Open Workout 17.2
AMRAP 12 minutes:
2 rounds of:
50-ft. Weighted Walking Lunge
16 Toes-to-Bars
8 Dumbbell Power Cleans
Then, 2 rounds of:
50-ft. Weighted Walking Lunge
16 Bar Muscle-Ups
8 Dumbbell Power Cleans
Etc., alternating between Toes-to-Bars and Bar Muscle-Ups every 2 rounds.
Men’s Rx: 50lb dumbbells
Women’s Rx: 35lb dumbbells
Movement Standards
Post rounds, reps, and Rx to comments.
Coach Ro takes on 17.2. To see more from his workout, check out Thomas H.’s Flickr album, artfully entitled Kippin’ Aint Easy; or, Thursday Night Shadows
Date: Sunday, March 5th, 3pm – 5pm
What: A women-focused WOD led by Crossfit Solace Coach Heidi Jones
Did Iron Maidens pique your interest in female-centric fitness? Squad WOD is a female-focused workout that takes place at different gyms across the NYC area. The intention is to bring women together in an environment that is free of judgement and overflowing with empowerment, camaraderie, and support for each other.
Squad WOD is a chance to meet, connect, make new friends, and empower one another in an environment that is all about celebrating each of our strengths and broadening our squads.
A bit about this event’s incredible guest speaker: Nabiha Syed had already published a book, founded a legal clinic and advocated for women’s rights in Pakistan by the time she was 28. We are excited to talk to Nabiha about her journey as a Muslim woman in a predominantly white, male career. In addition, she is going to talk to all of us about diving into our passions headfirst, how to channel our Type A tendencies into successful endeavors and what ‘leaning in’ means to her.
Proceeds from the event will benefit the Sadie Nash Leadership Project. Sadie Nash promotes leadership and activism among young women. The program is designed to strengthen, empower, and equip young women as change agents in their lives and in the world.
Get ready for an inspirational chat and workout!
Nicole Carroll’s Tips for 17.2 CrossFit
Ask a Swole Woman: When a Man Asks You Why You Lift The Hairpin
Attn intramural teams!
Although I do appreciate the support for this evening, I would love for Friday night lights to be more of a community event. We're still working out the kinks, so bear with us. I did a bit of thinking, and I thought it may be interesting if this Friday was hosted "gauntlet style", where each captain was responsible for sending 2 dudes and 2 dudettes to represent their team. The decision would have to be emailed to me by all captains by Friday at 12pm. In which I would follow up with an email for everybody's confirmed starting heat time (running anywhere between 6:30-7). Let me know what you all think! Feel free to flood my inbox with questions and concerns.
Love that ide, Katie! It was so fun to watch you do the workout tonight!
Gauntlet style might bring more camaraderie (& loving, good-spirited trash talking, of course) for our teams!
This was a fun one. I thought it was confusing and weird when they first announced it, but the lunges made it way more interesting. Plus, this is the closest we'll ever get to doing bicep curls in an open WOD!! (aka. DB 'power cleans')
Completed 125 reps. So 13 bar MU into the 4th round.
Lunges: all unbroken and step through, rested halfway into my fourth round, which i really wish i hadn't done. But ohhhh well. These weren't so bad once I messed around with DB placement! (explained below).
T2B- 8/8, 8/5/3 (hand wraps were creeping me out)
DB PC: 7/1, then i think i broke in round 3 into 4/3/1 then straight into lunge, these were totally bicep curls and probably looked super janky.
Bar MU: i think i did 2 sets of 2 in first round, then just went to singles land for the rest of the workout.
