50% x 3
60% x 2
70% x 2
80% x 1
85% x 1
90% x 1
95% x 1
100% x 1
100+% x 1
Press outs are missed lifts. If you miss a lift (either a press out or a straight up miss), then redo it. If you miss it again, go down in weight for a make before going up again. If you’re feeling good, then go for it today. If not then aim to make a few reps above 80% and call it a day.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 8 of 8
AMRAP 3 Minutes:
75% of your best Snatch on the day full Snatches.
Post rounds, reps, and Rx to comments.
Jude G. takes her turn during the Row New York Jingle Mingle. See our Flickr account form more photos!
The 2017 Look Feel Perform Better Challenge Info Session and Q&A Meeting
It’s that time of year again… New Year’s Resolution time. While we believe it’s best to make choices in accordance with your goals and values all of (or at least most of) the time, we recognize that many of us use markers like the beginning of the year to kick-start positive changes. This year’s Challenge will follow a similar model to last year. There are two levels that you can choose to participate from.
- With Level 1, you’ll focus primarily on food quality and eating from a large spectrum of whole foods (lean proteins, veggies and fruits, whole grains, and legumes). This is a perfect place to start if you’re new to healthy eating or are having to re-learn what that means for you.
- With Level 2, you’ll be tracking macronutrients and focusing on eating particular quantities of them, adjusting along the way as necessary.
As with last year, the Challenge will last 12 weeks. The reason behind this is that while extreme actions can bring rapid results, we’ve seen this often result in a “crash” where the individual rebels against the limiting factors of extreme dietary challenge. We’d rather you have more inclusive food options and change a few manageable things over a longer period than change many things for six weeks only to get lost in a haze of bagels, beer, and chocolate cake once the Challenge ends.
Who? The entire CrossFit South Brooklyn Community.
What? A 12-week challenge meant as a collective kick-start toward healthier nutrition and recovery habits.
Where? Right where you are. You’re encouraged to organize “rest day dinners” either in your homes or out at restaurants with fellow participants. There will be twice monthly (non-mandatory, but helpful) LFPB Challenge Meet-Ups at the gym in addition to the online forums that you can look to for daily support. The key to success is not sweeping immediate change but rather consistent practice each day.
When? There is an Info Session and Q&A on Sunday, December 18th at 12pm in the Annex! Here we’ll further outline the Challenge and answer any questions you have. The dates of the Challenge are from Monday, 1/2/17 through Monday, 3/26/17. We’ll also be hosting a Community Potluck Dinner on 1/28/17 where you can meet and greet with fellow SBKers and sample some delicious ways they keep on track with their food choices.
What will I need? For Level 1, only a desire to begin to make better food choices. For Level 2, you’ll need a food scale and a set of measuring cups and measuring spoons since you’ll be measuring out servings of lean protein, clean carbs, veggies, and fats. Whichever level you choose you should plan to do a bit of food shopping and prep beginning the first week to make good food choices easy.
Why? To look, feel, and perform better! And, for some sweet prizes!
Wait, did you say prizes? Yes! The grand prize for both the men’s and women’s category is one month of FREE unlimited training at CFSBK, a $265 value! There are also 2nd and 3rd place prizes for the men’s and women’s categories including a punch card for free specialty classes at CFSBK, and a free personal training session
Alright, you’re in? Great!
How To Participate:
We’ll have full sign-up details right here on the blog. Keep a lookout. In the meantime… See you at The Look, Feel, Perform Better Challenge Info Session on December 18th at 12pm in the Upstairs Annex!
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Back Squat | Double-Unders, Squats, Toes-to-Bars
The Greatest Science Books of 2016 Brian Pickings
Did 4 sets NFT of:
80' Yoke Walk @ +335lbs
3 Strict Unbroken Muscle-Ups
Then after my client I snuck into the 8:30pm Group Class for the Metcon
DU/SQT/T2B Metcon:
8 Rounds + 50 Reps
All toes to bars unbroken. About 5 misses on the rope. Squats steady where I caught my breath for the T2Bs.
