Olga P. pulls a Deadlift at a recent Starting Strength Program Total. Read on to find out how you can be a badass, too!
Register Now For Starting Strength Program
The Starting Strength program is an opportunity to spend 8 weeks honing your technique and increasing your capacity at the most fundamental strength movements: Back Squat, Overhead Press, Bench Press and Deadlift. This small group format of 90 minute sessions offers one-on-one guidance, great camaraderie, and a simple roster of movements allowing you time to correct errors and challenge your limits.
Whether you are brand-new to lifting, someone with experience who has struggled to surpass a plateau, or just looking to try something different, by taking the time to focus exclusively on the lifts that support almost ever other activity you do inside (and outside) the gym, you will gain confidence and enhance your performance.
Upcoming Program Times and Dates:
A cycle: Novice, 7pm Mon/Wed and 6pm Fri | Monday, Jan. 2nd – Friday, Feb. 24th (8 slots)
B cycle: Intermediate, 7pm Tues/Thurs and 10am Sun | Tuesday Jan. 3rd – Sunday, Feb. 26th (8 slots)
C cycle: Morning Novice, 6:30am Mon/Wed | Monday, Jan, 2nd – Thursday, Feb, 23rd (8 slots)
D cycle: Continuing Education, 6pm Mon/Wed | Monday, Jan. 2nd – Wednesday, Feb. 22nd (4 slots)
E cycle: Late morning, all levels, 10am Mon/Thurs, co-taught by Coach Margie | Monday, Jan. 2nd – Thursday, Feb. 23rd (12 slots)
Class Sizes: Space is limited to 4-8 participants
Class Length: 90 minutes
Cost: 3x Per Week Cycles:
$300 paid upon registration and then another $300 at the halfway point
Cost: 2xW Cycles:
$200 paid upon registration and then another $200 at the halfway point
Group Class/Open Gym/Active Recovery/Yoga/Pilates Add-On Option!
This add-on membership allows our 2x/week Starting Strength Program to attend two additional classes per week, outside of the regularly scheduled strength cycle classes. This includes group classes, open gym, and Active Recovery/Yoga/Pilates.
Price is $100 per four weeks, first bill due at sign-up and second bill ($100) charged automatically to the card on-file four weeks later. Register here!
If anyone is confused as to which cycle they belong in or has any questions, they can contact Jeremy directly at Jeremy [at] CrossFitSouthBrooklyn.com to discuss placement.
News and Notes
- A note from Stella Z.: “My choir, the Oratorio Society of New York, will be performing Handel’s Messiah at Carnegie Hall on Wednesday, December 21 at 8pm. Messiah always sells out, so now is the time to reserve a seat if you want to come! I have two rear-balcony tickets available at $23 each (slight discount off the regular $25 price), or tickets in other sections (along with full concert details) are available here.”
- CFSBK is now offering Short Circuit classes on Saturdays at 9am. Foundations isn’t a prerequisite for Short Circuit, so bring a friend. Head over to the Short Circuit website for more info.
- Tonight’s 7:30pm Anti-Gravity class is cancelled.
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Press | Deadlifts, Bar Muscle-Ups
How Selfies and Social Media Changed Bodybuilding Vice
Can You Regain Muscle Mass After Age 60 NY Times
Wednesday's Programming
Back Squat
1-1-1 or 3-3-3
Establish a new 1RM, or if you're newer to the lifts then perform a heavy triple instead.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 8 of 8
AMRAP 12 Minutes:
30 Double-Unders
20 Squats
10 Toes-to-Bars
Scale Dubs to 75 Singles or 15 attempts as appropriate. The rope portion should take 20-60 seconds. Scale Dubs to HLRs or HKRs as needed. 1-3 sets is appropriate.
Post rounds, reps, and Rx to comments.
AG is cancelled tonight. We will resume on Sunday.
6am with McDowell
Press with Glaser warmed up to 135 then tried a 10# PR at 155 and failed. Should have gone 150 and hoped for 5# PR.
WOD – 5:05 Rx
All reps unbroken, deadlift very very slow.
6am with Jess
BSQ – 215# / 225# / 235#
Good for a 10# PR. Still have issues dropping like a rock when going for heavy singles. Paused work last week gave me confidence to get back up from the bottom.
Metcon Rx – 5rds + 3 dubs
My hands hurt.
8 am Wednesday workout with Jess
Matched my 1 RM at 235 but failed at 237.5. Jess said I wasn't tight enough in my upper body.
After falling short Monday of my old 1 RM and just hitting 110, I went back at it today and made it to 115 – a 2.5 pound 1RM. I may have been rushing it at yesterday's session.
Wednesday metcon:
6 rounds plus 51, doing 5-7 ttb per round.
6am with McDowell
Press: 33×5, 63×3, 73, 83, 88, 90, 93F
My 1RM is 92.5, so pretty close to that. I had a feeling I wasn't going to beat it this morning.
