Fitness and Performance
Work up to a heavy 5. This is NOT a true max-effort day. The goal is no missed reps. Try and hit a number that feels like you could do another rep or two.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 5 of 8
10 Rounds for Time:
10 Wall Ball Shots 20/10, 14/9
15 AbMat Sit-Ups
Post time and Rx to comments.
Thomas H.’s photos from last weekend’s Pelvic Floor Health Workshop are now up on Flickr. Did you attend the workshop? Tell us what you learned in the comments!
Bulletproof Assessment Workshop at CFSBK: Register Now!
Speaking of workshops, we have another great one coming up in a couple of weeks! CFSBK will be hosting a Bulletproof Assessment Workshop on Saturday, December 3rd from 2:30-6:30pm for athletes looking to take their performance to the next level. This will be an interactive workshop, with a full movement assessment from the Active Life coaching staff. The movement assessment will include a series of strength and mobility assessments, which will identify imbalances and expose weaknesses.
You will walk away from this workshop with an insight on how flexibility, mobility, strength balance, work to rest ratio, and skill can tie into your training. Knowledge bombs will be dropped! Sign up! It’ll be a blast. The class is capped to 50, so get on it before it fills up! The registration fee is just $49.
Questions? Contact Coach Katie at Katie [at] Click here to sign up today!
What Do Yoga and CrossFit Have in Common? Headspace
Holiday Dread: Being a One-Plater The Awl
Short Circuit Programming
Strength Circuit – 15 min
10 Band Tricep Extension
8e KB Suitcase DL
8e Elbow sideplank shoulder raise
16 OH Plate Lunges
MetCon Circuit – 18 min
:45 work/:15 rest @ each station
Band Ski Erg
Renegade Row
Sled Sprints
KB Swings
DB Push Press
Squat Jumps
6am in 608 w/ McD
Press – up to 105# x 5
Estimating 115# is where I'd top out. This was solid.
Metcon Rx – 12:00
I think I may have done an 11th round by accident. Fun one.
Cash out – occurred.
7 AM
Worked to 80# on the press. Was very jealous watching Leo and Phil bench pressing in strength cycle. I miss benching!
WOD with 15# DB thrusters, 11:47. Did I hear a rumor that someone in 6 AM did this in 8:12? Because that is just insanity.
Hey everyone! Just want to give a shout out to everyone who made the third Art Show such a big success, in particular our creative, hard-working volunteers — Mo, Josh, Danae, and Coach Harpz. And of course, thanks to David for buying us all a few rounds of drinks. And seltzer. I was overwhelmed by the positive feedback I got from people about the night and the quality of the art. Excited to do it all again next year!
6am with Ro
Press – 115 x 5, 125 x 5, 130 x 5
Felt good but 130 was probably pretty close to my max. Maybe could get 135 fresh.
WOD in 10:15 Rx.
@Stella – yea a guy who use to have a man bun did it in 8:12. His current length of hair is unknown, it often changes by the hour.
you guys, short circuit is no joke. i left very tired and very hungry.
Is Short Circuit happening on Wednesday? Because I think I may just have to make that happen as a pre-Turkey Day burner.
Press – 53 x 5, 163 x 5, 73 x 5, 78 x 3
Encouraged my McD to try 78, but just wasn't committing. I think 75 might be my 5rm, so happy to be around here.
WOD: 8:14 Rx
Was on pace with James until that last round, where he beat me out by 2 seconds.
stella, the holiday schedule is on the board. i meant to take a picture of it before i left, and didnt, but i'm almost certain that yes, short circuit is happening on wednesday.
7 a.m. at Humble Beast Crossfit in a freezing DC (roped into transition coverage this week.)
1/2 kneeling single arm kettlebell press 5 X 8
Glute hamstring raises 5 X 10
OHS 5 X 5
1 km ski
100 empty barbell push press
100 hollow rocks
1 km row
Push presses done 20-15-10-10-10-10-8-7-5-5; hollow rocks were the toughest to finish.
There once was a girl filled with dread,
Facing three sprints pushing a sled,
She grimaced and sweat,
All thanks to Coach Brett,
Post-Short Circuit her two legs are dead.