Last 4:00 got spicy
6am with McJess
Snatch – up to 140# (10# PR)
Hitting a 135# snatch was really my only goal at the gym this year. Got under 145# on my last attempt but let the bar get a little too far forward to stand it up. So pumped to be over that hurdle.
Metcon – 9 reps @ 105#
Wanted to get 10 but meh.
Cash out – 4 rounds
I think that's the first time I've done curls in 3+ years.
The blog appears to be sick today, we're trying to figure it out.
Snatch: 63×3, 73×2, 83, 93, 103, 113PR, 118FFF
Snatch PR is probably my favorite kind of PR – much needed after being bummed from yesterday's squats. Was especially excited to get it on the first shot today. Each fail at 118 was better and better – not far off.
WOD: 20 reps at 83#. Bailed singles throughout, balancing rest time and quick returns to the bar to avoid failure.
Cash out: 20# curls – missed out on that extra 6% by not staring at my biceps throughout.
5:30am at Brick Boston
4 Backsquats, 3sec down and up
15 V-ups
I did them at 225#, pretty tough
EMOM for 15min
2 hang squat cleans
Score was total load. I did it at 185# for the first 10, then 225# for the remaining 5 rounds. I was destroyed.
Worked to 88.5 on the snatch, which I think is a half-pound PR. I'll take it. Failed miserably at 92 because the bar couldn't have been ANY farther away from me and still be in my hands 😛
18 reps at 67. Bro curls were fun.
PR'd at 77#! Really happy with it.
Attempted 82#, but balance was off immediately.
WOD: 14 reps at 57#
Yesterday's Group Class:
Getting back into normal training, its crazy how creaky you get when one thing goes wrong. Have some L elbow tendonitis going on and can feel an actual grip strength discrepancy. Super weird. But anyway here's yesterday:
Back squat: heavy 3's
205×3, 215×3, 230×1 (Fx2)
Didn't think it was a good idea to go for a heavy single after my back issues the past few weeks. Things were moving super well, surprised that I failed my second rep at 230, not surprised at the same time though because i got nervous and lost tension in the hole. Pretty sure I looked directly at McDowell who was spotting me at the time and said "I hate myself" out loud. lol. so much drama.
12 min AMRAP: 8+ 56 reps, so I believe that's 4 T2B shy of finishing 9. Everything unbroken except for occasional DU slip-ups and broke up the T2B in round 8. Grip was getting to me on the L side.
I got SO DIZZY after this WOD when I was with my client. Holy guacamole. I almost passed out and DO had to get me a fitaid and an RX bar while i elevated my feetz. All good, WODbrain got the best of me i suppose.
I'm trying soul cycle today for the first time. Hopefully my countless hours on the assault bike carry over well. It'll be a nice break on my crappy L forearm
looking forward to getting back into some consistent programming in the new year.
to re-answer yesterdays QOD: this is what I was talking about. Best superhero out there.
3rd thing to note: i ripped in both armpits of my j.crew button down today while demo-ing an overhead movement at work. Thanks ALOT toes 2 bar #latsonlats
Nice work on the Snatch PRs, guys! @Brendan – Special congrats on getting over that hump. I love that feeling!
Goofed today and had to bail on my first attempt at a snatch session (my client, whom I'd totally forgotten about, walked in). Went back into it 3 hours later. Worked up to 176 with no misses and then failed at 198 twice. Back down to 187 and called it there. No PR but at least got one in at 90%.
WOD at 141 = 16 reps. Quads were en fuego. I gave myself a reason to rest twice by fixing the clips on the bar. I think I could have had 20 if I'd double clipped and didn't have that excuse.
2 Rounds
100' 1-Arm Carry 120# Left
100' 1-Arm Carry 120# Right
10 DB Presses 45# Left
10 DB Presses 45# Right
10 DB High Pulls 45# Left
10 DB High Pulls 45# Right
I've been feeling like I just discovered my TFL (aka tiffles a la K Harps), especially on the right side. I always thought I was better at carries in my right hand for upper body reasons…now I realize I was just weak on my right side trunk stabilizers!
