Back Squat
1-1-1 or 3-3-3
Establish a new 1RM, or if you’re newer to the lifts, then perform a heavy triple instead.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 8 of 8
AMRAP 12 Minutes:
30 Double-Unders
20 Squats
10 Toes-to-Bars
Scale Dubs to 75 Singles or 15 attempts as appropriate. The rope portion should take 20-60 seconds. Scale Dubs to Hanging Leg or Hanging Knee Raises as needed. 1-3 sets is appropriate.
Post rounds, reps, and Rx to comments.
Announcing Registration for the 3rd Annual Iron Maidens Raw Open!
Hosted by CrossFit South Brooklyn
February 18, 2017, 9am-6pm
Squat, Bench Press, Deadlift
You are invited to test your one rep maxes in a rare, women’s only environment of badassery. Compete for awesome prizes and cheer on female feats of strength. This meet is open to women of all ages; you do not need to be a member of Crossfit South Brooklyn to participate. We have space for 60 participants, so sign up soon!
We’ve already lined up some great sponsors, including: Cafe Grumpy; Sara June Salon; Twig Terrariums; Threes Brewing/Meat Hook/Ninth Street Espresso; Left Bank Restaurant and more!!
Go here to register!
All lifters will have three attempts to lift one maximal rep, in the following order, for:
1. Back Squat
2. Bench Press
3. Deadlift
The sum of the heaviest successful attempts will constitute each lifter’s Total. For each weight class, a first, second and third place will be awarded to the highest Totals.
Weight classes: 123lbs and under; 132lbs and under; 148lbs and under; 165lbs and under; Over 165lbs
Iron Maidens Stay Strong Scholarship
We are thrilled to continue our partnership with Grace Outreach, a Bronx-based nonprofit that works with women to further their education and gain financial independence. Through competitors’ fundraising efforts, the annual Iron Maidens Stay Strong Scholarship assists low-income women in paying for their college tuition.
In 2016, competitors raised $30,000 in scholarship money – $10,000 above our goal. We hope to match or exceed last year’s incredible show of support.
Questions? Contact Meet Director Margie Lempert: Margie [at] crossfitsouthbrooklyn [dot] com.
Entry Fee: $60 for non-CFSBK members; $50 for CFSBK members.
Includes: Eligibility for prizes, a t-shirt and an awesome day!
Registration Deadline: January 7, 2016
Visit for more info.
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Rest Day
Taking Control of Your Distracted Mind Thrive Global
Dialing In Your Squat Catalyst Athletics
Yesterday. Much needed AR with Fox at 6:30pm, then 7:30pm with Kate and Brett (HarpEtt).
Back Squat 255-270-280 (15# PR!). It was nice to hit a PR here, because I did feel like my back squat technique and mobility have improved a lot over the last 6 months. The 280 was still awful – slow, stopped midway through, back was leaning forward more than it should have… I guess hitting a new weight is always ugly.
WoD for 5 rounds and change. Meh. DUs are still not coming together, so spent a bunch of time there. Did 5 T2B instead of 10 and my shoulders didn't complain.
Then did some shoulder strength work: one arm high pulls 4×6 @ 40lbs, then a 1min wall walk hold (much harder than expected).
LBBS: 135×5, 185×3, 215×1, 235×1, 255F, 255F.
250 has been been my PR since February and I haven't tested heavier than that since (have tied it on multiple occasions). Really thought I would have 255, but just wasn't happening today. Still dealing with soreness from over the weekend, so that might be part of it. Pretty bummed.
WOD: 4 rounds + DUs + 10 squats Rx. DUs were all over the place today – one round unbroken, another where I feel like I did no more than 4 in a row.
I love the picture on the blog today of Kayleigh and Charlie! Such a great representation of the camaraderie in the gym, especially with the strong ladies.
6am with McTuro
LBBS: 135×5, 185×3, 225×1, 245, 255, 265PR!!
I wasn't sure what to expect today. My previous PR was 260 and last cycle, after all of the high volume fitness squatting 250 felt good. I maybe could've tried 270, but was happy to leave it here.
WOD – 6 rounds with 1/2 DU attempts and HKR.
Last night at 7:30
I told Katie I'd be happy getting to 80% for a heavy single and wound up just a few pounds over that. Felt nice to have a barbell on my back.
WOD Rx'd
7 Rounds + 58 reps
Couldn't squeeze in those last 2 T2B, I fell apart to doubles on that last set.
6am with Mcdowell and Ro
For Coach Ro: I PR'D MY BACKSQUAT!!!!!! This is me shouting from the rooftops.