Thanksgiving schedule will be on the blog tomorrow. 🙂
6am in 608 w/McD
Press up to 135, failed 5th rep overextending
WOD: Kayleigh -2 seconds 🙂
Fun little burner today
Jeffersons, Stiff Legged Deads, and Shoulder Openers
Press 5-5-5
I think 155 ties a 5RM
Skipped the WOD to avoid high volume squatting at the moment, Instead did 7 RNFT of:
7 D-Ball Squats 80#
5 Strict C2B Chin Ups
6am with Ro
Press: 45×5, 65×5, 70×5, 75×5
WOD in 9:59. Not really sure that I could do that any faster, except maybe if I were doing the sit-ups right next to the wall ball station.
Ca$hed out for 2.5 rounds.
Yesterday – WOD in 13:23 (or around there) at 103. Felt uncertain at what weight to do this since I struggle with the jerk. Maybe should've done 93, as most of the push jerks ended up being push presses :/ But it was nice to pair the barbell work with running.
6am with Ro
Press – 95 x 5, 125 x 5
Not doing too much volume overhead if I can avoid it. Maybe could get 135 fresh.
WOD in 10:?? Rx. Closer to 11 than 10.
Make-up post from 11/20:
Wod Rx'd in 14:13. All singles and slower than I wanted.
WU: 50 pulls on erg (661m, 37 cal.) D-ROMs, flagpoles, dislocates
Press: 45×5, 65×5, 75x5x3
WoD: 10 WB (14#/9')
15 situps
10 rounds for time: 14:45
Chilly Monday!!
Warm up: line drills, hang/HS, row, banded hip distraction R
5×16 @ 42.5% (95#)
-rested about 2.5-3 minutes between sets
-woof, as always
-bio feedback test still normal
-slower-down, faster-up tempo was much better and more consistent today. felt more put together than i have in the past couple exposures.
25 min @ 85%
4 sled pushes (empty, down and back)
1ea one-arm OH Carry (40#, down on L, back on R)
6 burpees
6 box jump (24")
1 rope climb
8 rounds
splits: 3:02, 3:02, 3:02, 3:06, 3:09, 3:19, 3:15, 3:02
sled was the hard part. legs just burning for the second two passes once i got about 3 rounds in. everything else felt pretty smooth.
6am with Ro
Press – 135 x 5, 150 x 5, 135 x 5
Felt good and I didn't use my belt this week for the heavy press.
WOD in 9:10 Rx. My stomach hurts.
Press: 63×5, 68×3 (f), 65 x3 (f). Bar path was coming out… too aggressive of jump. Boo.
Wod: 9:54 rx. How in the world did folks do this in 8 min!!??!! I was moving unbroken and consistent. I did my best though, so happy about that.
Petey hops!! The CrossFit Games are coming to your backyard!
6:30pm Group class with MelRo's Place
3 Rounds
5e Step-Up
10 Push-Ups
5 Kipping Pull-ups
125×5 (PR)
WB/SU Metcon
11:30 as Rx'd
This was the easiest wall balls have ever felt.. but maybe that' because the sit-ups were an active rest.
3 Rounds NFT
230lb Farmers Carry
15 Matador Dips
10e KB Snatches
I don't want to start a passive-aggressive war . . . yet many brave people have gone down starting a post with such a sentiment. That said —
Can people be encouraged to refrain from using the showers as their personal coat closets?
There's plenty of space, especially in the south facility, for hanging clothes and leaving bags while one works out. Leaving one's clothes hanging in the shower room and one's gym bag sitting on the bathroom benches while one works out is – pardon the expression – selfish.
Even when there's NO ONE else in there, lately there is often nary a hook nor free bench space for hanging clothes or changing. That's the precise time when you actually DO need a little space to spread out your clothes and sit down and tie your shoes, salve your WOD wounds, check your bags to make sure you didn't forget anything, dry things off, etc.
Why is all the bathroom space being taken up by people who aren't actually using the showers or changing at the time? It's a shared bathroom, not your personal walk-in closet.
Thanks, kids! Flame away!