Back Squat
Work up to a heavy 5-rep Back Squat. Aim for heavier than Week 1’s heavy 5. The goal is to leave a rep in the tank.
70% x 1 x 5 Paused (pause for a 3 count at the bottom and maintain tension)
Your Training Max (TM) is used to base the percentages off of. Increase your TM 10 lbs above the previous 3 weeks. If you were above the recommended reps for the rep-out sets, then increase your TM 15-20 lbs.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 7 of 8
Every minute on the minute x 16:
Even Minutes: 10 Russian Kettelbell Swings
Odd Minutes: 5-10 Toes-to-Bars
The Kettlbell Swings should be on the heavy side but done unbroken each set. Scale the Toes-to-Bars to Hanging Le or KNRs as needed, or to 15 Sit Ups per round. You should ideally have about 30-40 seconds of rest each round. It’s ok to use today as a strength biased day if the movements are challenging for you but you should still have at least 15 seconds of transition time between movements.
Post work to comments.
Photos from the 3rd CFSBK Art Show are now up on our Flickr account. Take a gander at art works by our talented members and staff, like this beaut by Saul M., here.
THIS SATURDAY: Active Life Bulletproof Assessment Workshop at CFSBK
CFSBK will be hosting a Bulletproof Assessment Workshop on Saturday, December 3rd from 2:30-6:30pm for athletes looking to take their performance to the next level! This will be an interactive workshop, with a full movement assessment from the Active Life coaching staff. The movement assessment will include a series of strength and mobility assessments, which will identify imbalances and expose weaknesses.
You will walk away from this workshop with an insight on how flexibility, mobility, strength balance, work to rest ratio, and skill can tie into your training. Knowledge bombs will be dropped! Sign up! It’ll be a blast. The class is capped to 50, so get on it before it fills up! The registration fee is just $49.
Time is running out, so sign up now!
Questions? Contact Coach Katie at Katie [at] Click here to sign up today!
News and Notes
- The goods from our latest Lost and Found dump can be seen here. If anything belongs to you, please claim it before we wrap it and give it to our families for Christm—we mean, donate it to CHIPS in two weeks.
- Row with Coach Nick for a good cause at this weekend’s Row New York Jingle Mingle! Details are in yesterday’s post.
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Rest Day
Born to Move NY Times
215 lb Dumbbell Challenge Super Training
225 x 10, rest 1 minute, 225 x 5
Had to lie down for a bit after that!
Bench Press (TNG)
120 x 8
110 x 12, rest 30 secs, 110 x 6
Totally messed this up. First misloaded the bar. And then forgot to do my 3rd set at the correct weight. But I guess that's ok!
Tricep push down ( blue band)
15, rest 30 secs, 12, rest 30 secs, 10
Pause DL
205 x 10 x 3
I am no good at this muscle-up stuff but eventually it will click, I am sure.
Workout was fun. Need to practice rope climbs more often.
Great to see Steve and Packer get their first MU's. Allie, Kelly and Katie Rose are very close too. Love the regular Tuesday AG crew!
AG rules. (period.).
Idea for future WOD? The 86 pound bucket walk.
—– excerpted from ——
Because the bucket is very heavy, the man walks slowly and pauses often.
But because the bucket is very heavy, the man keeps walking.
The man, seen in a surveillance video, has just taken a black, metal 5-gallon bucket off the back of an armored truck in broad daylight in Midtown Manhattan.
The bucket was left unattended when a guard went to the truck’s cab for a moment, the police said, and the man probably did not know what was in it. But he probably had a suspicion.
At Third Avenue and 48th Street, the police said, the man disappears.
The bucket contained 86 pounds of gold flakes, worth $1.6 million, the police said.
Short Circuit Programming
Strength Circuit
8e Single Leg RDL w/ KB
8-10 Bent Over Reverse Fly
4-6 Bench Back Lever with 3-5 sec negative
MetCon Circuit
Tabata #1
Bear Crawls
Tabata #2
Odd – Push Ups
Even – Squat Jumps
Tabata #3
Odd- Shoulder Taps
Even – Lunge Jumps
Tabata #4
Sit Ups
8 a.m. w/Ro and the super sounds of the 90s.
BSQ: 190x1x5, 0:03 pause at bottom. First one was too high and too short a pause, per Ro, so no-repped it and did 5 "good ones." Helpful.
