Open Workout 17.3
3 Rounds:
6 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
6 Snatches
3 Rounds:
7 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
5 Snatches
If completed by 8 minutes then move on to…
3 Rounds:
8 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
4 Snatches
If completed by 12 minutes then move on to…
3 Rounds:
9 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
3 Snatches
If completed by 16 minutes then move on to…
3 Rounds:
10 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
2 Snatches
If completed by 20 minutes then move on to…
3 Rounds:
11 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
1 Snatch
Rx’d (Ages 16-54):
Men use 95-135-185-225-245-265 lb.
Women use 65-95-135-155-175-185 lb.
Men use 45-75-95-115-135-155 lb.
Women use 35-55-65-75-95-105 lb
If all the reps of any 3 round segment are not completed by the cutoff time, then the workout is over and your score is your total reps completed. If all reps are completed by the 24 minute mark, your score will be your time. Tie-breaker times are recorded at the completion of each 3 round segment.
For Rx’d athletes, the Snatches must be caught in a full squat and can not be a Power Snatch plus an Overhead Squat. If the bar is caught above a full squat the athlete must pass through the squat in one smooth motion. Athletes may have assistance in loading the bar to the next weight. Collars must be used.
Scaled athletes perform Jumping Chin-Over-Bar Pull-Ups. The Pull-Up bar must be at least 6″ above the athletes head when standing. The Snatch may be a Power Snatch plus an Overhead Squat.
Post time or total reps and Rx to comments.
Just a little glimpse of the detailed work that goes into prepping the gym for each Open Workout | Photo by Thomas H.
Fit 55+: Staying Strong, Mobile, and Able
What is Fit 55+?
Fit 55+ is a strength and conditioning class for older adults who want to move and use their bodies and are not content to simply sit on the couch getting older. Research points to development of chronic disease in older populations not as a consequence of aging alone, but as a product of decreased activity and less-than-healthy lifestyle choices. Strength training and conditioning can help both stave off, as well as reduce, the effects of many chronic diseases. As the old adage goes: “If you don’t move it, you lose it.”
Fit 55+ will help you:
- Build muscular strength and joint integrity
- Increase and maintain bone density
- Improve cardiovascular function
- Improve pulmonary function
- Improve balance, coordination, and mobility
- Reduce your risk of falling (and be more resilient in case you do)
- Maintain independence and improve quality of life
Who is this class for?
Any older adult who wants to exercise in a fun, safe, and inclusive manner. Whether you’re a total newcomer to resistance training or more of a veteran, our classes will challenge you to become better.
What does a class look like?
A typical class will start with a series of light warm up movements to get your heart and joints ready for exercise.
From there we’ll move onto the strength training portion of class, using a variety of tools to help you develop strength. You’ll use both weight training and bodyweight exercises of the upper and lower body to develop and maintain muscular strength and joint integrity.
After the strength training portion of class we’ll move on to the conditioning portion. Here the goal is to get a bit sweaty and elevate your heart rate for a while to improve heart function and lung capacity. To this task we’ll use a variety of equipment and modes like: rowing machines, exercise bicycles, sled pushes, sandbag training, and bodyweight exercises, in addition to many others. The variety keeps it engaging and more fun (we think) than just walking on a treadmill for an hour.
Finally, we’ll end with a few cool down stretches to relax your heart rate and your mind before you head out of the gym.
Where and When do Fit 55+ classes meet?
Mondays and Thursdays at 11am at CrossFit South Brooklyn (597 Degraw Street between 3rd and 4th Avenues) located in the heart of Gowanus. We have served the local fitness community for nearly 10 years, growing from grassroots park-based workouts to our current location, which has two spaces with a total footprint of over 11,000 square feet. In addition to our spacious facility, we also have brand new locker rooms with showers, towel service, and bath products available for your convenience.
Drop-In: $25
5-Class Card: $100
Monthly Unlimited (2x per week): $125
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Rest Day
Open Workout 17.3 Standards CrossFit
Nicole Carroll’s Tips for 17.3 CrossFit
Good luck today!
Did 17.3 at FNL (due to all the other ladies of 2Legit2Quit having prior obligations).43 reps RX, which was my goal. Really glad I got it over with, and surprisingly, doing the workout in The Gauntlet made it way more fun!!
