Front Rack Step-Ups / Chin-Ups Superset*
1A) Front Rack Step-Ups
Perform 3 x 8-12 reps on each leg. Start the cycle light enough to make 12 reps on each leg without too much difficulty, and move up in weight week to week from there. Use your non-dominant leg to set the weight and only do as much weight and as many reps as that side can perform. The end goal by the end of the cycle is to perform 8-12 good reps on each leg with about 1/3 of your Back Squat 1-rep max. Use a height that allows you to be at full depth (hip crease below knee) when the working leg is on the box. Come to full standing using the working leg before the trail leg touches down for balance. Do not use the trail leg to help you stand up. Use the trail leg as little as possible to push off from, and use a tempo in which the down/eccentric phase of the movement is slower than the up/concentric phase. The barbell comes off the floor. Stop the set when you’re not sure you can do another rep or two (i.e., do not bail a bar on a box).
1B) Chin-Ups or Supinated-Grip Body Rows
Perform 4 sets of max reps. Once you can no longer clear your chin over the bar, your set is over. Each rep starts from a dead hang. Initiate the movement by pulling the shoulders down away from the ears and pull the elbows as far down and back as possible. If you can touch your chest to the bar on each rep, then do it. You should really be feeling these in your lats.
Perform 3 challenging (but submaximal) sets of 2-4 reps using bands or a small partner assist as needed to achieve full range of motion, followed by a 4th set for max reps. These should be tough sets in a low rep range with the goal of performing around 10-15 total reps. If you can do them unassisted but only 1 at a time, then pepper in as many singles as you can in between sets of Step-Ups during the lifting segment.
*Superset means that you perform a set of exercise A (in this case the Press) and then after a short rest, 30 to 90 seconds, you perform a set of exercise B (in this case the Chin-Ups or Supinated-Grip Body Rows). You then rest a short period before returning to exercise A and continue in this fashion until all warm up and work sets are completed.
Post work to comments.
Exposure 1 of 8
Open WOD 12.1
AMRAP 7 Minutes:
Open WOD 12.1 was to a target 6″ above reach. No targets today, but make your jump legit.
Post reps and Rx to comments.
Compare with 2.25.12
Alex and Matt K. are honeymooning in Thailand (congrats again, you two!) and dropped into CrossFit Chiang Mai. Matt reports: “They’re huge fans of Coach David and Inside the Affiliate. They recently implemented Fitness and Performance programming. Our class started off with a question of the day (‘What are your thoughts on Star Wars?’) followed by Back Squats and a metcon. It was almost like being back at CFSBK!”
- After a too-long hiatus, the “search bar” is back on the blog (over to the right, under Upcoming Events)! This is a handy way to look up past workouts and other info.
Announcing the 2017 Dogs of CFSBK Calendar!
The 2017 Dogs of CFSBK calendar features your favorite gym mutts! 100% of the proceeds go to PupStarz Rescue, a foster rescue started by our own Robyn O’Brien. Both the desk calendar and wall calendar are available for a cash donation of $30-60. A limited number of calendars are on their way to the gym, but they are sure to run out quick. Never fear! You can place your order by filling out this online form: Pre-paying at the front desk will guarantee your copy. Orders will be taken until Christmas day. E-mail Bree P. at breebree [at] for any questions.
2016-17 Holiday Schedule
Holiday madness is upon us! As always, we’re committed to helping you get your fitness on throughout the season. Here’s what you can expect this weekend:
All classes run on our normal schedule
CF Group Class:
8am, 9am, 10am, 11am, 12pm, 1pm
Open Gym:
9am Short Circuit
10am Yoga
11am Active Recovery
2pm Comp Class
CF Group Class:
9am, 10am, 11am
10am CrossFit Preschool
11am CrossFit Kids
11am Active Recovery
2pm Anti-Gravity
2:15pm Free Intro Class
6-8pm Proctored Open Gym
CF Group Class:
10am, 12pm, 4:30pm, 5:30pm, 6:30pm, 7:30pm, 8:30pm
6pm, 7pm, 8am CrossFit Group
9am Short Circuit
4:30pm CrossFit PreTeens
Movement and the Placebo Effect FootLove Yoga
STONELAND: An Original Film by Rogue Rogue Fitness
6am with Ro and McDowell
Front Rack Step-ups – 75x8x3 – these were tough but a good place to start for week 1. Will try to add weight and then some reps over the course of the cycle
C2B Chin-ups – 15, 14, 13, 10 didn't quite go for max-effort here as my lats were a little sore for some reason
Burpees – 115. Was not into it today and this was a slog from the beginning. Need to try and get more sleep.
Front rack step ups: 75x8x3
Heavier start, but figured it would be doable after having to do 95 at the workshop a few weeks ago.
Chin-ups: 5-4-4-4
7 minutes of burpees: 107 reps.
Started with 20 in the first minute, then tapered off to stepping out each time for the rest until the last 30 sec.
Cashed out with some bike after 15 on 15 off for 8 minutes. 77 calories.
Yesterday's WOD: felt super run down yesterday. Hit the workout in-between having to run back to the city for a work event.
Box Step ups: 53# x3x8
Started somewhere slow to be sure I was doing it well. I felt sloppy and disorganized, I knew this was going to be something that needed work. Will be looking forward to getting more exposure here, especially because squatting is my one of my shakier lifts. Cut the 3rd set short by 3 reps on my left leg because i have some odd shooting trigger point pain in my left mid back. blech. I need a friction vacation and a deep tissue massage.
