Back Squat
Warm up and perform a heavy set of 5, followed by a heavy triple, followed by a heavy single. Each set should be challenging but not max effort. No failing. Use spotters on all work sets.
3 x 5
Warm up and perform 3 sets of 5 reps at the same load. Each set should be challenging but doable.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 3 of 8
Every minute on the minute x 12 (4ea):
1) 16/12 Calorie Row
2) 10 Dumbbell Thrusters
3) 10 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
Go medium hard on the rows and aim for unbroken on the Thrusters and Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups. Rx the dumbbells at 45% of your bodyweight (between the 2 dumbbells). Scale Chest-to-Bar to Regular Pull-Ups or Jumping Pull-Ups as needed.
Post work to comments.
Steph M. just casually doing some Dumbbell Snatches during 17.1 | Photo by Thomas H.
CrossFit Open Updates
Friday Night Lights: The Gauntlet
This Friday evening, we’ll be hosting a battle of CFSBK’s best during a Gauntlet-Style Friday Night Lights event. There will be two heats, 7:00pm and 7:30pm during which 2 designated competitors from each of our intramural teams will throw down against each other in an epic battle of strength and conditioning.
Team Captains!
Please designate one male and one female competitor to represent your team at The Gauntlet. Email cfsbk.intramural.league [at] by FRIDAY, MARCH 10th at 12pm with your selected competitor’s names and prefered heat time (7pm or 7:30pm).
Also, we need judges! If you are interested in volunteering to judge one of our FNL heats, please email cfsbk.intramural.league [at] and indicate which heat 7:00pm, 7:30pm (or both) that you are available to judge.
Spectators are also encouraged to stop by CFSBK on Friday evening to support your teammates and cheers their success (BYOB)!
Here are our top 5 men and women overall. We have ties for first in both the men’s and women’s categories!
Men – Rank / Name / Total Points
1) Phil Serzo – 3
1) Coach Brett – 3
3) Coach McDowell – 12
4) Bob Semmens – 18
5) Dylan Ketchum – 21
Women – Rank / Name / Total Points
1) Steph Mulder – 14
1) Coach KHarpz – 14
3) Coach Whitney – 17
4) Coach JB – 25
5) Katie Egan – 29
Click here to see the entire affiliate leaderboard.
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Rest Day
The Art of Being Scared Training Think Tank
Karen Skalvoll Sets Deadlift World Record Despite Terminal Illness BarBend
Latest Dave Castro Easter Egg is a pile of cards. There are twelve face cards. Total value = 75. I am guessing 12 rounds of 15 WB and CTB pull ups. 15 minute cap.
Take that back I have no freakin idea. It has to be something with 75 and 12.
Since we just had pullups/bar muscle ups I'm going to go w/Jay's original guess but with HSPU instead of C2B.
Hmmm… I think the cards are a reference to the hopper model. I expect thrusters though.
It pains me to admit it but CFox is probably right.
50# thrusters are going to hurt. Approximately 25% more than the 40# thrusters hurt this morning.
10 AM With Jeremy and Brett
Back squats:
1×185# (88% of my 1RM)
this 5-3-1 feels great to me, which didn't carry over to the WOD which I couldn't quite get organized the way I'd like after banging my arm on an erg- protip- don't take your first pull in the wod!
Gotta be 50lb db thriusters. I'm guessing with deadlifts and hspu.
Took a few days off because I had a cold.
Came in last night for AG. Fun workout. Need to work on T2B. The rhythm escapes me so often. Following Ro's advice of alternating one T2B, one knee raise, which helps me keep the swing going. Ran to an from the gym.
10am with Jeremy and Brett.
3 rounds
5 x matador dips ( couldn't manage ring dips today)
10 x KB swings (USA) @ 20KG
10 x rev lunges @ 20KG
Back Squat
215 x 5 x 3
WOD- kinda disastrous. Tried the thrusters at 35# and thought I was going to die. Thankfully Jeremy switched them out for 30#ers so I could continue and not die.
C2B were just not happening. Got 2-4 per round and had a hissy fit because there were 'too many people doing pull-ups around me', which actually meant I was being a baby because my body wasn't cooperating and that was my excuse in the moment. Ugh. Constantly learning things about myself in the middle of workouts these days…
Might have tweaked my rhomboid in the process….
I hope I am not jinxing it but there is no way they can have 35# DB thrusters in the Open. Unless it's like 5 reps.
Ran to and from the gym again. It's beautiful out there!
Happy International Woman's Day!!
It's going to be a worldwide poker tournament. But the cards are weighted and you need to buy them from Rogue to meet the standards.