I was real tempted not to do it when I thought it would just be me, Snickers, and JFox–I thought I would feel awkward and embarassed ("why is she doing it when she can't even make it through the first part?"). Thankfully it was a whole bunch of people, but even if it hadn't been– everyone was super supportive. It doesn't matter if you're the best in the gym, or if you have to end the workout because you can't yet make a 95# snatch. If you're on an intramural team, you should give FNL a chance–no one really cares what you do, they're just happy you're doing it! It was definitely really fun and totally worth it!!! People will cheer for you and you will take fewer breaks 🙂 Can't wait to see who volunteers next week–a success is a success whether you're hitting 225# for the first time, or PRing your squat snatch at 65# for the first time OR just making it through a workout that's really hard while trying your best.
Also, it was so awesome that people could be out on the town or curled up in bed with a movie on after a long week on a Friday night, but instead were at a gym cheering on or performing in physical feats of strength and fitness. It really is amazing and makes me so happy to be a part of the crossfit community. Especially seeing instagram stories of so many other gyms doing FNL across the country too. I love it! Come out next week, everybody!!!
9am with David and Melissa
Another week of firsts for me! My pull-ups have been improving but hadn't tried chest to bar before today. Ended up with 44 reps, which is 1 snatch at 95. The pull-ups were mostly singles with a switch grip (per MeLo's suggestion). My snatch PR is 98, but that was an ugly press out a long time ago. My snatch today felt much smoother. Had time for a second snatch, but wasn't quite committed. Happy with how this went and fun to have so many fellow 'snatch me if you can' teammates there today!
Wow, Linda congrats! 25 C2B your first time doing them is ridiculously impressive and probably means you had them for a long time before trying them!
I agree with Allie's sentiments about FNL. What a fun night (even though I judged and didn't compete).
17.3 Rx'd 47 Reps
C2B and snatches all singles but kept moving in the first three rounds.
Then did alternative reps at 75 and 85 because a 30# jump seemed unrealistic. Got 4 reps at 95 which is 95% of my 1RM (perhaps time for a new 1RM snatch PR?). Had one rep that was really ugly and almost walked into the white board but the other three were solid. Sat at the bottom of what felt like an eternity but had to stand them up because Griselle and Asha were screaming (in the most supportive way) in my face!! Thanks ladies! Had 10s to do my 5th rep but failed it.
Scaled and subbed with strict pull-ups and cleans @115 and 135.
First 3 rounds, 3 pull-ups each round, next three rounds, 4 pull-ups each round. I finished in 7:20 and then decided to not continue because my back was feeling pretty crushed and I didn't want to go up to 155. I suppose I could have stayed at 135, but that thought came to me after I had wrapped up.
9a with David and Melissa
17.3 scaled. 84 reps
My snatch PR before today was 88, and Thursday's EMOM was pretty meh for me, so I decided to do this one scaled. Very happy – and quite surprised – to get four power snatches at 95! They were slow and pretty ugly, and I still haven't committed to getting under the bar, but it felt great to finally get that weight overhead. Glad this Open workout came along to push me into territory I probably would have avoided during a regular class.
And per usual, the atmosphere in the gym was on point. It's so inspiring to see everyone pushing themselves and supporting their fellow athletes!
17.3 at OG
During warm ups I hit 93, which was a PR after months of not snatching, which was really exciting. I couldn't hit it during the WOD though; I kept dumping it behind or forward but I'll take a snatch PR any day!
43 reps with tie break 4:30. I probably should have moved a little faster for a better tie break time, but I really thought I could match the PR i hit during warm ups because it felt so good.
Three down, two to go! Friday nights was really fun- the energy was great this week.
10am with Melo and David
17.3 with kipping pull-ups (instead of C2B) and the Rx snatch weight
44 reps! Went into this expecting 43 reps and getting stuck at the 2nd snatch weight, but managed to match my squat snatch 1RM at 135lbs – it was ugly, but my judge said I got it. Had time for one more, but it's just too hard to catch it in a stable position. Had one ugly bail at 135 where the bar brushed hard against my lower back (so far, no issues from it). Happy that I chose to "Rx" this. Next goals: high volume C2Bs (today I realized I can actually do 1!), and more work on my overhead squat stability/strength.