Coach Whitney performing at last year’s CFSBK Art Show. Free beer, good art, and great people. What more could you ask for?
Come One and All to CFSBK’s Art Show this Saturday!
CFSBK’s third Art Show is this Saturday from 7:30-10:30pm. Free entry and alcohol.
The work of Jen Murray, a local Brooklyn artist, will be on display. You can check out her work here.
CFSBK member, Sarah Mount, will be singing at 9 p.m. Want a preview? Listen to more of Sarah’s tunes here.
Following Sarah’s performance, Coach Whit, a lifelong dancer, will be doing a short performance to a song by Coach Brett, titled “Holding On To You.” Find more of Brett’s music here.
Come check out art from fellow talented CFSBKers. Below are all the artists whose work will be on display:
Katherine Akiko Day
Brian Faulk
Katie Harper
Jenna Jerman
Alona Katz
Youn Jung Kim
Colette Komm
Saul Melmen
Adele Myers & Niko Reingold
Amy Muckerman
David Osorio
Trevor Safford
Brian “Baz” Zimbler
If you have any questions, email Kate R. at KatharineReece [at]
Brazilian Jiu Jitsu at Crossfit South Brooklyn
Want to learn Brazilian Jiu Jitsu? Classes are now available at Crossfit South Brooklyn’s facilities! Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is a grappling martial art which first gained popularity with its success in mixed martial arts competitions in the 90’s. Since then it’s continued to gain in fame as a fun sport and efficient form of self defense. Practitioners use joint locks, chokes, and leverage to subdue opponents instead of using strikes. The teacher is Jesse Leach, a 1st degree black belt, certified by the IBJJF and medalist at international tournaments. Classes will be Wednesday nights 8-9pm, and Sundays 12-1pm as well as a mixed martial arts class Sundays 1-2pm. Crossfit South Brooklyn members can purchase their first one month pass for $50. Daily rates and class packs are also available. E-mail contact [at] for more info.
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Press +Push Press | KB Swings, Goblet Squats, Burpees
How One Word Can Create an Automatic Success Habit Scott Abel Fitness
A Healthy Lifestyle Could Counteract the Genes for Heart Disease NY Mag
Wednesday's Programming
Back Squat
3 x 5
Use 100% of week one's heavy 5
5/3/1 (3 Week)
70% x 3
80% x 3
90% x 3+
*Your Training Max (TM) is used to base the percentages off of. The final set (the 90% set this week) is done for max reps, stopping 1-2 shy of failure. The goal is between 5 and 8 reps. Use a normal pace throughout the rep-out set and quit if you reach technical failure. Technical failure is the point where you can move the weight from point A to point B but can no longer do so with acceptable technique. Use spotters on all work sets.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 5 of 8
10 Strokes on the erg, as heavy as possible
7-10 Tempo Ring Dips 31X1 10
Full-Body Bench Levers
Try and pull your lowest split possible within 10 strokes on the erg. The goal is 110% effort on each one. If you have a mature support and a few strict ring dips then scaling to band supported ring dips is suitable. If you don't have Ring Dips then sub 5 Feet Elevated Ring Dips, 5 Between Bench Dips, or 5-10 Push Ups as appropriate. Scale the bench levers to tuck or half tuck as needed, or scale them up to bar or ring levers as appropriate.
Post work to comments.
Handstand Walk Practice
B) 5 Rounds: 10 MIN CAP
10 Pull-ups
10 Box Jumps
Rest 5 MIN
C) For Time: 10 MIN CAP
50 HR Push-ups
50 Wall Balls 20/14
Yesterday DIY: still getting back into this weightlifting thing.
warm up
HBBS 235x3x5
FSQ 205x3x5
BB row 115x3x8
These all felt medium to medium heavy.
Screwed up my calendar and didn't end up doing any conditioning (SIGH). Then I felt crazy later because I didn't do any conditioning and was looking forward to it.
Tuesday 6am for Monday's work: always a treat to work out with the 6am crew.
OH complex up to 120#. Relatively weak here and have a hard time cycling PP — need to get the bar back on my shoulders and not catch with my arms. db rows at 25# to concentrate on the movement.
WOD RX in 7:26. Took this at a hard pace but didn't red line. Unexpectedly spicy — didn't push the burpees.
LBBS: 165 x 3, 190 x 3, 210 x 7. Called it once the knees started caving in.
NFT: Four rounds. Tempo dips with the band. Single leg levers – six per round. Hard pulls got me between 8-9 calories each round.