6am with McJess
Snatch – up to 72kg, which is close to a PR. failed 75kg
Finally more comfortable dropping under these after 3+ years of various injuries led me to not trust my (knee/ankle) flexibility to get to the bottom position. Feeling better than it has in a long time.
Metcon – 18 reps at 115. Would have had 20, but dropped the bar on my head after 12.
Just wanted to point out that exactly ZERO of you have responded to my Used Cheerleading Skirt listing in the CFSBK classifieds. The holidays are fast approaching people. Surely someone on your list would be overjoyed to find one in their stocking this year. Black Friday has come and gone but a discount may still be available.
Congrats to Brendan, Kayleigh, Stella, & Jaime!
7 a.m. w/Jess & McDowell.
Snatch: 75×3, 87×2, 95×2, 102, 110, 117, 125, 137 (PR!), 140Fx2. Should've just built up my with a goal of hitting 140 — got under it on the first attempt but was too fatigued to stand it back up. Felt really good hitting 137 today. Combination of a lot of good reminders over the last few months from pretty much the entire coaching staff. Got good extension, was slow off the floor and fast enough (though as Jess pointed out, should be faster!) getting under it. Excited to try and rev this up a little more.
Metcon: 15 rds @ 102. Slow and steady works for Zeno's Paradox but I would not employ Zeno's Paradox on this metcon.
Cash-out: bro-tastic, bro *kisses biceps*
haha, jay. I might respond but I've got my own 😉
5:30pm Group Class with WhitRo
Worked up to 90kg/198lbs which I missed JUST in front. This would have been a PR, now I know it's IN me. Just need to get more aggressive. Fuck I wanted that!
3:00 Full Snatch Metcon
143lbs x 11 Reps
That went by really fast. Should have been a little quicker in the beginning.
Post Class Fun Stuff, basically walking around 608 and doing whatever came to mind.
335lb YOKE Walk: about 50' x 6 sets
Barbell Curls: 45x10x3
6" Deficit Strict HSPU: 10×3 Unbroken
3 Sets:
20 Reverse Hypers +90lbs
20 Unbroken Push-Ups with a lil deficit
Katie, you definitely said "I hate myself" after squatting, lol. I guess that's what it takes to get as good as you??
Congrats on the PRs. Snatch PRs really are the best!
63 x3
83 (PR!)
88F but super close!
Amazing advice from Ro about where to start jumping. Thanks! For me it's less about hip extension/vertical and more about high elbows and jumping under. He showed KLove and I where to start jumping, I watched her nail it completely…and then made it into the 80# range! Yay! FINALLY! I hit 73 back in February, 78 in the summer… It took so long!
WOD: 14 reps at 63#. Could have probably got a few more reps in.
Congrats Allie, and everyone else who made breakthroughs with their snatch today!
Last night — Yoga, 20 min row practice, 3 sets of ab stuff, 3 sets of false grip stuff
Slowly but surely attacking weaknesses
5 sets:
6 ea SLDL 12kg — this is making a difference for my left hamstring
6 ea high pulls 20# — this is making a difference for my left shoulder
10 min EMOM — 2 (PC + J)
40kg x2, 45kg, x4 50kg x4 (~90% of PC 1RM) — first PC and Jerks felt great
Close Grip Bench Press
87.5# x 5 x 3 — this felt good, up 2.5# from last week – conservative bc no spotter
45 x 8, 95 x 5, 125 x 3, 150 x 2
165 x 5 x 2 — felt heavy, up 5# from last week. skipped last set to get next piece in with McDowell
5 sets — every 5 minutes:
15 OHS @63# unbroken — narrower grip allowed for fast first 10, then legs slowed me down
4 C2B pull ups unbroken (1 more than last week), 4 dips, until last set when it fell apart..
5 sets:
3 attempts at hand stand walks — this needs to be done daily
98 (press out)
100 FF
My PR is 95. I definitely have 100 in me. Strength is there. Technique was off today. I was jumping too late and not dropping under the bar soon enough.
Congrats to everyone on their PRs.
WOD at 73#
10 reps (+2 power snatch)
A few fails in there. I was focused on trying to correct my technique and it just led to lots of failed attempts.