Coaches Katie and Melissa (both Doctors of Physical Therapy!) demonstrate at the Pelvic Floor Health Workshop
Thanksgiving Schedule
We’ll be running on a modified schedule for the upcoming holiday. Come on over and work out with us before you eat all that turkey!
CrossFit Group: 6a, 7a, 8a, 10a, 12p, 4:30p, 5:30p
Short Circuit: 9a
AM OG: 6a-1p
CrossFit Group: 6:30p 7:30p, 8:30p
Next Level Weightlifting: 7:00-9:00p
Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu
CrossFit Pre-Teens 4:30p
All Starting Strength Classes
THURSDAY 11/24 (Thanksgiving)
CrossFit Group: 8a, 9a,10a
AM OG: 8-11a
Everything else cancelled
FRIDAY 11/25
Short Circuit: 9a
CrossFit Group 10a, 11a, 12p
AM OG: 10-1p
OG: 5:30-8p
Next Level Weightlifting: 5p-7p
CrossFit Group: 6a, 7a, 8a
Starting Strength
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Press | Wall Balls, Sit-Ups
CrossFit During Pregnancy Gaya
Dmitry Klokov: 160kg Power Clean and Strict Press Hookgrip
Wednesday's Programming
Back Squat
3 x 5
Use 105% of week one's heavy 5. If last week was a grind then make a smaller jump than 5%.
5/3/1 {1 Week):
75% x 5
85% x 3
95% x 1+
Your Training Max (TM) is used to base the percentages off of. The final set (the 95% set this week) is done for max reps, stopping 1-2 shy of failure. The goal is between 3 and 5 reps. Use a normal pace throughout the rep-out set and quit if you reach technical failure. Technical failure is the point where you can move the weight from point A to point B but can no longer do so with acceptable technique. Use spotters on all work sets.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 6 of 8
3 Rounds for Time:
200m Row
15 Kettlebell Swings 32/24kg
10 Burpees
Rest 3 minutes between sets. Go all out on each round.
Post time and Rx to comments.
220 x 10
Rest 1 minute
220 x 5
DB Incline Bench Press (rest 30 secs between sets)
30 x 20
30 x 15
30 x 12
Had some triceps extensions programmed but holy hell they hurt my left shoulder so I stopped.
Weightlifting Club.
63 x 2 x 3
83 x 2 x 4
63 x 2 x 5
Trying to get a longer pull on the snatch so I reach full extension. All the pieces are almost coming together.
Clean and Jerk
113 x 1 x 8
Good Morning
123 x 12 x 3
Strict Pull-ups (about 30 secs rest between sets)
Kipping Pull up/Butterfly pull up
12 Min Partner AMRAP
10 handstand push-ups
16/20-calorie row
30 reverse lunges, alternating
7 AM squats:
180×3 (this was supposed to be 185; math was a serious problem for me today, see what I did there?)
210×4. That's one more than I thought I was going to get, so that's cool!
WOD 2:00, 2:02, 2:09 Rx. This just about killed me but I can say with confidence that I could not have gone any harder. I saw Kayleigh's times afterward. Girl, I don't know how you do it. RESPECT.
LBBS: 175×5, 205×3, 225×5.
Definitely a 5RM here – pleasantly surprised. Haven't had that much weight on my back in a while (missed testing my back squat last cycle).
WOD: 1:47, 1:48, 1:48. I thought I was going slower, but apparently not. I think I just upped my intensity on the row a bit each time, so I guess I could have gone harder on the first round.
I just got the email mentioning the "Senior Strong" class in the works.
DO and/or whatever coach came up with that idea, you're awesome. My mom is Constance's age and has a lot of the same health issues that Constance did before she started training here. I wish there were a place like SBK that she could go to do this kind of thing.
Thank you for making the world a healthier place.
6am with McDowell
HBBS 225 x 5, 255 x 3, 280 x 5
Hip flexors were being jerks today. Couldn't sit back into the squat so the 280 all had questionable depth.
WOD: 1:41, 1:45, 1:50 Rx. I forgot how awful rowing under the heater is. On paper this didn't look bad but it really spikes your heart rate. Didn't make me feel any better when Fox snickered: 'Wait till you see what I have for crush week'
6am with McDowell
BSQ w/Wendy – 225×5, 257×3, 287.5×6
WOD: 1:35, 1:47, 1:49
The kettle bell was terrible. That was rough.
6am with McDowell
BSQ – 245×5, 280×3, 315×3 – These felt fine, but I didn't have it in me to work for extra reps today.
WOD: 1:46
One round since I had to head to work early. Can't say I missed it. Got off rower first, but long arms make slow swings and I'm just slow on burpees.
There is a joke / meme to be made about this photo, especially re dudes on phones. Welcome suggestions.