Chins: 7/8/8/7…i should've done more. Didn't have any max effort in my soul yesterday.
7 min AMRAP: 115 burpees
Set up a 6in target with a rogue band in the rack because I wanted to find out my score for realsies. I missed the target about 5 times or so! Frustrating because it threw off my rhythm. Felt like I was flowing through this pretty well. Wish I would've gone harder around minute 4.5, because i mostly felt like i ran out of time. thanks @whit for being a good coach yesterday and tending to my target needs : )
FYI: autocorrect keeps changing my words "blech" and "burpees" to "belch" and "burps"….guess the blog is feeling gassy today.
Coming in to retest DT today, then sailing off in Europe for a week! @Brett, I will be banking a few of those short circuit workouts for my tiny little cruiseship gym forrrr sure.
9 am short circuit was a blast!! Glad I slept in and did this class first today. RDLs are harrrd!
10am group class:
Step ups are awesome!!! I always get stuck at a certain place in my squats. I felt this working those spots super hard! 22# x 8 reps every round. They seem very easy to cheat, but are extremely difficult when you really use just the one leg and go super controlled.
Chin-ups: 8-6-7-6. This was mind over matter. Could I have done 8 every round? Probably. Next week: no excuses!
Burgers: was really tired from Short Circuit. I know I could have done better if my shoulders weren't burning the whole time! 88 reps.
Oh! AG was awesome last night! Did 3 kipping HSPUs with no ab mat for all 10 rounds!! Also, switched to butterfly practice for the last 5 rounds. I have the rhythm and I'm pretty sure the strength but I am not pulling myself high enough to the bar out of fear of hitting my chin :/ that's why you practice!!
lol! not sure what a "friction vacation" entails, that sounds a little dirty. Disregard. autocorrect is crushing me today. "frickin vacation" is what i intended to type. signing off before I make any more mistakes
@kharpz my autocorrect went for burgers instead of burpees. I guess that's why the blog was feeling so gassy! 88 burgers is a lot.
@allie B lol!! was just coming back on here to congratulate you on your accomplishment. Joey Chestnut would be proud.
Ran to and from the gym.
A. Foot drills -3 x 25m
Heidens x 10 each
5 x thoracic ext rotation
5 x yoga push up
1 Arm Shoulder Press
26 x 3 x 8
C. 10 Rounds
3 x HSPU
6 x pull-ups
12 x box jumps
24 x DU
Didn't have any energy left for AG last night but liked the look of this workout. Everything almost unbroken. Pull- ups were good today!! Tripped up once or twice on the DU's. My legs felt really heavy today on those box jumps.
D. Assault bike- 10 mins- 30 secs on, 30 secs off.
6am with Ro and McDowell
Front Rack Step-ups – 75x8x3 – Not heavy, but these took forever. Also harder to load right leg as ankle lacks flexibility.
Chin-ups – 10, 8, 6 Too lazy for true max effort
Burpees – 88. Just couldn't motivate.
7 a.m. w/Ro & McDowell.
Step-ups: 75#x8x3. Noah had me doing this at 65#x12x3 over the summer, but I was wayyy out of practice. Had to really fight the impulse to push off with the back foot.
Chins: I… think I misunderstood the rep scheme here. On the plus side, I did a lot of chin-ups in short sets!
Burpees: 77. Considering I was over the 5-minute mark the last time we did a 50-burpees-for-time workout, I'm happy with that improvement. Will aim to break 100 in the next year.
Threw my $30 in for the LFPB challenge on my way out. Gonna be another good one!
Just wanted to say thank you for restoring the search bar on the blog! I've been missing it particularly as I've been trying to maintain/supplement my 2x weekly workouts at my new gym with a couple at home during my last trimester. So being able to search again for movements that I have the equipment and the mobility for is very helpful!!
Mare! ❤️❤️❤️
Echoing previous comments re AG last night. Fantastic workout. My kipping pull-ups were actually dialed and I was getting pretty good height over the bar. GOALZ. Kipping HSPUs a different story but I do feel like I am making progress in terms of body position at the bottom. Will keep practicing as often as I can. Committed to training with 2 ab mats going forward.
Front rack step ups: 45x8x3
There's a Pilates exercise that's essentially this, called "going up and down" (cause what else would you call it) that I've always detested. Stoked to see if I can fix some of the imbalances I have. Became very clear in the 3rd round how big the difference between my hips is, could feel right glute med not firing because it's locked long, and R adductors locked short. Much more unstable. Also holding front rack is tiring.
Did sets of 4 chinups with a lil partner assist. Biggest difficulty is getting out of a dead hang, as soon as bicep contacts I'm good to go. No big surprises here.
78 burpees. I had a clever plan that I was going to do 15 burpees a minute and basically make it an EMOM. This clever plan failed almost immediately when I completed my 15th burpee on the 1 min mark. Did sets of 10. Next time I would probably just slog through. Having a goal of 10 -15 at a time made it more mentally manageable.
That's so cool about CrossFit Chiang Mai getting some ideas from SBK. Congrats to David.
Today —
3 sets:
10 box jumps 24"
False grip hang — turning hands in/out 6x
:10 false grip C2R hold
Tempo Deadlifts:
125 x 5, 135 x 5, 145 x 3 x 3 @ 05×0
5 rounds:
1 min row
1 min single-unders — beaded
10 GHD sit ups / 8 GRH
80' Single arm Farmers Carry 53#
Correction 70# KB for carries
Step ups at 45 lbs. chin ups 2-3-3-2. Zero motivation on those
103 burpees!