Snatch Complex
Every other minute on the minute x 15:
Snatch Pull + Mid Hang Snatch + Snatch
Start at about 60% and build from there as appropriate. No press-outs. If you miss a lift, you can attempt in on the next round. If you miss again (either a straight up miss or a technical miss), then take weight off the bar.
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Exposure 7 of 8
6-12 Wide-Grip Pull-Ups (Use bands as needed, use full ROM)
20-second L-Sit
Use rings, boxes, or paralletes for the L-Sit.
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The CFSBK Coaching Staff: Nick Peterson
Editor’s note: We’re in the process of updating the bios on our Coaching Staff page. As we do so, we’ll be posting the new bios to the main blog as a way of reacquainting you with one of the main things that makes CFSBK a special gym: our wonderful, talented coaching staff! First up, Coach Nick…
Nick has coached at CFSBK since 2011. Nick fell in love with rowing in 9th grade on the Potomac River, and accrued 13 years of competitive rowing experience, culminating in racing in the men’s quadruple sculls at the 2000 Olympic Games in Sydney. For years afterward he worked out as he always had—running, lifting, rowing on the erg, sometimes trying to do handstands—until his wife convinced him to try capoeira, and, later, CrossFit.
Nick found out about CFSBK when he met Coach Margie, and soon thereafter became CFSBK’s resident rowing coach. He eventually began coaching CrossFit group classes and training clients one-on-one. Nick still conducts a few rowing workshops a year and has prepared a group of CFSBKers for CRASH-Bs, the preeminent international indoor rowing championship in Boston, every year since 2010. The three-month program mimics the kind of specialized training that elite athletes pursue.
Nick is a CrossFit Level 1 coach, and attended Robb’s Wolf’s Paleo Solution seminar and Kelly Starret’s Mobility and Recovery Seminar.
This Saturday: Row New York’s Jingle Mingle
Speaking of Coach Nick, you can (and should!) join him for Row New York’s annual Jingle Mingle this coming Saturday, December 3rd. The Jingle Mingle is an erg-a-thon fundraiser for Row New York, which is a great organization that teaches rowing to kids from under-served communities in NYC. They also have tutors and help with SAT prep, among other things.
Here are the details:
- Location: The Church of St. Paul the Apostle, West 59th Street (entrance is between 59th and 60th Street on Ninth Avenue), in Manhattan
- Start: Doors open at 9:00 AM
- 500m Super Sprints: Mixed teams starting at 9:30 AM sharp, followed by the ugly sweater contest at 10:00 AM
- Main Event: 90-minute relay/ergathon at 10:30 AM–12:00 PM
The teams will comprise four to eight people, and they can break up the 90-minute relay however they want. Email Nick if you plan to participate at Nick [at] crossfitsouthbrooklyn [dot] com. He’ll review technique with you and coach you at the event.
Row New York has set up a Crowdrise page for us – our team name is No Sleep Till. The goal is to raise $250 per participant. Even if you can’t make it to the event, please send the Crowdrise link around to friends and family.
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Back Squat | KB Swings, T2Bs
Phoenix Multisport: A Sober Community CrossFit
Digestive System Crash Course
6am w/ McJess
Snatch – up to 115#
Haven't done full snatches in a bit. Some rounds were good and snappy, others were a little clunky. Speeding up my pulls off the floor towards the end helped my keep tension in my catch. Need to remember that going forward.
NFT – 3 rds
I suck at L-sits. No idea how to extend my legs out.
3 x 10 GHDs
Love the link about Phoenix Multisport. Powerful stuff.
Snatch Complex – Mixed results today. Solid though 93#, felt crisp and get some positive feedback. Then 98#, where I stayed for the last 6 attempts and didn't make both snatches until the last attempt. Not even consistent in how I failed. Some behind, some in front, some where I just wasn't pressing up enough. Frustrating.
A few wide grip pull ups and tucked sits until time, then ran across the street and did a few rope climbs for fun.
Snatch complex was absolutely humbling today. I got to 83 when we did the power snatch complex a couple of weeks ago, so I thought I would get there today and took weight jumps accordingly…
…and then I failed my first attempt at 73! Not even a little fail, a big, fall-on-my-ass fail. With my mouth full of crow I took it back to 68. Made 73 a few sets later, and finished out at 78. Lesson learned: full snatches are harder than power snatches and I should approach them with more respect.
Left wrist was feeling quite stiff after all that snatch work so I did floor levers instead of L-sits to avoid spending too much time in wrist flexion.
