Back Squat
3 x 5
Use 105% of Week 1‘s heavy 5. If last week was a grind, then make a smaller jump than 5%.
5/3/1 (1 Week):
75% x 5
85% x 3
95% x 1+
Your Training Max (TM) is used to base the percentages off of. The final set (the 95% set this week) is done for max reps, stopping 1-2 shy of failure. The goal is between 3 and 5 reps. Use a normal pace throughout the rep-out set and quit if you reach technical failure. Technical failure is the point where you can move the weight from point A to point B but can no longer do so with acceptable technique. Use spotters on all work sets.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 6 of 8
3 Rounds for Time:
200m Row
15 Kettlebell Swings 32/24kg
10 Burpees
Rest 3 minutes between sets. Go all out on each round.
Post time and Rx to comments.
Check Out the New Short Circuit Website!
For the past couple of months, we’ve been telling you about Short Circuit, a new class utilizing some of the best training methods to give you a great total body workout in just one hour. Now Short Circuit has its very own home on the world wide web!
We’re please to introduce Spread the word!
Each Short Circuit includes two circuits programmed specifically to help you shed pounds while increasing your strength, stamina, and flexibility. Unlike our CrossFit group classes, you don’t have to have taken Foundations or have any kind of CrossFit background to participate in Short Circuit, so now you can sweatily bond with your friends and family. Now they’ll get to find out what this CFSBK place you’ve been talking up is all about!
How is this different from CrossFit? While some movements will be familiar, Short Circuit does not include barbell training or higher-skilled calisthenics (like Kipping Pull-Ups or Handstand Push-Ups). You will get a a kick-ass workout, though, and as with our other specialty offerings like Active Recovery, Anti-Gravity, Pilates, and Yoga for Athletes, it’s up to you to decide how Short Circuit might fit into your overall training. That’s why members with CrossFit Group class memberships can use their existing memberships to attend any of these classes!
Monday 9:00am
Wednesday 9:00am
Friday 9:00am
Thanksgiving Schedule
We’ll be running on a modified schedule for the upcoming holiday. Come on over and work out with us before you eat all that turkey!
CrossFit Group: 6a, 7a, 8a, 10a, 12p, 4:30p, 5:30p
Short Circuit: 9a
AM OG: 6a-1p
CrossFit Group: 6:30p 7:30p, 8:30p
Next Level Weightlifting: 7:00-9:00p
Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu
CrossFit Pre-Teens 4:30p
All Starting Strength Classes
THURSDAY 11/24 (Thanksgiving)
CrossFit Group: 8a, 9a,10a
AM OG: 8-11a
Everything else cancelled
FRIDAY 11/25
Short Circuit: 9a
CrossFit Group 10a, 11a, 12p
AM OG: 10-1p
OG: 5:30-8p
Next Level Weightlifting: 5p-7p
CrossFit Group: 6a, 7a, 8a
Starting Strength
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Rest Day
Switching to Lifting Shoes: Why You Should & What to Expect Catalyst Athletics
Fusion Energy Explained: Future or Failure Kurzgesagt
Now that short circuit has its very own website… how about a Friday evening class!?
Hi everybody, I'm looking for someone to drop by my apartment in Park Slope (near Grand Army Plaza) to feed my two cats (and play with them for a little bit) everyday between 24DEC and 16JAN inclusive. Do let me know if you know somebody reliable.
My email address is manu DOT bhardwaj AT gmail DOT com.
(I've created a Classified ad here as well.)
Holiday double dip last night 7:30/8:30
7:30 doing mondays work
Press worked up to #125. Def had a few more here but wasn't sure where I'd be.
Metcon RX
11:30ish…. WBs all unbroken. Situps just so slow.
8:30 doing Wednesday's work
5/3/1 1 week BSQ
225/255/285 (4 reps for rep out)
I was a little apprehensive about the rep out since the set of 5 and 3 was grindy. Wound up hitting 4 reps which was my target. A little sticky on the last rep but I think had I not done all those WBs it would have moved much easier.
Metcon : 1:38 / 1:54 / 2:15
Rows were between 37-41 strokes per minute which is def on the high end for me. KB RX but switched to russian on the last 7 as the overhead was falling apart. Burpess slow and steady per usual.
4:30 yesterday doing today's work with Jeremy and Whitney (Myney?).
back sq:
3x5x160 Felt really solid. very happy with my squats this cycle.
1:47, 2:13, 2:17 @24kg. had to break up the swings in the second two rounds for gap purposes (guard against puking).
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
8AM with Ro.
HBBS: 135×5, 185×3, 205×5, 235×3, 260×6 (I was hoping for 8 after getting 10 at 250 last week but lost tension on the 7th and couldn't stand back up.)
WOD @24kg: 1:46, 1:59, 1:59
My first time doing Short Circuit! I thought I was going to get to razz Brett a little bit for that glamour shot, but was not at all sorry to be put through my paces by El Jefe himself. Perfect prep for stuffing my face with, well, stuffing tomorrow. (Let's be real, Thanksgiving is not *really* about the turkey, at least not when there's sausage-grease-soaked cornbread stuffing to be had.)
