Front Squat
1-1-1 or 3-3-3
Establish a new 1RM, or if you’re newer to the lifts, then perform a heavy triple instead.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 8 of 8
For Time:
50 Wall Balls 20/10, 14/9
40 Calorie Row
30 Burpees
20 KB Swings 32/24kg
Baller status for going unbroken on the wall balls and kb swings (and for not sandbagging the row or the burpees). The swings are Rx’d as overhead so scale to a weight you can handle for one set of 20, or at most 2 sets. Scale to Russian Swings as mobility necessitates.
Post time and Rx to comments.
Winter: Neither of these guys is ready for it
Farewell to Kevin G.!
Veteran CFSBKer Kevin G. is moving to Bay Ridge and, sadly, won’t be training at CFSBK anymore. He had some very nice things to say on his way out, and as is our tradition on the CFSBK blog, we’re posting his goodbye message to Coach David:
“My time with you and the other coaches at CFSBK has made a difference to me. It has changed the way I set goals, it has changed the goals I set for myself, and it has changed my belief in my abilities to achieve those goals. I plan to keep reading the blog, and to keep looking to you and the others at CFSBK as I continue on my journey.”
Kevin is looking for a new CrossFit gym near Bay Ridge, so if you have a recommendation, let him know in the comments!
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Rest Day
Being Pregnant: Now Fellas… Hear Me Out Training Think Tank
Yesterday OG – Achievement unlocked. Flight Simulator in 18 min or so. Not super fast but only broke once throughout. Long time goal. Next up is 100 doubles
Today's front squats. Tied my 205 PR. Attempted 210 twice, depth about parallel both times so red carded. I want another shot at it pretty bad but that'll be for another day. I enjoyed the Wendler cycle but may go back to linear next time if that is an option. We'll see.
P.S. Good luck to Coach Frankie and Heather Farmer today as they compete at the American Open! I think Frankie lifts at @ 6:30.
Saturday 9 am with MeLo and JB.
Front squat:
205#, a 20# PR (previous was a 2-rep 185#)
Some good coaching tips this cycle helped me build confidence on this one (thanks to DO, McDowell and Jess.)
8:42 RX, with wall balls broken up 25-15-10.
Front Squat 135. PR is 140–> Tried 142.5, failed. No breakfast + drinking last night, probably a bad combo for PRs. :X
WOD: Wallballs 5 sets of 10, short rest. Row: so damn slow blargh. Did Russian kb swings@26kg Fast and light isn't what I need to work on… Thanks for the advice, JB!
Short Circuit was spicy in a good way. I definitely didn't sandbag it, but I was low on energy. Don't really like eating before an early morning workout. Gunna have to figure something out if I want to keep doing 8am/short circuit Saturdays 😛
Was planning to get around 80% but the 245 felt so good I went to 90%. Then got greedy and tried for a small PR at 310. Even though I missed it I'm happy I felt good enough to even try it. The 275 moved fast!
WOD Rx'd in 7:58. That hurt. Literally. As in a took a lopsided 20lb med ball to the face at least 4 times. It felt like there was a 5lb plate sewn into it.
12pm with a solid crew:
Got to Fsquat with JBizzle today!
83×3, 133×3, 163×1, 183×1, 193×1, 203(F), 203
Just kinda mentally wussed out on the first 203. Got aggressive and then it was fine. No PRs here, too run down and inconsistent.
WOD: 6:48 RX
Couldn't move any faster today. Was mostly just happy to be in group class doing some crussfitz! Got a nice little Saturday ahead! Just crushed 2 RX bars, now I will take a nap.
12 pm massive class in 597 w/Whit. Many celebrity appearances. Glamorous.
FSQ: 225, 235, 247F. 245 is my (very) old PR. 235 felt much better in terms of movement. Somewhat confident I'll be able to ride the LFPB wave next cycle into a new PR.
Metcon: 8:45 Rx. No-repped myself on a couple bad wall balls and got caught in traffic going to the rowers, but what slowed me down most were the American swings at the end. More a mobility issue, but worth working through at a lighter weight in future warm-ups.
Front Squats: 245, 260 (PR), 265 (PR)
Nice to have this. Wendler helped.
WOD @24kg bell. Finished in 8:33.