Any mechanical engineers in our midst? Or do you know of any mechanical engineers? Please hit me at up nick [at] crossfitsouthbrooklyn [dot] com. Thanks.
Tue (make up post):
A. EMOM x10
even: :20 hollow rocks + 5 kip swings
odd: 3 false grip elevated RR + :20 bottom hold prison squat
B. 3 sets:
Single Leg RDL (bb): 45#x10ea
Single Arm High Pull: 40#x10ea
40' Sled Push +85#
7 Push Press (85#)
Rest 2:30
(each round between :23-:25)
D. Strict CTB : 5×2
TODAY: 10AM group with Brett and Lady Fox!
morning walk to gym / line drills + light OH carry heat up
Snatch Complex
77, 77, 84, 84, 88, 88, 95, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 103, 103, 103#
no misses, but some wonky off-tension catches
keep lats tighter in snatch pull
speed under was good, just stay connected
tape your GD thumbs!
EMOM x16 (4 sets)
1:00 row (about 800-850 cal/hr)
:40 DB OH hold (30#'s)
:30 single unders + :20 double unders
:30 chin up grip dead hang
6am w/ McJess
Snatch complex – up to 64 kg, with a half completed rep at 66 kg.
Started at 40 kg and went up 1-3 kg per round. Slow increases felt really good and helped me keep some technique. Actually felt good today.
NFT – 1 round
Wednesday (makeup post from 5:30am Brick Boston Crossfit)
E3MOM for 5 rounds:
5 power snatches – did mine at #115
4 power snatches – hit #135
3 power snatches – hit #155
2 power snatches – hit #185
1 power snatch – hit #205
5 RFT of
5 chest to bar pullups
10 OHS (95/75 Rx, 115/95 Rx+)
25 double unders (Rx+ was a weighted 1lb rope)
Did the Rx+ version in 9:32. I fell apart on the double-unders (that damn rope is heavy) but kept the OHS unbroken. Shoulders were destroyed.
Thursday 6am back at CFSBK
Snatch E2MOM:
Worked up to 135#, failed once, then backed down to 115#. My shoulders are toasted from all the power snatches and OHS yesterday and my form fell apart. Thanks to the Ro for the tips on form.
Pullups, assault bike, GHDs, and rope climbs
I am just putting it out there that someone at the gym needs to get this for the holidays. I'd volunteer if I didn't already have like five shirts from these guys.
8 min EMOM: 2 (Power Clean + Power Jerk) — did not follow clock precisely
40kg, 45kg, 45kg, 49kg, 49kg, 51kg, 51kg, 51kg
Narrow grip Bench Press: 3 sets of 5 @85# — good, move up
HBBS: 3 sets of 5 @160# — good, move up
4 sets of:
15 OHS @65# unbroken
Max set unbroken C2B pull ups 3 — these were rough, added a blue banded C2B :05 hold
Max set unbroken ring dips 3 — didn't push, kept consistent with # of pull ups (it was a sub for MUs)
Rest a couple mins
10min AB cool down
5:30pm Group Class with Coach Whit
Snatch Complex:
Worked up to 165 on the complex. Did three sets there and then dropped to 155 for the last. Felt good.
Sooooo close to snatching in the 80# range!!! Attempted 83 twice to no avail.
63-68-73-78 (PR for a full snatch!)
Did 4x 6 pullups (3-3), :20 L sit on rings (hard but fun!)
Cashed out for real with AR. So needed!
Worked up to 88# on the snatch complex. Missed one snatch at 68#. Focused on using my legs.
6 wide grip pullups. First round with red band, the rest with red + orange. Ripped on the last pullup. I rarely tear and then it happens on a strict movement!! Grrr!
L-sits on the high paralettes. So bad at these, but I've def improved.
False grip holds on the bar (may have made up that name)- 4 sets for about 5s each. haha.
False grip pullups on the rings. 3 sets of 2. Not sure if I was actually holding the false grip the whole time.
Ip to 130 on the snatch. Good cues today:
– don't overextend the pull, pull up and not back.
– make noise with your feet, really hear the stomp.
Got stuck in 115, until decided to just add weight and 120 felt fine. 130 was very hard and a bit of a power snatch, I was tired by that point. Need to continue to work at this weight level and fine tune things.
Then did some nice active recovery (no Penny!), then some shoulder assessment work – 100m farmer carry with right (80lbs) and left (70lbs) arms.