9:00pm
Wednesday: 7:00-9:00pm
Friday: 5:00-7:00pm
Just Next Level Weightlifting:
Drop-In: $30
10 Class Punch Card: $250 ($25 / Class)
Recurring Monthly Memberships:
2x/Oly $175 (Weightlifting Club only)
3x/Oly $225 (Weightlifting Club only)
Next Level Weightlifting + Group Classes
If you’d like to combine Olympic Lifting with our Group class offerings, you can include an add on to your membership which can be used on CrossFit, Short Circuit, Anti Gravity, Active RecoveryOpen Gym, Yoga and Pilates. Weightlifting club members can use the AM Open gym block (6a-1p M-F) as options for their add on drop ins.
+2x Group Class Add-on $100
+3x Group Class Add-on $150
New! Unlimited Group + NLWC: $300
Sign Up:.
This program is ongoing so participants may sign up whenever they want.
Your credit card will be charged immediately at a prorated rated for the rest of the current month. This membership will then automatically renew on the first of every month moving forward until cancelled.
Any questions regarding this program can be sent to info [at] CrossFitSouthBrooklyn.com and olympiclifter88 [at] gmail.com.
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Open Workout 17.3
Mentally Handling Failed Attempts Catalyst Athletics
Everything You Thought You Knew About Addiction Is Wrong Kurzgesagt
Double under Practice
Handstand Walk Practice
3 rounds
15 Burpees
15 cal row
15 cal row
15 Burpees
Rest 2:00
17.3- 104 reps w/ 5:42 tiebreak
This workout was insane. I really liked this one. It takes a special skill to stay dialed in with a movement like the snatch, especially under duress.
-Used the 65s as a chance to focus on staying crisp for my heavier reps, was breathing nice and easy. Snatches all 3/3, and C2b all 6s
-95s all singles. Just kept a steady pace. All C2b 4/3- finished at 5:42 with PLENTY of time to finish that dammm round at 135
-135: settled in and just went for the 40# jump. Holy F that felt heavy. Got through the first set of 4 with no misses. I felt really good here! A friend suggested that I do singles on the C2b so I tried it the first round. It was wayyy too slow for all of the time I needed for the snatches (no repped myself on a single too-lol oops). Ended up just doing 5/3 on the C2b for the last two sets and it felt fine. Anyway. Sprinkled in about 7-8 fails in the last two rounds up until the clock ran out. I think if I wouldn't have been such a spaz and taken a few extra seconds on my lifts I could've completed it! Kind of itching to do t again tomorrow. Well see how I feel. Finished with 4 snatches to go at 135. Total of 104 reps
Group class: perf WOD 7:42
All DU and power cleans unbroken
MU were slow today, a lot of power is missing in my kip…wonder why…
Otherwise, fun workout and super fun warmup!
Solo Strongfit this morning with Fox, which basically means getting to play with all the toys. Yoke walk for 50' starting with the empty yoke and working up to 315. Sandbag carries for 100' with the 100#, 140#, and 160#. Three empty sled sprints for 100' that just killed my quads. Thanks for a fun morning, Fox!
9 AM group class: Fitness WOD in 9:1? – not sure exactly. Dips took forever, but happy to have made it through all of them. Need to work on timing with the kip.
Yesterday's 17.3: 53 reps. This was a total C2B workout for me – happy to have gotten through as many as I did, but would have really liked to have made it back for another round of snatches. Jill was a supportive judge and killed it herself. Great vibe in the gym, as always.
I agree with Katie about the fun warm-up and group class!
6:49 Went too light at 63–definitely should have done 73, but I just didn't feel like it, some trip-ups on doubles, 3 jumping muscle ups.
I was considering coming back for AG, but decided to skip it today.
10am with Fox and Snickers. Fun warmup throwing medicine balls around.
7:11 (115lbs, 5 ring dips). A bit of a frustrating metcon: I still don't have DUs that are consistent, so lots of tripping on my 10 attempts; the power cleans were light at 115lbs, could have done 10 touch-and-go; did ring dips for the first time in a wod, and let's just say I need to work on them quite a bit.
All in all, some improvements (kipping-ish ring dips! 115lbs power cleans felt light!) but still so much more to work on (DUs ๐ the bottom of those dips :().
WU: 8:30 run, D-RoMs, hip openers, 3x 10 pushups, 10 goblet lunges #20, 10 KB 1.5
Power Cleans: 45×3, 65×3, 75×3, 85×3
Metcon: 3 rds for time–90 single unders, 10 Power Cleans @ #85, 10 pushups–6:53
Cashout: split and stacked a bunch of wood–#8 Collins Axe.
Decided to re-do 17.3 because… why not?
Warmed up and hit 93 on my snatch again (PRd here yesterday) but….deja vu, could not hit it in the workout. Excited that I matched that PR though! I have a goal of hitting 100 this year.
My tie break time was much better this time since I wasn't trying to save my lungs as much. Same reps at 43, new tie break at 3:30.
Then, worked up to 93x2x2 on the clean and jerks. Traps are sore!
& finally, 3×3 at 128 for the front squat with ZERO knee pain.
11 am class with Snickers and Arturo.
great warmup series!
Metcon in 5:21 with single unders,
cleans at 115# and push-ups. did all bailed singles.
came back for OG and another shot at
17.3, this time RX.
9 reps- 95# Squat snatch in one motion is a PR-
happy to have done it again.
Loved watching everyone at FNL- really fun.
AHHHH DAMMIT I forgot about Strong Fit!
Oh well. Came to 9 AM class, fitness Rx in 7:25, including 11 seconds of trying to untangle my jump rope. Poor preparation, all my fault.