630 last night with katie
press: 80-90-102.5. felt great. love the "shelf" move katie showed. really helps me brace and keep the presses moving.
WOD: 16/10 with the wallballs at 9:21
this is the 2nd or 3rd time trying the 10 target with the 16 ball. whitney's warning was spot on: its much tougher to be accurate at higher targets. a couple of the balls went straight up and over the target but didnt hit the wall. need to work on positioning… also, i was glad greg was next to me during the wod – trying to keep up with him really helped me focus, probably wouldve rested a little more otherwise.
then AG
fun butterfly practice. seriously thankful for Ro, he's taught me a lot of the skillz i know! he's great with watching you and giving you the right cues and feedback.
partner WOD with Greg – was gonna bail on this cuz i was feeling kinda wrecked from 630 class, but partner workouts are too much fun to pass up. think we got 12 rounds plus the box jumps and some reverse lunges. pretty solid performance (even though my quads started quickly fading and my reverse lunges were comical at the end).
so sore today! kinda dreading today's squats/wod
Butterflies coming along.
Fun partnering with Allie- we did 10 rounds plus 5 HSPUs. I was really happy to be able to get 5 unbroken each round until the last when the clock pressure got to me and I broke it up 4-1 with not a second to spare.
Jumped into 8:30 class to get Monday's WOD in.
8:17 Rx.
Had an airball/ no rep which cost me valuable seconds lol.
Today OG
Some madness with Matt Katz and Christian R.
For time.
Deadlift @225
Bench @135 (scaled to 115)
Squat Cleans @105
Yeah this was a lot of fun!!
Thought I'd sign on to share my recent injury scare since I'm bored on the train!
Been noticing a bit of stiffness in my back recently. Started with a tension headache two weeks ago and just overall discomfort with my entire back every time I started warming up. Was hoping it was just stress and lack of sleep from the sh*tstorm of a two weeks that I've been having.
Anyway, hit some heavy clean triples on Sunday, and things just didn't feel right (felt a stiffness in the right side of my low back). So I cut it early and broke it down. And GEEZ am I so glad that I did. Later that day, i went to change my pants and I felt the dreaded "numbness and tingling" down into my R foot. I obviously started panicking and running myself through spinal tests like a PT maniac. Anyway, never felt it in my foot again. Only numbness/tingling in my low back/butt the very next day when I was sitting. But today I'm OK. Just a (tiny bit) stiff in my low back.
Have mostly been resting/doing some light movement at work since, but tried moving yesterday and it felt OK
Strict PRESS: 3×5 @ 80# across
No room for error here. Forced the ol spine to be stiff as a board. Felt pretty solid. Only a tiny tweak on rep 5 of set 2/3
Modified Wednesday WOD:
200M row -EZ pace
15 elevated slam balls
10 step to Burpees on parallete w/ strict push-up
Ha! I mean. I'll take what I can get man. These are the moments that remind you to be humble. I was just thankful to be moving. It could have been so much worse, and i do not want to blow my ability to compete in the future. A blown out back Is never ever worth it. I cut my programming immediately. I will be sitting on the sidelines correcting my movement and fixing what is broken for the next couple of weeks. Headed to ActiveLife for an assessment on Monday, stay tuned!
6:30 with Ro
150×5, 170×3, 190×5. PR. Super happy about that.
Wod with 24kg and Russian swings: 1:45, 1:46, 1:45.
Feel better k harpz!
Had a bee in my bonnet to do a workout that I wouldnt normally do. Big thanks to Ro for doing the emom with me and sticking around to help and yell at me.
10 min EMOM:
1) Ring dips (each round completed: 5, 5, 4, 4, 3 for subsequent rounds) – worked on kipping
2) Double unders (completed 20-30 each round — rope problems, lots of tripping which was disappointing)
12 min AMRAP, but completed as a chipper for time:
60 cal row (took about 4:50)
50 KB swings American 16kg (40-10)
40 TTB 5s,4s and 3s (grippy but better than I thought)
30 Thrusters 65# (8-5-4-4-4-5 — didn't stick to my plan, became a baby)
[got through 17 at the 12 min mark)
20 Bar Facing Burpees (pure slog)
Snatch — 2 pulls + snatch
Worked up to 3 of these at 80%
Shout out to Ro again for coming over to tell me how bad my warm-ups looked (I believe the word was "terrible"), and get me dialed in and moving in the right direction 🙂
low key workout after a long day at the gym
3 Rounds NFT
12 Cal Row (Staying above 1200 cals per hour)
12 GHD Sit-Ups
12 GHD Hip Extensions
Did this one on my own but with front squat because back squat has been bothering my sacrum.
Worked up to 85lbs 3×5, having trouble not tipping forward slightly at the bottom, working on it. Could have gone heavier but wanted to put form over weight.
WOD with 1min break instead of 3min because I had to be somewhere, 16kg kettlebell.
2:13, 2:15, 2:05
Last round somehow faster because I was in aforementioned rush/hit the timer on the phone quicker. I'm bad at rowing.