Photos from the 3rd CFSBK Art Show, like this one of Jenna J.’s work, are up our Flickr account
This Week at CFSBK in Review
1. Time is running out to sign up for tomorrow’s Active Life Bulletproof Assesment Workshop! Head over to the event page to register.
2. Row with Coach Nick for a good cause at this weekend’s Row New York Jingle Mingle! Details are in Monday’s post.
3. The goods from our latest Lost and Found dump can be seen here. If anything belongs to you, please claim it before we donate it to CHIPS!
4. On Tuesday, we filled you in on Jake and Pierre’s results from the CrossFit Liftoff competition. We also told you about Sweet Polly, Murat U.’s new restaurant. Click here for the press release!
5. As we update our Coaching Staff page, we’ll be posting the new bios to the main blog as a way of reacquainting you with one of the main things that makes CFSBK a special gym: our wonderful, talented coaching staff! We started with Coach Nick.
5 Underappreciated Benefits of Lifting Weights BarBend
16 Fun Things to Do in New York This December Gothamist
Saturday's Programming
Front Squat
Work up to a heavy 5 rep front squat. Aim for heavier than week 1's heavy 5. The goal is to leave a rep in the tank.
70% x 1 x 5 Paused (pause for a 3 count at the bottom and maintain tension)
Your Training Max (TM) is used to base the percentages off of. Increase your TM 10 lbs above the previous 3 weeks. If you were above the recommended reps for the rep out sets then increase your TM 15-20 lbs.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 7 of 8
Partner WOD
10 Rounds For Time (5ea):
250m Row
20/15 Push Ups
One partner working at a time. Partners alternate full rounds. Push the pace on the row pieces, and scale the push ups (volume or degree of difficulty) so they can be done in 1-3 sets.
Post time, Rx, and partner to comments.
6am with McDowell doing Saturday
Paused Front: 185x1x5. Easy.
Metcon with Dan L: 14:14. Pulled 1:30-1:40 each interval, but broke up pushups terribly. Was finishing with singles by the 3rd round and the 5th round was nearly all singles. Definitely slowed the team down.
Short Circuit Programming
Strength Circuit
Monster Walks 10e direction
8e Single Leg Squats
Single Arm DB OH Walk AHAP
8 Plank Walk Outs
MetCon Circuit
Partner WOD (If solo, do :30 work/:30 rest)
2 Min Burpees
4 Min KB Swings
6 Min Box Jumps
4 Min KB Swing
2 Min Burpees
Snatch Pulls
warm up sets of 4 @ 15kg, 35, 40, 45, 50
3 sets of 4 @ 55kg (about 105%)
6 mins AMRAP
25' OH lunges @73#
10 burpees
25' OH lunges
8 C2B pull-ups
– 25' meant 10 or 11 lunges, last trip back I was a lunge short — opted to drop it so I could get back to some C2B practice before time was out and because my legs died.
– Got all C2B — first set had mostly singles, 2nd set I did 2 doubles and a single before time ran out.
– Result: 3 pull ups shy of 2 rounds. Those lunges, man.
2 rope climbs in rapid succession
4 sets of 2 L-sits on parallettes — :15 hold, :45 rest
(first set with 1 leg straight, 3 sets with both legs straight, which felt like the same level of horrible)
This took forever…
A. 20 warm up:
-xover symmetry
-active hip ROM
-banded distraction
B. SQUAT: 5×18 @ 42.5% (95#)
about 3min rest in between each set
challenging, but tempo, pace, and position are feeling slightly better
biofeedback test still normal
C. PRESS: 8×3 @ 87#
using the 45# bar feels better in my hands/wrists
lots of rest
losing rib cage on third rep until it's over my head, then locking down. keep working here.
D. Conditioning
AMRAP 10 (85%)
10 WB 14#/9'
10 KBS 24kg
AMRAP 10 (85%)
200m Row
2 Muscle Ups
5 Power Clean @ 95#
-7 rounds even on part A. should've been 4 HSPU, but I came down funny on my very first rep and shoulders felt fried from the Press.
-2 PC shy of 4 rounds on part B. Tried for linked MU's in first two rounds and failed on second rep. losing tension and letting rings come apart.
-neck was feeling very pre-tweaky after the HSPU mishap, so did not do part C of this (row, burpee, ttb). next time!
15 min cool down stretch, movement, neck re-set
CFSBK–Midwest (Wednesday's Back squat WoD)
WU: 50 pulls on erg (702m, 43 cal.) D-ROMs, (finally unpacked my foam roller!)
Back squat: 45×3, 75×3, 95×3, 145×1, 167×4 (my eyes got a little big) 160x5x2
EMOM–16 minutes 10 KB @ 1.5, 15 sit-ups
Oops. That post under "Brett" before is really WHIT!
I always forget that the office computer at the gym doesn't forget who the last author of a blog comment was.