David – and you have to pay overnight shipping. 😉
lol @david
HAPPY INTERNATIONAL WOMEN'S DAY! I am grateful to work and play at CFSBK — a space where women set goals, take risks, develop and display their strength as well as the power of their vulnerability, speak up, show up, and generally kick ass.
woke up with neck feeling a little better. still stiff and missing some ROM, but not too painful. came in to do some cautious work.
A. 15 min assault bike, just legs, around 45-48 rpm
B. 10 min mash: lats, rhomboids, infraspinatus, posterior capsule, traps
C. 3x:
8ea single leg RDL (did 4 sets here, first two with one 12kg kb, second two with two kb's)
8ea single leg step up @ 41×1 tempo on 24" box
:20 each supine/prone GHD hold
D. EMOM x 20
even: :25 jump rope + :20 bottom of squat hold with 50# sandbag
odd: 7 box jumps (24", step down) + 14 russian twists (15# slamball)
C2B: Did 5 the first round then did unbroken pullups the rest of the rounds. Had to pause though to get my rhythm in order but stayed on the bar. I probably could've done 5 C2B per round if I pulled like a BMU but I was trying to do them correctly by just pulling higher than a pullup and I couldn't after 5 reps.
Thrusters at 30#: HARD. Could not breath. Tried to pause and breath at the top but had to put them down. Did less than 10 some rounds and broken them up as follows: 7, 7-3, 5-3, 6-4
Row: Honestly didn't push this. 10 cals per round but only 8 in the last round.
Still feeling sick and have a sinus headache but it was too beautiful out to not work out.
HBBS 125 5×3 Thought I'd do 135, but this felt perfect.
27.5# DB. YIKES! Second round I only got 9. Went into a dark place for the next two rounds, got tight (helped a ton), and just powered through. It helped tremendously to be really tight, especially at the bottom.
4-5 chest to bars. Can't cycle them. Need to take a huge kip, and often need to strict pull to actually hit my chest. Gotta keep working on it!
Row: Couldn't hit 12 calories in any round. I tried.
Very nervous about 35# DB Thrusters.
6:30 with Brett and Ro
HBBS: 135×5, 155×3, 175×1
I definitely strained my quad or something over the weekend so this felt really off… the DB thrusters later only made it worse. Lots of mashing, rest and TENs machine over the next few days.
Metcon: First 2 rounds did 30# DBs (slight scale up) but the volume was killing my thighs so i just switched to 35# but did 5 reps only.
Rows were fine, pulling around 1100 cals and did 5 C2B each round as singles. I can't cycle this but i'm typically hitting mid sports bra so I feel good about the height of the pull!
Group Class!
Trying to get my fitness on. I swear I have 25% of a cold from Mon-Wednesday for the past 2 and a half weeks now. so frustrating! I've been having a bit of difficulty balancing training with the open. Have been resting aaaalot more than i want to. But, it's what my body needs. So what can ya do! Glad I was feeling good for group tonight.
BSQ: 5-3-1
205×5, 215×3, 225×1
Perfectly challenging, smooth and slow just at the very last rep. Patting myself on the back for this one. Good work K HarpZ.
rows: 12s challenging but completed consistently around :35-:38, roughly 1300 pace.
DB Thruster: 30#, unbroken, worked on pulling myself down into the thruster, which i have never tried before. These got tough around the 4th round and i couldn't do it anymore. Rested at top as needed
C2B; all unbroken except for last round 7/3. my grip endurance is horrible right now. I think my forearms are locked up because both of my elbow tendons are sore.
Was a little bit hot about the fact that i haven't been able to exercise, so decided to take the 80 pounder around the block myself. took awhile. (tried to bear hug it but it was frying my low back) so i just put it on my shoulder. Had a little fun practicing jerking it from shoulder to shoulder in order to get a good distance on the back half of the block.
Cashoutx2: 10 min AD
10son/50s slow spin
foam roll everything
Core exercises for my spinez
6:30 supersize class w/ Brett & Ro
Fitness BSQ-I need all the reps I can get! Missing 2x week squats so much.
125×5, 130x5x2
OK. Not great.
Thrusters were a disaster out of the gate; could barely manage 10 at 27.5# the first round, did 8 the second round, and then dropped to 20#. My RX should have been 35#. Nightmare movement.
Rows took nearly the full minute and the chain on our erg was wonky.
Jumping pullups from 1ft box.
Cranky about today's fitness, but pleased with today's engaged + empowering Women's Day activities, so hey, on to tomorrow.