165#, 175#, PR'd at 185#. Previous PR at 170. I hurt my knee while running yesterday so I was nervous for each lift, but I felt great at 185 and excited for next cycle as I think I could go 10 lbs heavier.
WOD: Exactly 7 rounds. 75 singles and subbed T2B for knee raises. Saving DU's for those NFT days 🙂
10 AM with Brett- lots of positive energy at 10 AM today.
warmed up and then did 205#, 210# fail and then 210# which is a 5# PR. Felt great to do it- not so much in the doing ;-).
8 rounds + 70 single unders for the metcon with single unders and knee raises.
11am sesh
10 minute heat up, all sorts of active hip stuff. feeling supple despite soreness. walking in the morning seems to be setting me up well!
4×14 @ 50%
(45×10 @ 33×1, 85×5, 105×3), 112x14x4
biofeedback still normal
first set felt hardest, then found the groove. still hard to be patient on the down.
focusing less on ext rot seems to feel better/stronger out of the hole
13 min amrap
55 DL @ 155
55 WB @ 14#, 9'
55 Cal row
score: 186 reps (21 HSPU)
3 more reps than when i did in the open, but interesting details
DL (10-9-8-7-6-5-5-5) = 3:50
WB (15-15-13-12) = 6:30?
Row = 11:06 … death
HSPU = 3-3-3-3-2-2-1-1-1-1-1, i think
IN the open, I was done on the erg at 10:15. I had less time to do HSPU today, but got 3 more. THUS:
*HSPU under fatigue are better!smart sets. yay!
*DL's felt crushing. just felt so much heavier than I wanted. fatigued from training this wk (heavy carries yesterday, squat volume today?). haven't been pulling or oly lifting as much, so that could contribute to. also think i did bigger set to start in the open and probably shouldn't have changed my game plan
*WB felt solid. may have rested between sets more than necessary, but didn't want to blow up.
*was rowing between 700-950, around 26-29 s/m i think. i always get a bit lost in the woods on pieces like that. row took 4:15.
wore my lifters for the R side lift, but i don't think that did me any favors on the DL. really need to get metcons adjusted at the cobbler. goal for the week!
Love this pic of me and Kayleigh! What a great memory- thanks for posting!! If you're on the fence about Iron Maidens, just sign up. It's really an incredible experience.
So sore after all of that squatting yesterday!
Ran to and from the gym today. Just came in for some performance care.
Can't face a proper metcon yet- lungs are not feeling very efficient right now. Hopefully will be back at it tomorrow!
3 x 8 eccentric ankle dorsiflexion
4 x 30 seconds on, 30 seconds off- front rack bottom squat hold @45#
10 x 1 arm RKB swing @12kg
10 x 1 arm suitcase deadlift @75#
DB High Pull
30 x 10 (left)
35 x 10 (right)
That was all I had time/energy for today but I was glad to come in and move a bit.
Independant Study Crossfit
Still doing front squats in place of back squats, might test out back squats next week as sacrum is feeling much better.
95/105/115/120/125, stoked on this because I was shooting for 115.
WOD 5 rounds, 20 DU
Scaled to 20 DU after the first round because they got dumpy after 25, 5 T2B. I need to work on stringing the DU together, I'm still doing 1 DU, 1 SU, 1 DU, but at least I can get 15-20 in a row now.
Hit 160 last cycle, but depth was questionable… 155 might be a technical PR. Goal for Iron Maiden's is 175.
Not a great athlete because I typically tell myself I can't instead of telling myself yes. That's what happened to 162.5. Need to learn how to "fight" and just push to hit what I want!
Wod was hard but able to do some rounds with DUs unbroken. Ttb broke down to singles. Squats were so hard after lifting heavy!!!
LBBS: 185-195-205
10# off my PR and very happy with this after those Rx+ deadlifts on Monday! Hips are super tight and lower back is sore.
WOD: 4 + 59 modified
DUs: These went terribly today. The first set of 30 took me 1:47 🙁 MeLo gave some good cues (bring hands in closer and out in front) which helped greatly in the remaining rounds. Going to start integrating these into warmup otherwise I will never improve.
Air squats: These were much needed since my hips were so tight from Monday's DLs. Skipped a set and had to go back to them in the second round (I got thrown off when I switched to situps).
T2B/situps: Tore a blood blister on rep 8 in the first round so switched to 20 ab mat situps in the second round.
Basically, I was a hot mess again today. Promise I'll do better on the WOD tomorrow!
Bummed I won't be doing Iron Maidens this year. It falls during my winter vacation and even though I haven't booked anything yet, will most likely be traveling. The pic above was my favorite from last year's event.
HBBS: 265, 290(shallow), 290 (legit)
Skipped WOD coz I had to rush elsewhere.