I think a really big limiter here was grip (and obviously bar MU capacity). I felt it super early (by PCs in round 1), which was frustrating. Tried saving my hands at work, but what can ya do!! Spent a lot of time resting to wrist stretch than because i needed it.
for anyone who wanted to see the strategy that i used last night for the dumbbells, skip to min 3….i don't always like rudy's suggestions (and he rambles about nonsense a lot- i need 4 minutes of my life back plz) but the dumbbell position was super helpful. Just make sure you can wrap your entire hand around and under the bell! my fingers were resting on my shoulders, not the dumbbell. Also, everyone is different so keep that in mind
one thing i wanted to add about the lunge is as my grip went, the dumbbell would start to slip out of my hand a little bit. When it did, i stopped lunging immediately (not trying to no-rep up in here) and reset my position by kind of bouncing up and down a little bit to jiggle it back in my hands before i continued. Don't know if it makes sense, but just wanted to emphasize maintaining the integrity of the workout, and the risk of getting no repped with this position as you get more tired! : )
This WoD was brought to you by Dextromethoraphan.
20:00 row 4332m/249cal
That is all.
9am with the Foxes
Made it through to the bar muscle ups with about 2 mins left and had no hope. Tiebreak time was around 9:30. Before yesterday I had done 1 ttb, then did 20 yesterday, so proud to have done 32 today, even if I got a little frustrated. I'll try this one again and see if I can make it a little farther before the ttb disappear.
It was great to see Jill get her first ttb and then go on to do many more in the workout!!
Great idea on designating 2 people per team for FNL!
9am w/Foxes
Linda you killed it! And JILL my amazing partner who got her first + a bunch more T2Bs!!
54 reps RX
I was wavering btw RX & scaled in the warm ups. Got my first t2b a couple weeks ago, and a handful since then–don't have MUs or pull ups so the second half of this would have been frustrating either way. So glad I went RX! Lunges were heavy but stable, same for PCs. Took t2bs as singles and had one streak of 3-4 in a row. A work in progress but really really fun.
9 AM with lots of amazing ladies doing amazing things. I'm sure the men were also doing some pretty good things on their side too.
In recovery from the flu, so approached this workout as moving as quickly as possible to get to the point of being able to sit and stare at the bar. Then a few attempts for good measure with some helpful tips from Steve to keep in mind for the future. Great judging/support from Rachel whose T2Bs are just textbook.
8am with the Foxes. That was a fun one – 94 reps – barely squeaked out the 16th bar muscle up, but super happy with the results. Really feeling it in my left chicken wing though #ouch.
17.2 Rx'd 78 Reps with a 5:40 time breaker
Lunges: Were tough but manageable.
TTB: 5-4, then I don' t remember. Second set was all singles but I moved quickly bc Allie told me to stay on the bar.
BMU: Wasn't going to attempt these bc of my right shoulder but I did. Came close a few times. Whit's suggestions helped greatly.
Sick with a cold all week so glad it was a short one (for me)!
17.2 last night RX: 78 reps with a tie break of 6:16. Lunges felt good. Toes to bar were slow as usual.
"Attempted" a bar muscle up with the final 5 mins but I had no delusions that I am there yet. It's one of my goals for this year though!
Oh! Came in today and did some knee exercises, some body weight stuff, then did Annie just to get a sweat and not aggravate my hands. PRd it at 6:06.
Open gym 17.2 with Crumsho
Wanted to do this during class but Nia had different sleeping plans than mommy and daddy. Made it to OG around 3:20 and got started around 3:30. Thanks to Val for judging me.
Got 80 reps RX with a tiebreak time of 6:38. When I finessed the 3rd round of lunges I rested for a minute before attempting a muscle up. I got my first one(5) during last years open and haven't done them since. I used a jumping technique where I stand about two steps from the bar, take one step in and then jump forward into the bar and using that to start my hollow arch kip. Failed on the first attempt then got the next two. Tried 3 more times and came close, but just two fatigued.
2pm Peter/Whit Wonderteam Power Hour OG 17.2 Slaughterfest
Went into this with a pretty simple plan: take it easy for the first two rounds and then spend the rest of my time and energy banging out some sweet Bar Muscle-ups. Executed said plan to perfection minus the bit about the muscle-ups, which was frustrating but not surprising since I got my first one two weeks ago and this would have been number 2+.
Might take a crack at this one again at OG tomorrow if anyone is interested. Big ups to Val who was a killer judge and coach.