WOD 12.25.16
12 Rounds for Time:
12 Wall Balls 20/10, 14/9
12 Burpees
12 Russian KB Swings 24/16kg
Post time and Rx to comments
Cash Out:
200-calorie partner row
Break up the row as desired.
Post work and partner to comments.
Last year’s Christmas Day crew. We love helping our members get their holiday fitness on. See our schedule below!
Holiday Schedule Changes
CF Group Class:
9am, 10am, 11am
10am CrossFit Preschool, 11am CrossFit Kids, 11am Active Recovery, 2pm Anti-Gravity, 2:15pm Free Intro Class, 6-8pm Proctored Open Gym
CF Group Class:
10am, 12pm, 4:30pm, 5:30pm, 6:30pm, 7:30pm, 8:30pm
6pm, 7pm, and 8am CrossFit Group; 9am Short Circuit, 4:30pm CrossFit PreTeens
You can find the rest of our schedule through January 4th right here. Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah!
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Back Squat / Front Squat | Hang Power Cleans, Run
Danny Broflex, Season 2 Trailer CrossFit Journal
Savings, Longevity and the Year in Fitness NY Times
12 rounds!!!
9am with Santa Closario
Metcon Rx: 29:44
That was a slog.
Thanks to DO for organizing this morning and all the coaches and members for a wonderful year. See you in 2017.
well that was intense.
Metcon: RX in 29:23. First father-daughter-mother workout and it brought back unpleasant flashbacks of the Morrison.
Sad to be missing this one, but at least we've made it to Brazil! Funny lesson: all CrossFit places in Brazil run Murph for Xmas Eve. Unfortunately we missed it since we arrived too late yesterday. There's a scary number of CrossFit places on our (small) town, it's growing like crazy, but they're all closed for Xmas day. Back at it tomorrow.
10 AM with DO
RX in 32.35-
what. a. slog. My burpees are so slow-
most wall balls done unbroken and all swings unbroken.
Moved to 4/4/4 sets on burpees very early.
Thanks for opening the gym today- I needed it!
I ran to the gym and back today. 2.5 miles each way. I really debated the run back home, but it was part of the plan so once I got done crying and texting my mom to ask her to tell me I'm a strong boy, I put my big boy pants on and ran home.
This Metcon was like the Terminator 2. No matter what it just seemed like that monster wouldn't go down, and I didn't have years to prepare for it (in a crazy home) like Sarah Connor did. Everyone kicked butt though.
I would like to thank Dave for not throwing that 24 min cap on it, because I would have only gotten through like 9 rounds had he done that.
Happy holidays ya filthy animals.
Twelve rounds was insane! Thanks DO for being there today and yesterday to bring the holiday joy CFSBK style. Cheers and love to everyone and a special thanks to the treat bringers from Xela, Tulsi and James who were thrilled to receive an Italian cookie each yesterday and a chocolate chip cookie packed up for their bus ride to DC with grandma today!
Sasha you were INCREDIBLE this morning!!!! Lightening quick. Your AOM badge was showing for sure!!!