Push Press
Fitness and Performance
Work up to a heavy 5. This is NOT a true max-effort day. The goal is no missed reps and to try and hit a number that feels like you could do another rep or two.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 7 of 8
For Time:
Calories Rowed
Thrusters 75/55
Post time and Rx to comments.
This Saturday: Row New York’s Jingle Mingle
Join Coach Nick for Row New York’s annual Jingle Mingle this coming Saturday, December 3rd. The Jingle Mingle is an erg-a-thon fundraiser for Row New York, which is a great organization that teaches rowing to kids from under-served communities in NYC. They also have tutors and help with SAT prep, among other things.
Here are the details:
- Location: The Church of St. Paul the Apostle, West 59th Street (entrance is between 59th and 60th Street on Ninth Avenue), in Manhattan
- Start: Doors open at 9:00 AM
- 500m Super Sprints: Mixed teams starting at 9:30 AM sharp, followed by the ugly sweater contest at 10:00 AM
- Main Event: 90-minute relay/ergathon at 10:30 AM–12:00 PM
The teams will comprise four to eight people, and they can break up the 90-minute relay however they want. Email Nick if you plan to participate at Nick [at] crossfitsouthbrooklyn [dot] com. He’ll review technique with you and coach you at the event.
Row New York has set up a Crowdrise page for us – our team name is No Sleep Till. The goal is to raise $250 per participant. Even if you can’t make it to the event, please send the Crowdrise link around to friends and family.
News and Notes
- Wondering how Coach Noah is doing down in Austin? He recently wrote an article for Beyond the Whiteboard called Hi! My Name Is (What) on his continuing adventures opening CrossFit Lumos. Check it out!
- Also check out some badass CFSBK ladies doing synchronized Pull-Ups on our Instagram account.
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Clean and Jerk metcon
The Overhead Press Starting Strength
The Josephus Problem Numberphile
Make-Up Post from Sunday OG. Did a bunch of fun stuff
Metcon with KHarp
50 Double Unders
21 Power Cleans 135 (all singles)
50 Double Unders
21 Push Jerks (14-7)
50 Double Unders
21 Squat Cleans (all singles)
11:47 as Rx'd
Happy with the 14 unbroken jerks!
Lying Triceps Extensions (LTEs)
Weighted Bear Crawl (Dragging the 40kg KB around my hips) the length of the gym
10 Push-Ups
WTD Bear Crawl..
9 Push-Ups
Down to 1 Push-up. So 55 push-ups and 10 gym length crawls. These are really fun
5 Rounds:
6 Alternating DB Split Snatches 60lbs
3 Unbroken Muscle-Ups
Crossover Symmetry
Great to see Noah around town this weekend and at the gym! Miss you man, glad things are well in Austin.
6am with Ro and McD
Push Press:
Worked up to 185# for 5 with DanL. Progression was 95# x 3, 135# x 3, 165# x 5, 185# x 5, 165# x 5 (drop set).
6:55 Rx. This was a fun one. Rows were about 1400 cal/h, thrusters all unbroken, tried to keep the burpees fast and consistent. Hit the gas in the last round and saw stars towards the end. My arms hurt.
Push Press: 95×5, 105×5, 115×5, 125×3
Stopped cycling them at 115 to get an extra brace before each rep. Probably should have just tried 120, but since it was a bonus fourth set decided to give it a try. Elbows were down too low on the 4th rep and the bar came to far out for me to correct it.
WOD: 8:24 Rx. There is nowhere to rest during this. Michael was a blur in front of me doing burpees.
7 a.m. w/Ro & McDowell.
Push press: 135×5, 150×5, 165×5. That's a new 5-rep max for me, but still felt like I had a bit more in the tank.
Metcon: 10:20 Rx'ed. Everything unbroken, but burpees slow and I let my dread get the better of me in the first two transitions to the thrusters.
Worked to 105 on the push press. I kinda wish I'd tried more! I'm never sure of myself with this movement.
WOD in 10:19 with 25# DB thrusters (and burpees to the same pair of DBs). I have Fran cough. Still. I'm trying to wrap my head around DJ Flash having done this in less than 7 minutes.
6am with McRo
PP – 115# / 125# / 135#
Got a bunch more here. Kept it conservative.