Sad to miss the art show this year – highly recommend it to anyone who can make it. Always a treat to see such talent from fellow crossfitters.
Squatting: 155×3, 175×3 (didn't screw up the bar math this time, ha!), 200×5, possibly 6 but since there was a question of depth I'm going to say 5.
NFT work was fun although the ring dips went away FAST, even with the band for stability.
6am with McDowell
HBBS: 205 x 3, 235 x 3, 265 x 7
KB work and cleans on Sunday left my back a little tight so after 6 easy squats and 1 slow squat decided to just rack it.
NFT – Think I did 5 rounds. 7 tempo dips per round, alternated between 5 levers and side planks were I got as awkwardly close to Linda as I could. Couldn't get above 10 cal on the row.
Excited to work on some hand stand walk attempts at AG tonight.
6am doing Monday's: always a treat to work out with Packer
OH complex up to 135#. Don't want to stress my overarching back, so didn't push it.
WOD RX in 7:18. 2nd round I took way too slow at roughly 2minutes. Should have been under 7.
6am with McDowell
I've been doing some accessory work with my shoulders, but haven't really tested pull-ups recently. I suprised myself when I got 7 (4/3) strict during the warmup this morning!!!! That's a PR by 6!!
LBBS: 45×5, 135×5, 155×3 (70%), 185×3 (82%), 205×7 (91%)
These all moved well. Fun to partner with Kayleigh on these.
NFT – 4 rounds
Could only get 7 cals on the erg. In awe of Dan L's 17 cals
Ring dips with a box 7, 7, 5, 5
Side planks :30 per side, with extra bonus points for knocking Steve over while maintaining my plank.
Looking forward to AG tonight!
YAS @linda YAS!!!!
A. 10 minute heat up (line drillz)
10 banded good mornings
:10 1 arm HS hold, each
5 lat-retract on rings
5 kip swings
C1. 1 arm high pull : 3×8 ea @ 40#
C2. retro step up, or something like that? : 3×12 ea, slower down faster up tempo
D. EMOM X 30
min 1: 7 BBJO – 20"
min 2: 6 CTB pull-up (practicing butterfly, mostly 4-2 or 3-2-1)
min 3: :20 L-sit on paralette (straight legs; broken up :10, rest :20, :10)
Need to practice butterfly (reg and ctb) more. out of practice. tilting chin up too much and losing tension. not breathing. relax and slow down the rhythm a bit.
This was hard but always manageable. BBJO in about :27-:32 each round.
Wednesday's work
Back squat 3×5 at 145 and felt great. Excited to try 105% next week!
Embracing all this NFT work lately. Surprised myself with being able to do ring dips with a band for stability. It was by no means easy, but I'm proud of it 🙂
6 cals on the erg. Just read that Dad L got 17…how do you do this??
First time doing bench levers were hard. They are way harder than they appear when McDowell demonstrates them.
Flash sale on Nike Metcons (and other Nike stuff) here:
I just picked up a new pair of Metcon 2s for $70. Free shipping if you sign up for the nike membership program thing. Not bad.
(There's women's stuff too if you click the women's tab)
500m row
3 rounds —
8 ea high pulls 8kg
8 ea lateral straight leg step ups 24" 8kg
:30 handstand hold – Inverted hamstring stretch
8 kip swings, butterfly swings
5 Super Sets
A) Press + 5 Push Press @53, 63, 73, 75, 78
B) 8 DB Bent Over Row @20#
78# felt strong so went for 80# (previous best was 75#)
Later I fit in the workout
Those 24kg squats felt heavyyyyyy
7:30 tonight:
HBBS: 140×3, 160×3, 180×6 on the rep out.
NFT…happened. used band to stabilize the rings and got 7 cals on the rows.
Last night:
Worked up to 78# on the strict press/push press complex and used 30s again on the row. this is 3# off my strict press 1RM. Meh.
WOD RX in 8:21.
Those goblet squats! Ew
Press complex: 63, 68, 73(f), 73, 78(f)
73 is my 1 rm from a couple cycles ago… so I'm not complaining.
Wod: 7:31 but using white KB only because I couldn't swing the green one up! >:(
Fun AG! Liked the two part workout with 5:00 rest between. Did pull-ups as 10 unbroken, then 5 unbroken, then 3-3, then 7 unbroken and another 7 unbroken. Fun challenge to stay on the bar as long as I could. Third round my hands were slippery :/