4:30 Monday's work with Jeremy
45.5lbs for 2 sets 46.5lbs for two sets. Felt heavy but fine. I think I'm finally doing them correctly therefore trying to not be sad because I thought I could do 48.
WOD in 11:21 10lb
Thought process was "I haven't done wall balls since foundations, I'll just do 10lbs", good decision past Karina. Spent multiple rounds getting hit in the face by the ball like an idiot, think I fell over at one point, got it in the end. Sit ups weren't bad other than they agitated recently consumed kidney beans and spaghetti squash. Entire workout wasn't difficult as much as it was uncomfortable.
Today — Worked on neck pain, feeling a bit better.
5 min row
:30 slow, :30 @990-1100 cals/hr (which is verging on lightning for me)
3 rounds — these movements all felt smooth and fast today
10 T2B – strict, straight leg, unbroken
10 push ups – tempo, unbroken
10 box jumps 24"
Squats — 155 x 5 x 3 – fine
Close Grip Bench – sets of 5
45, 65, 75, 80, 85 – missed last one, bar path, bleh
6 sets — brief rest bw rings sets, moved fast through rest
3 Kipping MU swings w false grip (kept sliding out), 3 jumping MUs w false grip on last 2 sets
Dog Sled push +30# x2
Single OH arm carry @45# x2
7:30 with KHarpz
Press: 63×5, 68x5x2.
Katie gave me some good things to work on to open up my shoulders. Will definitely carve out time in warm ups/OG for this since shoulder mobility has always been an issue for me.
WOD RX in 8:43.
Those slow tempo supinated ring rows had my biceps burnin!
Hbbs: 115×5, 130×3, 145×4 Whit said all reps were good, last one was creeping on not deep enough. Actually didn't feel that bad!!
Wod: 1:50, 1:55, 2:02. Green KB but Russian. Thought I could do American, but I could not.
I had a crossfit first though!!!! I don't think I have EVER given a true 100% in a workout. I'm always saving something, or tire out by the end to really go full out.
I try to always do exactly what the coaches say so when Whit said hold nothing back on that first round, I tried to do all movements like my life depended on it. So exhilarating. I'm still riding an endorphin wave! Having had this experience and I think entering the pain cave for the first time(!!) I'd like to experiment with pushing myself a little harder. Maybe one of those 63# thruster workouts…maybe I even want to have the experience of going out too fast and red lining. Haven't had that experience either!!
AG was super necessary to make sure my legs didn't freeze up. Butterfly practice and a super fun wod (thank god rowing was changed to box jumps). Great to partner with Charlie who's HSPUs are amazing!
Yeeeeeeeah crossfit. Happy thanksgiving, y'all. I specifically booked an early morning flight so I could make it back for saturdays squats. Heh. Fran before family???
Yesterday DIY:
Warm up then worked up to:
Hbbs 245x5x3 – fine
Fsq 215x5x3 – started to feel pretty hard. Oh well.
Accessory work : 3×10 hanging leg raises, then alternated seated rows with kipping t2b practice.
Finished up with a spin class.
Today: first 2fer
Fun 6:30 with kharpz. Did Monday's work up to 115×5 on the press, which is solid for me. I'm so slow at sit-ups that the wood was 'easy' – – everything unbroken, just couldn't move much faster. 12:06
Then AG, which was ~~awesome!! ~~
Got butterfly pullups (or something like them). That kipping t2b I've been practicing really paid off.
WOD was fun. Also didn't feel that hard, and I got a second wind halfway through and tried to tear through everything as fast as I could. It worked. Also I think the first time I danced during a WOD.
Guyzzz I'm so hungry now! But after four days of long workouts I barely feel tired or sore. Evidently being really stressed out is… Helping? That can't be right…
Press: 60×5, 65×5, 70×4
LBBS: 155×5, 175×3, 195×2
WOD with 20kg Amer. swings: 1:56, 1:59, 2:01
kipping and butterfly pullup practice
Fun partner WOD with Kayleigh: 8 + 25
HSPUs with one ab mat. Was able to string together, 5, 4, 3 HSPUs each round.
Quads were fried from 6:30 class so jumping lunges were torture.
A. heat up…
row, active ROM (hips), pandiculations!, lat active rings, chin up hang, jumps to squat
B. 3 sets
1-leg good morning 33#x10ea
1-arm high pull 40#x8ea
C. Conditioning
Row 125m
15 DU
Assault Bike 8 cal
6 WB (14/10')
Shuttle Run 50m
2 Muscle Ups
Farmer Walk 50m (24kg each hand)
-6 Rds + 125m + 15 DU, very evenly paced, kip felt mostly on point
-5 Rds + 4 cal, long casual walk to my TTB station was nice
-5 Rds even, holy GRIP, focus on legs tight for MU, only one set as a double, all others singles. had to break FW up after 2 rounds.