Metcon Rx – 11:11
21 / 8-7 / 5-4 on the thrusters. Burpees were very slow today.
Echo Flash on running into Noah in the hood this weekend. Excited to see some photos of the Lumos layout.
8 a.m. with McDowell.
I may be getting fired from the 7 a.m. crew for failure to show. On a long staycation and sleeping in.
Push press
5 x 85
5 x 95
5 x 100
5 x 105
4 x 107.5
Bailed on the last rep, which felt liberating.
11:48 RX
Broke each round of push presses into two. Thanks to Shawn for pushing me to do 75 after 70 felt good in warmups.
6am with McRo
Push press – 135 x 5, 145 x 5, 155 x 5
Felt good. Think I could have gotten 165.
WOD in 9:06 Rx
Burpees really bothered my hip today and still not feeling great. Could only go slow on them. Thrusters all unbroken.
6am with Ro and McDowell
Push Press with DJ Flash – worked up to 185#
Metcon in 7:24 Rx'd
Back has been feeling good over the past week. Been focusing on some basic breathing/core/hip activation. Did a good bit of POWER walking with the family….really gets the heart rate up. But mostly got some SLEEP this weekend. A lot of sleep. Works wonders.
Saturday: back at Blue Crab CrossFit with some of my Maryland friends. (their new spot is huge- checkity check it out if you're ever in the area! Great open gym options) Tried my best not to be a meathead with my friends, but wanted to see how a metcon felt since I was feeling really good.
Did a modified version of CompTrain to complete a total of (didn't pay attention to time, just wanted to move):
50 cal row
25 ea hand, DB hang muscle snatch 40# (focus on supatight positions)
50 cal row
25 C&J (80#)- all singles, slow and focused, esp on setup
50 cal row
25 strict HSPU- broke off into comfortable sets
*cashout core work/hip openers/minimal mashing to TFL/hip flexor/glutes
Felt GREAT later that night and the next day.
Yesterday: long but productive day at the gym. Spent the morning doing DROM's/barbell drills so I felt like I was good to go for the METCON with DO:
some core/hip activation/barbell WU
50 Double Unders
21 Power Cleans 95# (all singles)
50 Double Unders
21 Push Jerks (12-9)
50 Double Unders
21 Squat Cleans (all singles)
Completed in 7:42, I WAS trying to take it easy, but everything felt really good, so pushed it on the back end. All positions were tight in the catch of my clean (not always the case) so I was happy with this.
I'm feeling back to normal this AM. Think that was my body just telling me that I was training too hard and resting too little. I'm really glad that I backed off when I did. Headed to ActiveLife today, hoping to establish some good accessory work so I can move forward safely as the Open approaches!
Noon Group Class with Coach Fox
Push Press
Worked up to 165×5
Row/Thruster/Burpee Metcon
10:37 as Rx'd
Took all the rows at what felt like 70-80% which may have been too conservative. All thrusters unbroken, burpees steady but not fast.
Fun few days in Syracuse for Thanksgiving, including some non-CF gym time with Brett! Several days to log here:
A. Close grip bench press: 95x7x3 @ 30×1
B1. ONE LEG SQTS 3x10ea @ 15# – feeling so much stronger!
B2. Chin up 3×5 @21×3
:20 oh hold 30# dbs
10 kbs 40#
1:00 bike 80%
1:00 forearm plank
A. Heat Up: 5 min bike, 2 min row
B1. Press 85x3x8 – felt surprisingly good, just took a long time to get through
B2. DB bent over row 40x10eax3 @ 21×2 – felt surprisingly hard after a week of not doing them
C. Split squat 3x8ea, just to test out the hip
D1. Strict TTB 3×5
D2. Waiter squat 35#x5eax3 @ 55×1
E. Row
4x 500m @ 2:07 pace / Rest 2:15 between each
*Rest 4 min*
4x 500m @ 2:07 pace / Rest 2:15 between each
A. Snatch: up to 105#
B. Power Clean & Jerk: up to 145#
5x, each round same pace:
8 cal assault bike
10 c&j – 65#
5 burpee over bar
Rest 1:30
Squat retest: 1×20 @ 112#
Deficit Rvrs Lunge: 3x10ea with 15# DB F-Rack
18 min, sustainable pace:
120’ farmer carry (24kg ea hand)
20 slamball (20#)
:15 L-Sit
1 wall walk with :05 hold
= 7 rounds (all around 2:30-2:35)
Short Circuit Programming from today:
4 Box Dips with 6 Second Negative
3 Bicep Curls with 10 Second Negative
2 Goblet Squats w/ 10 Second Negative, 10 Second Hold in Active Bottom
1 Farmer's Carry Both Hands AHAP
Every 3 Minutes for 7 Rounds
:30 on Erg
:40 Man Makers
:30 OH Plate Lunges
1:20 Rest
WU: 50 pulls on erg (711m./42cal.) D-ROMs, flagpoles, 2 rounds (10 pushups, 10 goblet squats @ #20, 20 curls @ #20)
Push Press: 45×5, 65×5, 75×5, 80×5, 85×5, 90×5, 95×5
Metcon: 21/15/9 Calorie Row; 15/9/6 Thruster @ #55; 15/9/6 Burpees… my burpees are broken!