Hit 185 (pr) for my fronts which was dope. More than dope has been seeing instructors in the classes. Seeing them have a tough time has been mind altering for me, and keeps my fragile masculinity in check for sure. Today I saw a lot of fails on the bars and that made me feel really good and not alone. I don't want to see people fail, but it helps me have perspective. This week has been awesome for that. We all hit PRs and we all failed a bunch, and that's the BEST!
Excited for hero workouts this week and then to hit a new cycle.
FS- 315#
WOD- 6:48Rx
10:30am at Crossfit Logan
Partner (Row) Murph Rx – 31:23
• 1600m Row
• 100 pull-ups
• 200 push-ups
• 300 squats
• 1600m Row
Had to finish a movement before hitting the next. My push-ups fell apart so fast. Doing this movement by movement was ass.
12p with Brettless in 597
FSQ 135×5, 185×4, 225×2, 255×1, 275×1, 295(f) lacking depth, 295(f). Just didn't have it today. The mental struggle is real.
WOD – 6:29 Rx
WBs unbroken, row around 1300, burpees slow and steady, kb unbroken.
Felt nice feeling a little burn again. Hoping for some more burnage next week.
Thanks for the shout out guys! I'm going to miss you.
Morning session:
Strict Press
45×10, 65×10, 70×5, 75×5, 80×3, 85×3, 88×2, 90×2 (PR for double), 95 (*PR!), 100 (F), 98 (F)
(drop: 75×8, 75×5)
wanted to get some volume in today and also go heavy. as such, was happy to hit 90# for 2, which was my previous 1RM, and then a 5# PR! it felt pretty smooth so figured i should just go for those triple digits. the last attempt i was just tired out.
I am going to press 100# over my head some day soon!!!
***5-hour break of coaching***
Deficit rvrs lunge (4"), DB Front Rack
40x8ea (20# each hand)
50x8L/5R x2
60x8L/5R x2
5 sets:
:30 row, max meters
2:30 rest
152m / 151m / 148m / 149m / 145m
first row was embarrassing. got super jacked up and after the first few pulls i felt like i was falling off the seat so started doing weird stuff and only using my arms. it was real dumb. SO all that being said, maybe I could've banged out a few more meters. trying to get that up to 158-160m.
some handstand walks and straddle jump ups to close things out. felt pretty stable.
3 Rounds:
1 arm RKB Swing x10 each arm- 8kg
1 arm suitcase deadlift x10: did these with KBs. First round @24kg, then 2 rounds at 20kg
Establish 10RM high pull for each arm:
Right: 20×10, 25×7, 25×10 (didn't rest enough before second set)
Left: 20×10, 25×10
Reps 7-10 were a struggle for each so didn't attempt 30#
Bench with Kayleigh: 3×5 @95#
Moved well. Haven't benched in a long time so happy to start here.
145, 155, 162 (2# PR)
155 felt a bit tippy, so only went for a 2# PR
Today's WOD in 9:09 with Russian swings @24kg
WBs were tough, especially doing them next to Griselle who did them unbroken!! Probably should've no repped myself about 10 times, but didn't have it in me.
Row was slow, burpees steady and swings unbroken. Thanks everyone for cheering for me!
False grip pullups on the rings: 3×2
Ring Muscle up kip practice
False grip holds on the bar: 3×1
11am with JB
Front squat 125/130/135/140
I don't even know anymore man. Here 3 days ago I was pleased with 115 FRSQT. The n00b gainz are more irritating than exciting. I want to know what my ceiling is so I can start intellectualizing but my body keeps surprising me every time. I don't think 140 was it. Coming from an almost entirely body weight training paradigm has been difficult on a proprioceptive level.
Anywho, kicked off my New Balances after 125, that seemed to fix a lot of the wobble. Got the note to control my descent more. It felt like I went into flexion slightly at the two highest, but was apparently still pretty speedy on the way up.
WOD 9:39 10lb ball, 16kg bell.
This wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. Still trying to get the ball to hit the actual wall consistently and also not my face. I think there's an issue in my rack position. Once I fix this I think I'll go up to 14lbs in workouts because splitting it 20,15,15 felt pretty breezy. Rowing for 45cal gave me time to figure out how to be most efficient on the rower. I think it's more legs. Burpees are whatever. Got the tip to hinge my hips back further to get at my hamstrings more on the KB swings, made a big difference. I think one more day with the 16kg one and then I'll go up to 20 in workouts.
Cash out with a couple rope climbs with straddle descents.