WOD at 205# and burpees to a jumping pull-up in 2:53. Not sure I could've moved much faster on this.
I really enjoyed the bulletproof workshop on Saturday. It confirmed a lot of things that I already knew, but was helpful to think about potential ways I can improve some of the imbalances that I have. I didn't realize how intensive it was going to be and was pretty sore afterwards! I am going to head out to their office and get some more personalized feedback and am excited to hear what they have to say.
Also sad that AG is cancelled tonight :'(
Linda I'm sad too! I was all ready to give it a try for the first time tonight. Next week, I guess.
I played hooky from work today and did a glorious 10 AM.
Worked to 235 on the squat, which is 5# below my 1RM. I was very much adjusting expectations up and down throughout the process (down when 185# warmup inexplicably felt like lifting a building, up when my first two attempts went up like buttah). Very happy with today's session — whenever McD uses the word "solid" I know I'm in a good spot. (Also I know damn well I hit bottom at 235, because I spent what felt like an eternity there before I was finally able to come up out of the hole!)
One rep shy of 7 rounds on the WOD, with 5 T2B per round. I did all the doubles unbroken in round 3 and wondered who this coordinated person is that was inhabiting my body. 😀
6am with McDowell
Press with James. 45, 95, 135, 145, 150F. This is not a PR but 145 moved well. I never gave 150 a chance as it moved maybe 3 inches.
WOD – 5:18 with jump bar muscle-ups (20" box to high bar)
DL unbroken and quick (caught James each round), failed 1 bar MU every round and generally had to take my time there.
Happy to hear what folks are taking away from the bulletproof workshop. I did a longer two-day seminar with them in April that has been very useful for me both in my own training and coaching since then. I think Saturday was a bit rushed, but hopefully everyone walked away with some good information. The key now is how to implement changes that will make a difference! I've been spending the past 6 months really focusing on balancing my shoulder strength and gaining stability based on what I learned, and there was marked, measured improvement in the tests we did on Saturday.
Tuesday session after morning clients:
High pull 40#x10eax3
1-leg squat 17.5#x10eax3
5 Burpee
7 Box Jump
Rest :90
Scores: 1 rep shy of 2 rds / 2 rds / 2 rds +1 / 2 rds +2 / 2 rds +3
Butterfly CTB getting a bit smoother. didn't miss any reps. just need some more practice and to continue adding the volume.
15 min AMRAP
5 wall walk (prone to nose @ wall)
80’ Farmer Carry R (90#)
80’ FC L
2 rope climb
1 rope climb shy of 4 rounds. Wall walks are a suck-fest after first round. Carry hard on R (L side ql/back tight/tired), rope climbs were fine, mostly in two 'pulls'.
10 min
AB: :30 on/:30 off @ 57 RPM
10AM with Jess.
Press: 115, 125, 135 (F), 135.
WOD @205 and pull-up-burpee combo: finished in 3:37.
Signed up for Bulletproof Ankles and Shoulders. Figured I could spare the $20 this month and see if I actually stick to the program.
Took two rest days because I was extremely beat up and exhausted from Saturday. Wasn't entirely sure I was going to do anything today but I forced myself and it went well!
65 x 10
230 x 10, rest 1 minute, 230 x 5
Incline DB bench press (rest 30secs between sets)
35 x 15, 35 x 10, 35 x 6
Tricep banded push-downs (rest 30secs between sets)
Blue band- 20, 20,15
165 x 10 x 3
Going to do some ankle stuff now.
3 min row
3 sets
20 squats
10 ea SLDL
10 ea tempo high pulls 8kg
10 ea tempo Press 20#
Deadlift 5-5-5, 30X0 @145# — tough
8 min EMOM
2 C&J @ 93
20 min EMOM
Even: 5 c2b pull ups — got some, need that extra pop!
Odd: 50 DUs
20 min EMOM
Even: 5 kipping HSPUs
Odd: 10 box jumps 20"
20 min EMOM
Even: 10 TTB, dropped to 6 halfway through bc hands
Odd: 5 – 7 cals AB — about :20, broke 75 and then 80 a few times
Was so sad there was no AG tonight, but I'm grateful to be done with dinner at 8:25.
Press 73#. A 1/2# PR. Lol. Wait to go Kevin Y. for like a 60# press PR.
WOD @160, all unbroken but difficult–> Don't remember my time, but chose to do burpee/chest to bar to work strength over skill. Chest to bar-ing on the really high bars was super difficult.
Cashed out with some muscle up practice with some folks.
Today was one of those humbling days, when you realize your press has only increased .5# since February, I'm no closer to bar muscle ups or ring muscle ups then I was a month ago despite a decent amount of effort towards working these skills, and I'm 45# off of RXing this deadlift workout. I still had a lot of fun today, but I feel a little frustrated. I have so many ideas of things to work on from AG, so many things to work on from AR, I just have too much going on. I need to pick a skill, set up some accessory work to achieve it and just focus on that one thing. I feel like a Jackson Pollock painting. Hm.