4:30 class
Push Press
Cycled all reps. Pretty sure that's a 5RM.
WOD Rx'd in 8:27, or 8:37? I'm not 100%. It's on the board and in my book. Chris A provided programming! It came from a CF gym he visited in Santa Barbara and it sounded killer so, violas!
Went out a little too hard on the first row but recovered. All thrusters unbroken and burpees steady. Tired to commit to just starting the next movement as soon as I got to it without hesitation and was successful.
PP: 85×5, 90x5x2
Could barely hold the bar in my front rack today so decided not to add weight. Def feeling yesterday's jerks. Did 85×10 last month so not too concerned.
WOD in 9:57
Rows: Fox was very encouraging but I had trouble pushing it today.
Thrusters: unbroken, but slow. Fast-ish on the last set.
Burpees: slow, but also pushed the last set.
Wish I had more to give today, but tired after group class and AG yesterday.
6:30pm with Fox and Ro.
Push press 135-155-165, which is a new 5RM for me. Cue of the day was more stability on the dip.
Wod 11:40min Rx. Pulled ~1500 cal/hr on the first row, got off the erg side by side with James, who went on to finish his set of thrusters and burpees in the time it took me to do 11/10 thrusters. Second round was ~1000 cal/hr on row, 8/7 thrusters and my specialty super slow burpees. At this point I was treating the row was a recovery. Last round was all unbroken and quick burpees.
Meh, two movements I suck at combined with one I'm good at. At least I did it Rx. After the wod did some shoulder work with Thaisa, but we were both pretty smoked. Fran lungs for tonight.
Jumped in with McD today ..
45×10, 95×5
125# x 5 x 3 w Tempo 3-x-1-1
10 min EMOM
3 Power Snatches — cycling, focused on breathing to keep heart rate steady
63, 73, 83# for the rest
3 rounds for time (80-90%):
400m row (~2:15-2:25)
25 wall ball 14#/9' (10-10-5)
20 KB 24kg Russian (13-7)
20 HSPUs (4s worked best)
5 strict pull ups
20 sit ups (arms crossed)
4:30 rest
8:00, 7:53, 8:26
3 min AB cool down
5 sets of false grip hang from rings, working toward kip swing
5:30 class with Arturo and Fox.
Was going to be excited to get over 55lbs today. Worked up to 65lbs, 75lbs, 75.5lbs thanks to some superior coaching by Arturo. Last set was still fast so I guess I could potentially go higher? Felt the pump as described by Arnold in "Pumping Iron" after the 3rd rep of the second set, it was great. At this rate in 10 years I'll take over for Atlas and push press the world.
WOD: 11:48 @ 42lbs
Rowed about a calorie per pull in the first round, felt ok, very medium. Then first time encountering thrusters since some bygone foundations memory. Got wrecked. I don't think I'm doing them as efficiently as I could be because I had to split up the first round into 2, then the second round, and so on and so forth, the bar dropping limply from my arms. Burpees were whatever, I have no opinion on burpees.
Cash out with some Pilates because the WOD so thoroughly messed with my nervous system, had to put my body back together.
6:30 class with Katie and Whit
Worked up to two sets of #150×5 on the push press.
Did the metcon rx'd in 9:28, first two group of thrusters broken up like 16/5 (sorry, haha) then 8/7.
Made a new friend or two. Thanks everyone!