Metcon: kb swings @ 40 kg (aka "the Ford Taurus," a nickname of which I will never tire), TTB in sets of 5. Tore off a big chunk of my right ring finger like an idiot on my last pull-up on Saturday and needed to take it easy. Kip slightly improved early on. Stayed on the bar for all 5 except in the last set, where I had to let go just before the last rep.
Make up from yesterday
AG with Ro. First muscle up!!! Can't recommend AG enough and fun to celebrate with everyone. Congrats to Packer on his first as well! Breaking the movement up into different progressions really helps.
6am with Lady Fox
Paused HBBS – 215 x 1 x 5 – Felt easy
Hip has been bothering me so changed the workout on the fly to 10 cal assault bike and plank hold.
Crunch time today
10 KBS 24kg
7 Sandbag Squats 100#
6 T2B
Crazy link about the gold bucket thief! Also crazy DB incline press in the blog link. Just incredible strength.
12:00pm Group Class with Coach Ro
2 Rounds:
8e DB Push Press 30#
12 DB Goblet Squats 30#
8 Ring Rows
:03 Paused LBBSQ
Forgot to unload the 5's for last two sets which was fine.
EMOM 16:00
A: 10 Unbroken Kettlebell Swings, 40kg (88lbs)
B: 10 Unbroken Kipping Toes-to-Bars
Got "stuck" with the 40kg bell because I went to the bathroom and all the reds were taken by the time I got out. Ended up being a blessing in disguise as it made me exceed my expectations.
The last 2 sets of toes to bars were a challenge to get unbroken but I had gotten that far and wasn't going to let myself come off the bar.
Very grippy EMOM. Efficiency in movement and active recovery during the down times (breathing/posture) are critical for going unbroken in this workout IMO.
Skipped the LTE's since I just did them on Sunday and am still sore!]
Afterwards DH3, Katie E, Allie and I played two games of Spikeball! The shorties went 2-0!!
Steve! Awesome!
Hey all,
Moira Potter and myself, erstwhile gym members and all around good people, will be visiting your fair city from Los Angeles from December 28 to January 3 and we are looking for a place in the 'hood to stay. If you have or know of an apartment in need of sitting during that time, let me know at thomasshawn [at] hotmail [dot] com. We're totally willing to pay you and/or take care of your pets. We will be without kids, if that matters.
Push Press: 73×5, 83×5, 88×5 (Kharpz said they were good so I tried a next set), 93×3. Proud I tried!
WOD: Goal going in was just to do the thrusters unbroken and see what that felt like. Still tried hard-ish on the burpees and row, but feel proud I accomplished my goal even though my time was still on the slower side. 10:58
AG: Super fun muscle up practice. Gotta work on my kip swing. Fun workout and rope burn :X
115 1×5 3sec pause squats. Partnered with Janet–so fun. We loved it. It was both harder and easier than we expected. Fun to do something different with squats and to really feel ALL of the muscle. I know I'm missing strength in some little cranny that makes me want to go shallow all the time.
WOD: 10 TTB every round, most rounds unbroken. 24kg bell–> easy as russian, hard as american.
630PM with JBRO
Made up Saturday's Wendler Front Squats: 135×5, 165×3, 185×5, 205×3, 225×6
WOD 15kb swings @24kg/15 V-Ups – good times.
5 min Row — :30 @3:00 split, :30 @2:05-2:10 split
Push Press — 33×6, 63×3, 73×3, 83×5, 93×5, 103×3 — failed forth, shallow dip
Dead Lift — 103×5, 133×3, 155×2 — 175 x 3 x 3
10 min EMOM:
even: Power Snatch + Snatch — 68, 73, 78, 83, 88
odd: 6 Kipping Pull-ups — playing around with grip
Followed by Wednesday evening yoga with Elaina. This is the highlight of my week 🙂
6:30pm with JB and Ro
Back Squats 200 – 220 – 230 (new 5RM). Felt very good throughout, it's amazing how our body evolves (and devolves) handling these weights. Went in thinking it'd be super hard, but I might even have 240 or 250 in the tank, as I wasn't struggling too much on any rep.
WOD with the 36kg kettlebell and 15 V-Ups (no T2B for me). The v-ups added up! It was fun handling the large and heavy bell – no way I could have done American swings with it.